Date   : 03/04/2004    Duedate: 03/17/2004


DM-19    TURN-478

This Weeks Top Honors


(19-4651) [8-0-0,124]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

TMARACK                        ZOSO
THE SIERRAS (393)              HIPPIES FROM HELL (181)
(19-4651) [8-0-0,124]          (19-1899) [4-0-0,54]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

BLUE                           TMARACK
THE SIERRAS (393)              THE SIERRAS (393)
(19-4647) [10-4-0,101]         (19-4651) [8-0-0,124]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. CURTAIN CALL (404)          57
2. THE SIERRAS (393)           50      THE SIERRAS (393)
3. HIPPIES FROM HELL (181)     34      Unchartered Team
4. DRAGON JUNKIES (392)         7
5. ANARCHY (342)                3      HIPPIES FROM HELL (181)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 0*HIPPIES FROM HELL (181)   11   2  0 84.6   1/ 2 THE SIERRAS (393)        11  4 0
 2/ 0*CURTAIN CALL (404)         4   1  0 80.0   2/ 1 QUASI-LEGAL OPS (363)     8  6 1
 3/ 1 THE SIERRAS (393)         45  23  2 66.2   3/ 0*CURTAIN CALL (404)        4  1 0
 4/ 2 QUASI-LEGAL OPS (363)     58  62  7 48.3   4/ 0*HIPPIES FROM HELL (181)   3  0 0
 5/ 3 DRAGON JUNKIES (392)      56  67  4 45.5   5/ 3 DRAGON JUNKIES (392)      3  7 0
 6/ 5 ANARCHY (342)            139 169 21 45.1   6/ 4 ANARCHY (342)             0  8 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT

      * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ *

                        ---===FREE BLADES REGIONAL NEWS===---

 DM   9 ZUKAL (turn 486): ALEX GRIFFIN of DREAM PARK (Zalgor Prigg, mgr.)
 DM  12 RIZTAB (turn 484): XXL STRETCH PANTS of HELL-MART (Ebenezer Frothingslosh)
 DM  15 MALCORN (turn 480): ABRA-HAM! of SACRILEGIOUS MEAT (Klep, mgr.)
 DM  16 WILLAF (turn 480): HIMEI of YAMABUSHI (Doc Miracle, mgr.)
 DM  17 ALJAFIR (turn 479): GHENGIS KHAN of HEROESANDFOUNDONES (The Judge, mgr.)
 DM  19 ZUWAYZA (turn 477): TMARACK of THE SIERRAS (Barnabas, mgr.)
 DM  28 MORYA (turn 238): ZACHARIAH of RED IRON KNIGHTS (Woelfe, mgr.)
 DM  29 LAPUR (turn 469): THE FIRE WITCH of CRIMSON KINGS (The Yellow Jester, mgr.)
 DM  31 CHIMLEVTAL (turn 236): HUNGRY BONES of UNFIT TO BE ORCS (Slugbait, mgr.)
 DM  32 ARVAT (turn 466): LOCKED IN of CALL THE PRIEST (Destitute Noble, mgr.)
 DM  33 NIATOLI ISLAND (turn 464): LIGHT DA' PYRE of WHEN DOGMA FAILS (Prophet, mgr.)
 DM  35 MURSKA (turn 457): BRAN AP CADAL of CHILDREN OF LLYR (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  43 VEASTIAN (turn 420): SPACE BABOON of KORGAN CRUSADE (Jack Wolfspider, mgr.)
 DM  45 STORMCROWE (turn 213): MING of DYNASTIC (Jack Wolfspider, mgr.)
 DM  47 NORTH FORK (turn 208): 100% COLUMBIAN of COFFEE RULES! (Mr. Coffee, mgr.)
 DM  50 SNOWBOUND (turn 195): NASSE of DARK SIDHE (Daehir, mgr.)
 DM  56 ROCANIS (turn 345): TENACULUM of GENERAL SURGERY (Darkfist, mgr.)
 DM  61 JURINE (turn 325): TAIL IN THE AIR of ARENA FELINES (Garfield, mgr.)
 DM  73 ERINIKA (turn 143): KASENKO of PERFECTION QUEST II (Mannequin, mgr.)
                                (Shadowgate, mgr.)

