Date   : 12/08/2020    Duedate: 12/21/2020


DM-20    TURN-143

This Weeks Top Honors


(20-782) [18-21-1,104]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

ALLMIGHT                       WOLVERINE
LOST SENTINELS (19)            HERO'S INC (67)
(20-782) [18-21-1,104]         (20-946) [2-0-0,24]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

MR READ-A-LOT                  DAVINA
HUCKLE'S CATS (23)             THIRSTY THUGS (31)
(20-774) [11-34-0,74]          (20-849) [10-9-0,73]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. ROBO VILLAGE (68)           42
2. LOUD NOISES (66)            37      PHANTOM REGIMENT (25)
3. DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)         32      Unchartered Team
4. THIRSTY THUGS (31)          28
5. LOST SENTINELS (19)         25      ROBO VILLAGE (68)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1*ROBO VILLAGE (68)         10   0  0  100   1/ 7*ROBO VILLAGE (68)        10  0 0
 2/ 3 PHANTOM REGIMENT (25)    289 204 12 58.6   2/ 2 THIRSTY THUGS (31)        8  4 1
 3/ 5 WEIRDING WAYS (53)       144 120 10 54.5   3/ 6 WEIRDING WAYS (53)        8  6 0
 4- 8 OAKLEAF (59)             136 125  3 52.1   4/ 1 PHANTOM REGIMENT (25)     8  7 0
 5/ 9 PIXELBENDERS (36)        312 290 10 51.8   5/ 5 VENDETTA (62)             8  7 0
 6/ 7 VENDETTA (62)             49  46  3 51.6   6/ 3 HUCKLE'S CATS (23)        7  8 0
 7/10 DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)      362 340 26 51.6   7/ 4 PIXELBENDERS (36)         6  9 0
 8/11 THIRSTY THUGS (31)       353 335  9 51.3   8/11*HERO'S INC (67)           6  9 0
 9/12 HUCKLE'S CATS (23)       293 338 11 46.4   9/12 LOST SENTINELS (19)       5  8 0
10/13 WAY OF ALL FLESH (17)     67  80  2 45.6  10/ 8 WAY OF ALL FLESH (17)     5 10 0
11-14*BLOOD BORNE (12)           5   6  1 45.5  11/13 DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)       4 11 1
12/15 LOST SENTINELS (19)      283 410 29 40.8  12/14*LOUD NOISES (66)          4 11 0
13/16*HERO'S INC (67)            6   9  0 40.0  13-10 OAKLEAF (59)              3  3 0
14/17*LOUD NOISES (66)           6  19  0 24.0  14-17*BLOOD BORNE (12)          0  1 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

Here we are again, my darlings, and it is wonderful to see you.  Such exciting times 
in the arena.  We have a new Duelmaster!  We have had new teams join us to battle for 
those Unchartered awards!  Good times!  So, sit back and let me tell you about all the 
important (and sometimes trivial) events that occurred in our wonderful arena this 

After Torquil's long reign on the throne, it seemed inevitable that those following 
him would not enjoy such lengthy stays.  Many of them sat in Challenger Champions 
ranks and caught the attention of more than a few officials.  Now, once they take the 
throne, their names are known and it feels like their graduations to the Isle come 
much quicker.  All that to say, we are quickly going through Duelmasters! We had 
Sleepless and then Requiem, who both took the throne, and then they were off to the 
Isle of the Eye!  Requiem leaves us with a win, so that means Ascension's challenge to 
our departing Duelmaster was not successful.

This turn's title fight came down to a bloodfeud between Parental Deceit and Allmight.  
On our last turn, PD was able to get a bit of revenge, but would that carry over to 
today's fight?  Sadly for Parental Deceit, it did not!  Allmight is our new Duelmaster 
and with no graduation notice, he will have the opportunity to defend it all next 
turn.  Weirding Ways do not have any more bloodfeud challenges left, but they could 
still play spoiler since Parental Deceit is ranked in the Challenger Champions.

