Date   : 09/03/2008    Duedate: 09/16/2008


DM-22    TURN-594

This Weeks Top Honors


(22-6686) [18-6-3,127]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

LIPSTICK                       GRGICH
KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)          WINEALOT (751)
(22-6686) [18-6-3,127]         (22-6699) [2-0-0,22]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

LIPSTICK                       HOTL MUSCHEL
KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)          MIDDLE WAY 15 (747)
(22-6686) [18-6-3,127]         (22-6707) [8-7-0,39]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. MIDDLE WAY 15 (747)         35
2. WINEALOT (751)              25      KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
3. KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)        4      Unchartered Team
4. DROP THE LEASH (701)         0
                                       WINEALOT (751)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1 KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)    487 227 18 68.2   1/ 1 KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)    12  3 0
 2/ 0*WINEALOT (751)             5   4  1 55.6   2/ 2 MIDDLE WAY 15 (747)       5 10 0
 3/ 2 MIDDLE WAY 15 (747)      135 163  4 45.3   3/ 0*WINEALOT (751)            2  2 0
 4- 3 DROP THE LEASH (701)      22  31  3 41.5   4- 3 DROP THE LEASH (701)      0  2 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT

        + ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ The Andorian Succession #12 ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ +


     Fandil and Lenpro drew rein on the top of the hill, pausing to let their horses
breathe and to look down into the valley where the ancient city of Fratsfa lay
     "When I'm away from here," Fandil said, "I forget how much of the city is...
     "Go ahead and say 'ruined'," Lenpro replied.
     "How about, ah, antique and picturesque?"
     "Old, abandoned, and falling apart," Lenpro countered.  There were times when
diplomatic phrasing just didn't do it for him, and this was one of them.  Half the
city was in abandoned ruins, and what was the use putting a polite face on it?
They'd better hope that it didn't indicate that "antique and picturesque" appealed to
Emperor Alonj.  Well, they'd find out soon enough.  He dismissed the whole question
with an abrupt gesture.  "That isn't why we're here.  We have to find a new king for
the Andorian League, while there's still a League at all.  Let's get on with it."  He
nudged his mount forward.
     Fandil followe.  "A 'fixer-upper' of a city?" he suggested.  "I hope this
doesn't represent Along's taste."
     Lenpro shrugged.  "We'll find out."
     "Lady Fern will know," Fandil agreed.
     They went straight to the guildhouse run by Consortium member Lady Fern,
entering through the back.
     The heavy, earthy scent of growing things, overlaid with a mixture of flower
scents, greeted them, closely followed by Lady Fern herself.  She was frowning.  "The
back entrance is not for the use of--  Why, Fandil and Lenpro!  It's been a long time
since you came for a visit.  Come into my private office and we can talk or whatever
seems appropriate, hmm?  Should I call some of the girls to... bring us wine?"
     Fandil blushed.  "Not right now, Fern," he said.  "We've a lot of talking to do
     She sighed but led the way into the room she used as an office, which to Lenpro
would be better described as a boudoir.  A luxurious boudoir.  "I suppose you've come
about the news of Andor," she said.  "The whole city is buzzing with it, and probably
the countryside for miles around."
     "The news of Andor," Fandil repeated, speaking slowly as though tasting a wine
of dubious origin.  "Tell us the news of Andor as you've heard it, Fern."