                                      Top Teams
 DM   9 ZUKAL (turn 486): CLAN O' WHOOPAS (?, mgr.)
 DM  12 RIZTAB (turn 484): THE CITY (Berylstar, mgr.)
 DM  15 MALCORN (turn 480): SACRILEGIOUS MEAT (Klep, mgr.)
 DM  16 WILLAF (turn 480): WYLDERNESS WYLD (Barnabas, mgr.)
 DM  17 ALJAFIR (turn 479): HEROESANDFOUNDONES (The Judge, mgr.)
 DM  19 ZUWAYZA (turn 477): QUASI-LEGAL OPS (Necron 99, mgr.)
 DM  28 MORYA (turn 238): THE WARLORDS II (Fizban, mgr.)
 DM  29 LAPUR (turn 469): CRIMSON KINGS (The Yellow Jester, mgr.)
 DM  31 CHIMLEVTAL (turn 236): WHAMMO & THUDDA 4 U! (Micky, mgr.)
 DM  32 ARVAT (turn 466): SARATOGA GLORY (The Trainer, mgr.)
 DM  33 NIATOLI ISLAND (turn 464): SACKETT'S & CO. (Barnabas, mgr.)
 DM  35 MURSKA (turn 457): CHILDREN OF LLYR (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  43 VEASTIAN (turn 420): MEDS (Berylstar, mgr.)
 DM  45 STORMCROWE (turn 213): DYNASTIC (Jack Wolfspider, mgr.)
 DM  47 NORTH FORK (turn 208): THE JESUITS (Goat, mgr.)
 DM  50 SNOWBOUND (turn 195): TEAM VIRTUE (Boy Scout, mgr.)
 DM  56 ROCANIS (turn 345): GENERAL SURGERY (Darkfist, mgr.)
 DM  61 JURINE (turn 325): FAVORITE GUYS (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  73 ERINIKA (turn 143): MAGIC MAYHEM (Fizban, mgr.)
ADM 103 FREE BLADES (turn 370): MEOW MIX, etc. (Sylvester Frothingslosh, mgr.)

                                   Recent Graduates
 DM  15 MALCORN (turn 479): MAN O' WAR of TRIPLE CROWN (Sultan, mgr.)
 DM  16 WILLAF (turn 480): PUN DAT of PUNNY AMINALS (Jorja, mgr.)
                           CRIMSON of PHOENIX (?, mgr.)
               (turn 479): MUKAARTH of BLACKHEART'S AXE (?, mgr.)
 DM  17 ALJAFIR (turn 478): CAESAR of HEROESANDFOUNDONES (The Judge, mgr.)
 DM  29 LAPUR (turn 469): SACRIFICIAL KNIFE of HAND ON YOUR HEART (Manray, Marquis
                          d'Frothingslosh, mgr.)
 DM  31 CHIMLEVTAL (turn 236): SODOM of DARQUE FORCES (Master Darque, mgr.)
                               PALLADICE of STORMWATCH (Polar Bear, mgr.)
 DM  35 MURSKA (turn 457): BRAN AP CADAL of CHILDREN OF LLYR (Jorja, mgr.)
               (turn 456): DINGO of THE BEARS (Papa Bear, mgr.)
                           IRON-HIDE of FERROUS MEN (Ironbutt, mgr.)
 DM  47 NORTH FORK (turn 208): UR BRAIN ON EGG of MYSTIC ORC FEAST (Slugbait, mgr.)
                   (turn 207): STRAW FIRE of LAND OF OZ (Oz the Successful, mgr.)
 DM  50 SNOWBOUND (turn 195): NASSE of DARK SIDHE (Daehir, mgr.)
 DM  56 ROCANIS (turn 345): 4-0 PROLENE of GENERAL SURGERY (Darkfist, mgr.)

                                 DUELMASTER'S COLUMN
                             Notes from the arena champ.

