Date   : 01/26/2012    Duedate: 02/08/2012


DM-24    TURN-677

This Weeks Top Honors


(24-4958) [16-5-0,99]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

OLYMPIC                        POSITION IS EMPTY
WRESTLING (501)                
(24-4958) [16-5-0,99]          

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

RINGWORM                       TARANA STONE
WRESTLING (501)                KRILL CAVALRY (403)
(24-4959) [14-7-0,65]          (24-4963) [10-10-1,81]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. KRILL CAVALRY (403)         33
2. WRESTLING (501)             24      WRESTLING (501)
3. DRESDEN FILES (495)          0      Unchartered Team

                                       SIMPLY THE BEST II (234)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1- 1*DRESDEN FILES (495)        8   1  0 88.9   1/ 1 WRESTLING (501)          10  2 0
 2/ 2 WRESTLING (501)           96  47  1 67.1   2/ 2 KRILL CAVALRY (403)       7  8 0
 3/ 3 KRILL CAVALRY (403)      868 896 26 49.2   3- 3*DRESDEN FILES (495)       1  0 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT

       * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ *

                          ---===ANDORIAN REGIONAL NEWS===---

 DM   8 ARKERS (turn 344): CONFIDENCE of CONSANGUINEOUS (Mannequin, mgr.)
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 689): SMIMATSU of THE ASSEMBLY (Froot E. Bowl, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 689): FAITH of ZOMBIE SQUAD (Khisanth, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 674): LYNNIS NALL of MIDDLE WAY 15 (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 676): VINEGAR of WRESTLING (Sherlock, mgr.)
 DM  25 LYRATILAN (turn 673): SHOULDA 8 STEAK of PARKING LOT 3 (Khisanth, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 670): BETTEY DECKER of GOLDEN CANYON (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 671): LUMBER JACK of ALL JACKED UP (Pat Sajak, mgr.)
 DM  40 ZENSU (turn 634): LORIS DEANE of BEYOND THE PALE (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 631): THE HAND OF DOG of DA DOG POWNDAZ (Marma Duke, mgr.)
 DM  46 ARDIVENT (turn 622): MONSIGNOR MARK of FANIDLS (Wise Old Fandil, mgr.)
 DM  52 FRATSFA (turn 291): ZOUM LA BOUSE of BLOOD AND GUTS! (Le Pentarque, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 516): MISS PASSIN' of WAYFARERS (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  71 KYR'TERR (turn 245): SUGAR HILL GANG of RAP ATTACKS (Marma Duke, mgr.)
ADM 105 ANDORAK (turn 574): DOMINION of ZOMBIE SQUAD III (Khisanth, mgr.)

                                      Top Teams
 DM   8 ARKERS (turn 344): MIDDLE WAY 11 (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 689): NICK JR. (Floyd, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 689): F WORDS (Centauri, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 674): SERPENTS HOLD (Khisanth, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 676): WRESTLING (Sherlock, mgr.)
 DM  25 LYRATILAN (turn 673): SAY MY NAME (Howlin' Wolf, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 670): GOLDEN CANYON (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 671): ALL JACKED UP (Pat Sajak, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 631): DA DOG POWNDAZ (Marma Duke, mgr.)
 DM  46 ARDIVENT (turn 622): BLUVALLEY WARRIORS (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  52 FRATSFA (turn 291): PYROMANIA (Marma Duke, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 516): WAYFARERS (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  71 KYR'TERR (turn 245): DARQUE FORCES V (Master Darque, mgr.)
ADM 105 ANDORAK (turn 574): SUPERIOR FORCES et al (Manager, mgr.)

