Author Message
PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2021 10:11 pm   Post subject:

First Initiate Duelmaster

Winner in Round Nine / T-934

Felicia of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [8-3-1, 88]
PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2021 9:59 pm   Post subject:

First Initiate Duelmaster

Winner in Round Nine

Felicia of Dr Cox JD Names 7
PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2021 10:08 am   Post subject:


Turn 934 which is Round 9 of the Kaltos Kaos should reveal the Winner of the First Initiate Duelmaster category, because the current Duelmaster aka Rat King of Dungeon Cell is graduating and the Top 4 FID Contenders are as follows: 2 in the Champions and 2 in the Challenger Adepts. One of these 4 should claim the FID Title next cycle!

First Initiate Duelmaster the Round Eight Contenders

Pulsar Panic of Kosmic Kaos [6-2-0, 86] LU
Felicia of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [7-3-0, 73]

Drudge of Zombie Squad 2 [8-0-0, 66] AB
Umbral Uproar of Kosmic Kaos [6-2-0, 59] SL

*** There are 12 Contenders listed in the Adepts, but the FID should be crowned next cycle!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:21 am   Post subject:

First Initiate Duelmaster the Round Seven Contenders

Pulsar Panic of Kosmic Kaos [6-1-0, 87] LU

Drudge of Zombie Squad 2 [7-0-0, 60] AB
Felicia of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [6-3-0, 60]

Fiona of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [6-1-0, 52] PR
La Croix of Yuppie AF [7-0-0, 48] ST
Doom Knight of Doom [6-1-0, 47] AB
Alpha Blue of My Best Buds 3 [5-2-0, 46] SL
Girl Scout Cookies of My Best Buds 3 [6-1-1, 44] ST
Umbral Uproar of Kosmic Kaos [5-2-0, 42] SL
Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos [5-2-2, 41] SL
Terry of Remains [5-2-1, 39]
Thumbscrew of Dungeon Cell [4-3-0, 39] AB
Quartered Master of Dungeon Cell [6-1-0, 38] PL
Dread Knight of Doom [6-1-0, 38] WS
Kuttles of Kutless Kowards [5-2-0, 37] TP

Farrah of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [6-2-0, 32]
Bugs Bunny of Renegades II [4-3-0, 31] LU
Terran Twist of Kosmic Kaos [3-4-0, 30] TP
Hell Knight of Doom [2-4-0, 30] LU
Astral Anarchist of Kosmic Kaos [4-3-0, 29] PL
Walker of Zombie Squad 2 [4-2-1, 28] LU
Altar Boy of Once Upon A Time [3-4-0, 28] BA
Rin of Remains [4-2-0, 27] SL
Scholarship of Once Upon A Time [4-3-0, 27] ST
Cole of Remains [4-3-0, 26]
Sir William of The Bronze Court [2-4-0, 26] BA
Puppet of Zombie Squad 2 [7-0-0, 25] TP
Bio Hacker of Yuppie AF [5-1-0, 25] LU
Klash Kontrol of Kutless Kowards [3-4-0, 25] WS
Morphius of Renegades II [3-2-1, 24]
Chorus of Once Upon A Time [3-5-0, 25]

