Date   : 10/08/2003    Duedate: 10/21/2003


DM-12    TURN-474

This Weeks Top Honors


(12-5552) [18-18-0,113]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

ARENA FELINES II (565)         THAT TEAM (556)
(12-5690) [19-8-1,156]         (12-5444) [4-3-1,71]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

EQUALIZER                      SNAGGLE PUSS
THE LAWMEN (148)               ARENA FELINES (177)
(12-3391) [14-11-0,94]         (12-5731) [10-10-1,99]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. BLOODSUCKERS (416)          54
2. SWEET MAGIC (267)           21      ARENA FELINES II (565)
3. DARKMOON (448)              21      Unchartered Team
4. POWERPUFF GIRLS (522)       17
5. THE LAWMEN (148)            15      THAT TEAM (556)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 2 ARENA FELINES II (565)   216 111 20 66.1   1/ 3 ARENA FELINES (177)      13  2 2
 2/ 3 SPIRITUAL GIFT (402)     111  66  4 62.7   2/ 1 ARENA FELINES II (565)   12  3 1
 3/ 4 HELL-MART (531)          109  71  2 60.6   3/ 2 DREAMERS (142)            8  6 1
 4/ 6 THE LAWMEN (148)         446 324 29 57.9   4/ 4 SWEET MAGIC (267)         7  8 1
 5/ 7 ARENA FELINES (177)      592 453 57 56.7   5/ 5 THE LAWMEN (148)          7  8 0
 6/ 8 DARKMOON (448)           146 143  7 50.5   6/10 BLOODSUCKERS (416)        6  4 1
 7/ 1*THAT TEAM (556)            4   4  1 50.0   7/ 7 TEAM GNASTY (460)         4  6 1
 8/ 9 DREAMERS (142)           884 931 77 48.7   8/11 SPIRITUAL GIFT (402)      4  6 0
 9/10 BLOODSUCKERS (416)       285 312 28 47.7   9/ 8 POWERPUFF GIRLS (522)     4  8 0
10/11 TEAM GNASTY (460)         43  57  7 43.0  10/ 6 HELL-MART (531)           3  4 0
11/12 SWEET MAGIC (267)        303 461  8 39.7  11/14 DARKMOON (448)            3  5 1
12-13*THE NORTH (554)            3   5  0 37.5  12-12*BARJIN'S BEST (579)       2  6 0
13/14 POWERPUFF GIRLS (522)    108 193  4 35.9  13/13*THAT TEAM (556)           1  2 0
14-15*BARJIN'S BEST (579)        3  15  1 16.7  14-15*THE NORTH (554)           0  2 0
15-16*THE SHADOW TIDES (578)     0   4  0  0.0  15-16*THE SHADOW TIDES (578)    0  1 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT

     >)]H[(< + -----:----- + >)] The Free Cities #70 [(< + -----:----- + >)]H[(<

Between Ibizond and Korga:

     The horseman started to turn away, but two of the hounds made a determined
attack on the three gladiators as they scrambled out of their sheltering tree.  Now,
the tree was a trap rather than a shelter.  Cadal was first out, hammering at the
nearest hound with his heavy blade.
     Aghatamar was just behind him, close enough to slash at the hound trying to take
him from the side.  The horseman turned back, just as the moon shone through a gap in
the clouds overhead.  Aghtamar sucked in her breath in shock.  There was a face, she
repeated that to herself as a litany against the unknown.  Two eyes--she shuddered
and wrenched her gaze away from them, feeling her blood turn to ice and her bones to
sand.  A beak of a nose, a hunting bird's beak.  Gash of a mouth, with an icy glitter
of fangs.
     Behind her, Zilla muttered a prayer to Sermina and struck two-handed at the
hound, awkwardly because she didn't want to look directly at it.  That hound was no
beast that ever curled up quietly before a fire or accepted a pat on the head for a
job well done.  Cadal lunged at his hound and came near to spitting it on his sword,
but the uncanny creature twisted away.  The horseman laughed, a sound which would
chill the strongest heart, and turned away again, riding up the road toward whatever
his, or its third hound had cornered.  Fist of Kjarran, most likely, but there was no
way to help him now.  They had their own problems.
     The hounds had a pattern of swirling in to attack and then out before they could
be struck in return, coordinating their efforts smoothly without needing their
master's guidance.  They must have done this many times before.  Aghtamar thought of
the other people dead along this road and knew they must have sustained just such an
attack:  the horn with its message of fear, then these uncanny beasts with their
teasing and toying, and finally the huntsman on his horse.  Not a good death.  If
there was such a thing as a 'good death'.
     While these thoughts were flitting through her mind, she kept her sword moving
as well.  The hounds seemed reluctant, maybe even totally unwilling, to close with
them, but they wouldn't leave them alone, either.  "The damned things are trying to
wear us down," she muttered.  And it might work.  She was already breathing hard, and
she could hear Zilla panting beside her.  She couldn't hear Cadal, but he was
farthest from her.
     "We've got to finish these," Cadal stated.  "Fist of Kjarran is going to need
our help."  A shuffle and lunge, a hound yelped and dodged back.  "Except they won't
     "And if we just go to Fist, turn our backs on these hounds," Zilla growled,
"likely they'll jump on us from behind."
     "There must be SOME way we can kill or cripple these damned hounds!" Aghtamar
snapped.  "Anything that lives can be killed.  It's a natural law or something."
     "We're not going to find it tonight except by chance," Cadal said.  "And we have
to go help Fist.  If we all move together, back to back...."
     "Right!  Let's move," Aghtamar agreed.  "On the count of three?"
                       ***     *****     ***     *****     ***
     The hound that Fist of Kjarran had crippled was dragging itself down the road
toward its approaching master, whining pitifully.  If it had been a proper dog, the
gladiator might have regretted the injury.  As it was...serve the damned beast right.
     As the hound had appeared to grow when it charged him, so did the hunter.  What
might have been a big horse--if it was a horse at all--became huge, and its rider
dominated the sky.  He...it seemed to wear a crown of cold lights, or maybe there
were northern lights in the sky behind its head.  No, that wasn't north, that was
southeast.  Fist shook his own head to clear out the fantasies.  As the rider passed
the crippled hound, he cried out in a terrible voice, a word Fist didn't know and
didn't want to know.  An evil word, he was sure.  Maybe a spell, or a vow of
vengeance.  Not that it mattered!  He had the protection of Kjarran and Jayde.  He
raised his sword against the moon-colored blade that was swinging down out of the
stars above him.