     She shrugged and looked away for a moment.  "They say that the king has returned
to Andor from the Isle.  Some say it isn't the king, though, that no one could be
sure, just seeing him riding through the city in a carriage.  How many people are
there who knew him well and are still around, after all?  Some say that, king or not,
something is wrong.  Magic, illness, impersonation, the rumors get wilder by the
hour.  And it all comes down to rumors, in the end, there isn't anything I'd call
firm information."  She turned back to face them.  "What have you heard?"
     "Less, because we've been traveling," Lenpro said.  "But enough to know that
even if that is truly the King of Andor, alive, well, in his right mind, whatever,
it's too little and too late.  The League is in jeopardy, and the king has lost the
confidence of his subjects."  He glanced at his companion for further comment.
     Fandil sat unmoving for several minutes, staring into his goblet of wine as
though it were a crystal ball.  "The king is dead," he said finally, "or as good as
dead, so far as the League is concerned."
     Fern nodded once.  "I feared that might be so.  Some of my personal contacts--
not like that, Lenpro, so you needn't smirk!--have hinted at it.  But what is to be
done about it?"
     "Replace the king with someone who will take the governance of the League
seriously," Lenpro said.  "That, or watch it fall apart, with the Delarquans
encroaching from the south and the Karnhorns from the north."
     "Just 'replace the king'?  I see your point, but it's easier said than done,"
Lady Fern countered.  "People will see it as rebellion, whatever they do or don't
think about the king."
     "If the new king is someone chosen 'at large', so to speak, yes," Lenpro said.
"But if it's someone who has legitimacy, who would be recognized as having it--"
     "Such as?  You must have a specific person in mind."
     "Emperor Alonj of Fratsfa."
     "He won't do it," Fern said.
     Lenpro ignored that.  "There are the long-standing rumors that he's either
insane or feeble-minded, of course, not that many people would object to either of
those qualities in a king, but... is there any truth in those rumors?"
     "No.  I think, myself, it was his mother's doing.  Maybe not her intent, but her
fault anyway.  Since his marriage, Emperor Alonj has demonstrated to the satisfaction
of the people here that he is sane and intelligent.  Which is why he won't accept the
position of king of the League.  He isn't thrilled being Emperor of the Frafrejan
Empire, however shrunken it is now, so how much less thrilled would he be if he was
ruler of the whole of Andoria with real authority?"  She shook her head.  "He won't
do it."  She glanced at Fandil in appeal, but the old mage refused to meet her eyes
or to say anything.
     "It's his plain duty," Lenpro said.  "And he should be able to see that, when
it's pointed out.  Would he take the post on those terms, do you think?"
     Fern sighed.  "Probably, but it seems cruel to condemn the man to such a fate,
now that he's had a few years of happiness to make the contrast.  His wife won't be
thrilled, either."
     "Will she oppose it?"
     "No.  she understands 'duty', too.  But it will be important to have her support
before you ever approach Alonj."
     "That's exactly the kind of inside information we need," Lenpro said.  "Do you
know anyone who can arrange a meeting with her?"
     "Oh, I can do that," Fern said.  "We met some time ago, quite by accident--she's
interested in flowers.  But she's friendly, and we still get together now and then.
Girl talk, you know.  I can arrange something."
     "You're a wonder, Lady Fern."
     "Yes, Lenpro, I know.  And don't you forget it."

        + ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ The Andorian Succession #13 ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ +


     "I have never heard of this Korneth, or of Sengir," Crystal Fireblade said.
"Who is he that he should become king of the Andorian League?  What do you know of
     "Little more than you do.  He is as ambitious as any man I've ever seen," Herlas
said.  "Ruthless.  As to his background, nothing.  People who asked questions when he
first appeared... disappeared."
     The woman glanced at him, and her eyes reminded him of her name:  Fireblade.
"Did YOU try, magician?"
     "Yes.  I have never liked dealing with the unknown."
     "And yet, here you are.  Not disappeared."  One hand went to the hilt of her
     He looked away and shrugged.  Hoped his face wasn't red with the memory of that.
"It was a close thing, I think.  But he needed a magician he could control, and he...
decided he could control me."
     Now he was sure he was flushing, and it was all he could do not to hang his head
in shame.  But he kept his voice steady.  "Blackmail.  I have done things in the past
that I would not like made public--"
     "Why am I not surprised?"
     "Worse things than just... indiscretions and bending of the rules.  Things I
bitterly regret, now, when it's too late to not-do them.  Things that, well, would
make it laughable for ME to be trying to do the right thing now, if it weren't for
the fact that no one else seems willing or able."
     Fireblade's eyebrows rose.  "And you know what is the 'right thing' to do now?"
     "Gods, I wish!  I'm hoping you've got a clue here, Lady.  But at the least, I
will take Korneth with me, if I go down.  I have already done what I can to insure
     She made a sharp gesture with one hand, to dismiss his statement.  Or so he
thought.  Until he noticed Korneth approaching.  He went hot with embarrassment
again.  How many years had it been since he'd made such an amateur's mistake as not
watching who was around him?
     When Korneth reined his mount around to ride beside the magician, Herlas said,
"I'm not sure this parade was a good idea."
     "You think not?  But there were people beginning to wonder if the king was dead,
you know.  It is necessary for a people to have confidence in the existence of its
     Herlas wondered if the mocking undertone in Korneth's voice was intentional.
"It may give them a belief in his continued existence," he said, "but it hardly
inspires confidence in his fitness to rule."
     "It just reminds them of how little has been done for the League as a whole in
the past few years," Fireblade added.
     Korneth smiled.  It was his smile that had first warned Herlas that this man
was... unusual.  An old woman he had known when he was a child, a servant in his
family's house, had once described such a smile as 'someone who's sharing a joke with
seven devils, and so full of himself he doesn't believe anyone will catch him out'.
Did Korneth honestly think everyone was too stupid to figure out that he was up to no
good?  Or did he just not care?  Herlas heard Crystal Fireblade catch her breath
sharply beside him.  She saw it, too, so he wasn't just imagining things.
     "Perhaps it's just as well," Korneth said.  "Let people once realize that the
king--who has no heir--is no longer fit to rule, and they will look with more favor
on a new dynasty."  He raised a finger, and two men clad all in black, one in a
nobleman's silk and velvet, the other in the plainest of plebian garb, drew near.
Assassins.  "A new dynasty that is prepared to maintain itself and rule with a firm
hand and a sharp blade.  It will be like... the old days."  He smiled again and
spurred his horse forward, but the assassins stayed behind.

Istoreth, Skaithvarn:

     Whatever spell was on the city of Istoreth to make it perfect and beautiful did
not extend to the waterfront.  It was simply a working waterfront.  Prosperous, busy,
noisy with the shouts of venders and the cries of gulls, odorous with the stink of
ancient fish.  The gladiators could see vessels that hailed from ports all around the
glacier-fed lake that was the Trier Sea.  Gissanniah began to count them off in her
mind, dragonheaded ships from Snowbound, Karnhorn ships with two or three banks of
slave rowers, white-sailed Andorian ships, intricately painted hulls of the elves of
Ardivent, so many more, as a way to avoid looking at the blot of darkness anchored in
the center of the harbor.
     It was the shape of a ship, as large as any other there, dead black so that it
drank any light that fell on it.  A tall mast rose from the center but seemed too
slender to support sails against any earthly wind.  No oars were visible.  All the
normal ships appeared to be shrinking away from it toward the edges of the harbor.
     "That is your task," the Istorene High Magician said, nodding toward the Black
Ship.  The gladiators noted that he didn't look directly at it.  "We want that gone
from our harbor, gone from our waters entirely.  Make it so.  If you can."
     Senator Sedalia took a deep breath, paused for a moment, and then said, "It's a
challenge, no doubt about it.  We'll do what we can."
     Gissanniah just restrained herself from hitting him.  What could they do?  What
could gladiatorial skills or political savvy do against that blot on the Trier?
     Sedalia turned to the mage.  "Tell us what you know of this ship," he said.
"Since you sought demons rather than marines to rid yourself of it, I presume it's
magical in nature?"
     "Magical, and of the darkest nature.  Demonic, almost certainly.  It comes from
Kurukar, where the accursed kaliv has opened the Darkest Door."
     Sedalia nodded.  "We have heard rumors and unconfirmed reports of the kaliv's
activities," he admitted.  "We get little news out of Aradi now, but there is a hint
that a Chaos Lord there is considering the use of his special skills against
     "No!"  The Istorene faced them squarely, which he had not done till now, and his
eyes were full of lightning while sparks leapt from the points of his mustache.
"There must be no unleashing of Chaos magic against the demonic forces, or the whole
world might be unmade!"

      * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ *

                          ---===ANDORIAN REGIONAL NEWS===---

 DM   8 ARKERS (turn 299): MISS TOOK of LADIES IN WAITING (Crip, mgr.)
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 601): ONEWOLF of WOLFBROTHERS (Doc Steele, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 600): WESTON of OTAGO HIGHLANDERS (The Mun, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 593): LIPSTICK of KELLUMBO'S KIDS (Detective Kellumbo, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 590): ASH LEELA of MINGALOIDS (Barnabas, mgr.)
 DM  25 LYRATILAN (turn 589): STAN DAUFF of FUNKY FOLK (Papa Bear, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 586): ALEGRIA of MENAGERIE (Ichabod Frothingslosh, mgr.)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 582): NULN of I TRAINED THEM (Soultaker, mgr.)
 DM  40 ZENSU (turn 552): WHIPPED WEASEL of EXOTIC TASTES (Soultaker, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 543): GUNS OF BRIXTON of RADIO CLASH (Rude Buddha, mgr.)
 DM  46 ARDIVENT (turn 534): DECEPTIVE DELILA of THE ZEN ZONE (Jondeaux, mgr.)
 DM  52 FRATSFA (turn 247): LEO of DARQUE AGES (Master Darque, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 436): DIMAGGIO oF 1949 YANKEES (Papa Bear, mgr.)
 DM  71 KYR'TERR (turn 201): BENITO CHATTE of THE ZOO (Jorja, mgr.)
ADM 105 ANDORAK (turn 486): VISION of KELLUMBO'S KIDS (Detective Kellumbo, mgr.)

                                      Top Teams
 DM   8 ARKERS (turn 299): CONSANGUINEOUS (Mannequin, mgr.)
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 601): KRILL CAVALRY (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 600): OTAGO HIGHLANDERS (The Mun, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 593): KELLUMBO'S KIDS (Detective Kellumbo, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 590): KRILL CAVALRY (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  25 LYRATILAN (turn 589): FUNKY FOLK (Papa Bear, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 586): MENAGERIE (Ichabod Frothingslosh, mgr.)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 582): LENPROS (Lenpro, mgr.)
 DM  40 ZENSU (turn 552): MEDAL OF HONOR G1 (The Anarchist, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 543): MEDAL OF HONOR H3 (The Anarchist, mgr.)
 DM  46 ARDIVENT (turn 534): DEATHTONGUE (Technogeek, mgr.)
 DM  52 FRATSFA (turn 247): ZERO (Ice Man, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 463): 1949 YANKEES (Papa Bear, mgr.)
ADM 105 ANDORAK (turn 486): KELLUMBO'S KIDS (Detective Kellumbo, mgr.)

                                   Recent Graduates
 DM   8 ARKERS (turn 298): UNHOLY TERROR of BLOOD RITES (Wretch, mgr.)
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 600): SMUSH of NEVERWAKE (Doc Steele, mgr.)
                               SLY APPARITION of IMMORTALS (Dartor, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 592): DONDRIC of KELLUMBO'S KIDS (Detective Kellumbo, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 586): ALEGRIA of MENAGERIE (Ichabod Frothingslosh, mgr.)
 DM  40 ZENSU (turn 552): BELA LUGOSI of MEN OF 1,000 FACES (Mad Max, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 543): GUNS OF BRIXTON of RADIO CLASH (Rude Buddha, mgr.)
 DM  71 KYR'TERR (turn 201): BENITO CHATTE of THE ZOO (Jorja, mgr.)

