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Unchartered Poster

Joined: Jun 20, 2002
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Location: Ohio

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:32 am Reply with quoteBack to top

I know I'm not the first (nor will I be the last) to decide to come back to the game after many years, but I figured I'd at least throw a quick "Hi!" out there... not that more than two or three people may remember me Wink

I honestly don't remember which arenas I had started teams in, toward the end, but I spent a large part of my time in Dal Shang (65) and that's where I'm planning on starting back up initially.

I've done a quick scan of the forums and saw that snail mail and fax are still the go-to methods for getting strats in (a bit disappointed to see that, but I know there's a tangled mess around being able to do much besides that, officially), so that'll be fun to get back into the habit of getting things in the mail early enough after living in the digital age for so long Very Happy

I do have a couple quick questions for everyone out there.

  • Have there been any major changes in the game since about 1998?
  • Have the skill charts/etc had any new discoveries?
  • What are the best sites for digging up the theorycrafting at this point?

Thanks in advance for any answers and I look forward to getting back into the swing of things![/list]
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Grandmaster Poster
Grandmaster Poster

Joined: Aug 03, 2003
Posts: 544
Location: The Dark Citadel, CT, USA

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:39 am Reply with quoteBack to top

My best advice for a returning player is to check out the ongoing DM chat room:


The password is the name of arena 1.

The game is much the same but game play has been refined and mastered so what once worked well may or may not be effective now.

One big difference is that the DM community is very close knit and lots of information is out there for learning.

Welcome back!

The Dark One
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ArchMaster Poster
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Joined: Aug 21, 2008
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Location: Round Rock, Tx

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:46 am Reply with quoteBack to top

kiernan wrote:
I know I'm not the first (nor will I be the last) to decide to come back to the game after many years, but I figured I'd at least throw a quick "Hi!" out there... not that more than two or three people may remember me Wink

I honestly don't remember which arenas I had started teams in, toward the end, but I spent a large part of my time in Dal Shang (65) and that's where I'm planning on starting back up initially.

I've done a quick scan of the forums and saw that snail mail and fax are still the go-to methods for getting strats in (a bit disappointed to see that, but I know there's a tangled mess around being able to do much besides that, officially), so that'll be fun to get back into the habit of getting things in the mail early enough after living in the digital age for so long Very Happy

I do have a couple quick questions for everyone out there.

  • Have there been any major changes in the game since about 1998?
  • Have the skill charts/etc had any new discoveries?
  • What are the best sites for digging up the theorycrafting at this point?

Thanks in advance for any answers and I look forward to getting back into the swing of things![/list]

Awesome to have you back man. Never been to 65 but that's not important. Looks like it is still active, so that is good news for you. 8 teams is decent, 9 with you. Good luck. If you want another option, 21 and 32 are both very active. Also, there is 81, which is newish, since 2004 I believe, it is a non tourney arena where tourney participation and prize applications is forbidden. There is also a brand new non tourney arena opening up this month, 20. 20 was an old arena that is being wiped clean and restarted at turn 1. 33 is a great slow arena if you like that.

The major change that happend since 1998 is that ABs have taken over and rule in Primus and most of the other ADM classes as well.

To get the best info I suggest joing us on our own live chat site on Chatzy. The link is in the general discussion section of this forums.

I hope to see you in either 21 or 32, my only 2 active arenas, if not, good luck to you.

Come to Chatzy as that is the best place to get spun up.

Ben's Bazaar-21
Caress of Steel-28
Secret Squirrels-32
He Be GBs-33
Time Stallyans-45
Pawn of Prophecy-47
Primal Instinct-81
Misfit Managers-1,2,3,4,18,25,29
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Unchartered Poster

Joined: Jun 20, 2002
Posts: 6
Location: Ohio

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:48 am Reply with quoteBack to top

Thank you.

I was planning on checking out the chat room this evening, once I was home (not sure what is and isn't blocked from the work network from day to day).

I've also started to gather data from around and about (mostly from Terrablood's site) to start doing some of my own deep dive research, but I'm sure most of it has already been done in the time I've been gone, so it's more of an academic exercise for me and to help me get back into things.
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Unchartered Poster

Joined: Jun 20, 2002
Posts: 6
Location: Ohio

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:51 am Reply with quoteBack to top

gentleben wrote:

Awesome to have you back man. Never been to 65 but that's not important. Looks like it is still active, so that is good news for you. 8 teams is decent, 9 with you. Good luck. If you want another option, 21 and 32 are both very active. Also, there is 81, which is newish, since 2004 I believe, it is a non tourney arena where tourney participation and prize applications is forbidden. There is also a brand new non tourney arena opening up this month, 20. 20 was an old arena that is being wiped clean and restarted at turn 1. 33 is a great slow arena if you like that.

I saw the chatter around DM20 reopening and was strongly considering it.

I've been cleaning out things in the basement over the last two weeks and found several piles of unfiled DM sheets which is what sparked my interest in getting back to the game, again.

I have no idea where I have other teams, yet, as I haven't gone through all of my filed fights, but I at least have them all together in one spot to make it easier to get through!

I had ordered a roll-up a night or two ago, so I might see how that looks, assuming I don't have any others sitting around, and throw it into DM20. Odds are I won't make it in time for turn 1, but I can be there for turn 2 Smile
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ArchMaster Poster
ArchMaster Poster

Joined: Aug 21, 2008
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Location: Round Rock, Tx

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 12:58 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

One way to get all the basic info on all your warriors is to email Sandy or Lee


They can email you an electronic copy of your account number minis.