Kutter of Kutless Kowards [4-2-1, 23] SL
Lady Mandalorian of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [4-3-0, 23] PR
Black Lime of My Best Buds 3 [2-5-0, 23] LU
Circle-K of Once Upon A Time [2-1-0, 23] BA
Max of Remains [4-3-0, 22]
Gizmo of Individuals [3-3-0, 22] ST was Inactive on T-932
Kut Rite of Kutless Kowards [3-4-0, 22] SL
Wstley of Delarquan Dregs [4-5-0, 21] was Inactive on T-932
Revenant of Doom [3-4-1, 21] AB
The Bruised Shark of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [3-4-0, 21] LU
Scavenger’s Daughter of Dungeon Cell [3-5-0, 21]
@Jlo of Yuppie AF [3-4-0, 18] ST
Marauder of Doom [1-6-1, 18] SL
Jessica Rabbit of Renegades II [3-4-0, 15] SL
Grand Daddy Purp of My Best Buds 3 [2-5-0, 15] PR
Rainbow Beltz of My Best Buds 3 [2-5-0, 15] TP
Sin of Renegades II [2-5-0, 14] PR
Late For The Party of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [2-2-0, 14] WS
Bud of Individuals [3-3-0, 13] ST was Inactive on T-932
Dav of Remains [3-4-0, 13]
Ling Tsum of Renegades II [1-6-0, 13] AB
Gordo of Individuals [1-0-1, 12] was Inactive on T-932
Baron Nightshade of The Bronze Court [2-4-1, 11] WS
Arena Frustrator of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-0-0, 13] PS
California Sober of Yuppie AF [1-1-0, 10]
Saxophone of Once Upon A Time [0-6-0, 10] PS
Sir Marken of The Bronze Court [1-5-0, 8] PS
Barbero of Individuals [1-2-0, 7] was Inactive on T-932
Consortium Rival of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [0-3-0, 7] BA
Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [1-0-0, 5]
Tone of Individuals [0-2-0, 2] was Inactive on T-932
Lord Blue of The Bronze Court [0-1-0, 1]
Duchess of The Bronze Court [0-1-0, 1]

***** Fredo of Renegades II [0-2-0] was killed by Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 on T-927
Imprecatory Palm of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-2-0] AB was killed by Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos on T-928
Looney of Individuals [0-2-0] ST was killed by Marauder of Doom on T-928
Kut Koarse of Kutless Kowards [0-3-0] SL was killed in the Dark Arena by Black Orc on T-928
Duke Arlen of The Bronze Court [1-1-1] PL was killed by Walker of Zombie Squad 2 on T-928
She Breaks Hearts of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [2-2-0] TP was killed by Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos on T-929
Ms. Pinky of Individuals [0-3-0] LU of Individuals was killed by Lady Daisy of The Bronze Court on T-929
Football Captain of Once Upon A Time [4-2-0] was killed by Girl Scout Cookies of My Best Buds 3 on T-929
Social Distancer of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [0-5-0] ST was killed by Baron Nightshade of The Bronze Court on T-930
Cricket of Individuals [2-3-0] SL was killed by Fantasia of Dr Cox 3D Names 7 on T-930
Kut Pointe of Kutless Kowards [0-3-0] was killed by Gordo of Individuals on T-931
Lady Daisy of The Bronze Court [1-4-1] LU was killed by Kutter of Kutless Kowards on T-931
Tik Tok of Yuppie AF [1-5-0] AB was killed in the Dark Arena by Shewish Giant on T-931
Whisperer of Zombie Squad 2 [1-2-0] SL was killed by Revenant of Doom on T-931
Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [4-2-1] was killed at the April B.A.A.D. Tourney [0-3-0]
Negan of Zombie Squad 2 [2-2-0] LU was killed by Terry of Remains on T-932

^^^^^ Styles are listed after those warriors who are qualified as contestants in the Top Ten Fighting Styles category
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:49 am   Post subject:

First Initiate Duelmaster the Round Six Contenders

Pulsar Panic of Kosmic Kaos [5-1-0, 77] LU


Felicia of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [5-3-0, 55]
Quartered Master of Dungeon Cell [6-0-0, 49] PL
Drudge of Zombie Squad 2 [6-0-0, 49] AB
Kuttles of Kutless Kowards [5-1-0, 43] TP
Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos [5-1-2, 42] SL
Girl Scout Cookies of My Best Buds 3 [5-1-1, 42] ST
Fiona of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [5-1-0, 42] PR
La Croix of Yuppie AF [6-0-0, 41] ST
Doom Knight of Doom [5-1-0, 40] AB
Alpha Blue of My Best Buds 3 [4-2-0, 37] SL
Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [4-2-1, 36]
Bugs Bunny of Renegades II [4-2-0, 36] LU