And I have to say congrats to Parental Deceit for making it to the Isle of the Eye.  
You are now immortal and get to enjoy all of those special training benefits that 
Greywand offers to the elite fighters of Alastari!  PD is managed by Weirdo, but we 
don't hold that against him as a person or as a newly minted Lord Protector.

Time for the general information for the turn.  There were 33 fights total with 6 
challenges going to the Dark Arena.  We have already mentioned the single bloodfeud 
challenge for the turn.  That leaves us with 13 regular challenges and 13 random match 
ups.  The most avoided team was Robo Village with Way of All Flesh avoiding them the 
most. Our most challenged warrior was Mixl, who fought off the veteran Vox Sunfire in 
2-minute bout.

There were many warriors sent to the Dark Arena, which is not that uncommon.  The 
strangeness of today's news is one of the warriors came back!  Ceedra Maw of Darque 
Knights did not look happy when she came into the gladiatorial meeting this morning.  
I guess hearing that you are being sent to the Dark Arena unexpectedly can do that to 
you.  She was a bit more relieved after her fight with The Wreck King, but I would not 
want to be in tomorrow's meetings with her manager.

Time for me to go, my sweets.  Come back and join us next turn.  I have no idea what 
is going to happen, but I'm confident that it will be exciting!  Battles for the 
throne are always wondrous, but I just like it better when the Duelmaster is not on 
his or her way to the Isle.  The fight feels more real, but that is just a personal 
preference!  See you next turn!

                                          -- Sidara Brightbell

P.S. I do feel the need to mention that Robo Village is now 10-0-0. I will have to 
look back at my records, but I do not believe anyone has pulled off the perfect 3-turn 
run yet.  Maybe we will see another New Seam first on turn 144!

