TC: Lazar Wolf Runner-Up: Furious Impaler Sleeper: Vengeance
This should be one of the most exciting Gateway tourneys in a
long time. For those who haven´t been following Gateway, Lazar Wolf has beaten Furious Impaler the last three times in a row. Which
leaves a lot of questions: Is Lazar Wolf the only warrior capable of
beating Furious? If so, do other managers start throwing
fights to Lazar until Furious is eliminated? Has Papa Bear just been
fooling around? Look for a lot of drama and strategy to take this place in the Gateway runoffs this time out.
TC: Dr. Who Runner-Up: Dr. Zhivago Sleeper: Burrito Mussolini
It looks like Moriarty owns the Primus tournament--except for those crazy
Spring Mail-Ins. I like things to go back to form this time out—even though
Moriarty doesn´t usually attend the Summer FtFs. If that´s the case this time, it
could open the door for someone else. However right now, the tag-team Doctor´s are formidable.
TC: Hoffa Runner-Up: Andarus Sleeper: Manray F
A lower cutoff line and arenas dominated by physically gifted warriors
means an unpredictable tournament I suspect. None of the Total Parries
which have been dominating the ADM arenas this split look like they have the horses to do much damage in an FtF format. Look out for some wildcard proxied warriors in this class too. (Even though I didn´t pick any of them)
TC: DMobster Runner-Up: PUG Sleeper: Doc Steele
Who knows? The class I did the least amount of research on because I was disgusted at how my split went.
TC: Doc Steele Runner-Up: TUM Sleeper: LHI
I received several "tips" after the last Mail-In with the message: "Cosmic Hammer only has 49 FE! He´s still going to be a Freshmen for the FtF!" (Of course I knew already!) A lot of people seemed like they were planning around Cosmic for this FtF. But the split comes--and Cosmic Hammer doesn´t activate in the arena. Thus the assumption being he´s sitting out or not busting out. (And I don´t think he can an FtF Freshmen w/out busting out) Even so, look for this Freshmen tourney to be quite competitive. I suspect the bar was moved up slightly in this class for the split. (In combination with the Champs bar moving down)
TC: Guardian Runner-Up: TUM Sleeper: DMobster
An interesting statistic is the Champs tourney (the past two tourneys) is that most of the remaining TVs and 10 rounders that were classed Champions again actually did worse and not better than their previous performances. I think this Champs field will be slightly weaker than previous Champs, but I don´t know for sure because the graduation program is bugged and doesn’t list every single graduate that moves on into ADM in the newsletters. (And I just got ahold of the closed arena suckoff list yesterday.)
TC: Tigtoad Runner-Up: Sultan
Sleeper: Manray F
The last FtF was a good return to Adepts normalcy as Strikers and Slashers battled it out for the TC. This top group of Adepts looks a bit on the strange side, I´ve seen strong AB´s, PR´s, PL´s and a couple of LU in the group of warriors for this class.
TC: Zalgor P Runner-Up: Shadowgate Sleeper: The Greek Guy
I´ve definitely seen a lot more quality Initiates than I have any other
class so far. Whether I´m just seeing the good ones, or whether this
Inits is going to be really competitive is unknown. Strikers and Wall of Steels have taken home the last few FTF Initiates TC´s, and the trend will more than likely continue here. (A Striker or Anti-Striker winning that is)
[ This message was edited by: Managerr on 17-07-2002 06:38 ] |