Bio Hacker of Yuppie AF [5-0-0, 33] LU
Umbral Uproar of Kosmic Kaos [4-2-0, 33] SL
Terry of Remains [4-2-0, 33]
Thumbscrew of Dungeon Cell [3-3-0, 33] AB
Scholarship of Once Upon A Time [4-2-0, 31] ST
Kut Rite of Kutless Kowards [3-3-0, 30] SL
Farrah of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [5-2-0, 29]
Rin of Remains [4-1-0, 27] SL
Black Lime of My Best Buds 3 [2-4-0, 27] LU
Scavenger’s Daughter of Dungeon Cell [3-4-0, 26]
Hell Knight of Doom [1-4-0, 26] LU
Revenant of Doom [3-3-1, 25] AB
Dread Knight of Doom [5-1-0, 24] WS

Puppet of Zombie Squad 2 [6-0-0, 23] TP
Chorus of Once Upon A Time [3-4-0, 23]
Altar Boy of Once Upon A Time [2-4-0, 23] BA
Terran Twist of Kosmic Kaos [2-4-0, 23] TP
Walker of Zombie Squad 2 [3-2-1, 22] LU
@Jlo of Yuppie AF [3-3-0, 22] ST
Gizmo of Individuals [3-3-0, 22] ST
Astral Anarchist of Kosmic Kaos [3-3-0, 22] PL
Cole of Remains [3-3-0, 22]
Kutter of Kutless Kowards [4-1-1, 21] SL
Wstley of Delarquan Dregs [4-5-0, 21] is Inactive
Late For The Party of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [2-1-0, 19] WS
Klash Kontrol of Kutless Kowards [2-4-0, 18] WS
Dav of Remains [3-3-0, 17]
Morphius of Renegades II [2-2-1, 15]
Marauder of Doom [1-5-1, 15] SL
Grand Daddy Purp of My Best Buds 3 [2-4-0, 14] PR
Bud of Individuals [3-3-0, 13] ST
Arena Frustrator of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-0-0, 13] PS
Max of Remains [3-3-0, 12]
Jessica Rabbit of Renegades II [3-3-0, 12] SL
Lady Mandalorian of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [3-3-0, 12] PR
The Bruised Shark of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [2-4-0, 12] LU
Gordo of Individuals [1-0-1, 12]
Ling Tsum of Renegades II [1-5-0, 12] AB
Circle-K of Once Upon A Time [1-1-0, 11] BA
Baron Nightshade of The Bronze Court [2-3-1, 10] WS
Sin of Renegades II [2-4-0, 10] PR
Rainbow Beltz of My Best Buds 3 [1-5-0, 8] TP
Negan of Zombie Squad 2 [2-1-0, 7] LU
Sir William of The Bronze Court [1-4-0, 7] BA
Barbero of Individuals [1-2-0, 7]
Sir Marken of The Bronze Court [1-4-0, 7] PS
Saxophone of Once Upon A Time [0-5-0, 5] PS
Tone of Individuals [0-2-0, 2]
Consortium Rival of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [0-2-0, 2] BA

***** Fredo of Renegades II [0-2-0] was killed by Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 on T-927
Imprecatory Palm of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-2-0] AB was killed by Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos on T-928
Looney of Individuals [0-2-0] ST was killed by Marauder of Doom on T-928
Kut Koarse of Kutless Kowards [0-3-0] SL was killed in the Dark Arena by Black Orc on T-928
Duke Arlen of The Bronze Court [1-1-1] PL was killed by Walker of Zombie Squad 2 on T-928
She Breaks Hearts of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [2-2-0] TP was killed by Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos on T-929
Ms. Pinky of Individuals [0-3-0] LU of Individuals was killed by Lady Daisy of The Bronze Court on T-929
Football Captain of Once Upon A Time [4-2-0] was killed by Girl Scout Cookies of My Best Buds 3 on T-929
Social Distancer of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [0-5-0] ST was killed by Baron Nightshade of The Bronze Court on T-930
Cricket of Individuals [2-3-0] SL was killed by Fantasia of Dr Cox 3D Names 7 on T-930
Kut Pointe of Kutless Kowards [0-3-0] was killed by Gordo of Individuals on T-931
Lady Daisy of The Bronze Court [1-4-1] LU was killed by Kutter of Kutless Kowards on T-931
Tik Tok of Yuppie AF [1-5-0] AB was killed in the Dark Arena by Shewish Giant on T-931
Whisperer of Zombie Squad 2 [1-2-0] SL was killed by Revenant of Doom on T-931