                                      SPY REPORT

     It's me, The Unknown Spymaster, back to give you this week's Spy Report.  Sit 
back in your seats and we'll have more fun than a barrel of Zontanis.  It looks like 
the guys(?) at MIDDLE WAY 15 had a good week as they went 4-1-0 to put them in 2nd 
place.  I guess steroids help!  Hey everybody, watch out for HOTL MUSCHEL, who flew 
up 11 points in the rankings after mashing BENNICK like a melon.  Keep your eye on 
this guy.  Ya know, some days it doesn't pay to walk out on the sands.  BENNICK was 
overcame by HOTL MUSCHEL and drops 6 points.  Our battling duelmaster LIPSTICK has 
managed to hold the title, fending off CHAWLIE ISTTA's none too subtle advances.  
Better luck next time, MIDDLE WAY 15.  Can you believe they are paying me 10 gold to 
deliver this stuff?   
     Here is other news that is of note.  And hey, kiddies, those of you who didn't 
avoid DROP THE LEASH, please raise you hand.  Wow.  Does SOLVEN really have that many 
liars?  And you guys like to boo me?  Well, unsling your rasberries, cause KELLUMBO'S 
KIDS beats feet every time DROP THE LEASH smiles at them.  Try farming, eh?  Well 
dang howdy, but if challenges were votes, HOTL MUSCHEL would be president.  Although 
it may be a contest he doesn't want to win.  Getting lots of flowers from sympathetic 
fans was ELLIRN KOUL, who was successfully challenged by HOT EIGHTEEN who had a mere 
23 points more than ELLIRN KOUL.  Well HOT EIGHTEEN, just can't get an easy fight 
anymore can you?  You thought challenging down 23 points to ELLIRN KOUL would be fun. 
Right?  Wrong!   
     Remember that an arena is not always a safe place to be, but it is one of the 
most interesting, though!  Here's some advice:  warriors with little wit and will may 
encounter problems on the trail to the Isle.   
     Well, there's the manager of the SOLVEN giving me the 'cut' sign (or is that 
'They're going to strangle you in the alley?).  C'mon, Leadfoot, let's make some 
tracks.  Its been real, and its been fun, but it hasn't been real fun...-- The 
Unknown Spymaster  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 LIPSTICK 6686                18   6  3   127       KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DOLBY JOSSEL 6614            19  34  0    91       MIDDLE WAY 15 (747)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-ULTRA FAITH 6360              8   5  3    84       DROP THE LEASH (701)
 CHAWLIE ISTTA 6688           13  12  1    78       MIDDLE WAY 15 (747)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SEREPHIM 6713                 8   0  1    61       KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 HOTL MUSCHEL 6707             8   7  0    39       MIDDLE WAY 15 (747)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-PEWTER 6647                   3   1  0    31       DROP THE LEASH (701)
 JILIAN NORMAN 6711            4   5  1    29       MIDDLE WAY 15 (747)
 ELLIRN KOUL 6716              2   3  0    25       MIDDLE WAY 15 (747)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BENNICK 6718                  3   1  0    23       KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
 GRGICH 6699                   2   0  0    22       WINEALOT (751)
 SOUR GRAPE 6697               2   0  0    21       WINEALOT (751)
 PETITE SIRAH 6696             1   1  1    17       WINEALOT (751)
 HOT EIGHTEEN 6715             3   1  0    16       KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
-SONIC REDUCER 6708            0   1  0     1       DROP THE LEASH (701)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
GALMORTHAL 6712         2  2 0 KELLUMBO'S KIDS 676  JILIAN NORMAN 6711    590  REVENGED
THE DEAD 6731           0  1 0 KELLUMBO'S KIDS 676  BANDIT PRINCE         594  NONE
CORK 6733               0  1 0 WINEALOT 751         SHAPESHIFTER          594  NONE

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Lipstick -- Gods, I love an insatiable woman, but I don't think I can last much
longer. -- Dolby Jossel

Hot Eighteen -- You're just asking for trouble, kid, and I wouldn't be doing right be
you not to mention that wearing your skirt that short and that tight, and that vest
without a blouse under, well, I greatly fear that you will find yourself regretting
the ultimate result. -- Ellirn Koul

Bennick -- Damned young hotshot! -- Hotl Muschel the really annoyed (and hot, too,
it's been that kind of day)

M. Chardinee.  (sigh)  I salute someone with the cold nerve and blind stupidity to
accept a contract that REQUIRES him to do less than his best in combat. -- Chawlie

