I was under the impression that we can not send out warriors that are participating in the arena 4 tourney into the mail in. I just saw on the round table that zalgor seemed to be saying he was sending his tourney warriors into the mail in as apprentices. Did I misread something?
_________________ Arena 4 Jhelum --- Mayan White
Arena 21 Sunset --- RAGE
Arena 74 Dayla Kiv --- Stormtroopers
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And they usually do."
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Mad_Max Advanced Master Poster
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Fri Apr 16, 2004 12:09 pm
Myrdin wrote:
I was under the impression that we can not send out warriors that are participating in the arena 4 tourney into the mail in. I just saw on the round table that zalgor seemed to be saying he was sending his tourney warriors into the mail in as apprentices. Did I misread something?
I believe that this is the only tourney that you can run them in....
Shadowgate Unchartered Poster
Joined: Jun 24, 2002
Posts: 49
Fri Apr 16, 2004 12:24 pm
Actually the rule is you can only run in MI's and not FTF's, as not everyone can attend FTF's and that would be an unfair advantage for the people who could goto the FTF's. The fact that you can run in this MI was made clear from the start but it wasn't until the beginning of the contest when the fact that all MI's where legal became clear.
Managerr ArchMaster Poster
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Fri Apr 16, 2004 2:50 pm
It's probably not too late to fax your DM 4 guys in if you can get them in tonight....
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