^^^^^ Styles are listed after those warriors who are qualified as contestants in the Top Ten Fighting Styles category
PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:21 pm   Post subject:

First Initiate Duelmaster the Round Five Contenders

Felicia of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [5-2-0, 71]

Pulsar Panic of Kosmic Kaos [4-1-0, 58] LU

Umbral Uproar of Kosmic Kaos [4-1-0, 47] SL
Quartered Master of Dungeon Cell [5-0-0, 44] PL
Drudge of Zombie Squad 2 [5-0-0, 43] AB
Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos [4-1-2, 36] SL
Girl Scout Cookies of My Best Buds 3 [4-1-1, 36] ST
Bugs Bunny of Renegades II [4-1-0, 36] LU
La Croix of Yuppie AF [5-0-0, 35] ST

Walker of Zombie Squad 2 [3-1-1, 33] LU
Doom Knight of Doom [4-1-0, 32] AB
Rin of Remains [4-0-0, 31] SL
Chorus of Once Upon A Time [3-3-0, 30]
Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [3-2-1, 29]
Alpha Blue of My Best Buds 3 [3-2-0, 29] SL
Fiona of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [4-1-0, 27] PR
Scavenger’s Daughter of Dungeon Cell [3-3-0, 27]
Farrah of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [4-2-0, 26]
Terran Twist of Kosmic Kaos [2-3-0, 26] TP
Dread Knight of Doom [5-0-0, 25] WS
Kuttles of Kutless Kowards [4-1-0, 25] TP

Kut Rite of Kutless Kowards [2-3-0, 23] SL
Astral Anarchist of Kosmic Kaos [3-2-0, 22] PL
Terry of Remains [3-2-0, 22]
Dav of Remains [3-2-0, 22]
Thumbscrew of Dungeon Cell [2-3-0, 22] AB
Puppet of Zombie Squad 2 [5-0-0, 21] TP
Wstley of Delarquan Dregs [4-5-0, 21]
Bio Hacker of Yuppie AF [4-0-0, 21] LU
Scholarship of Once Upon A Time [3-2-0, 21] ST
Whisperer of Zombie Squad 2 [1-1-0, 21] SL
Max of Remains [3-2-0, 20]
Ling Tsum of Renegades II [1-4-0, 20] AB
Bud of Individuals [2-2-0, 19] ST
Jessica Rabbit of Renegades II [3-2-0, 18] SL
Kutter of Kutless Kowards [3-1-0, 18] SL
Gizmo of Individuals [2-3-0, 17] ST
Klash Kontrol of Kutless Kowards [2-3-0, 17] WS
Revenant of Doom [2-3-0, 16] AB
Sin of Renegades II [2-3-0, 16] PR
Negan of Zombie Squad 2 [2-0-0, 16] LU
Black Lime of My Best Buds 3 [1-4-0, 16] LU
@Jlo of Yuppie AF [2-3-0, 13] ST
Hell Knight of Doom [0-4-0, 14] LU
Cole of Remains [2-3-0, 13]
Grand Daddy Purp of My Best Buds 3 [2-3-0, 13] PR
Altar Boy of Once Upon A Time [1-4-0, 13] BA
Lady Mandalorian of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [3-2-0, 12] PR
Marauder of Doom [1-4-1, 12] SL
Baron Nightshade of The Bronze Court [2-2-1, 11] WS
Lady Daisy of The Bronze Court [1-3-1, 7] LU
Tik Tok of Yuppie AF [1-4-0, 7] AB
The Bruised Shark of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-4-0, 7] LU
Rainbow Beltz of My Best Buds 3 [1-4-0, 7] TP
Morphius of Renegades II [1-2-1, 6]
Sir William of The Bronze Court [1-3-0, 6] BA
Sir Marken of The Bronze Court [1-3-0, 6] PS
Late For The Party of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-1-0, 6] WS
Barbero of Individuals [1-1-0, 4]
Saxophone of Once Upon A Time [0-4-0, 4] PS
Kut Pointe of Kutless Kowards [0-2-0, 2]
Tone of Individuals [0-1-0, 1]
Consortium Rival of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [0-1-0, 1] BA
Circle-K of Once Upon A Time [0-1-0, 1] BA

