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Unchartered Poster

Joined: Jun 24, 2002
Posts: 11
Location: Santa Monica, CA

PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 7:44 am Reply with quoteBack to top

Since this is going to be the "official" Duelmasters website, I´m officially suggesting another change. The rationale behind the change is very simple: The way the game is currently structured, Primus induction effectively forces retirement of every style outside of Lungers, Parry-Lungers, and Aimed Blows. What I propose is simply a way to continue to encourage the play of those styles and give managers a goal to aspire to.

Instead of the current tournament format, break the Gateway tournament into 10 styles tournaments. The top three, or five, or ten, or whatever, warriors from each of the style tournaments will then be entered into a second tournament to determine the actual Tournament Champion.

What would this accomplish?

The most important thing accomplished would be that it gave some motivation for managers to run those styles they would normally not run, knowing that they have no chance to TV or TC the way the tournament is currently structured.

What would the prizes be?

I propose that the prize not change, the overall TC receives the only TC prize. Each of the 10 styles champions would fight free for six months, and have a TV challenge for six months.

What would this cost RSI?

Strictly from the standpoint of revenues, nothing. Each style TC fighting free for six months equals $18 dollars. Ten times $18 equal $180. That number would EASLIY be offset by the increased numbers of warriors entered into each of the style tournaments.

How would this affect the current top warriors?

It wouldn´t because the top Lungers, Parry-Lungers, and Aimed Blows would still have a chance to TC. If anything, it would add some variety when the Lungers eliminate each other, or the ABs, etc.

What would RSI have to do to accomplish this?

There would be some work required to accomplish this goal. The first problem is style-swapped warriors that are outside the realm of possibility and as such should simply be unable to participate, or removed from the game entirely. The second would be that RSI would have to program the new style tournament.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2002 2:05 am Reply with quoteBack to top

I can get behind this tourney. Maybe RSI could run it every other face? 1 normal tounry and 1 ´style´ tourney plus the MIs every year. I agree that the TC will most likely be the same even with this format but at least each style will be able to have fun at the top. And there is evey so slightly a chance that an off style will runner up or TC!

Does anyone else have any ideas for alternative Gateway tourneys that will spruce things up?

More TCs please!
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Unchartered Poster

Joined: Nov 04, 2002
Posts: 33
Location: Arcata

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 11:33 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

The tourney sounds like fun but I would only support it if it was just something else added to enhance the game and not seen as a solution for the problems that plague the top of the game.

It doesn´t open up the normal tournies to the rest of us, nor does it give us a shot at winning the throne. I know that I´m in what is probably a small minority when I say this, but I care much more about arena play than I do winning tournies. I took more satisfaction from the first time I got a warrior on the throne in Andorak than I did from my TC basher. So for somebody like me this style tourney wouldn´t really solve anything.
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Unchartered Poster

Joined: Jul 26, 2002
Posts: 12
Location: Irvine, CA

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:24 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

I don´t like it. It would be much, much easier for a freak like Furious to TC every time. Right now, he doesn´t win every tournament because there are about 3 lungers and 2 parry-lungers that can beat him, but not every time. When you eliminate 3 of those 5 warriors from ever having a chance to beat him, you drastically increase his odds of winning the overall TC.

The format favors freaks even more than the current one does. At least now, the freaks can beat each other and allow a "normal" warrior to win a TC with a lucky win or two over the freaks.


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