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ALLMIGHT 782                 18  21  1   104       LOST SENTINELS (19)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MIXL 777                     18  25  0   101       THIRSTY THUGS (31)
 PARENTAL DECEIT 583          24  25  2    99       WEIRDING WAYS (53)
 ASCENTION 840                12   7  1    98       VENDETTA (62)
 GEHENA 839                   11   8  0    96       VENDETTA (62)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 RICH BLACK 881                8   3  0    91       PIXELBENDERS (36)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 FLAZOR 831                   14  10  0    90       THIRSTY THUGS (31)
 VOX SUNFIRE 773              21  24  2    89       DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)
 SUNDER 842                   11   8  1    85       VENDETTA (62)
 FAL ICETOOTH 810             14  16  1    74       DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)
 MR READ-A-LOT 774            11  34  0    74       HUCKLE'S CATS (23)
 DAVINA 849                   10   9  0    73       THIRSTY THUGS (31)
 PURGE 785                    16  22  2    72       LOST SENTINELS (19)
 TARL 822                     14  13  0    70       LOST SENTINELS (19)
 RUFOLF VON FLUGEL 858         6   9  1    67       HUCKLE'S CATS (23)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 CAPTAIN OBVIOUS 679          17   9  0    60       WEIRDING WAYS (53)
 RATTLECHAINS 826             15  10  0    58       PHANTOM REGIMENT (25)
 HALFTONE 848                 10  10  0    58       PIXELBENDERS (36)
-COYOTE 846                    9   8  0    57       OAKLEAF (59)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 YELLOW SNOWMAN 687           13  12  2    53       WEIRDING WAYS (53)
 CHIP 837                     10  13  1    49       THIRSTY THUGS (31)
 OBLIVION 843                  7  12  1    41       VENDETTA (62)
 APOCOLYPSE 841                8  11  0    40       VENDETTA (62)
 WOLFGANG WOLF 853             6  11  0    35       HUCKLE'S CATS (23)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 CEEDRA MAW 905                3   4  1    33       DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)
 RUDOLF VON FLUGEL 865         4  10  0    27       HUCKLE'S CATS (23)
 BOKEH 916                     4   2  0    27       PIXELBENDERS (36)
 JANITOR JOE 868               6   7  1    26       HUCKLE'S CATS (23)
 YA'LL QAEDA 928               3   1  0    26       WAY OF ALL FLESH (17)
 WOLVERINE 946                 2   0  0    24       HERO'S INC (67)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-SHANK 890                     4   2  1    23       OAKLEAF (59)
 BEOWULF 932                   2   1  0    23       HERO'S INC (67)
 THE CAN COLLECTOR 939         2   0  0    23       ROBO VILLAGE (68)
 EARTHQUAKE SEASON 887         5   3  0    21       WEIRDING WAYS (53)
-MARIO 889                     2   3  1    21       OAKLEAF (59)
 VANILLA ISIS 948              2   0  0    21       WAY OF ALL FLESH (17)
 SAM 908                       3   2  0    20       LOUD NOISES (66)
 THE PARK TRAMP 940            2   0  0    20       ROBO VILLAGE (68)
 TRAILER TRASH TOM 938         2   0  0    17       ROBO VILLAGE (68)
-YHARNAM 80                    2   0  0    14       BLOOD BORNE (12)
 MAJULA FIRE 955               1   0  0    14       DARQUE KNIGHTS (22)
-LUIGI 888                     3   2  0    13       OAKLEAF (59)
 CODEX 882                     1  10  0    13       LOST SENTINELS (19)
 ALPHA LOCK 917                3   3  0    12       PIXELBENDERS (36)
 URBAN SOMBRERO 930            2   1  0    12       WEIRDING WAYS (53)
 I DON'T MOW 941               2   0  0    12       ROBO VILLAGE (68)
 HYDRA 934                     1   2  0    12       HERO'S INC (67)
 THE HANDYMAN 942              2   0  0    10       ROBO VILLAGE (68)
 BROOKE 910                    2   3  0     9       LOUD NOISES (66)
 GEOFF 953                     1   1  0     7       LOUD NOISES (66)
-THE ONE REBORN 79             1   2  1     6       BLOOD BORNE (12)
 MIGHTFALL 937                 1   3  0     6       PHANTOM REGIMENT (25)
 SIF 935                       1   2  0     5       HERO'S INC (67)
-WITCH OF HEMWICK 81           1   1  0     4       BLOOD BORNE (12)
 AJAX 933                      0   3  0     3       HERO'S INC (67)
 PROUD BUOY 949                0   2  0     2       WAY OF ALL FLESH (17)
 OKSTUPID 950                  0   2  0     2       WAY OF ALL FLESH (17)
-TRIPLE DOG DARE 947           0   1  0     1       OAKLEAF (59)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 UNINVITED GEIST 956           0   1  0     1       PHANTOM REGIMENT (25)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
THE WRECK KING          0  0 0 DARK ARENA           CEEDRA MAW 905        143  NONE
DEAD ONE 954            0  1 0 DARQUE KNIGHTS 22    THE WRECK KING        143  NONE
JIMMY 909               0  5 0 LOUD NOISES 66       BLACK ORC             143  NONE
VICKY 911               0  5 0 LOUD NOISES 66       HIGH ELF              143  NONE
SHATTERED 957           0  1 0 PHANTOM REGIMENT 25  HIGH ELF              143  NONE
BEVEL 898               1  7 0 PIXELBENDERS 36      HIGH ELF              143  NONE
LITTLE BLUE BIRD 922    2  3 0 WAY OF ALL FLESH 17  CHIP 837              143   
WONKO THE SANE 663     19  9 0 WEIRDING WAYS 53     ALLMIGHT 782          139  REVENGED

                                     PERSONAL ADS

All -- My apologies.  A strat was sent in for Captain Obvious last turn, but he didn't 
run.  I blame the Commission for not reading my chicken scratch properly. -- Weirdo, 
mgr Weirding Ways

Robo Village -- I for one, welcome our new Robo Overlords! -- Weirdo

Eli & Hero's Inc -- Welcome.  So, will you guys be sticking around a while? -- Weirdo