***** Fredo of Renegades II [0-2-0] was killed by Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 on T-927
Imprecatory Palm of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-2-0] AB was killed by Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos on T-928
Looney of Individuals [0-2-0] ST was killed by Marauder of Doom on T-928
Kut Koarse of Kutless Kowards [0-3-0] SL was killed in the Dark Arena by Black Orc on T-928
Duke Arlen of The Bronze Court [1-1-1] PL was killed by Walker of Zombie Squad 2 on T-928
She Breaks Hearts of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [2-2-0] TP was killed by Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos on T-929
Ms. Pinky of Individuals [0-3-0] LU of Individuals was killed by Lady Daisy of The Bronze Court on T-929
Football Captain of Once Upon A Time [4-2-0] was killed by Girl Scout Cookies of My Best Buds 3 on T-929
Social Distancer of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [0-5-0] ST was killed by Baron Nightshade of The Bronze Court on T-930
Cricket of Individuals [2-3-0] SL was killed by Fantasia of Dr Cox 3D Names 7 on T-930

^^^^^ Styles are listed after those warriors who are qualified as contestants in the Top Ten Fighting Styles category
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:55 pm   Post subject:

First Initiate Duelmaster the Round Four Contenders

Felicia of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [4-2-0, 66]

Quartered Master of Dungeon Cell [4-0-0, 39] PL
Bugs Bunny of Renegades II [4-0-0, 38] LU
Pulsar Panic of Kosmic Kaos [3-1-0, 38] LU
Umbral Uproar of Kosmic Kaos [3-1-0, 35] SL
Drudge of Zombie Squad 2 [4-0-0, 34] AB

La Croix of Yuppie AF [4-0-0, 33] ST
Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos [3-1-2, 33] SL
Girl Scout Cookies of My Best Buds 3 [3-1-1, 33] ST
Fiona of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [4-0-0, 30] PR
Alpha Blue of My Best Buds 3 [3-1-0, 30] SL
Scavenger’s Daughter of Dungeon Cell [1-2-0, 5]
Walker of Zombie Squad 2 [2-1-1, 28] LU
Terran Twist of Kosmic Kaos [2-2-0, 27] TP
Astral Anarchist of Kosmic Kaos [3-1-0, 26] PL
Chorus of Once Upon A Time [2-3-0, 26]
Ling Tsum of Renegades II [1-3-0, 26] AB

