Date   : 07/10/2007    Duedate: 07/23/2007


DM-5    TURN-578

This Weeks Top Honors


(5-4396) [17-9-1,114]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

TWINK                          POSITION IS EMPTY
PAPER MARIO (457)              
(5-4396) [17-9-1,114]          

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

JERI LOUGH                     ELINDE GOSS
THE MIDDLE WAY 5 (453)         THE MIDDLE WAY 5 (453)
(5-4840) [10-22-0,94]          (5-4841) [13-18-0,83]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. TEAM CHAOS ELITE (509)      20
2. PAPER MARIO (457)           11      PAPER MARIO (457)
3. THE MIDDLE WAY 5 (453)       8      Unchartered Team
4. SPORTS GREATS (496)        -17

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1 PAPER MARIO (457)         80  29  1 73.4   1/ 1 PAPER MARIO (457)         8  2 0
 2/ 2 TEAM CHAOS ELITE (509)    35  25  3 58.3   2/ 3 THE MIDDLE WAY 5 (453)    7  8 0
 3/ 3 SPORTS GREATS (496)       44  40  7 52.4   3/ 2 TEAM CHAOS ELITE (509)    7  8 0
 4/ 4 THE MIDDLE WAY 5 (453)   342 357 13 48.9   4/ 4 SPORTS GREATS (496)       2  5 1

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     Oh, hi.  Its just little 'ol Debby Tonte.  Thought I'd check out KALTOS to see 
what's new.  MVP award for IRON MAIDEN?  TEAM CHAOS ELITE's proud of her after 
beating GERDIG IBBINS and getting 19 points.  Talk about yer major upsets!  GERDIG 
IBBINS' match with IRON MAIDEN cost him a loss of 15 points!  Was that a tear I saw 
in TWINK's eye, as it took over Duelmastership?  And wasn't GRETZKY fit to be tied!  
I hear the top team insists all their warriors get nine hours sleep.  They want 
photogenic fighters for PR photos.   
     AAARRGH!!!  I HATE SPYREPORTING!!!  Sorry.  I just had to say it.  SPORTS GREATS 
was the most avoided team.  Is a 44-40-7 record really that scary?  Hhmph!  What kind 
of warriors are PAPER MARIO?  SPORTS GREATS, an easy team to beat if I ever saw one, 
can't get them to accept an invitation!  Like, is TWINK popular, or what?  It was 
challenged the most in all of KALTOS!  It's got a 17-9-1, is that good?   
     Challenges, revenges, Bloodfeuds.  All KALTOS ever talks about is fighting!  Me, 
I'm more laid back.  Hey you guys, don't you think your families would like to hear 
from you?  Write!  (Or have someone write for you.)  
     I really didn't, you know, study when I was a kid.  Who would've guessed I'd be 
a famous Spyreporter?  I gotta leave.  KALTOS is like such a dump, and you guys smell 
too much!  I had a fun time, see you later-- Debby Tonte  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TWINK 4396                   17   9  1   114       PAPER MARIO (457)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-STAR ROD 4391                20   6  0   100       PAPER MARIO (457)
 GRETZKY 4873                 10   3  0    97       SPORTS GREATS (496)
 JERI LOUGH 4840              10  22  0    94       THE MIDDLE WAY 5 (453)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 HELENE JUSTE 4875             9   8  0    87       THE MIDDLE WAY 5 (453)
 ELINDE GOSS 4841             13  18  0    83       THE MIDDLE WAY 5 (453)
 ORVERD QUILL 4834            15  17  1    80       THE MIDDLE WAY 5 (453)
 BOMBETTE 4399                20   7  0    77       PAPER MARIO (457)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 IRON MAIDEN 4880              8   4  0    66       TEAM CHAOS ELITE (509)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MOON CHILD 4878               8   4  0    54       TEAM CHAOS ELITE (509)
 GERDIG IBBINS 4902            5   1  0    43       THE MIDDLE WAY 5 (453)
-TUBBA BLUBBA 4395             4   3  0    39       PAPER MARIO (457)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 WRATHCHILD 4881               8   4  0    33       TEAM CHAOS ELITE (509)
 OVERKILL 4882                 6   6  2    32       TEAM CHAOS ELITE (509)
 CLANK 4903                    3   0  0    26       PAPER MARIO (457)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 FEDERER 4890                  3   1  2    22       SPORTS GREATS (496)
-WOODS 4872                    0   1  0    17       SPORTS GREATS (496)
 ALICE IN CHAINS 4904          0   1  0     1       TEAM CHAOS ELITE (509)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD               W  L K TEAM NAME             SLAIN BY             TURN Revenge?
ROBO 4901              0  1 0 PAPER MARIO 457       FEDERER 4890          574 NOT REVE
JIM BROWN 4876         0  3 0 SPORTS GREATS 496     BLACK ORC 616         578 NONE    

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Helene -- Sigh.  How dare you discriminate like that!  I am a very nice golem, I'll
have you know. -- Twink

Jeri -- A twink a day keeps the blues away. -- Twink

Gretzky again is top dog.  Salute.  Let's send him to the Hall Of Fame. -- Luigi,
Paper Marios

Black Sheep Mr. Jones -- I will try very hard not to make noise, but it seems to be
in my blood. -- Clank

Jeri -- Fighting you and winning made my day.  Perhaps I have some fight left in me
yet?!  I have been working out with grenades. -- Bombette