                                      SPY REPORT

     Greetings warriors!  It is I, Zontani Sharp Eyes, here to bring report of the 
clash and bustle of the weekly RIZTAB games.  Former top team ARENA FELINES II was 
unseated this week as ARENA FELINES moved up from 3rd ranking to take the top spot 
with a 4-1-1 record for the round.  There were bitter words at HELL-MART's guildhouse 
after a 1-1-0 showing this week which dropped the stable into 10th.  Dark Arena 
anyone?  Warriors--remember that glory waits always around the corner!  Witness how 
this week BLOODSUCKERS went 4-1-1 to move up 4 in the rankings.  My praise to ARENA 
FELINES for their 4-1-1 week this time out.  Indeed, it was a skillfully fought round 
deserving of notice!  DENOGGINIZER caught the eye of many in the gladiatorial 
commission as he skillfully bested BAT MASTERSON and was awarded 27 points in 
recognition.  In one of the week's more notable duels, CUNNING CALICO put down 
FLADRAKEEN OOSCH, causing him to lose 23 points of recognition in the process.  Who 
here was not present for the title fight this week as MIKE BELIEVE boldly challenged 
CAT FANCY in order to strive for the Duelmasters honors?  The city has turned out in 
honor of MIKE BELIEVE, for with his arena victory he may now lay claim to the highest 
position in the city!  Heed this!  A seer has warned that if exactly 6 die in duels 
this week, the whole city shall perish!  Just remember...5 or 7!   
     I have been in deep conclave with my spies who watched all that has recently 
transpired.  Indeed there is much I would report.  I saw one fighter that warriors 
avoided when this week's challenge seeking began.  TEAM GNASTY is feared.  This much 
I can say.  Apparently the stalwarts of DARKMOON are catching the bulk of jests down 
at the challenging board for their large share of the avoids.  Loose talk at the 
arena has reached my ears and it but confirms the knowledge that many fighters are 
after MIKE BELIEVE.  Watch your back!   
     Vendettas.  Bloodied blades and broken spears.  Indeed the city has seen more 
than its fair share of red in recent times.  Some guilds are strict but few are as 
heartless as ARENA FELINES II.  Witness, last turn they sent KITTEN KABOODLE, a 4-1-1 
fighter, to the Dark Arena!  I must report the passing of BAT MASTERSON, veteran of 
many duels.  12-13-1 final record His was not illustrious--but death plays no 
favorites.  Walk proud, warriors of POWERPUFF GIRLS!  By striking down NANETTE you 
have avenged the honor of your dead.  Your virtue is known to all in RIZTAB.  My 
hearty congratulations EQUALIZER, for thy revenge upon FREAKY BARBER, slayer of thy 
fallen comrade.  Next time he will know better, eh?  Some say a warrior is judged by 
the way he bears arms.  One thing is sure, better a dagger in hand then a sword on 
the belt!   
     A thought before I go.  Each warrior practices one style, but must not the wise 
manager learn the secrets of them all?  Sadly warriors, now longer can I keep thy 
company nor savor the ale of thy fine city.  Depart I must and soon!  Till next we 
meet remember:  a fool flies into a rage quickly and often.  The wise are angered by 
the same thing only once.  Zontani Sharp Eyes  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MIKE BELIEVE 5552            18  18  0   113       POWERPUFF GIRLS (522)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 FASTER PUSSYCAT 5690         19   8  1   156       ARENA FELINES II (565)
 CUNNING CALICO 5628          23  14  2   106       ARENA FELINES (177)
 OCTAPUSSY 5720               14   8  1   106       ARENA FELINES II (565)
-HOFFA'S BANE 3554            22  17  0   101       SPIRITUAL GIFT (402)
 DENOGGINIZER 5702            12  10  1   101       BLOODSUCKERS (416)
 SNAGGLE PUSS 5731            10  10  1    99       ARENA FELINES (177)
 SMELLY CAT 5742              14   5  1    97       ARENA FELINES (177)
-AISLE GET YOU! 5100          18  13  2    95       HELL-MART (531)
