Date   : 12/29/2004    Duedate: 01/11/2005


DM-22    TURN-498

This Weeks Top Honors


(22-6108) [17-10-2,118]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

CONSPIRACY INC. (100)          TREE PEOPLE 2 (718)
(22-6108) [17-10-2,118]        (22-6337) [3-4-0,21]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

NO HURRY                       JOHN O'NEILL
JUST CHILLIN (699)             CONSPIRACY INC. (100)
(22-6174) [13-13-0,79]         (22-6362) [2-6-2,33]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. THE REPUBLICANS (103)       54
2. PROJECT MAYHEM (714)        41      KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
3. CONSPIRACY INC. (100)       19      Unchartered Team
4. THE POISON CLAN (692)       19
5. DROP THE LEASH (701)        17      PROJECT MAYHEM (714)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1 KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)    177  77  4 69.7   1/ 3 CONSPIRACY INC. (100)    10  5 1
 2/ 2 THE POISON CLAN (692)     83  57  1 59.3   2/ 1 KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)     9  6 0
 3/ 3 JUST CHILLIN (699)        72  57  7 55.8   3/ 2 THE POISON CLAN (692)     9  6 0
 4/ 4 CONSPIRACY INC. (100)    171 137 12 55.5   4/ 6 JUST CHILLIN (699)        7  8 2
 5/ 5 THE REPUBLICANS (103)    369 362 24 50.5   5/ 7 THE REPUBLICANS (103)     6  9 0
 6- 6 THE DEMOCRATS (202)      164 167 12 49.5   6- 4 MEDIEVAL CHAOS (722)      5  5 0
 7- 7 MEDIEVAL CHAOS (722)      51  53  5 49.0   7- 5 THE DEMOCRATS (202)       4  5 1
 8- 9 ULTRA-VIOLENCE (723)      47  59  3 44.3   8/ 9*TREE PEOPLE 2 (718)       4  7 0
 9/ 0*PROJECT MAYHEM (714)       2   3  0 40.0   9/ 0*PROJECT MAYHEM (714)      2  3 0
10/ 0*DROP THE LEASH (701)       5   8  0 38.5  10/ 0*DROP THE LEASH (701)      1  2 0
11/10*TREE PEOPLE 2 (718)       10  21  1 32.3  11/ 0*THE SEEKERS (630)         0  1 0
12/ 0*THE SEEKERS (630)          0   1  0  0.0  12-10 ULTRA-VIOLENCE (723)      0  1 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     If you were disturbed from your beauty rest only to have to watch a bunch of 
SOLVEN brutes like you, you'd be grouchy, too.  Later days, KELLUMBO'S KIDS, since 
CONSPIRACY INC. took top team from you this turn, you guys are old news.  Middle of 
the road, PROJECT MAYHEM, middle of the road; you'll get no good words from me, until 
you get better, or worse.  Break a leg.  Of course, we're all terribly impressed to 
see THE SCORPION win a fight and gain 27 points, terribly.  Tsk, tsk, CLINT EASTWOOD 
beat ICE PICK and ICE PICK lost 14 points.  You're breakin' my heart.  Due to 
absence, and inability to defend the throne, BLIND ILLUSION has lost the Title of 
Duelmaster.  Start setting that alarm earlier!  And it's out with the old, in with 
the new, as DARRELL ISSA takes the Title and last week's bar tab from the old 
Duelmaster.  Heh, heh.  The Victory Tavern, humph!  I've tasted better ale at 
mortuaries.  Where do they get this stuff?  From SOLVEN's trash dumps?   
     My mother always told me, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, start 
talking.' I loved that woman.  SOLVEN, I am losing what little hope I had in you.  
KELLUMBO'S KIDS the most avoided team?  What insult will suffice, I cannot say.  And 
it looks like PROJECT MAYHEM avoided them the most this turn.  What a pack of would 
be losers, if you ask me.  Hmph.  TAX DEDUCTION was challenged more times this turn 
than the Duelmaster.  Now was the DM insulted or feared?  Heh, heh.  I suspect either 
a 21 will or a 21 ego on this one, but NO HURRY has challenged up by 41 in an attempt 
against DARRELL ISSA.  And sure, NO HURRY lost alright, but gained 4 recognition for 
his pains.  And pains they may indeed be!  Now look at this.  SCHWARZENEGGER 
challenged down 18 against THE REPUBLICANS' TAX DEDUCTION.  What a weasel!  
grandmother next turn?  Huh?   
     Some people like volunteer work in the hospitals.  I volunteer for SOLVEN's 
morgue.  More variety.  Gee, JUST CHILLIN, ain't it past due for sending WHAT UP Dark 
Arena?  What took ol' '18-7-3' so long?  Hope?  Ha ha aha ha!  And sending WHAT UP to 
the Dark Arena was supposed to be one of your better ideas, JUST CHILLIN?  Whoa!  
I'll even buy EASY BREEZE a drink tonight!  Anyone who can come back from the Dark 
Arena, I want to be on his good side!  Titanium shields and bamboo daggers, guess 
what brave team is developing these kinds of weapons?   
     I was about to buy a new quill pen the other day, but some fighter took it for 
an epee.  Forgive me for writing with a dagger.  Just wait 'till next time I show up 
here, I won't be so nice!  So nyaaah!  Paste this one in your scrapbooks, you'll need 
the kindling come this winter-- Snide Clemens  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DARRELL ISSA 6108            17  10  2   118       CONSPIRACY INC. (100)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-BLIND ILLUSION 6379          14   7  1   108       MEDIEVAL CHAOS (722)