Loud Noises -- I fart in your general direction! -- Weirdo

Darque -- Pay Attention! -- Weirdo

Hydra -- Next time, I will wear more armor. -- Earthquake Season

Codex -- I doft my hat to you, sir. -- Urban Sombrero 

Davina -- Don't eat the snow or you'll be a salty wench! -- Yellow Snowman

All -- Time to clean house.  Vox and Fal are the last of the old guard, but I'm trying 
to be more selective moving forward with the replacements.  We will see how long that 
lasts. -- Master Darque

Eli -- Welcome to Seam.  First turns can be really rough, no matter the arena and 
starting team.  You can't challenge and avoid.  You are really just at the mercy of 
the fight coordinators -- and well, mercy is NOT one of their defining qualities. -- 
Master Darque, mgr. Darque Knights

Halftone -- It has been our fights that have really shown me what fickle, fickle 
mistresses the Fates can be!  I rarely change strategies, but do flip weapons from 
time to time, yet we have such different outcomes each time we meet. -- Vox Sunfire, 
shocked as everyone that he is still alive

Tarl -- I had no idea how that would play out, but glad I won.  Now . . . I have no 
idea who to challenge. -- Fal Icetooth

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

CEEDRA MAW viciously butchered THE WRECK KING in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
BEVEL was murdered by HIGH ELF in a 1 minute brutal Dark Arena melee.
JIMMY was narrowly killed by BLACK ORC in a 1 minute Dark Arena duel.
VICKY was viciously butchered by HIGH ELF in a popular 2 minute Dark Arena contest.
DEAD ONE was murdered by THE WRECK KING in a 1 minute Dark Arena competition.
SHATTERED was butchered by HIGH ELF in a 1 minute Dark Arena duel.
PARENTAL DECEIT was overpowered by ALLMIGHT in a 1 minute Bloodfeud Title struggle.
ASCENTION was bested by SLEEPLESS in a popular 2 minute Challenge competition.
VOX SUNFIRE was overcome by MIXL in a 2 minute expert's Challenge melee.
FAL ICETOOTH lost to FLAZOR in a 2 minute gruesome veteran's Challenge duel.
YELLOW SNOWMAN won victory over WOLFGANG WOLF in a popular 1 minute Challenge fight.
LITTLE BLUE BIRD was easily killed by CHIP in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge bout.
SAM demolished SIF in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge match.
HYDRA was unbelievably bested by EARTHQUAKE SEASON in a 2 minute Challenge contest.
BEOWULF demolished CODEX in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge brawl.
YA'LL QAEDA handily defeated JANITOR JOE in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge conflict.
OKSTUPID lost to GEOFF in a 2 minute gruesome amateur's Challenge bout.
THE HANDYMAN overcame AJAX in a 2 minute amateur's Challenge bout.
THE PARK TRAMP devastated MIGHTFALL in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge brawl.
I DON'T MOW beat PROUD BUOY in a exciting 4 minute novice's Challenge match.
GEHENA overpowered RUFOLF VON FLUGEL in a 1 minute mismatched fight.
SUNDER slimly lost to ROWDY DWARF in a popular 3 minute gory contest.
RICH BLACK vanquished PURGE in a 1 minute gruesome one-sided match.
MR READ-A-LOT won victory over HALFTONE in a popular 1 minute mismatched fray.
TARL demolished OBLIVION in a action packed 1 minute one-sided fight.
CAPTAIN OBVIOUS was beaten by DAVINA in a action packed 2 minute gory fight.
RATTLECHAINS overpowered RUDOLF VON FLUGEL in a 1 minute uneven match.
APOCOLYPSE savagely defeated BOKEH in a 2 minute gruesome duel.
ALPHA LOCK was beaten by VANILLA ISIS in a 2 minute fray.
TRAILER TRASH TOM overpowered UNINVITED GEIST in a 1 minute brutal uneven competition.
THE CAN COLLECTOR overpowered INCOMPETENT PUNK in a 1 minute uneven fight.
URBAN SOMBRERO was overcome by WOLVERINE in a 1 minute novice's fight.
BROOKE was demolished by MAJULA FIRE in a 1 minute one-sided fight.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                  12         PARRY-LUNGE        5 -   4 -  0      56  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                 11         WALL OF STEEL     26 -  21 -  1      55  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   8         STRIKING ATTACK   34 -  31 -  3      52  |
|AIMED BLOW                       7         TOTAL PARRY       24 -  22 -  0      52  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  6         SLASHING ATTACK   48 -  53 -  1      48  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    5         LUNGING ATTACK    53 -  59 -  1      47  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      4         PARRY-STRIKE       5 -   6 -  0      45  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    3         BASHING ATTACK    28 -  34 -  1      45  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      2         AIMED BLOW        34 -  48 -  1      41  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     0         PARRY-RIPOSTE     12 -  19 -  0      39  |