 EQUALIZER 3391               14  11  0    94       THE LAWMEN (148)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 CAT FANCY 5739               12   7  1    90       ARENA FELINES (177)
 FLADRAKEEN OOSCH 4396        15  13  1    86       TEAM GNASTY (460)
-97 ITEM EXPRESS 5153         21  12  0    81       HELL-MART (531)
 TILLOUISA 5680               17  13  1    80       SWEET MAGIC (267)
 KNOTHEAD 5727                14   4  1    76       BLOODSUCKERS (416)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 THAT WARRIOR 5444             4   3  1    71       THAT TEAM (556)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SOMNUS 5708                  10  14  1    66       DREAMERS (142)
 NANETTE 5629                  8  29  1    60       SWEET MAGIC (267)
 PHANTAST 5737                 8  11  2    59       DREAMERS (142)
 DROMMARE 5755                10   7  1    57       DREAMERS (142)
 JOSTLING JAGUAR 5770          7   6  1    57       ARENA FELINES (177)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 RIFT 3922                     8   8  1    49       SPIRITUAL GIFT (402)
 TRISTANA 5683                 7   2  0    45       DARKMOON (448)
-BATAAKAPPU 5698               9  12  1    44       POWERPUFF GIRLS (522)
 WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? 5773     6   5  0    44       ARENA FELINES II (565)
 SONADOR 5769                  6   7  0    36       DREAMERS (142)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BLOOD BUD 5774                6   3  0    33       BLOODSUCKERS (416)
 BRIARTHORN 5671               5   4  0    33       DARKMOON (448)
 ANN DROMEDA 5687              1   1  1    31       DARKMOON (448)
 FAST TRACK 5820               2   1  0    28       SPIRITUAL GIFT (402)
 XXL STRETCH PANTS 5634        6   6  0    24       HELL-MART (531)
-DIRTY SANCHEZ 5725            2   0  0    24       TEAM GNASTY (460)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 FREAKY BARBER 5283            4   3  2    23       TEAM GNASTY (460)
-ALEX SCHIMMELFENNIG 5748      3   4  0    23       THE NORTH (554)
 METER MAID 5789               3   5  0    23       THE LAWMEN (148)
 PIZZARRHEA 5750               4   2  0    22       HELL-MART (531)
-AF BOX GNASTY 5417            4   1  0    21       TEAM GNASTY (460)
 STEADY EDDIE 5785             4   3  0    19       BLOODSUCKERS (416)
 LITTLE BULL 5786              4   3  0    15       BLOODSUCKERS (416)
 NOREEN 5783                   2   8  0    14       SWEET MAGIC (267)
 POT BELLY 5819                1   2  0    13       SPIRITUAL GIFT (402)
 MERINDA 5828                  2   1  0    11       SWEET MAGIC (267)
 DREBIN 2.0 5844               1   0  0    11       THE LAWMEN (148)
 SONG OF SUMMER 5790           1   7  0    10       SWEET MAGIC (267)
 JUDGE PARKER 5845             1   0  0    10       THE LAWMEN (148)
-SILKE 5831                    1   1  0     7       BARJIN'S BEST (579)
-KORTUL 5829                   1   1  0     4       BARJIN'S BEST (579)
-GREY THE SILENT 5830          0   2  0     2       BARJIN'S BEST (579)
 BELLOTA 5832                  0   2  0     2       POWERPUFF GIRLS (522)
 LOLLY 5842                    0   1  0     1       POWERPUFF GIRLS (522)
 SHORTHAIREDLONGTERM 5846      0   1  0     1       ARENA FELINES II (565)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD               W  L K TEAM NAME             SLAIN BY             TURN Revenge?
FRED THE UNREADY 480   0  1 0   1                   JOSTLING JAGUAR 5770  474 NONE    
BAT MASTERSON 3384    12 13 1 THE LAWMEN 148        DENOGGINIZER 5702     474         
FRANK DREBIN 3209     12 20 0 THE LAWMEN 148        SNAGGLE PUSS 5731     473         
DEPUTY CHAD 5810       0  4 0 THE LAWMEN 148        FREAKY BARBER 5283    473 JUST REV
BURBUJA 5788           3  2 0 POWERPUFF GIRLS 522   NANETTE 5629          472 JUST REV
GNON-GNASTY 5847       0  1 0 TEAM GNASTY 460       SPYMASTER TORRIC 495  474 NONE    
CHIT-ZU 5756           0  1 0 TEAM GNASTY 460       KITTEN KABOODLE 5798  472         
SO AND SO 5446         0  1 0 THAT TEAM 556         TILKIRRIN THE ELF 492 474 NONE    