Doom Knight of Doom [2-1-0, 18] AB
Rin of Remains [3-0-0, 23] SL
Farrah of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [3-2-0, 23]
Scholarship of Once Upon A Time [3-1-0, 22] ST
Black Lime of My Best Buds 3 [1-3-0, 21] LU
Gizmo of Individuals [2-2-0, 20] ST
Dav of Remains [2-2-0, 20]
Puppet of Zombie Squad 2 [4-0-0, 19] TP
Kut Rite of Kutless Kowards [1-3-0, 19] SL
Kuttles of Kutless Kowards [3-1-0, 18] TP
Thumbscrew of Dungeon Cell [1-3-0, 18] AB
Dread Knight of Doom [4-0-0, 17] WS
Klash Kontrol of Kutless Kowards [2-2-0, 17] WS
Sin of Renegades II [2-2-0, 16] PR
Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [2-2-1, 15]
Grand Daddy Purp of My Best Buds 3 [2-2-0, 15] PR
Wstley of Delarquan Dregs [3-5-0, 14]
Cole of Remains [2-2-0, 14]
Bud of Individuals [2-2-0, 14] ST
Lady Daisy of The Bronze Court [1-2-1, 13] LU
Hell Knight of Doom [0-3-0, 13] LU
Bio Hacker of Yuppie AF [3-1-0, 12] LU
Max of Remains [2-2-0, 12]
Altar Boy of Once Upon A Time [1-3-0, 12] BA
Kutter of Kutless Kowards [2-1-0, 11] SL
Marauder of Doom [1-3-1, 11] SL
Jessica Rabbit of Renegades II [2-2-0, 10] SL
Sir William of The Bronze Court [1-2-0, 10] BA
Cricket of Individuals [2-2-0, 8] SL
Lady Mandalorian of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [2-2-0, 8] PR
Terry of Remains [2-2-0, 8]
Sir Marken of The Bronze Court [1-2-0, 8] PS
Barbero of Individuals [1-0-0, 8]
@Jlo of Yuppie AF [1-3-0, 7] ST
Tik Tok of Yuppie AF [1-3-0, 6] AB
The Bruised Shark of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-3-0, 6] LU
Revenant of Doom [1-3-0, 6] AB
Negan of Zombie Squad 2 [1-0-0, 6] LU
Rainbow Beltz of My Best Buds 3 [1-3-0, 6] TP
Morphius of Renegades II [1-1-1, 5]
Baron Nightshade of The Bronze Court [1-2-0, 5] WS
Social Distancer of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [0-4-0, 4] ST
Saxophone of Once Upon A Time [0-3-0, 3] PS
Whisperer of Zombie Squad 2 [0-1-0, 1] SL
Late For The Party of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [0-1-0, 1] WS

***** Fredo of Renegades II [0-2-0] was killed by Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 on T-927
Imprecatory Palm of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-2-0] AB was killed by Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos on T-928
Looney of Individuals [0-2-0] ST was killed by Marauder of Doom on T-928
Kut Koarse of Kutless Kowards [0-3-0] SL was killed in the Dark Arena by Black Orc on T-928
Duke Arlen of The Bronze Court [1-1-1] PL was killed by Walker of Zombie Squad 2 on T-928
She Breaks Hearts of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [2-2-0] TP was killed by Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos on T-929
Ms. Pinky of Individuals [0-3-0] LU of Individuals was killed by Lady Daisy of The Bronze Court on T-929
Football Captain of Once Upon A Time [4-2-0] was killed by Girl Scout Cookies of My Best Buds 3 on T-929

^^^^^ Styles are listed after those warriors who are qualified as contestants in the Top Ten Fighting Styles category
PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:30 pm   Post subject:

First Initiate Duelmaster the Round Three Contenders

Felicia of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [3-2-0, 53]

Walker of Zombie Squad 2 [2-0-1, 32] LU
Quartered Master of Dungeon Cell [3-0-0, 31] PL
Drudge of Zombie Squad 2 [3-0-0, 29] AB
Umbral Uproar of Kosmic Kaos [2-1-0, 29] SL
Bio Hacker of Yuppie AF [3-0-0, 28] LU
Pulsar Panic of Kosmic Kaos [2-1-0, 28] LU
Scholarship of Once Upon A Time [3-0-0, 27] ST
Terran Twist of Kosmic Kaos [2-1-0, 26] TP
La Croix of Yuppie AF [3-0-0, 25] ST
Bugs Bunny of Renegades II [3-0-0, 24] LU
Farrah of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [3-1-0, 24]