Valiant effort Lady Deathstrike, I was a little surprised by your challenge.  Wasn't
really set up to fight you, but am fast nonetheless.  May have to add the old super
juice tactic back in the arsenal, we'll see.  Tmarack is your Duelmaster once again!
Plan on being here for a while.  Sorry, fellow teammates, for you will have to wait
quite a while for your time on the throne.  Have my eyes set on someone, let's see if
the challenge goes through!


                                      SPY REPORT

     Greetings, Warriors of ZUWAYZA.  Allow this humble servant Novgorodny Vir to 
give you a respite from the fights in the form of this Spyreport.  QUASI-LEGAL OPS?  
Who?  THE SIERRAS is the top team these days, buddies!  The boys at CURTAIN CALL are 
walking tall, as they are ranked 3rd on their first try!  Going for the Duelmaster 
soon?  Practice pays for MISCHEF, who pummelled PERSISTENT BEGGAR, to pocket 16 
points.  KOOKOOYCOCOABLUNTS certainly had a baffled expression on his face, after 
losing to HAWKINS and losing 8 points in the process!  Those who hoped for a new 
Duelmaster were disappointed by MALKAI, of DRAGON JUNKIES, who despite a 22-7-0 
couldn't overcome ZUWAYZA's Number 1.  So who was the warrior seen charging into 
immovable walls and challenging dead trees?  Someone's got a basic problem...   
     A Zenmaster once told me, 'Does not the spinning wheel turn?  And do not the 
little birds cry out?'  Any ideas?  Like a horde of jackals fleeing from the lion, so 
did the "warriors" in ZUWAYZA avoid QUASI-LEGAL OPS.  As a woman of good breeding 
scorns the "warriors" of THE SIERRAS, so did that sorry team shy from QUASI-LEGAL OPS 
Everyone is famous for fifteen minutes, and LADY DEATHSTRIKE is it right now.  Most 
challenged warrior.  Isn't QUASI-LEGAL OPS proud!   
     Is there life after death?  Pragmatics (and warriors) know there is death after 
life!  Ask not a spymaster for counsel, for he will pontificate long after you have 
fallen into an unconscious stupor.   
     Leave me now, you base fools!  As if buffeted by forces of nature beyond my 
control, I must take my leave of this place.  Can anything compare to the pleasure of 
writing Spyreports for ZUWAYZA?  On that giddy note I take my leave-- Novgorodny Vir  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TMARACK 4651                  8   0  0   124       THE SIERRAS (393)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BLUE 4647                    10   4  0   101       THE SIERRAS (393)
 TRAGIC TUESDAY 4226          12   9  1    96       QUASI-LEGAL OPS (363)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 LADY DEATHSTRIKE 4232        10   6  2    88       QUASI-LEGAL OPS (363)
 MALKAI 4571                  22   7  0    85       DRAGON JUNKIES (392)
 HAWKINS 4649                  6   2  0    77       THE SIERRAS (393)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 CALLISTA 4575                13  12  1    64       DRAGON JUNKIES (392)
 MURPHY 4703                   9   4  2    64       THE SIERRAS (393)
 SEA DAR 4721                  9   4  0    62       THE SIERRAS (393)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 KOOKOOYCOCOABLUNTS 4562       8   5  1    55       QUASI-LEGAL OPS (363)
 ZOSO 1899                     4   0  0    54       HIPPIES FROM HELL (181)
-MYSTIC 4348                   7   9  2    50       ANARCHY (342)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ZUWAYZAN TSAR 4759            6   3  0    47       QUASI-LEGAL OPS (363)
 JIMI HENDRIX 1898             4   1  0    41       HIPPIES FROM HELL (181)
 BONZO 1896                    3   1  0    38       HIPPIES FROM HELL (181)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 FATHOM 4763                   2   0  0    16       DRAGON JUNKIES (392)
 MISCHEF 4781                  1   0  0    16       CURTAIN CALL (404)
 CHAOS 4779                    1   0  0    15       CURTAIN CALL (404)
 TRIPTOPHINE 4773              2   1  0    14       QUASI-LEGAL OPS (363)
 HIGH ELF 4732                 2   4  1    13       DRAGON JUNKIES (392)
-SIMPLE SIMON 4631             2   2  0     8       ANARCHY (342)
-SLOW BURN 4630                2   2  0     8       ANARCHY (342)
 ARROGANCE 4777                1   0  0     8       CURTAIN CALL (404)
 MALIGN 4780                   1   0  0     8       CURTAIN CALL (404)
 OVERDRIVE 4783                0   1  0     1       ANARCHY (342)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD               W  L K TEAM NAME             SLAIN BY             TURN Revenge?
M. CHARDINEE 374       0  1 0   1                   TRAGIC TUESDAY 4226   478 NONE    
YOUNGDUMB 4776         0  2 0 ANARCHY 342           NOACHIAN 387          478 NONE    
CONTEMPT 4778          0  1 0 CURTAIN CALL 404      DARK CHAMPION 384     478 NONE    
JECKYLL 4782           0  1 0 DRAGON JUNKIES 392    HIGH ELF 379          478 NONE    

