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Advanced Expert Poster

Joined: Jul 30, 2003
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Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:12 pm |
So i'm getting settled in. Less and less questions. However i'm filling out some strategy sheets and realize I do not have the old chart for carrying capacity. I looked on Terra's and didn't see one. Does anyone care to share? pretty please with a skill on top =) |
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One Armed Bandit
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Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:48 pm |
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Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:39 pm |
I saw that, what I'm missing is the weight of armor/weapon pieces. IE I can carry 16 unemcumbered. (ACM 10 LO 5, L1) . |
_________________ I'm the one they call Dr. Feelgood |
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Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:52 pm |
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Posts: 182
Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:07 pm |
Perfect! Thank you! Do you have estimates on each of the ratings? IE
Cannot carry allot =6
Etc Etc? |
_________________ I'm the one they call Dr. Feelgood |
One Armed Bandit
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Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:17 pm |
That information is on the first link:
"Each class roughly equates to 9 points of weapons and armor."
However, there are numerous other theories about max encumbrance, one of the more popular being: ST + (lesser of ST or CN) - 6 |
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Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:17 pm |
One Armed Bandit wrote: |
That information is on the first link:
"Each class roughly equates to 9 points of weapons and armor."
However, there are numerous other theories about max encumbrance, one of the more popular being: ST + (lesser of ST or CN) - 6 |
Just to clarify this a tad. Your CN cannot add more to carry than your ST can so if you have a guy who has 9 ST and 21 CN it would be (9+9)-6=12. His formula is not incorrect just figured I'd add an example to show exactly what it meant! Another way it could be thought of is ST+CN (maximum CN can add is equal to ST)-6.
The reason for this formula is in one set of rules it states "an average warrior with 12 ST and 12 CN can carry up to 18 points in weapons and armor without becoming overencumbered". It's possible that it's 75% of the ST+CN formula as well but it seems highly unlikely through experience from MANY managers and number crunchers. The reason it is believed that CN only counts up to the ST total is that regardless of your CN the carry listed on the warrior's write up is always limited by ST ( the breakpoints are 9,11,14,16,and 20; you will see this on Terrablood's encumbrance chart).
To add one final point here is a Q & A from the January '86 Rules Addendum from the Game Developers:
Q- If a fighter can carry a good amount in weapons and armor, and normally does, would his ability to initiate and respond to attacks increase if he went to light armor and weapons?
A- YES! Very much so. Especially for the Lunging, Parry-Lunge, Striking, Parry-Riposte, and Parry-Strike styles or for any warrior who is quick on his feet.
I take the "quick on his feet" portion of the response to mean encumbrance has a bigger effect, in regards to the question as asked, on DEF rather than on DEC (Initiating attacks) considering the "quick on his feet" statements are based upon DEF level (eg 3-4 quick, 5-6 very quick, 7+ Incredibly quick); not to be confused with the "is a quick and active fighter" statements which are based upon INI+RIP. The chart on Terrablood is incorrect about the INI+RIP formula Assur has a much more accurate chart on his website... cannot recall the web address though. |
_________________ A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
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Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:38 pm |