Date   : 05/08/2003    Duedate: 05/21/2003


DM-33    TURN-443

This Weeks Top Honors


(33-6566) [9-3-1,122]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

SEDEN                          OLENTANGY
PATH OF THE BLADE (558)        ORIGRINS (549)
(33-6566) [9-3-1,122]          (33-6452) [0-1-0,15]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

BEER GOGGLES                   SNOWBALL
JOYS OF BOOZE (556)            PIG BATTALION (226)
(33-6819) [13-14-1,115]        (33-3150) [5-5-0,28]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. PATH OF THE BLADE (558)     77
2. LA STARS (544)              41      PETS ON FIRE (573)
3. WHEN DOGMA FAILS (566)      41      Unchartered Team
4. JOYS OF BOOZE (556)         39
5. ARENA FELINES (539)         20      ORIGRINS (549)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 0 PETS ON FIRE (573)       110  66  8 62.5   1/ 1 JOYS OF BOOZE (556)      11  1 0
 2/ 3 PATH OF THE BLADE (558)   40  24  5 62.5   2/ 9 PATH OF THE BLADE (558)   9  1 3
 3/ 1 ARENA FELINES (539)      127  84  8 60.2   3/ 6 WILLY WONKA INC. (550)    9  6 0
 4- 2 INTERSTELLAR PORK (474)   41  28  3 59.4   4/ 2 ARENA FELINES (539)       7  3 1
 5- 4 SHADOW X (555)           108  75  5 59.0   5/ 8 LA STARS (544)            7  7 1
 6/ 5 LA STARS (544)           108  88  8 55.1   6/ 7 WHEN DOGMA FAILS (566)    5  5 0
 7/ 6 OBSIDIAN HALL (192)      284 245 26 53.7   7/ 3 OBSIDIAN HALL (192)       5 10 2
 8/ 7 SACKETT'S & CO. (552)     84  77  8 52.2   8- 4 SHADOW X (555)            3  0 0
 9- 8 SUPERIOR FORCES 2Y (563)  78  73  2 51.7   9/ 0 PETS ON FIRE (573)        3  1 0
10/ 9 JOYS OF BOOZE (556)       89  91  3 49.4  10/ 5 SACKETT'S & CO. (552)     3  8 1
11/10 PIG BATTALION (226)       39  47  2 45.3  11-10 SUPERIOR FORCES 2Y (563)  2  0 0
12/13 WHEN DOGMA FAILS (566)    73  89  1 45.1  12/11 PIG BATTALION (226)       2 10 0
13-11 THE ILLEARTH (265)       151 185 12 44.9  13/12 CASINO HAMMERZ (576)      1  3 0
14-12 HALCYON DAZE (428)        48  59  2 44.9  14-15 OF MYTHOS AND MEN (557)   1  4 0
15/15 WILLY WONKA INC. (550)    76 105  3 42.0  15-16 THE ILLEARTH (265)        0  5 0
16/14 CASINO HAMMERZ (576)      18  26  3 40.9  16-17 HALCYON DAZE (428)        0  3 0
17-16 OF MYTHOS AND MEN (557)   64 100  6 39.0  17-13 INTERSTELLAR PORK (474)   0  1 0
18/ 0*ORIGRINS (549)             0   1  0  0.0  18/ 0*ORIGRINS (549)            0  1 0

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT

                        HAMMER RUN for the ROLLUPS ROLL CALL
                             Round by Round Recognition

                        P-ad Approved Style Masters Listings
                               "Be Bold! Wager Gold!"

                         (P-ad declarations in parenthesis)
                       [Manager name/Stable name in brackets]

     01.  Lucky Lady Hammer (T-440) [Hammer/Casino Hammerz]
     02.  W. (T-442) [Street Legal/Of Mythos And Men]
     01.  Roulette Hammer (T-440) [Hammer/Casino Hammerz]
     01.  Poker Face Hammer (T-441) [Hammer/Casino Hammerz]
     02.  Athena (T-442) [Street Legal/Of Mythos And Men]
     01.  Siren (T-442) [Street Legal/Of Mythos And Men]

     >)]H[(< + -----:----- + >)] The Free Cities #59 [(< + -----:----- + >)]H[(<

On the coast north of Zukal:

     The half hour it took for Harlund to return with his rowboat seemed a lot
longer.  Ghenis had finished his examination of the tracks and returned to the beach
to stare again at Veleks' body on the rock.  He was reasonably sure that the running
footsteps belonged to his thief, Veleks.  But the hoofmarks....  Long and narrow,
almost triangular in outline, and as deep as those made by a galloping horse carrying
a fully armored knight.  He didn't like the possibilities those tracks hinted at.  If
they didn't come from a native and natural beast, what then?
     The rumor was that magic was in a state of major decline due to something or
other--not that he depended on magic for anything important.  He would have expected
that to mean that interdimensional Gates couldn't be opened.  But what if the reverse
was the case, and it meant that Gates couldn't be held shut?  What if they could--
should--expect a growing flood of alien creatures, maybe even another Chaos war?  He
didn't want to think it might be coming to that, but no intelligent, practical man
denied a possibility just because he didn't like it.  And Ghenis hoped that he was
both intelligent and practical.  He frowned at Harlund, who was rowing slowly closer
along the shore.  He'd have to question the beach walker, and from what he'd seen,
Harlund would demand money just to listen, and maybe more to answer.  Greedy wretch.
     Ghenis climbed into the rowboat and sat where Harlund directed him.  The water
was cold, he could feel the chill coming up through the bottom of the boat.  And
clearer than he'd expected.  Not that there was anything of interest to see on the
muddy bottom.  A rock or two, algae furred sticks...a crisp, green curve with a line
of bright gold showing?  He leaned over to look more closely.
     "You trying to tip us over?" Harlund demanded.
     "I thought I saw something down there."  He twisted to look back as the beach
walker kept rowing.
     Harlund glanced at the shore, straight back and to either side.  "You probably
did," he said finally.  "This must be near enough to where the _Light of Els_ went
     "Should we mark the place so you can salvage--?"
     "I wouldn't touch anything out of that ship," the beach walker said flatly.
"Nor would anyone else on this coast.  In the two hundred or more years since the
_Light_ sank, I don't think anyone's touched so much as a piece of driftwood from
     Ghenis raised his eyebrows but asked no more questions.  He didn't think Harlund
would answer them, and better not to show too much interest.  But when he got back to
Zukal, he would find out all he could about a ship named the _Light of Els_.  He
returned his attention to the bottom sliding past under them.  There might be
something he could use down there.
     As they neared the rock, the bottom fell away into opaque depths.  Ten feet,
Harlund had said, but for all he could see, it might as easily have been a hundred.
He looked at Veleks and saw that the thief was moving a little.  Still alive?
Amazing.  And gratifying.  Veleks could answer some questions, then.  He was looking
forward to that.

Ibizond, between Murska and Korga:

     The news from the east was confused, more rumor than definite report, but to
Lord Protectors with time on their hands, rumor was enough.  Aghtamar and Zilla, both
Korgans who had trained in Veastian, hatched the idea between them: that they should
go east toward Zuwayza and find out what really was going on.  There might be action,
and action was something lacking in their lives since graduation.  Fist of Kjarran, a
Zuwayzan visiting the team Korgan Crusade, decided that his duty was to go with them:
there would be a chance to serve the Glorious Empire and acquire merit in the eyes of
Kjarran and His Daughter Jayde.
     The journey south from Veastian to Ibizond, a matter of some thirty miles, was
straightforward but tedious.  Mile after mile of forest, with nothing but the
possibility of a wild Shew to break the monotony, was not exciting.  And apparently
all the wild Shews were hanging out around Veastian and contributing to the troubles
there, rather than keeping travelers from falling asleep on the road to the south.
     Ibizond itself, on the main traders' road from Zuwayza and Malcorn to Murska and
Zensu was bigger than Korga but much like it.  The population was a mixture of
Karnhorn types and Harkeny, the houses were built of stone and logs, and the
government was treading a careful line between independence and Karnhorn domination.
They reached it just before sunset.
     Fist of Kjarran looked at the wooden palisade critically.  "That might stop the
Shews," he said, "but any day the Glorious Empire truly wants to take Ibizond, it
will fall.  No two ways about that."
     Zilla snorted.  "Korga wasn't a pushover, what makes you think Ibizond would
     "The Glorious Empire needs Ibizond," Fist said calmly.  "Therefore, at the right
time it will take Ibizond."  He shrugged.  "But not today."  He looked around the
main plaza curiously.  "Let's find someplace to eat and then keep going.  We could
make it to Korga tonight, I bet."
     "Too far," Zilla said.  "Close to thirty miles, and it's hilly."
     "And you'd do well not to travel after dark," someone said behind them.
     All three spun around, hands going to their swords but not drawing.  The man
behind them was tall, with gray-streaked reddish brown hair and the indefinable but
unmistakable air of a gladiator.
     "Me and Zilla grew up around Korga," Aghtamar said.  "We know the area.  And
we're all gladiators, Lord Protectors.  Sure, there's more risk at night than by day,
     "There are new problems on the road," the man said.  "My name's Cadal, gladiator
from Murska, and I'd be glad to tell you about them.  The food at the Red Cow is
good," he added, gesturing toward a modest inn.  "I'll buy dinner.  And then I have a
proposition for you."

      * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ *

                        ---===FREE BLADES REGIONAL NEWS===---

 DM   9 ZUKAL (turn 464): TREMERE of DARK TOADS (TigToad, mgr.)
 DM  12 RIZTAB (turn 462): TONY THE TIGER of ARENA FELINES II (Garfield, mgr.)
 DM  15 MALCORN (turn 458): DIRT KNAP of UNKNOWNS XX (Dark Spirit, mgr.)
 DM  16 WILLAF (turn 458): HU MI of GEN KHAN (Technogeek, mgr.)
 DM  19 ZUWAYZA (turn 455): MERRY DEMENTE of CARNIVAL (Carny, mgr.)
 DM  29 LAPUR (turn 447): BLUEY of CROC FILES (THawk, mgr.)
 DM  31 CHIMLEVTAL (turn 225): DROSS of SOLIPSISM II (Abdiel, acting mgr.)
 DM  32 ARVAT (turn 444): TROTLINE of FISHERMAN'S WHARF (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  33 NIATOLI ISLAND (turn 442): EYE OF THE TIGER of ARENA FELINES (Garfield, mgr.)
 DM  35 MURSKA (turn 435): JELIAH BIGABO of PHILANTHROPISTS 3 (Aragorn, mgr.)
 DM  43 VEASTIAN (turn 398): FLYING MARMOSET of KORGAN CRUSADE (Jack Wolfspider)
 DM  45 STORMCROWE (turn 202): DEBBIE DAHMER of MORDRED'S MADMEN (Abraxis, mgr.)
 DM  47 NORTH FORK (turn 197): RING D'BELL of CARNIVAL (Carny, mgr.)
 DM  50 SNOWBOUND (turn 184): MR. HOOPER of OPEN SESAME (Crip, mgr.)
 DM  56 ROCANIS (turn 323): COLDHEART of REDHORSE (Mila, mgr.)
 DM  61 JURINE (turn 304): THE BUM of FAVORITE GUYS (Obscure Source, mgr.)
 DM  73 ERINIKA (turn 132): UU DOEWANAKNO of DRAKE'S LODGE (Drake, mgr.)
ADM 103 FREE BLADES (turn 348): CHALICE of SUPERIOR FORCES from LAPUR (Manager, mgr.)

                                      Top Teams
 DM   9 ZUKAL (turn 464): DARK TOADS (TigToad, mgr.)
 DM  12 RIZTAB (turn 462): ARENA FELINES (Garfield, mgr.)
 DM  15 MALCORN (turn 458): GREENWARDENS (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  16 WILLAF (turn 458): WAY OF THE BLADE 1 (Vhagar, mgr.)
 DM  17 ALJAFIR (turn 456): SPECIAL ED (PTFT, mgr.)
 DM  19 ZUWAYZA (turn 455): CARNIVAL (Carny, mgr.)
 DM  28 MORYA (turn 227): BOXOROX (Berylstar, mgr.)
 DM  29 LAPUR (turn 447): EQUESTORS (Spartacus, mgr.)
 DM  31 CHIMLEVTAL (turn 225): THE STORMBRINGERS (High Lord Bosk, mgr.)
 DM  32 ARVAT (turn 444): FISHERMAN'S WHARF (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  33 ANASAZI (turn 442): JOYS OF BOOZE (Berylstar, mgr.)
 DM  35 MURSKA (turn 435): PHILANTHROPISTS 3 (Aragorn, mgr.)
 DM  43 VEASTIAN (turn 398): KORGAN CRUSADE (Jack Wolfspider, mgr.)
 DM  45 STORMCROWE (turn 202): SPRITE'S ROGUES (Warsprite, mgr.)
 DM  47 NORTH FORK (turn 197): SPOONERTIKS (Spawn, mgr.)
 DM  50 SNOWBOUND (turn 184): MIDDLE WAY 6 (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  56 ROCANIS (turn 323): REDHORSE (Mila, mgr.)
 DM  61 JURINE (turn 304): FAVORITE GUYS (Obscure Source, mgr.)
 DM  73 ERINIKA (turn 132): ALPHABET SOUP (Crip, mgr.)
ADM 103 FREE BLADES (turn 348): WOLF PACK II, etc. (Ultraist, mgr.)