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Bataakappu -- I wasn't trying to BURY you in the sand, I was trying to stanch the
flow of blood.  It was an act of mercy, honest! -- Nanette

Bat Masterson -- With me playing the part of the ball?  Gee, thanks. -- Tillouisa

XXL Stretch Pants -- Ah, but I bet after one washing, you fall apart.  Which might
explain the impression I have that you have NOT washed recently.... -- Song of Summer

Grey the Silent -- Ah...that means no personal, right?  Too bad.  I wouldn't have
minded some socializing. -- Noreen

Meter Maid -- I didn't really PARK my horse there, honest!  I was going to be right
back out, except that there was a long line at the checkout counter.  I left the
engine running.  I don't DESERVE a ticket! -- Merinda

Anyone want to go check out the monster?  Drop me a personal and you're in. -- Jorja
P.S.  Garfield, if somebody does decide to get in on the monster hunt, will you come
along and help me keep them under control?  Gladiators can be so willful.

9 September 2003
WE'RE LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MANAGERS!  If you think you have what it takes to match
wits and blades with some of the best managers in Alastari, then WE WANT YOU!  The
Tournament Of The Golden Scrod #4 will begin in Aradi (DM 60) the turn after the Fall
Mail-In.  It's not too late for you to sign up.  I realize that many of you may be
hesitant after seeing that myself and Hombre have teamed up again, but we'll try to
take it easy on you guys a little bit.  For more information on T#%S IV, please
contact me at ganolus@aol.com.  We're looking for a few good managers...the few, the
proud, the TOGS!

-- Ganolus Oakleaf, T#%S IV Commish

15 September 2003
An Announcement Concerning the Brotherhood of the Blade Alliance:
     I have chosen to withdraw my membership from the Brotherhood of the Blade
alliance.  The years I have spent in the alliance have been the best of my DM career.
I leave the alliance with many great friends and will always remain close to my
former brethren.
     The Brotherhood of the Blade will not skip a beat without my membership.  It
remains in very capable hands and its roster is among the strongest in the game.
With the return on some of its founding members to DM, I know the BOB will continue
to grow in strength and prestige in the years to come. -- The Sandman

29 September 2003
All -- Let it be known that the Firm accepts SOL into its ranks.  The Firm is:
SunGod, Dark Spirit, Youngblood, Tripwire, and SOL.

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

KITTEN KABOODLE was dealt death by STONE GOLEM MARK II in a 2 minute Dark Arena fight.
SO AND SO was slaughtered by TILKIRRIN THE ELF in a 1 minute Dark Arena battle.
GNON-GNASTY was easily killed by SPYMASTER TORRIC in a 1 minute gory Dark Arena match.
LIBERTY BELLE vanquished NANETTE in a 1 minute gory mismatched Bloodfeud brawl.
EQUALIZER overpowered FREAKY BARBER in a 1 minute mismatched Bloodfeud match.
METER MAID was viciously subdued by SNAGGLE PUSS in a popular 3 minute Bloodfeud duel.
MIKE BELIEVE overpowered CAT FANCY in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge Title brawl.
BAT MASTERSON was assassinated by DENOGGINIZER in a 1 minute uneven Challenge melee.
KNOTHEAD viciously subdued SOMNUS in a popular 2 minute expert's Challenge duel.
BRIARTHORN unbelievably bested XXL STRETCH PANTS in a 1 minute Challenge fight.
BLOOD BUD handily defeated POT BELLY in a exciting 1 minute one-sided Challenge bout.
LITTLE BULL was demolished by FAST TRACK in a 1 minute Challenge competition.
PIZZARRHEA devastated NOREEN in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge battle.
FLADRAKEEN OOSCH was devastated by CUNNING CALICO in a 1 minute mismatched bout.
FASTER PUSSYCAT handily defeated MOTTA THE PIKE in a 1 minute gory uneven fight.
SMELLY CAT bested LI KO THE CLUMSY in a 2 minute duel.
OCTAPUSSY handily defeated THAT WARRIOR in a 1 minute mismatched bout.
PHANTAST was devastated by TILLOUISA in a 1 minute one-sided brawl.
JOSTLING JAGUAR executed FRED THE UNREADY in a 1 minute one-sided match.
SONADOR was beaten by TRISTANA in a 3 minute match.
WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? was defeated by DROMMARE in a 2 minute bloody conflict.
RIFT bested ANN DROMEDA in a action packed 1 minute one-sided bout.
STEADY EDDIE outlasted SONG OF SUMMER in a action packed 7 minute bout.
MERINDA won victory over SHORTHAIREDLONGTERM in a 3 minute amateur's fray.
BELLOTA was overpowered by DREBIN 2.0 in a 1 minute one-sided match.
JUDGE PARKER overpowered LOLLY in a 1 minute one-sided duel.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|BASHING ATTACK                  11         WALL OF STEEL     15 -   8 -  1      65  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                 11         BASHING ATTACK    59 -  46 -  5      56  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   8         STRIKING ATTACK   57 -  47 -  5      55  |
|AIMED BLOW                       4         TOTAL PARRY       29 -  24 -  0      55  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      3         LUNGING ATTACK    48 -  41 -  4      54  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    3         SLASHING ATTACK   10 -   9 -  0      53  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    2         PARRY-LUNGE        2 -   2 -  0      50  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     2         PARRY-STRIKE       8 -  15 -  0      35  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      1         PARRY-RIPOSTE      6 -  16 -  1      27  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  1         AIMED BLOW         4 -  13 -  1      24  |