                                   Recent Graduates
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 688): ROSE ROOSTER of ANIMAL FARM (Mino, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 689): FANTASSIN of F WORDS (Centauri, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 674): LYNNIS NALL of MIDDLE WAY 15 (Jorja, mgr.)
               (turn 673): STING of SERPENTS HOLD (Khisanth, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 676): VINEGAR of WRESTLING (Sherlock, mgr.)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 670): LOST IN PACE of PACE'S WILD (Pacemaker, mgr.)
 DM  40 ZENSU (turn 634): MARLIN KOLE of BEYOND THE PALE (Jorja, mgr.)
                          EARTH of CAPTAIN PLANET (Sherlock, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 631): THE HAND OF DOG of DA DOG POWNDAZ (Marma Duke, mgr.)
 DM  46 ARDIVENT (turn 622): MONSIGNOR MARK of FANIDLS (Wise Old Fandil, mgr.)
 DM  52 FRATSFA (turn 291): 451 DEGREES of PYROMANIA (Marma Duke, mgr.)
                (turn 290): HOT STUFF of PYROMANIA (Marma Duke, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 514): SLITHER of SERPENTS HOLD 113 (Khisanth, mgr.)

                                      SPY REPORT

     Like the magnificent Sun, rising upon the Dawn and exiling the Night for a Day, 
I, Novgorodny Vir, return once again!  Practice pays for TARANA STONE, who pummelled 
VETERAN MERCENARY, to pocket 15 points.  A certain someone should cut down on the 
drinking and practice more, after losing 4 points to WWC.  (Discrete enough, JOBERT 
DONNER?) Those who hoped for a new Duelmaster were disappointed by KUNG-FU MASTER, of 
ZORPUNT, who despite a 0-0-0 couldn't overcome ZORPUNT's Number 1.  So who's the team 
that's been walking into taverns last week and ordering milk?  Sounds like a PR stunt 
to me.   
     A Zenmaster once told me, 'Does not the spinning wheel turn?  And do not the 
little birds cry out?'  Any ideas?   
     Ah, the duel!  The roar of the oppenent, the smell of the crowd!  Ask not a 
spymaster for counsel, for he will pontificate long after you have fallen into an 
unconscious stupor.   
     All good things must come to an end.  More important duties call me.  ZORPUNT, I 
leave you now.  The Duelmaster has agreed to foot my bill at The Swinging Aardvark.  
'Til next time-- Novgorodny Vir  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 OLYMPIC 4958                 16   5  0    99       WRESTLING (501)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TARANA STONE 4963            10  10  1    81       KRILL CAVALRY (403)
-HARRY DRESDEN 4864            8   1  0    80       DRESDEN FILES (495)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 RINGWORM 4959                14   7  0    65       WRESTLING (501)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DONNY POOLE 4956              8  19  0    54       KRILL CAVALRY (403)
 WWC 4996                      8   3  0    46       WRESTLING (501)
 DELBERT MOONE 4998            5   5  0    38       KRILL CAVALRY (403)
 JOBERT DONNER 4964            8  12  0    36       KRILL CAVALRY (403)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DEE DEE POLEN 5001            2   0  0    23       KRILL CAVALRY (403)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Our congratulations to Vinegar. -- Jorja and the Krill Cavalry

Ringworm -- Wormy meat?  I don't think so!  I'll pass on this one. -- Jobert Donner

To the Userous Merchant, I say, "Bah, humbug!  With bells on." -- Tarana Stone

WWC -- Yep, that's me.  Devastating. -- Donny Poole
P.S.  Wanna do dinner?

The Ambitious Guard said... he suggested....  He was really rude.  Devastatingly
rude. -- Delbert Moone

Well, the Mordant Deserter was easy.  If it's all like this, piece of cake! -- Dee
Dee Polen