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Malkai -- Like the report said, lucky! -- Hawkins

Tuesday -- Bad day for me! -- Sea Dar

Con. Ass. -- Not you again, please someone tell me I won't get this bum three turns
in a row.  This 1 skill per fight is killing me. -- Blue

Kookoo -- You can say that again! -- Murphy

Jekyll -- The only thing dumb about "Youngdumb" other than his name, is that you
probably think something like adding dumb to the last part of my name would get under
my skin.  If you are gonna do something like that and actually run it, make a warrior
worth my time, Jackie! -- YoungBlood

4 February 2004
Greeting from Jhans, DM 36 -- In 2 turns the kLk will host our first annual "St.
Valentines Day Massacre" in Jhans, arena 36.  (Kill Contest)  The contest will begin
on turn 450.  It will run for 10 turns.  On turn 461 the winners will be announced.
There will be 3 separate categories, the team with the most kills, the alliance with
the most kills, and the warrior with the most kills.  For the manager of the team
with the most kills a PRIZE of 10 ROLL-UPS will be rewarded (or $50 deposited into
his account).  No need to declare yourself in the personals.  If you are in DM 36,
you will be part of the contest whether you like it or not.  We encourage as much
trash talk as you'd like.  All teams, managers, and alliances invited.  Please
contact Polarius (mgr. of Blitzkrieg) in DM 36 with questions.  Or you can email me
at jamieptmo@hotmail.com.  Good luck and see you in the sands. -- Polarius

25 February 2004
Readers, and especially those who volunteered warriors -- My apologies for the sudden
lack of episodes.  I've been sick, but expect to be back at the keyboard soon. -- the

3 March 2004

     Mongo, aka Matt McIntosh and ex-Warden of the Dark Circle, is auctioning off his
entire collection of Duelmasters warriors and stables.  Don't miss out on this chance
to own some fantastic warriors!  There are ADM warriors available in every class from
Primus to Freshmen, as well as over a dozen Basic stables.
     Does a Slasher with +4 attack, +4 decisiveness, +3 initiative and +2 riposte
sound good?  How about a Lunger who received the benefit of a TC prize, has TVed
three times after graduating--and still hasn't maxed out his skills!?  How about a
Striker in the Freshmen class who has decisiveness for a favorite learn and the MAUL
for a favorite weapon!?
     Or perhaps you prefer playing in Basic.  Then how does a stable with four Adept
class warriors who have a combined record of 41-19-9 sound?  Or maybe a stable with
three 21-Will warriors?  Or perhaps a stable with four Initiates and a Rookie who
have a combined record of 23-6-1?
     The quality of the lots is excellent.  All you need to view and bid on the lots
is go to:
     If you want to be on the mailing list to receive regular updates on the auction,
just send an e-mail to JVMerlino@aol.com. Merlin, aka John Merlino and also an ex-
Warden of the Dark Circle, will be running this auction for me.  I just moved to New
Orleans and am likely currently stumbling around the French Quarter...because it's
Mardi Gras!  So I have named my auction in honor of this occasion.
     The auction will start on Saturday, March 13th, 2004, and will continue for
several weeks.  But you should get your bids in early if you want your best chance at
owning any of these fantastic warriors and stables.
     Many thanks to all for your interest and your bids,