Serephim -- Shouldn't you be Serepher? -- Jilian Norman

9 August 2008
All -- We are currently looking for capable manager that will give the Desolate
Empire Alliance a full roster for the Turf War.  We currently have four (4) roster
slots that are open to capable managers without questionable morals.  If interested
for the Turf War, contact:  Lamar Treas-Wilson, Dok Sik, Dok Sik Killas DM 47

8 July 2008
                                 *TURF WAR VI RULES*
                            Starting Nov 2008 (10 turns)

Anyone may participate; known alliances, new alliances, or temporary alliances created solely to compete in the Turf War!  To participate, each alliance must:
        1.  Announce the alliance and the Captain of the alliance in the North Fork
            (DM 47) newsletter.
        2.  Announcements made on the D2 Forums will not be accepted.

Captains are responsible for:
        1.  Verifying those who wish to participate under the banner of their
        2.  Distribution of prizes should their alliance win the Turf War.
        3.  Submit one (1) RSI Roll-Up Certificate to participate

Participating managers who are not Captains must:
        1.  Submit one (1) RSI Roll-Up Certificate to participate
        2.  Announce their intent to compete with manager name, team name, and
            alliance they will represent in the North Fork (DM 47) newsletter.
            Announcement made on the D2 Forums will not be accepted.
               a.  No scores will be tabulated until a Gift Certificate is received.
                   No EXCEPTIONS.
               b.  Before a manager can compete, he/she must declare themselves in
                   the North Fork (DM 47) newsletter as stated above AND be verified
                   by the alliance Captain they will represent.
               c.  Only one (1) team per player may compete.  No multiple teams or
                   aliases will be allowed.  Violations will result in immediate
                   disqualification from the Turf War (so be sure to take any
                   multiple teams OFF of Team Maintenance).
               d.  Scoring will NOT be retroactive for teams that do not properly
                   declare or fail to send a Gift Certificate by Turn 1.  In other
                   words, if your Gift Certificate is not received until Turn 3 of
                   the Turf War, and you have fought on Turns 1 and 2, your scoring
                   will not begin until Turn 3.  All conditions must be met before
                   scoring will begin--declaration, verification, and Gift
                   Certificate received.
               e.  No declarations or verifications will be accepted after Turn 5 of
                   the Turf War.
               f.  For purposes of scoring, the moderators will score the Turf War
                   and settle any and all disputes as they arise.  Their decisions
                   will be final.

Scoring will be as follows for Fights:
                Win   Loss   Kill      Die
Challenge        +2     -2     +5       -5
Match Up         +1     -1     +1       -5
Bloodfeud        +2     -5     +5      -10
Champion         x2     x2     x2       x2
Dark Arena*     +10     -5     xx       xx
*After 2nd win, warrior scores no points for wins

Special Scoring Considerations for the Turf War are as follows:
Spy Report mention (team name only)              +2
Style Master                                     +2
Duelmaster                                       +2

     1.  A Champion may be declared, but one is not mandatory.
     2.  Only one Champion allowed per manager at any given time.
     3.  Champions that graduate or are killed by another warrior in the arena, but
         not the Dark Arena, may be replaced.
     4.  Champions must be in the Adepts bracket or lower on the turn they are
         declared, and may NOT have gone above Adepts level at any time; this
         includes teams transferred into North Fork for the Turf War.

        1.  Bloodfeuds will score points on all four (4) turns.
        2.  There is no limit to which warrior may bloodfeud or how often.

Tournament Considerations:
        1.  Tournament participation is ALLOWED and encouraged.
        2.  Tournament Victors won during the course of the contest will gain a one
            (1) time bonus of 25 points.  This bonus will apply EACH time a
            warrior(s) wins such status.
        3.  Tournament Champions won during the course of the contest will gain a one
            (1) time bonus of 50 points.  This bonus will apply EACH time a
            warrior(s) win such status.
        4.  Points for TVs and TCs will be applied the Turn after RSI posts
            tournament results in the North Fork (DM 47) newsletter (i.e., if the
            results post on North Fork turn 275, points will be credited on North
            Fork turn 276 to the applicable teams).