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

VINEGAR devastated KUNG-FU MASTER in a 1 minute mismatched fight.
OLYMPIC vanquished CONVICTED ASSASSIN in a 1 minute uneven Title battle.
TARANA STONE savagely defeated VETERAN MERCENARY in a action packed 2 minute fight.
RINGWORM bested DONNY POOLE in a 1 minute veteran's fight.
JOBERT DONNER was demolished by WWC in a 1 minute mismatched competition.
DELBERT MOONE won victory over CAPTURED ORC in a 1 minute fight.
DEE DEE POLEN devastated PERSISTENT BEGGAR in a 1 minute mismatched match.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|AIMED BLOW                       4         PARRY-LUNGE        1 -   0 -  0     100  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  2         STRIKING ATTACK   14 -   2 -  0      88  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  2         SLASHING ATTACK   19 -   4 -  0      83  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     1         LUNGING ATTACK     8 -   6 -  0      57  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      0         AIMED BLOW        20 -  23 -  0      47  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    0         PARRY-STRIKE       1 -   9 -  0      10  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   0         TOTAL PARRY        0 -   0 -  0       0  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   0         PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -   0 -  0       0  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      0         WALL OF STEEL      0 -   0 -  0       0  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    0         BASHING ATTACK     0 -   1 -  0       0  |

Turn 677 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  0     PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  0         3  STRIKING ATTACK
STRIKING ATTACK    2 -  0     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  1         3  AIMED BLOW     
AIMED BLOW         3 -  1     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  0         2  SLASHING ATTACK
                              LUNGING ATTACK     0 -  0         1  PARRY-STRIKE   
                              BASHING ATTACK     0 -  0     
                              TOTAL PARRY        0 -  0     
                              WALL OF STEEL      0 -  0     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
STRIKING ATTACK  OLYMPIC 4958               16   5  0   99 WRESTLING (501)
SLASHING ATTACK  RINGWORM 4959              14   7  0   65 WRESTLING (501)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is RINGWORM 4959.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was TARANA STONE 4963.  The ten other most popular fighters were RINGWORM 4959, DEE 
DONNER 4964,  0,  0, and  0.

The least popular fighter this week was JOBERT DONNER 4964.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were DONNY POOLE 4956, DELBERT MOONE 4998, WWC 4996, OLYMPIC 4958, 
DEE DEE POLEN 5001, RINGWORM 4959, TARANA STONE 4963,  0,  0, and  0.

The following warriors have traveled to AD after fighting this turn:

VINEGAR (24-4943) WRESTLING (501)

                  MAIL-IN TOURNEY XLVIII

PRIMUS TOURNEY                         W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
JOHN ASHCROFT 4355 (135-104-3)        10  3  0         DOH!                 
TRUMP 4359 (126-139-2)                 6  3  0         BAD HAND             

CONTENDERS TOURNEY                     W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
HUGE TWIRLING MAN 4457 (109-109-0)     7  3  0         DIABLO ALSO          

ELIGIBLES TOURNEY                      W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
GYRADOS 4476 (50-27-0)                 3  3  0         WATER DECK           

ADM TOURNEY                            W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
PAUL WIEDORFER 4876 (49-16-1)          5  3  0         MEDAL OF HONOR J4    
PINK TACO 4287 (12-4-0)                3  3  0         SWEET BLISS          
WILD FIRE 4880 (34-12-4)               2  3  0         DISASTER             

FRESHMEN TOURNEY                       W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
POOP SLINGER 4478 (15-4-0)             7  3  0         LOOK OUT!!           

CHAMPIONS TOURNEY                      W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
THE MASTER 3100 (0-0-0)                1  3  0         A THOUSAND NATIONS   

ADEPTS TOURNEY                         W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
FIRST KNIGHT 3098 (0-0-0)              0  4  0         A THOUSAND NATIONS   

INITIATES TOURNEY                      W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
ARE YOU DONE, YET? 4720 (2-1-1)       10  3  0         BASH BROS. BOSS      
THROWS AWAY MONEY 4722 (3-1-0)         6  3  0         BASH BROS. BOSS      

APPRENTICES TOURNEY                    W  L  K         TEAM NAME            
WHAT? 4991 (0-0-0)                     2  3  0         TRIBE                
SCENARIO 4994 (0-0-0)                  0  3  0         TRIBE