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Tue Apr 06, 2004 1:23 pm
OH Man! *Shakes head in disbelief* You Michiganders really are dilusional. (Hopefully, better spellers though). Now that Clarett is going pro (and good riddance, sissy), maybe there won't be any distractions on our way to another national championship.
_________________ Flagg's Five (DM 42)
and any other Flagg branded team you may see.
Sylvester Master Poster
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Posts: 209
Tue Apr 06, 2004 2:17 pm
Flagg wrote:
Michigan Envy Ahem kiss this (__:__)
I look forward to someday getting the Michigan- Ohio rivalry going in a contest, hopefully in Tobir.
**Are there any Michigan DM players?
On that note we Michiganders still love our "little Ohio brethren"!
** Is there any 2 states that hate eachother more than OH/MI?
IL and WI hate each other a fair amount with WI calling Illinios FIDs. F#*king IL B*#stards. I think OR and CA have issues with each other too.
Andarus Advanced Expert Poster
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Tue Apr 06, 2004 5:39 pm
Sylvester wrote:
** Is there any 2 states that hate eachother more than OH/MI?
The states of Florida and Miami pretty much hate each other, too <g>
Flagg Advanced Master Poster
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Tue Apr 06, 2004 8:27 pm
Andarus wrote:
Sylvester wrote:
** Is there any 2 states that hate eachother more than OH/MI?
The states of Florida and Miami pretty much hate each other, too <g>
_________________ Flagg's Five (DM 42)
and any other Flagg branded team you may see.
gameogre Grandmaster Poster
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Tue Apr 06, 2004 11:45 pm
Shadowgate wrote:
IL and WI hate each other a fair amount with WI calling Illinios FIDs. F#*king IL B*#stards. I think OR and CA have issues with each other too.
That's odd. (A hundred years ago) when I was growing up in Wisc. we hardly ever thought about Ill. except for concert/museum/etc trips to Chicago. The only exception I remember was everyone hating the Bears...
RascallyRabbit Grandmaster Poster
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Wed Apr 07, 2004 1:02 am
Here's 16 that I know I'm sending, I burned a copy of my dbase to cd so I could look up skills at work and then found out when I ran it that most of these are actuallty 2nd tier warriors, or so young that I haven't updated them yet. Those I have skills for I'll go ahead and post but it looks like I have some work ahead of me this weekend
LU, 9-9-8-21-21-10-6, 15/12/15/2/9/12, GOOD, CAN'T TAKE ALOT, NORM
LU,11(1)-5-9-21-21-5-13, 14/8/20/6/16/10, NORM, VERY FRAIL, NORM
LU, 8(1)-9-10-21-21-5-11, 16/7/17/5/13/11, GOOD, NORM, NORM
AB, 04 FE, 13-15-7-4-17(1)-9-21(1), GOOD, TAKE A LOT, GOOD
LU, 13(1)-16-8-17-17-3-11, GREAT, TAKE A LOT, GOOD (LOOK FAMILIAR), he should
ST, 11-9-7-21-9-10-17, POOR, CANNOT TAKE A LOT, NORMAL
ST, 9-10-7-21-17-9-11, NORMAL, CANNOT TAKE A LOT, NORMAL
TP, 11-10-7-17-21-7-11, GOOD, NORMAL, NORMAL
ST, 10 FE, 10-9-11-21-15-7-11, NORMAL, CANNOT TAKE A LOT, GREAT
ST, 11-4-5-21-17-9-17, 27/22/26/8/31/26, NORM, VERY FRAIL, NORM
LU, 13(1)-16-8-17-17-3-11, 30/24/37/6/31/9, GREAT, TAKE A LOT, GOOD
LU, 11(1)-9-10-17(1)-17(1)-13(1)-11, NORM, CAN'T TAKE A LOT, GOOD
WS, 15-8-8-17-21-4-11, GOOD, CANNOT TAKE A LOT, NORM
WS, 13-16-6-17-17-4-11, GOOD, TAKE A LOT, NORM
TP, 21(5)-21(1)-8-7(2)-21(1)-5-13(3), AWE, TREM, TREM, GOOD
TP, 20(5)-23(3)-12-6(3)-24(4)-5(2)-13(2), AWESOME, ANY AMOUNT, LIMITLESS, GREAT
I honestly think that I have 3 reasonable shots (Apprentices, Adepts, and Champions) at TC's (still need the match-ups), and 1 extremely outside shot in Chalengers along with everyone else who has a 160 skill warrior.
_________________ Steve/RR
"Every day life gives us 10,000 chances, all we have to do is reach out and take just one"
LHI Site Admin
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Posts: 1349
Wed Apr 07, 2004 8:05 am
Apps: Looks good
Inits: Looks good
Adepts: You are a little light on the attack and decise. About 32 attack/30 decise is cream of the crop level. But still a solid contender. Best defense is around 40.
Champions: The top warriors are 175-180 skills coming in with all the tc mods and favs and damage and crap. Good luck. This one will be brutal! Top of class starts maxxed in init/atk/def/dec and is stat training.
Challengers: I don't think this is predictable anymore. The warriors with 164 skills and 20WT/20WL/10DF coming in will win this class. Bustouts are the only thing that seperates the warriors. Look for awesome damage on offensives with 37 decise.
Freshmen: Warriors are timing at the moment with 180+ skills. Another tough one. Warriors at the end with have 2x25 with another stat in the 20s.
_________________ More TCs please!
Managerr ArchMaster Poster
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Wed Apr 07, 2004 8:16 am
Who are the top warriors in Champs that are coming in with all those TC prizes? There is only one potentially on my Radar and Steve's is it.
LHI Site Admin
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Wed Apr 07, 2004 8:29 am
I just sent you email about these guys.
_________________ More TCs please!
PoppaBalrog Unchartered Poster
Joined: Feb 10, 2004
Posts: 48
Wed Apr 07, 2004 2:05 pm
Hey Flagg and Street Legal,
First off, nobody hates New York like us Massholes. Second, try talking real football, the NFL. Two Super Bowls in three years! You can take your pissant college stuff, we like the real players up here.
Boston is the learning hub of the universe, but we can't get a FTF here, nor a World Series champ. Oh well.
Sylvester Master Poster
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Posts: 209
Wed Apr 07, 2004 2:53 pm
PoppaBalrog wrote:
Boston is the learning hub of the universe, but we can't get a FTF here, nor a World Series champ. Oh well.
Because nobody can understand that New England accent j/k I love Boston and a F2F would be great there.
He could go 0-3.. he just has to match up with me 3 times. My Inits are numerous and incredible. I have never thought I could call a TC for myself before, but if I ever can, its this tourney in this class.
Them's fightin' words! Think you can beat 112 skills with good damage / good endurance / takes normal?
-Ebenezer Frothingslosh
Street_Legal ArchMaster Poster
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Wed Apr 07, 2004 5:04 pm
NFL is great but you can't classify college, the ones who ARE NOT overpayed prima donnas, as not being real football. Just because Boston College has sucked since that lucky midget left don't come down on college football. Most of them play it for the love of the game, whereas most NFL players play football for the love of money.
Boston may be the learning hub but I'd dare say more useful minds and inventors have come from, or worked in, the Detroit/Michigan area then have in Massachusetts.
A final message to the state of Mass: READ MY LIPS.... NO NEW CLINTONS!!!
_________________ A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
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Street_Legal ArchMaster Poster
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Wed Apr 07, 2004 5:06 pm
He called out my normal endurance,good damge,102-105 skill,21 WT Lunger. I get the feeling he feels pretty confident.
Regardless looks like Initiates is going to be HOTLY contested this mailer!
_________________ A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
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