                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

YOUNGDUMB was butchered by NOACHIAN in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
CONTEMPT was viciously butchered by DARK CHAMPION in a 2 minute Dark Arena duel.
JECKYLL was easily killed by HIGH ELF in a 1 minute Dark Arena match.
BLUE defeated LADY DEATHSTRIKE in a 1 minute master's Challenge duel.
HAWKINS devastated KOOKOOYCOCOABLUNTS in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge fight.
TMARACK savagely defeated MALKAI in a 6 minute master's Title competition.
TRAGIC TUESDAY butchered M. CHARDINEE in a 1 minute bloody mismatched match.
CALLISTA was narrowly defeated by MURPHY in a 2 minute gruesome melee.
ZUWAYZAN TSAR was viciously subdued by SEA DAR in a action packed 1 minute gory duel.
ZOSO vanquished AMBITIOUS GUARD in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
JIMI HENDRIX overpowered HIGH ELF in a 1 minute uneven match.
BONZO savagely defeated TRIPTOPHINE in a 1 minute veteran vs. novice fight.
FATHOM viciously subdued OVERDRIVE in a crowd pleasing 2 minute gory novice's battle.
CHAOS handily defeated PERSISTENT BEGGAR in a 1 minute gruesome one-sided conflict.
MALIGN defeated MORDANT DESERTER in a 3 minute beginner's struggle.
MISCHEF handily defeated PERSISTENT BEGGAR in a 1 minute mismatched bout.
ARROGANCE bested MORDANT DESERTER in a 1 minute novice's brawl.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                   7         WALL OF STEEL      1 -   0 -  0     100  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  5         LUNGING ATTACK    17 -   7 -  2      71  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  4         SLASHING ATTACK   20 -  12 -  1      63  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      4         STRIKING ATTACK   12 -  11 -  2      52  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   3         TOTAL PARRY        7 -   7 -  0      50  |
|AIMED BLOW                       1         AIMED BLOW         3 -   3 -  0      50  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     1         BASHING ATTACK     6 -   9 -  1      40  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      0         PARRY-STRIKE       0 -   1 -  0       0  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    0         PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -   1 -  0       0  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    0         PARRY-LUNGE        0 -   1 -  0       0  |

Turn 478 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

LUNGING ATTACK     6 -  1     TOTAL PARRY        1 -  3         3  STRIKING ATTACK
STRIKING ATTACK    4 -  1     AIMED BLOW         0 -  1         3  LUNGING ATTACK 
SLASHING ATTACK    3 -  1     PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  0         2  SLASHING ATTACK
                              PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  1         2  BASHING ATTACK 
                              PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  0         1  TOTAL PARRY    
                              BASHING ATTACK     0 -  3     
                              WALL OF STEEL      0 -  0     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
STRIKING ATTACK  TMARACK 4651                8   0  0  124 THE SIERRAS (393)
LUNGING ATTACK   BLUE 4647                  10   4  0  101 THE SIERRAS (393)
SLASHING ATTACK  TRAGIC TUESDAY 4226        12   9  1   96 QUASI-LEGAL OPS (363)
TOTAL PARRY      MALKAI 4571                22   7  0   85 DRAGON JUNKIES (392)
BASHING ATTACK   CALLISTA 4575              13  12  1   64 DRAGON JUNKIES (392)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is BLUE 4647.  The most popular warrior this turn was 
TMARACK 4651.  The ten other most popular fighters were FATHOM 4763, BONZO 1896, SEA 
DAR 4721, MALKAI 4571, CALLISTA 4575, MURPHY 4703, MISCHEF 4781, CONTEMPT 4778, BLUE 
4647, and HAWKINS 4649.

The least popular fighter this week was HIGH ELF 4732.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were KOOKOOYCOCOABLUNTS 4562, JECKYLL 4782, YOUNGDUMB 4776, MALIGN 4780, 
ARROGANCE 4777, and CHAOS 4779.