 ANTHONY SCALIA 6103          20   8  0   105       CONSPIRACY INC. (100)
 THE SCORPION 6117            16  12  0    98       THE POISON CLAN (692)
-ROE V WADE 6226              12   7  0    96       THE DEMOCRATS (202)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SNAKE CHARMER 6169           22   6  0    88       KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
 THE TOAD 6121                20   8  0    80       THE POISON CLAN (692)
 MAYBE LATER 6176             17   9  1    80       JUST CHILLIN (699)
 NO HURRY 6174                13  13  0    79       JUST CHILLIN (699)
 LUCIAS CLAY 6359              8   1  0    79       KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
 EASY BREEZE 6173             13  13  3    72       JUST CHILLIN (699)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 THE LOTUS 6208               12  11  0    66       THE POISON CLAN (692)
 TAX DEDUCTION 6269            7   9  1    63       THE REPUBLICANS (103)
 NAME DROPPER 6306             6   5  0    60       KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
 THE PHOENIX 6227             13   8  0    59       THE POISON CLAN (692)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 CLINT EASTWOOD 6286           9   6  0    54       THE REPUBLICANS (103)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 THE BASILISK 6307             8   4  0    53       THE POISON CLAN (692)
-CEPACOL 6377                  7   7  1    49       MEDIEVAL CHAOS (722)
-JOHN EDWARDS 6399             3   3  1    47       THE DEMOCRATS (202)
 SCHWARZENEGGER 6265          12   4  0    44       KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
-BIFF STREICHER 6375           5   7  1    43       MEDIEVAL CHAOS (722)
-WRATHCHILD 6395              10  10  0    40       ULTRA-VIOLENCE (723)
-CRIMSON WONDER 6373           6   2  0    40       MEDIEVAL CHAOS (722)
-CHARLES RANGEL 6229           7  10  1    38       THE DEMOCRATS (202)
-FREDDY BEAR 6389              9   6  0    37       ULTRA-VIOLENCE (723)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-SUBOTAI 6387                  6   5  1    33       ULTRA-VIOLENCE (723)
-TRADER JACK 6189              3   0  0    33       DROP THE LEASH (701)
 JOHN O'NEILL 6362             2   6  2    33       CONSPIRACY INC. (100)
 ICE PICK 6335                 7   4  0    32       JUST CHILLIN (699)
 TONY BLAIR 6334               6   2  0    26       CONSPIRACY INC. (100)
 SUPPLY SIDE 6358              4   6  0    24       THE REPUBLICANS (103)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TAMMY 6407                    4   0  0    22       KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
 LITTLE BRANCH 6337            3   4  0    21       TREE PEOPLE 2 (718)
 JAMMER 6261                   2   1  0    20       DROP THE LEASH (701)
 BROOKS AND DUNN 6398          3   4  0    13       THE REPUBLICANS (103)
 BIG TREE 6338                 2   4  1    13       TREE PEOPLE 2 (718)
 RUDER THAN YOU 6309           1   0  0    13       PROJECT MAYHEM (714)
 ZERO COOL 6310                1   0  0    10       PROJECT MAYHEM (714)
 RUPERT MURDOCH 6409           1   2  0     8       CONSPIRACY INC. (100)
-RIP-A-DIP 6384                2   1  0     7       ULTRA-VIOLENCE (723)
 PEAR TREE 6412                1   1  0     7       TREE PEOPLE 2 (718)
 MARY JANE 6308                0   1  0     7       PROJECT MAYHEM (714)
-MICHAEL MOORE 6410            1   2  0     5       THE DEMOCRATS (202)
-DESTINED TO DIE 6383          1   2  0     5       ULTRA-VIOLENCE (723)
 APPLE TREE 6411               1   2  0     5       TREE PEOPLE 2 (718)
 ULTRA FAITH 6360              0   1  0     3       DROP THE LEASH (701)
 CYPHER 5398                   0   1  0     1       THE SEEKERS (630)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD               W  L K TEAM NAME             SLAIN BY             TURN Revenge?
WURM KIN 410           0  1 0 DARK ARENA 0          EASY BREEZE 6173      498 NONE    
AFICIANADO 6262        0  1 0 DROP THE LEASH 701    DARK CHAMPION 407     498 NONE    
WHAT UP 6172          18  8 3 JUST CHILLIN 699      BLACK ORC 403         498 NONE    
JESSICA 6287          10  1 0 KELLUMBO'S KIDS 676   BLIND ILLUSION 6379   494 REVENGED
NEON KNIGHT 6381      10 11 0 MEDIEVAL CHAOS 722    WHAT UP 6172          497 NONE    
CRITICAL MASS 6312     0  1 0 PROJECT MAYHEM 714    STONE GOLEM 409       498 NONE    
FREE RADICAL 6311      0  1 0 PROJECT MAYHEM 714    STONE GOLEM 409       498 NONE    
DONKEY SPIT 6424       0  1 0 THE REPUBLICANS 103   SPYMASTER 405         498 NONE    
BULL MARKET 6331       3  6 0 THE REPUBLICANS 103   JOHN EDWARDS 6399     496         
CHERRY PITS 6368       0  4 0 TREE PEOPLE 2 718     MOUNTAIN TROLL 401    498 NONE    