Special Considerations:
        1.  Each alliance begins the Turf War with zero (0) points.
        2.  There will be NO alliance or team changes once the contest has begun.  If
            you begin the Turf War with Alliance A, you must end the Turf War with
            Alliance A.  If you begin the Turf War with Team A, you must end the Turf
            War with Team A.
        3.  There will be a maximum of seven (7) teams allowed per alliance for the
            Turf War.
        4.  The Dark Arena may be used on the first turn only, of every warrior,
            without penalty.

The Turf War is a "winner take all" contest.  All prizes and 100% of the Gift
Certificates will be awarded to the Captain of the winning alliance.  It is the
responsibility of the Captain to distribute Gift Certificates.  Moderators will
submit a list of each manager on the winning alliance to RSI at the completion of the
contest for the non-Certificate prizes.

The following prizes have been secured from RSI:
        1.  Renaming of the North Fork (DM 47) arena;
        2.  Renaming of Dark Arena Monsters (one for each manager in the winning
        3.  Known Favorites for one warrior on each team of the winning alliance
            (warrior must be ranked Initiate or above, must be alive, and must have
            at least one arena fight to receive this award).
        4.  +1 Skill bonus potion for each manager on the winning alliance.  Bonus
            potion must be applied to a living warrior from (DM 47)
        5.  +1 Skill bonus potion (one) for each manager who fights in all 10 rounds
            AND 45 fights of the Turf War.  Bonus potion must be applied to a living
            warrior from (DM 47)
These awards will be listed by the Moderator for claiming from RSI (Lee) within 4
turns of the end of TW VI.

The Moderators for this event will be Oz and Master Darque.  They will arbitrate all
dealings during the course of the contest.  Their decisions will be final.  All
questions, comments, and scoring disputes may be directed to Land of Oz or Darque
Forces via diplo in DM 47.  Managers with internet access may send a private message
to [The Consortium] or [Darque] on the Duel2 Forums.  Lastly, you may also email
questions, comments, and scoring disputes to rebelnerfherder at yahoo dot com.

Please note there have been rule changes from the last Turf War.  Please read them

Contest will begin in November following the Fall Mail In Tournament.

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

CORK was dealt death by SHAPESHIFTER in a 2 minute bloody Dark Arena fight.
THE DEAD was dispatched by BANDIT PRINCE in a 2 minute gruesome Dark Arena battle.
HOT EIGHTEEN was subdued by ELLIRN KOUL in a 1 minute Challenge fight.
BENNICK was viciously subdued by HOTL MUSCHEL in a 2 minute Challenge brawl.
LIPSTICK devastated CHAWLIE ISTTA in a 1 minute uneven Title brawl.
DOLBY JOSSEL outlasted M. CHARDINEE in a 9 minute bloody one-sided struggle.
SEREPHIM handily defeated AMBITIOUS GUARD in a 1 minute gruesome uneven fight.
JILIAN NORMAN won victory over PETITE SIRAH in a 2 minute duel.
GRGICH vanquished FRIENDLY CONSTABLE in a 1 minute uneven fight.
SOUR GRAPE vanquished SHIFTYEYED VOLUNTEER in a 1 minute one-sided fight.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                   3         STRIKING ATTACK   12 -   5 -  1      71  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  3         LUNGING ATTACK    15 -   7 -  0      68  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  2         SLASHING ATTACK   11 -   7 -  1      61  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      2         AIMED BLOW         3 -   2 -  0      60  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    1         BASHING ATTACK     7 -   8 -  0      47  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      1         WALL OF STEEL      4 -   5 -  1      44  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     1         TOTAL PARRY        6 -  12 -  0      33  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   1         PARRY-STRIKE       0 -   1 -  0       0  |
|AIMED BLOW                       0         PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -   2 -  0       0  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    0         PARRY-LUNGE        0 -   1 -  0       0  |

Turn 594 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

LUNGING ATTACK     3 -  0     STRIKING ATTACK    1 -  2         3  SLASHING ATTACK
SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  0     AIMED BLOW         0 -  0         2  TOTAL PARRY    
WALL OF STEEL      1 -  0     PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  1         2  STRIKING ATTACK
TOTAL PARRY        1 -  1     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  1         2  LUNGING ATTACK 
                              PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  0         1  BASHING ATTACK 
                              BASHING ATTACK     0 -  1         1  WALL OF STEEL  