Turn 474 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-LUNGE        1 -  0     STRIKING ATTACK    4 -  7         4  STRIKING ATTACK
SLASHING ATTACK    1 -  0     AIMED BLOW         0 -  4         3  BASHING ATTACK 
TOTAL PARRY        3 -  0     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  2         1  TOTAL PARRY    
WALL OF STEEL      2 -  0     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  3         1  SLASHING ATTACK
BASHING ATTACK     7 -  4                                       1  PARRY-LUNGE    
LUNGING ATTACK     5 -  3                                       1  LUNGING ATTACK 

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
SLASHING ATTACK  OCTAPUSSY 5720             14   8  1  106 ARENA FELINES II (565)
STRIKING ATTACK  SMELLY CAT 5742            14   5  1   97 ARENA FELINES (177)
AIMED BLOW       FLADRAKEEN OOSCH 4396      15  13  1   86 TEAM GNASTY (460)
LUNGING ATTACK   TILLOUISA 5680             17  13  1   80 SWEET MAGIC (267)
TOTAL PARRY      TRISTANA 5683               7   2  0   45 DARKMOON (448)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is EQUALIZER 3391.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was SNAGGLE PUSS 5731.  The ten other most popular fighters were KITTEN KABOODLE 

The least popular fighter this week was SHORTHAIREDLONGTERM 5846.  The other ten 
least popular fighters were LOLLY 5842, BELLOTA 5832, STEADY EDDIE 5785, PHANTAST 

The following warriors will travel to ADVANCED DUELMASTERS after next turn:

EQUALIZER (12-3391) THE LAWMEN (148)

The following warriors have traveled to ADVANCED DUELMASTERS after fighting this turn:



     For those of you who keep track of such things, 18 additional warriors graduated 
from regular DM arenas (including closed arenas) since the last tournament:

                          CAFFEINE JUNKIE (3-6110) ADDICTED 
                        CATFISH HUNTER (5-3315) PARTY ANIMALS 
                          MATTAHOOPLE (16-4203) GIFTED GODS 
                         SWEET JANE (53-6535) THE DARK TEMPLE 
                              LIL NOIR (62-3311) ENIGMA 
                         NARCISSISTIC NUN (69-8644) ODD SQUAD 
                             LEGION '8' (71-2369) D.O.A. 
                       RAW SEX APPEAL (82-1331) WHY WE LOVE TUM 
                         ZOMBIE STOMP (82-2617) NO MORE TEARS 
                        VIOLENT VOLE (82-4565) MAMMAL MILITIA 
                         LADY OF THE MOON (82-5481) HARM NONE 
                      KAMIKAZI GNAT (82-6073) DEADLY ATTACKS II 
                      THE 13TH WARRIOR (82-6346) STOOPID MOVIES 
                              SIRTON (82-9190) I AM SUCK 
                            DUNE (82-10414) 4-LETTER EPICS 
                           FLEM (82-12614) 4-LETTER FLUIDS 
                     GREENHOUSE EFFECT (82-12996) GLOBAL WARMING 
                         UGLY (82-14501) 4-LETTER DESCRIPTION 

                                          -- Green Eyes