Woods -- That was a funny sound from your driver.  It sounded distinctly like a.....
............................. -- Clank

Sports Greats -- Got a killer in that Federer, eh? -- Luigi

Twink -- You idiot!  Of course I hurt!  That was my last pair of good stockings you
ruined, how could I NOT hurt?  Your actions were cruel and thoughtless.  Of course,
as a golem, you're probably designed to be cruel and thoughtless.  Golems are the
bane of modern society.  I think we should destroy them all. -- Elinde Goss

Bombette -- I don't know how you can keep moving like that in this humidity.  From
where I sit and sweat, nothing should move but the corn, which is growing visibly.
So visibly, it's exhausting just to watch. -- Jeri Lough

Overkill -- Good gods, man!  Er, golem.  Don't get carried away!  Intensity can be
your bane if you don't keep it on a tight leash.  So to speak. -- Gerdig Ibbins

Gretzky -- Well, at least you're a man and not a golem. -- Helene Juste
P.S.  I did train with the mimes for a while.  They have a great school of dance.
But I wanted to sing, as well, so they asked me to leave.  In a manner of speaking.

Iron Maiden -- Wow, I love it when women stare at me like that.  (flex, flex)  Look
your fill, babe.  They don't make many bods this great. -- Orverd Quill

Star Rod -- It figures.  No stamina. -- Elinde Goss

Bombette -- Watch out for the sling-back pumps.  They're nothing but trouble. --

M. Tolovi Chardinee -- So? -- Orverd Quill

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

JIM BROWN was barely slain by BLACK ORC in a crowd pleasing 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
BOMBETTE was savagely defeated by JERI LOUGH in a 2 minute veteran's Challenge melee.
IRON MAIDEN devastated GERDIG IBBINS in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge contest.
GRETZKY was defeated by TWINK in a crowd pleasing 1 minute master's Title match.
ORVERD QUILL viciously subdued CONVICTED ASSASSIN in a crowd pleasing 1 minute fight.
ELINDE GOSS slimly lost to KHALHUMS DWARF in a 4 minute veteran's competition.
HELENE JUSTE won victory over CONVICTED ASSASSIN in a action packed 1 minute duel.
MOON CHILD vanquished FEDERER in a 1 minute uneven fight.
OVERKILL was vanquished by AMBITIOUS GUARD in a 1 minute one-sided fight.
WRATHCHILD overpowered OSKSI NOBLE in a 1 minute one-sided melee.
CLANK overpowered ALICE IN CHAINS in a 1 minute one-sided match.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                   6         PARRY-RIPOSTE      3 -   1 -  0      75  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  3         TOTAL PARRY       13 -   5 -  0      72  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  3         WALL OF STEEL      7 -   4 -  0      64  |
|AIMED BLOW                       1         SLASHING ATTACK   19 -  13 -  2      59  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   1         AIMED BLOW         6 -   5 -  0      55  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      1         LUNGING ATTACK    24 -  20 -  2      55  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    1         STRIKING ATTACK   10 -  10 -  1      50  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      0         BASHING ATTACK     6 -   7 -  1      46  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     0         PARRY-STRIKE       0 -   0 -  0       0  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    0         PARRY-LUNGE        0 -   0 -  0       0  |

Turn 578 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

AIMED BLOW         1 -  0     STRIKING ATTACK    1 -  2         4  LUNGING ATTACK 
BASHING ATTACK     1 -  0     PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  0         2  TOTAL PARRY    
SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  1     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  0         2  STRIKING ATTACK
LUNGING ATTACK     3 -  3     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  0         2  SLASHING ATTACK
                              TOTAL PARRY        0 -  1         1  WALL OF STEEL  
                              WALL OF STEEL      0 -  1     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
LUNGING ATTACK   TWINK 4396                 17   9  1  114 PAPER MARIO (457)
STRIKING ATTACK  GRETZKY 4873               10   3  0   97 SPORTS GREATS (496)
TOTAL PARRY      BOMBETTE 4399              20   7  0   77 PAPER MARIO (457)
SLASHING ATTACK  IRON MAIDEN 4880            8   4  0   66 TEAM CHAOS ELITE (509)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is JERI LOUGH 4840.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was ELINDE GOSS 4841.  The ten other most popular fighters were JERI LOUGH 4840, 
TWINK 4396, WRATHCHILD 4881, CLANK 4903, and BOMBETTE 4399.

The least popular fighter this week was ALICE IN CHAINS 4904.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were OVERKILL 4882, FEDERER 4890, GERDIG IBBINS 4902, MOON CHILD 
4878, BOMBETTE 4399, CLANK 4903, WRATHCHILD 4881, TWINK 4396, GRETZKY 4873, and JIM 
BROWN 4876.

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn:

TWINK (5-4396) PAPER MARIO (457)

                           SUMMER FACE-TO-FACE IN ATLANTA!

Our next summer FTF will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, July 27-29, 2007.  It will be 
held at the Sheraton Buckhead Hotel in Atlanta, on 3405 Lenox Road NE (404-261-9250). 
Room rates are $95.00 per night, 1-4 occupancy.  There is a free shuttle from the 
MARTA station two blocks away and free parking, high speed internet (for extra charge), 
fitness center, jacuzzi, and pool.  The rooms are blocked--ask for the Reality 
Simulations room block.  Look for transportation info in the tournament information 
sheet.  We hope you're all looking forward to it and that we will see you there!