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Wow, I got invited to play with the big boys--I can't believe it.  I was so close to
death on so many occasions I never thought I would make it to get my invite.  Mr.
Freeze says I can have a couple of months off, I hope some of my stable mates can
join me by then.  Thanks to all of you and sorry for the ones I killed--accidents do
happen.  In closing all I can say is--WHAT UP.

Blind Illusion -- I can only figured that I rolled a one on that last save.  Go
figure.  Good for you.  Let's see if you can do it one last time. -- Snake Charmer

Tax Deduction -- I love it when a plan comes together.  You are no match for me. --
Lucias Clay

Cepacol -- Your name sounds an awful lot like something to do with a septic system.
Yuck. -- Schwarzenegger

The Lotus -- I could have sworn that's what Homeless Prince had said to do.  Perhaps
I missed something.  I'll go have to ask Bookie for a little help. -- Name Dropper

Brooks and Dunn -- More like five and done. -- Tammy

Judge -- Glad to see it was *my* turn to drop two losses on your head.  Oh, and what
was I thinking?  If you thought 2-3 was bad, that 0-5 last turn must have really
stung.   Kisses. -- Kellumbo

Judge -- I got ya twice this turn.  Feels good.  Maybe I can make a habit of it. --
Al Gore

Aemilia -- Bah! You still suck. -- Al Gore

Easy Breeze -- Change your name.  You aren't as easy as your name implies. -- Al Gore

C'mon, People!  Stop taking turns off!  We need every fighter to step up.  Hate
seeing so many good teams go inactive. -- Al Gore

8 December 2004
Battle Royal 4
     The Battle Royal arena contests are one of the purest tests of manager skill
available. The rules are simple.  The scoring is simple.  The updates are live.  If
you would like to participate, simply get a team ready in Talcama in the next month
and announce in the personals that you're in.  The prize is bragging rights and
having your name along side previous winners (Doc Steele, Manray Frothingslosh, and
Manager).  It is a brutal contest, but it is a lot of fun!
     Basic rules:  No avoiding other contest teams.  Score = Wins + Kills - Losses.
Only fights against other BR teams count.  First team to 25 wins!
     BR4 begins in Talcama (DM 18) on turn 502, due on Jan 29, 2005.
     Visit http://www.geocities.com/assurnasir/br4 for more information.