Football Captain of Once Upon A Time [4-1-0, 23]
Fiona of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [3-0-0, 23] PR
Girl Scout Cookies of My Best Buds 3 [2-1-0, 23] ST
Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos [2-1-1, 20] SL
Astral Anarchist of Kosmic Kaos [2-1-0, 20] PL
Max of Remains [2-1-0, 19]
She Breaks Hearts of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [2-1-0, 19] TP
Doom Knight of Doom [2-1-0, 18] AB
Scavenger’s Daughter of Dungeon Cell [1-2-0, 5]
Puppet of Zombie Squad 2 [3-0-0, 17] TP
Alpha Blue of My Best Buds 3 [2-1-0, 17] SL
Rin of Remains [2-0-0, 17] SL
Lady Mandalorian of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [2-1-0, 17] PR
Cole of Remains [2-1-0, 16]
Kuttles of Kutless Kowards [2-1-0, 16] TP
Marauder of Doom [1-2-1, 16] SL
Morphius of Renegades II [1-0-1, 16]
Chorus of Once Upon A Time [1-3-0, 16]
Dav of Remains [1-2-0, 15]
Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [2-1-1, 14]
Terry of Remains [2-1-0, 14]
Wstley of Delarquan Dregs [3-4-0, 13]
Dread Knight of Doom [3-0-0, 13] WS
Jessica Rabbit of Renegades II [2-1-0, 13] SL
Altar Boy of Once Upon A Time [1-2-0, 13] BA
Klash Kontrol of Kutless Kowards [1-2-0, 13] WS
Hell Knight of Doom [0-2-0, 12] LU
Kutter of Kutless Kowards [2-1-0, 11] SL
@Jlo of Yuppie AF [1-2-0, 10] ST
Cricket of Individuals [2-1-0, 9] SL
Tik Tok of Yuppie AF [1-2-0, 9] AB
Grand Daddy Purp of My Best Buds 3 [1-2-0, 9] PR
Thumbscrew of Dungeon Cell [0-3-0, 9] AB
Gizmo of Individuals [1-2-0, 7] ST
Ling Tsum of Renegades II [0-3-0, 7] AB
Kut Rite of Kutless Kowards [0-3-0, 7] SL
The Bruised Shark of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-2-0, 5] LU
Bud of Individuals [1-2-0, 5] ST
Sin of Renegades II [1-2-0, 5] PR
Revenant of Doom [1-2-0, 5] AB
Rainbow Beltz of My Best Buds 3 [1-2-0, 5] TP
Baron Nightshade of The Bronze Court [1-1-0, 4] WS
Black Lime of My Best Buds 3 [0-3-0, 4] LU
Social Distancer of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [0-3-0, 3] ST
Ms. Pinky of Individuals [0-2-0, 2] LU
Lady Daisy of The Bronze Court [0-2-0, 2] LU
Saxophone of Once Upon A Time [0-2-0, 2] PS
Sir William of The Bronze Court [0-2-0, 2] BA
Sir Marken of The Bronze Court [0-2-0, 2] PS

***** Fredo of Renegades II [0-2-0] was killed by Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 on T-927
Imprecatory Palm of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-2-0] AB was killed by Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos on T-928
Looney of Individuals [0-2-0] ST was killed by Marauder of Doom on T-928
Kut Koarse of Kutless Kowards [0-3-0] SL was killed in the Dark Arena by Black Orc on T-928
Duke Arlen of The Bronze Court [1-1-1] PL was killed by Walker of Zombie Squad 2 on T-928

^^^^^ Styles are listed after those warriors who are qualified as contestants in the Top Ten Fighting Styles category
PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 1:33 pm   Post subject: First Initiate Duelmaster Contenders

First Initiate Duelmaster the Round Two Contenders

Football Captain of Once Upon A Time [4-0-0, 33]
Felicia of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [2-2-0, 24]