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
SLASHING ATTACK  LIPSTICK 6686              18   6  3  127 KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
BASHING ATTACK   CHAWLIE ISTTA 6688         13  12  1   78 MIDDLE WAY 15 (747)
STRIKING ATTACK  SEREPHIM 6713               8   0  1   61 KELLUMBO'S KIDS (676)
LUNGING ATTACK   HOTL MUSCHEL 6707           8   7  0   39 MIDDLE WAY 15 (747)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is LIPSTICK 6686.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was HOTL MUSCHEL 6707.  The ten other most popular fighters were THE DEAD 6731, 

The least popular fighter this week was CHAWLIE ISTTA 6688.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were SOUR GRAPE 6697, GRGICH 6699, DOLBY JOSSEL 6614, BENNICK 6718, 
6716, and CORK 6733.

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn:



     The summer tourney brought a lot of people to the Isle who didn't appear there 
normally.  This included Commission employees.  Half a dozen arenamasters regarded 
each other warily in the mirror behind the bar at the Pig in a Haystack.  The Pig was 
obscure and mediocre, drawing few gladiators, which is what they had all been looking 
for.  They saw gladiators every day.  Most arenamaster were convinced that this was 
some kind of punishment.
     You could always pick out the arenamasters in a crowd.  There were superficial 
differences:  One of these had clearly Adantri features, one wore an eye-patch, two 
were female.  But there were, in significant ways, alike.  The same size, the same 
hair-trigger alertness, the same deadliness.
     The one-eyed man broke the ice, raising his beer mug in salute.  "I'm Zrof One-
Eye from Zukal.  Sugar of Arvat--"  One of the women bowed slightly.  "I know Sugar.  
The rest of you...?"
     The Adantri matched his salute.  "Dernal of Dayla Kiv."
     "Daiyla Kiv?  Ah...."
     "No, without the 'I' in it.  These damned bureaucrats can't spell, and they 
thought adding an unnecessary vowel was exotic."  Disgust dripped from his voice.
     "Tell me about it!" another man growled in agreement.  "Khagal of Niatoli, and 
what they do to the spelling of THAT simple word--!"
     "I thought Daiyla, I mean Dayla Kiv had a different name right now," 
Arenamistress Sugar said.  "The arena, at least, because of a contest?"
     "Chavez Ravine."  Dernal's tone was the one that substituted in polite company 
for spitting on the floor.
     Zrof blinked, taken aback by the bitterness.  He wouldn't have minded a contest 
in Zukal, and damn what they called the place.  "It's only temporary, though."
     "Temporary, shmiperary," another man muttered.  He seemed well into his drinking, 
although, like all arenamasters, he carried his liquor well.  "They do it all the time 
in Aradi.  No reshpect.  Go around changing thish, changing that.  I wish I could 
change shome thingsh."  He signalled the bartender for a refill.
     The second woman put her hand over his mug.  "You've had enough, Harkon.  Try the 
coffee, instead."
     "You should be mad, too, Ripplesh," Harkon said.  "They're going to do shtuff 
like that in Jahnsh, aren't they?"
     Ripples Dorrigan shrugged.  All the men paused, some with glasses half raised, to 
watch.  "It's the way things are," she said.  "Not much we can do about it."
     "You know," Khagal of Niatoli said, "maybe we could make a few changes.  Fix the 
spelling of Arena 33, for one, change a few standby titles--"
     "The Commission hates changes."  Dernal of Dayla Kiv topped up his glass and 
drained it gloomily.
     "Yes, but if we disguise it," Sugar of Arvat said, excited, "make it... maybe a 
general Name-Change-O-Rama!  Then we could slip OUR changes through and no one would 
notice or mind."


     By popular demand, we are holding a Name-Change-o-Rama during the month of 
September, 2008.  If you wish to change the name of your warriors or teams, please 
contact RSI Customer Service.  The charge for a name change is $1.