Ben's Bazaar-21
Caress of Steel-28
Secret Squirrels-32
He Be GBs-33
Time Stallyans-45
Pawn of Prophecy-47
Primal Instinct-81
Misfit Managers-1,2,3,4,18,25,29
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Advanced Master Poster
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Joined: Nov 28, 2010
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 1:49 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

If only Ben could help himself as well as he helps others... Shocked Shocked Laughing

All Jacked Up 21, 30
Dankrupt 32
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The Consortium
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Location: on the golf course, in the garden, reading, traveling, and now Consulting

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 6:26 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

While you are gathering all the info from Terrablood, might we also suggest that you read the last 20 newsletters from DM93 - which has loads of info and is dedicated to new and returning managers,

The Consortium: Crapmaster 2013, Crapgiver 2014; 1213 ADM graduates (40+ manager IDs) including 176K+ fights and 118K+ wins plus 4 teams with 1500+ wins (Animal Farm DM11 @2085; Bulldogs DM11 @ 1976; Lenpros DM30 @ 1792; Fandils DM46 @1727
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Unchartered Poster

Joined: Jun 20, 2002
Posts: 6
Location: Ohio

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 8:46 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

The Consortium wrote:
While you are gathering all the info from Terrablood, might we also suggest that you read the last 20 newsletters from DM93 - which has loads of info and is dedicated to new and returning managers,

I will definitely check that out, thank you Very Happy
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Grandmaster Poster
Grandmaster Poster

Joined: Sep 30, 2012
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Location: Vancouver, BC

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:12 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

Welcome back.
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ArchMaster Poster
ArchMaster Poster

Joined: Jun 27, 2006
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Location: Fargo, ND

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2015 3:07 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

Welcome back to the game. Many of us also took long layoffs. I was absent from around 1991-2006. Follow all the advice aboveand don't hesitate to ask questions - either here or in the chatroom. Lots of people will help out.

Nomadic Tribe(21)
Dragonbane Guild(81)
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Unchartered Poster

Joined: Jun 20, 2002
Posts: 6
Location: Ohio

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2015 6:21 am Reply with quoteBack to top

I figure I'll ask this here instead of starting a new thread for it Very Happy

I see that ADM 107 is no longer named Lirin Kiv... did warriors who were there get moved or would they still be there if they are reactivated?

I see that Storm Rock is relatively small, and that doesn't bother me, so it's more of a curiosity thing than a concern on the size of the arena.

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ArchMaster Poster
ArchMaster Poster

Joined: Oct 03, 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2015 8:35 am Reply with quoteBack to top

107 Storm Rock is the No-Tourney ADM arena, only warriors with zero tourney fights and no prize modification can fight there.


Mid Earth in DM 29 Lapur
Clan Longbeard in DM 81 Shadowspire
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Unchartered Poster

Joined: Jun 20, 2002
Posts: 6
Location: Ohio

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2015 9:51 am Reply with quoteBack to top

Visionst01 wrote:
107 Storm Rock is the No-Tourney ADM arena, only warriors with zero tourney fights and no prize modification can fight there.

Ahh, thank you. Guess I'll tackle where my ADM warriors ended up (or will end up) once I get to reactivating them.
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Advanced Expert Poster
Advanced Expert Poster

Joined: Aug 26, 2003
Posts: 148
Location: Rocanis, Alastari

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:14 am Reply with quoteBack to top

Hi Kiernan,

Welcome back!

As previously mentioned AB’s, especially ones running open hand are the dominant style now, especially in ADM and Primus. Not as dominating in basic, as they need to train up a bit. The forums are another great place to get the latest tips. If you have any question ask there and you will get a lot of good responses. I’ve haven’t played in Dal Shang (65), but I’m sure it’s a great arena.

If you ever want to try another arena , I’d like to throw out the Free Blade city of Rocanis (56). I try to write a spotlight every turn as the city has a very rich history and has played an integral part of shaping the face of southeast Alastari. I always invite everyone to check out the #56 newsletters every two weeks for the latest intrigue.

Rocanis is also the focus of the Duel 2 novel, Dark Arena, written by myself (Mark G. Manley), so I have a vested interest in this city. I worked closely with RSI to publish a novel set in the Duel II world of Alastari. However, it will always be Duelmasters to me. In the early turns of Rocanis, there was an open war between the cities of Rocanis and Jhans, called the Rocanis War. Over the subsequent years, I wrote about the preceding events leading up to and including the war. I’ve made great efforts to ensure I included as much of Jhans, Trocar and Rocanis’ history, landmarks, and notable places in the novel.

If you are interested, there are copies (paperback and e-book) both with chapter illustrations at www.amazon.com and www.barnesandnoble.com. Just search for Dark Arena and look for my name. At Amazon, you can read the blurb, reviews, and I think you can read a sample chapter or two for free. If you go through Amazon, and look for my name as the seller, I can sign the copy and send it. That was the easiest method to get signed copies to my fellow managers. Also, Lee has a few copies at her bookstore www.Bookmaze.com, for anyone visiting Arizona.

Again, welcome back and good luck on the sands!

Grimwood mgr. Skull Squadron (#56)
(AKA Mark G. Manley)
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