Umbral Uproar of Kosmic Kaos [1-1-0, 23] SL
Alpha Blue of My Best Buds 3 [2-0-0, 22] SL
Drudge of Zombie Squad 2 [2-0-0, 21] AB
Farrah of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [2-1-0, 21]
Duke Arlen of The Bronze Court [1-0-1, 21] PL
Fiona of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [2-0-0, 20] PR
Pulsar Panic of Kosmic Kaos [1-1-0, 20] LU
Max of Remains [2-0-0, 19]
Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 [2-0-1, 18]
Scholarship of Once Upon A Time [2-0-0, 20] ST
Tik Tok of Yuppie AF [1-1-0, 18] AB
La Croix of Yuppie AF [2-0-0, 17] ST
Bugs Bunny of Renegades II [2-0-0, 17] LU
Kutter of Kutless Kowards [2-0-0, 17] SL
Terran Twist of Kosmic Kaos [1-1-0, 17] TP
Bio Hacker of Yuppie AF [2-0-0, 15] LU
Chorus of Once Upon A Time [1-2-0, 15]
Baron Nightshade of The Bronze Court [1-0-0, 15] WS
Astral Anarchist of Kosmic Kaos [1-1-0, 14] PL
@Jlo of Yuppie AF [1-1-0, 14] ST
Cole of Remains [1-1-0, 14]
Grand Daddy Purp of My Best Buds 3 [1-1-0, 14] PR
Quartered Master of Dungeon Cell [2-0-0, 13] PL
Gizmo of Individuals [1-1-0, 13] ST
Revenant of Doom [1-1-0, 12] AB
Walker of Zombie Squad 2 [1-0-0, 12] LU
Bud of Individuals [1-1-0, 11] ST
She Breaks Hearts of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-1-0, 11] TP
Hell Knight of Doom [0-1-0, 11] LU
Wstley of Delarquan Dregs [2-4-0, 10]
Dread Knight of Doom [2-0-0, 10] WS
Girl Scout Cookies of My Best Buds 3 [1-1-0, 10] ST
Imprecatory Palm of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-1-0, 10] AB
Doom Knight of Doom [1-1-0, 10] AB
Rin of Remains [1-0-0, 10] SL
Kuttles of Kutless Kowards [1-1-0, 10] TP
Klash Kontrol of Kutless Kowards [0-2-0, 10] WS
Nova Nihilist of Kosmic Kaos [1-1-0, 8] SL
Altar Boy of Once Upon A Time [0-2-0, 8] BA
Thumbscrew of Dungeon Cell [0-2-0, 8] AB
Puppet of Zombie Squad 2 [2-0-0, 7] TP
The Bruised Shark of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-1-0, 7] LU
Rainbow Beltz of My Best Buds 3 [1-1-0, 6] TP
Ling Tsum of Renegades II [0-2-0, 6] AB
Kut Rite of Kutless Kowards [0-2-0, 6] SL
Marauder of Doom [0-2-0, 6] SL
Kut Koarse of Kutless Kowards [0-2-0, 6] SL
Scavenger’s Daughter of Dungeon Cell [1-2-0, 5]
Sin of Renegades II [1-1-0, 4] PR
Lady Mandalorian of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [1-1-0, 4] PR
Cricket of Individuals [1-1-0, 4] SL
Terry of Remains [1-1-0, 4]
Jessica Rabbit of Renegades II [1-1-0, 4] SL
Ms. Pinky of Individuals [0-2-0, 2] LU
Black Lime of My Best Buds 3 [0-2-0, 2] LU
Dav of Remains [0-2-0, 2]
Social Distancer of Aauurrgh 5 Blades [0-2-0, 2] ST
Looney of Individuals [0-2-0, 2] ST
Lady Daisy of The Bronze Court [0-1-0, 1] LU
Sir William of The Bronze Court [0-1-0, 1] BA
Saxophone of Once Upon A Time [0-1-0, 1] PS
Sir Marken of The Bronze Court [0-1-0, 1] PS

***** Fredo of Renegades II [0-2-0] was killed by Francine of Dr Cox JD Names 7 on T-927

^^^^^ Styles are listed after those warriors who are qualified as contestants in the Top Ten Fighting Styles category