8 December 2004
     The Turf War IV Grand Contest will commence on Turn 221 (approx. February 22,
2005).  For those who have never participated, Turf Wars are alliance-type contest
and Winner-Takes-All.  There are no 2nd place winners!
     Everyone may participate; known alliances, new alliances, or temporary alliances
created to compete in the Turf War!  However, to participate, each alliance must:
     A.  Announce the alliance name and the Captain of the alliance in the North Fork
         (DM #47) newsletter.
Captains are responsible for:
     A.  Verifying those who wish to participate under the banner of their alliance;
     B.  Distribution of prizes should their alliance win the TW4.
Managers must:
     A.  Submit one (1) RSI Roll-up Gift Certificate to participate;
     B.  Announce their intent to compete with manager name, team name and alliance
         in which they will be fighting under, in the DM #47 North Fork newsletter.
1.  No scoring will begin until an RSI Roll-up Gift Certificate is received.  No
    exceptions will be made.
2.  Before a manager can compete, he must be acknowledged and verified by the Captain
    of the alliance he has claimed for;
    A.  The following turn, points will begin to be awarded or subtracted;
3.  Only one (1) team per manager may compete.  No multiple aliases please (we'll be
    checking this and if caught...you'll be disqualified and no refund);
4.  The contest will end on Turn 233 (12 turns!).  Winners will be announced on Turn
    234 and prizes sent to winning alliance between Turn 233 and 234.
5.  No declarations will be acknowledged after Turn 231.
6.  For the purpose of scoring, I reserve the right to make all final decisions.
Scoring:         Win    Lose     Kill     Die
Challenge         +2     -2       +5       -5
Match-up          +1     -1       +1       -5
Bloodfeud         +2     -5       +5       -10
Champion          x2     x2       x2       x2
Downchallenge     +2     -5       +2       -10
Dark Arena       +10     -5       xx       xx
Special Scoring:
     A.  Each mention in the Spy Report is worth 5 points;
     B.  Each Style Master is worth 5 points;
     A.  Champions may be declared, but are not mandatory.  If declared, they must be
         in the Adepts or lower brackets.
     A.  Bloodfeuds will count for all four turns.  However, the same warrior may not
         bloodfeud all four turns.  A penalty of -10 will be given to the team who
         violates this rule.
Special Conditions:
     A.  I reserve the right for all final decisions.
     B.  If I make a mistake, I'll multiply the points by 2;
     C.  If you claim I did, and *YOU* are wrong; I'll subtract points at the rate of
     D.  Each alliance begins with zero (0) points.
     E.  Dark Arena may be used on the first turn of every warrior with no penalty.
     F.  T.V.'s won after contest begins gain a Triple rate of scoring.
     G.  T.C.'s won after the contest begins gain a multiple of 10 scoring.
     H.  No switching alliances once verified by an alliance.
     Any questions or concerns may be addressed (if you're incarcerated) to:
Baphomet, mgr. Knights Templar (268), DM #47 -- North Fork.
     If you're in the free world:  Rick Strigner  Merit East
                                   SCI  P.O. Box 500
                                   Georgetown, DE  19947-0500
P.S.  Prizes are:
     A.  100% of the roll-up certs
     B.  Currently under negotiations with R.S.I. for other prizes
     C.  A special prize from me that I will discuss with the Captain of the winning

15 December 2004
The Company of Brothers Alliance would like to welcome Azereth as our newest member.
We are sure he will be an asset to both our alliance and the dueling community! --
Baphomet, Co-Founder T.C.B.

24 December 2004
Due to requests, the Turf War IV will be postponed until turn 225 (approx May/June
2005).  Sorry about the inconvenience. -- Baphomet, host of TW 4