Turn 143 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

WALL OF STEEL      4 -  1     AIMED BLOW         3 -  4         4  SLASHING ATTACK
PARRY-RIPOSTE      2 -  1     LUNGING ATTACK     5 -  7         3  LUNGING ATTACK 
SLASHING ATTACK    6 -  5     STRIKING ATTACK    2 -  4         2  AIMED BLOW     
BASHING ATTACK     4 -  4     TOTAL PARRY        1 -  3         1  STRIKING ATTACK
                              PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  2         1  TOTAL PARRY    
                              PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  0     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
SLASHING ATTACK  ASCENTION 840              12   7  1   98 VENDETTA (62)
LUNGING ATTACK   RICH BLACK 881              8   3  0   91 PIXELBENDERS (36)
PARRY-RIPOSTE    TARL 822                   14  13  0   70 LOST SENTINELS (19)
TOTAL PARRY      CAPTAIN OBVIOUS 679        17   9  0   60 WEIRDING WAYS (53)
AIMED BLOW       RATTLECHAINS 826           15  10  0   58 PHANTOM REGIMENT (25)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is MR READ-A-LOT 774.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was DAVINA 849.  The ten other most popular fighters were PROUD BUOY 949, SUNDER 
934, EARTHQUAKE SEASON 887, and GEOFF 953.

The least popular fighter this week was BROOKE 910.  The other ten least popular 

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn:


The following warriors have traveled to AD after fighting this turn:


                  MAIL-IN TOURNEY LXXI

PRIMUS TOURNEY                         W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
GRISHNAKH 737 (137-93-1)               0  5  0         FIREHAND ORCS        

CONTENDERS TOURNEY                     W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
DOOMSTRIKE 652 (142-63-2)              0  5  0         FIREHAND ORCS        

ADM TOURNEY                            W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
SMOKEHEAD 175 (78-61-1)                2  3  0         THIRSTY THUGS        

FRESHMEN TOURNEY                       W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
MAULARIA 3702 (16-1-0)                 3  2  0         MAUL RATS            
PIWI STEELMOON 619 (36-37-2)           2  3  0         DARQUE KNIGHTS       


For those of you who keep track of such things, a few additional warriors graduated 
from regular DM arenas (including closed arenas) since the last tournament. 

                      SERGEANT 1 (10-6252) MEDAL OF HONOR  (576) 
                    BLACK GOLD (21-3886) THE COLOUR OF NEON  (354) 
                         TITANIUM (71-7081) WAR-C-KERS  (812) 
                 ULTIMATE WRATH (82-30136) LUCROCIANS FTF04M1  (4937) 
                        ME LUNGER (82-30789) YOU JANE  (5054) 
                      HELLBOUND (82-43402) INK & STEEL X  (7273) 
                      MOOSE (84-19656) SUPE FORCES 6A11  (3491) 
                     HOTEL ARIZONA (84-29194) BEING THERE  (5172) 
                     THE BURPER (84-36813) NAMED BY MARK  (6435) 
                       RYAN (84-48181) THE MOTHERSHIP 4  (8333) 
                             HAZARD (85-122) CFC 15  (20) 
                    INNUK SHUK (85-12276) WORLD BLADES 15  (2240) 
                          TIGGER (85-19649) A WINNA  (3594) 

Congrats to the grads. -- Green Eyes