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

WHAT UP was dealt death by BLACK ORC in a 2 minute bloody Dark Arena fight.
EASY BREEZE slaughtered WURM KIN in a 1 minute gruesome Dark Arena battle.
CHERRY PITS was savagely slain by MOUNTAIN TROLL in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
DONKEY SPIT was butchered by SPYMASTER in a 1 minute gory Dark Arena contest.
CRITICAL MASS was slain by STONE GOLEM in a crowd pleasing 1 minute Dark Arena match.
FREE RADICAL was viciously butchered by STONE GOLEM in a 2 minute Dark Arena duel.
AFICIANADO was butchered by DARK CHAMPION in a 1 minute Dark Arena match.
NO HURRY slimly lost to DARRELL ISSA in a 2 minute Challenge Title competition.
SCHWARZENEGGER slimly lost to TAX DEDUCTION in a 10 minute Challenge duel.
BIG TREE was luckily beaten by TONY BLAIR in a action packed 5 minute Challenge duel.
TAMMY defeated BROOKS AND DUNN in a 4 minute Challenge fight.
RUPERT MURDOCH was beaten by LITTLE BRANCH in a 1 minute Challenge melee.
SNAKE CHARMER was beaten by THE SCORPION in a exciting 3 minute veteran's fight.
NAME DROPPER was handily defeated by MAYBE LATER in a 1 minute one-sided contest.
THE TOAD was demolished by ANTHONY SCALIA in a 1 minute one-sided brawl.
THE LOTUS was viciously subdued by LUCIAS CLAY in a popular 2 minute conflict.
THE PHOENIX defeated JOHN O'NEILL in a action packed 3 minute struggle.
ICE PICK was handily defeated by CLINT EASTWOOD in a 1 minute mismatched bout.
THE BASILISK unbelievably bested CIVILIZED CRIMINAL in a 4 minute brutal fight.
SUPPLY SIDE demolished FRIENDLY CONSTABLE in a 1 minute one-sided bout.
PEAR TREE beat MARY JANE in a 2 minute amateur's fight.
APPLE TREE was devastated by JAMMER in a 1 minute one-sided contest.
ZERO COOL overpowered ULTRA FAITH in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
RUDER THAN YOU beat CYPHER in a 4 minute gruesome fray.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|TOTAL PARRY                      9         TOTAL PARRY       63 -  37 -  1      63  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  8         LUNGING ATTACK    36 -  27 -  4      57  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    6         SLASHING ATTACK   18 -  17 -  1      51  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   5         STRIKING ATTACK   51 -  52 -  2      50  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  4         WALL OF STEEL     31 -  33 -  2      48  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      3         PARRY-STRIKE       6 -   8 -  0      43  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    2         PARRY-LUNGE        7 -  12 -  0      37  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   1         AIMED BLOW        10 -  21 -  0      32  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     1         PARRY-RIPOSTE      4 -   9 -  0      31  |
|AIMED BLOW                       0         BASHING ATTACK     8 -  24 -  1      25  |

Turn 498 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

BASHING ATTACK     1 -  0     TOTAL PARRY        4 -  5         3  TOTAL PARRY    
WALL OF STEEL      4 -  2     STRIKING ATTACK    3 -  5         3  STRIKING ATTACK
LUNGING ATTACK     3 -  2     PARRY-LUNGE        1 -  2         2  WALL OF STEEL  
PARRY-RIPOSTE      1 -  1     SLASHING ATTACK    1 -  3         1  SLASHING ATTACK
                              AIMED BLOW         0 -  0         1  LUNGING ATTACK 
                              PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  1         1  BASHING ATTACK 

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
WALL OF STEEL    DARRELL ISSA 6108          17  10  2  118 CONSPIRACY INC. (100)
STRIKING ATTACK  THE SCORPION 6117          16  12  0   98 THE POISON CLAN (692)
TOTAL PARRY      SNAKE CHARMER 6169         22   6  0   88 KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
SLASHING ATTACK  MAYBE LATER 6176           17   9  1   80 JUST CHILLIN (699)
LUNGING ATTACK   LUCIAS CLAY 6359            8   1  0   79 KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is NO HURRY 6174.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was JOHN O'NEILL 6362.  The ten other most popular fighters were THE SCORPION 6117, 
6309, EASY BREEZE 6173, CRITICAL MASS 6312, NO HURRY 6174, and DARRELL ISSA 6108.

The least popular fighter this week was SCHWARZENEGGER 6265.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were CYPHER 5398, ULTRA FAITH 6360, APPLE TREE 6411, THE BASILISK 
6262, and FREE RADICAL 6311.

The following warriors have traveled to AD after fighting this turn:

WHAT UP (22-6172) JUST CHILLIN (699)


     For those of you who keep track of such things, 11 additional warriors graduated 
from regular DM arenas (including closed arenas) since the last tournament.  

                        EEK THE CAT (2-4110) of THE FUNNY FARM 
                             HADES (11-5338) of MYTHICAL 
                    DRAUGHT DODGER (12-5209) of WISH YOU WERE BEER 
                      DRACO MALFOY (18-7115) of HOUSE SLYTHERIN 
                           FREAK (18-7300) of RUN AND HYDE 
                   BETWEEN THE EYES (60-716) of METAL MILITIA II 6
                  SHOVELING SANDY (65-3584) of STORMNITE SANDBAGGER 
                         BLUE BLOOD (73-3657) of BLACK & BLUE 
                          JOCK (82-10452) of 4-LETTER ITCHES 
                       WILLIE BROWN (82-13201) of 1976 RAIDERS 
                          YUENGLING (82-16265) of LOCAL BEER 

Congrats to the grads. -- Green Eyes

                                FACE-TO-FACE XXXIV

     Our next Winter Face-to-Face will be held on Martin Luther King weekend, Friday 
through Sunday, 14-16 January 2005, at the Embassy Suites in Tempe, Arizona (4400 S 
Rural Rd--this is the same hotel as last year).  Room rates are $139.00 per night, 
1-4 occupancy, which includes breakfast.  The rooms are blocked.  The reservations 
number is 480-897-7444; tell them you're with the "Reality Simulations Face to Face 
Convention" block.  Our room block will be released in mid-December, so please make 
sure you reserve your room before then! 
     Room rates include a full cooked-to-order breakfast and a complimentary two-hour 
manager's reception.  There is a free shuttle to the airport, as well as free parking.  
The hotel is located down the freeway in Tempe.  All rooms have high speed internet 
(for an extra charge).  There is a fitness center, jacuzzi, and pool, and of course a 
bar and Mexican restaurant inside the hotel.  And there's Denny's right across the 
street.  Look for transportation info in the tournament information sheet.
     The tournament information sheet/strategy sheet should be out sometime in late 
November/early December. 
     If you haven't been to a Face-to-Face before, you're overdue.  If you have, 
you'll be back.  Don't miss this one, it'll be a blast!  See you there! 

                                          -- Green Eyes and the RSI Staff

                 MAIL-IN TOURNEY XXXVIII

CONTENDERS TOURNEY                     W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
AFGHAN REBEL 1636 (63-34-4)            0  5  0         THE REPUBLICANS      
ANKLEBITER 1163 (61-47-3)              0  5  0         THE REPUBLICANS      
THE EXPLOITER 1226 (62-42-1)           0  5  0         THE REPUBLICANS      

ELIGIBLES TOURNEY                      W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
RONALD REAGAN 831 (32-19-1)            0  2  0         CONSPIRACY INC.      

ADM TOURNEY                            W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
NEBUCHADNEZZAR 5821 (32-27-0)         12  3  0         BLADES OF WONDER     
AXIS OF EVIL 5827 (40-19-0)            7  3  0         THE REPUBLICANS      
HOMELESS PRINCE 6012 (30-15-1)         3  3  0         KELLUMBO'S KIDS      
LAME AIM 5656 (24-22-1)                1  3  0         GLADIATION FOLLY     
SANDY 5829 (28-17-1)                   1  3  0         WOMEN OF REALITY     
ROBERT BYRD 6039 (20-16-1)             0  2  0         THE DEMOCRATS        
SUE 5828 (26-27-1)                     0  2  0         WOMEN OF REALITY     

FRESHMEN TOURNEY                       W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
MAXIMUS 5966 (28-19-3)                 3  3  0         KELLUMBO'S KIDS      
GEORGE BUSH 1708 (21-14-1)             0  2  0         CONSPIRACY INC.      

CHALLENGERS TOURNEY                    W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
BARKING SPIDER 5765 (0-0-0)            4  3  0         THAT'S UNPOSSIBLE!   
LEE 5831 (15-30-0)                     1  3  0         WOMEN OF REALITY     
NANCY PELOSI 6076 (19-11-3)            1  3  0         THE DEMOCRATS        

CHAMPIONS TOURNEY                      W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
DARRELL ISSA 6108 (13-10-2)            6  3  0         CONSPIRACY INC.      
ANTHONY SCALIA 6103 (17-7-0)           3  3  0         CONSPIRACY INC.      
CAROL M. BRAUN 6146 (8-15-0)           0  2  0         THE DEMOCRATS        
SHADOWSHADE 5902 (7-1-0)               0  2  0         SHADOWRIGHT          
SNAKE CHARMER 6169 (19-4-0)            0  2  0         KELLUMBO'S KIDS      

ADEPTS TOURNEY                         W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
JESSICA 6287 (10-0-0)                 12  3  0         KELLUMBO'S KIDS      
ROE V WADE 6226 (9-6-0)                7  3  0         THE DEMOCRATS        
CHARLES RANGEL 6229 (7-7-1)            3  3  0         THE DEMOCRATS        
SHALL BE 6243 (2-0-0)                  2  3  0         WHY                  
GOHAN 5971 (1-3-0)                     0  2  0         DRAGONBALL Z II      
SILVERSCALES 5695 (4-4-0)              0  2  0         SHADOWRIGHT          

INITIATES TOURNEY                      W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
CLINT EASTWOOD 6286 (6-4-0)            3  3  0         THE REPUBLICANS      
NAME DROPPER 6306 (4-2-0)              3  3  0         KELLUMBO'S KIDS      
ANDROID 18 5970 (0-1-0)                0  2  0         DRAGONBALL Z II      
ASSAMITE 6239 (5-3-0)                  0  2  0         WHITE WOLF           
SUPPLY SIDE 6358 (2-3-0)               0  2  0         THE REPUBLICANS      
TRADER JACK 6189 (3-0-0)               0  2  0         DROP THE LEASH       

APPRENTICES TOURNEY                    W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
STOOPID 6319 (4-0-0)                   8  3  0         RECORD PADDERS       
WANNABEAST 6336 (3-1-0)                5  2  0  DEAD   TREE PEOPLE 2        
LUCIAS CLAY 6359 (3-1-0)               5  3  0         KELLUMBO'S KIDS      
JOHN O'NEILL 6362 (1-3-1)              4  3  0         CONSPIRACY INC.      
TONY BLAIR 6334 (3-1-0)                3  3  0         CONSPIRACY INC.      
HITSLIKESISTER 6366 (2-1-0)            2  3  0         RECORD PADDERS       
WOOFAMIGH 6177 (0-0-0)                 2  3  0         ROCK ETTS            
SORCHA 6250 (0-0-0)                    1  2  0  DEAD   DESTINY'S CALLING    
RUDER THAN YOU 6309 (0-0-0)            1  3  0         PROJECT MAYHEM       
JOHN EDWARDS 6399 (1-1-0)              0  2  0         THE DEMOCRATS        
LARRY THURLOW 6363 (1-3-0)             0  1  0  DEAD   CONSPIRACY INC.      
MARY JANE 6308 (0-0-0)                 0  2  0         PROJECT MAYHEM       
ZERO COOL 6310 (0-0-0)                 0  2  0         PROJECT MAYHEM       

ROOKIES TOURNEY                        W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
ULTRA FAITH 6360 (0-0-0)               0  2  0         DROP THE LEASH       

DEAD CHALLENGERS TOURNEY               W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
NOT SO GOOD AL 5729 (9-3-1)            7  3  1         WE BE WAR FLAILS     

DEAD ADEPTS TOURNEY                    W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
ALASTOR 5567 (5-3-0)                   2  3  0         A UNIT               
FANG 5289 (11-5-0)                     2  3  0         SERPENTINE INC.      
VIDEL 5972 (3-0-0)                     2  3  0         DRAGONBALL Z II      

DEAD INITIATES TOURNEY                 W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
MARIE 6077 (3-0-0)                     2  3  0         WOMEN OF REALITY     
AL FRANKEN 6253 (2-4-0)                0  2  0         THE DEMOCRATS        
BELORIAN 5795 (4-3-1)                  0  2  0         A.C.                 

DEAD APPRENTICES TOURNEY               W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
LOST GIANT 6029 (0-1-0)                7  3  0         KELLUMBO'S KIDS      
PFC LYNCH 6030 (2-1-1)                 3  2  0  DEAD   THE REPUBLICANS      
RUSH LIMBAUGH 6167 (2-3-0)             3  3  0         CONSPIRACY INC.      
BEN AFLECK 6365 (1-1-0)                0  2  0         THE DEMOCRATS        
BLACK TREE 5692 (0-1-0)                0  2  0         SHADOWRIGHT          
GERRRRRRR 6178 (0-0-0)                 0  2  0         ROCK ETTS