                                   Recent Graduates
 DM   9 ZUKAL (turn 463): HOWLING LOON of BLUE MOON (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  17 ALJAFIR (turn 455): PRIASA SON of LO' DOWN (Cayl Reed, mgr.)
                            BRAYL ICECAP of LO' DOWN (Cayl Reed, mgr.)
 DM  19 ZUWAYZA (turn 455): MERRY DEMENTE of CARNIVAL (Carny, mgr.)
 DM  28 MORYA (turn 227): WIMPY WIND of THE PENTARCHY (The Pentalque, mgr.)
 DM  31 CHIMLEVTAL (turn 225): DROSS of SOLIPSISM II (Abdiel, acting mgr.)
                               VE of LORDS OF VALHALLA (High Lord Bosk, mgr.)
                   (turn 224): SAMPSA of SOL INVICTUS (Bobby Bigfoot, mgr.)
                               BLADEFIST of THE STORM REAVERS (?, mgr.)
 DM  33 ANASAZI (turn 442): EYE OF THE TIGER of ARENA FELINES (Garfield, mgr.)
                            NO CHASER of JOYS OF BOOZE (Berylstar, mgr.)
 DM  43 VEASTIAN (turn 396): LA BELLE SORCIERE of KORGAN CRUSADE (Jack Wolfspider)
 DM  47 NORTH FORK (turn 197): INSOLENT IDIOT of MYSTIC ORC FEAST (Slugbait, mgr.)
                               ESPRESSO of COFFEE RULES! (Mr. Coffee, mgr.)
 DM  61 JURINE (turn 303): JESSIE of FAVORITE GUYS (Obscure Source, mgr.)
 DM  73 ERINIKA (turn 132): UU DOEWANAKNO of DRAKE'S LODGE (Drake, mgr.)
                            LACONIC LEMON of GARDEN GUMBIES (Firehawk, mgr.)

                                      SPY REPORT

     Hail and well met warriors of ANASAZI!  Know me for who I am, Zontani Sharp 
Eyes, Spymaster extraordinaire of all Alastari.  There were bitter words at SACKETT'S 
& CO.'s guildhouse after a 0-3-0 showing this week which dropped the stable into 
10th.  Dark Arena anyone?  Warriors--remember that glory waits always around the 
corner!  Witness how this week PATH OF THE BLADE went 5-0-2 to move up 7 in the 
rankings.  Did only my eyes note the 3-0-0 record which WHEN DOGMA FAILS managed to 
post this round?  I don't doubt that such a record will draw challengers!  SEDEN 
caught the eye of many in the gladiatorial commission as he skillfully bested GRANDPA 
JOE and was awarded 36 points in recognition.  In one of the week's more notable 
duels, QUID PRO KAPOW put down WILD CARD HAMMER, causing him to lose 15 points of 
recognition in the process.  Most watched of the fights this week, the spotlight was 
on ALEC BLACKTHORN as he bore arms against the Bloodfeud of reigning Duelmaster EYE 
OF THE TIGER.  Although ALEC BLACKTHORN made a valiant effort, it did not suffice to 
topple the reign of victorious EYE OF THE TIGER.  Heed this!  A seer has warned that 
if exactly 6 die in duels this week, the whole city shall perish!  Just remember...5 
or 7!   
     I have been in deep conclave with my spies who watched all that has recently 
transpired.  Indeed there is much I would report.  I saw one fighter that warriors 
avoided when this week's challenge seeking began.  PATH OF THE BLADE is feared.  This 
much I can say.  Apparently the stalwarts of SACKETT'S & CO. are catching the bulk of 
jests down at the challenging board for their large share of the avoids.  Loose talk 
at the arena has reached my ears and it but confirms the knowledge that many fighters 
are after MIKE TV.  Watch your back!  Give LITTER BOX LUCKY credit for his courage.  
Did you note how he challenged MIKE TV despite the 31 point difference in their 
rankings?  4 points of newly earned recognition and a dose of my admiration is what 
LITTER BOX LUCKY must now weigh against the defeat which resulted.  A match that 
raised a few eyebrows at the games this week, it seems that SLUGWORTH posted a 
challenge against the more highly recognized STRAY.  The results, you ask?  Well, the 
firebrand SLUGWORTH subdued STRAY.  Remember warriors, this is the discipline of 
     Vendettas.  Bloodied blades and broken spears.  Indeed the city has seen more 
than its fair share of red in recent times.  Strange what qualities come forth in the 
face of certain doom.  BARAK has the town astir with the news of his Dark Arena 
victory!  GOTH has sworn to take up religion upon living to tell of his recent bout 
with the Dark Arena horrors.  A rare thing indeed!  I must report the passing of ALEC 
BLACKTHORN, veteran of many duels.  21-15-2 final record His was not illustrious--but 
death plays no favorites.  The warrior's path is harsh.  For mediocrity there is but 
one reward--death.  This past week GRANDPA JOE, at 19-16-0, departed ANASAZI forever. 
This week's duel proved deadly to ALEC BLACKTHORN as he fell to the more renowned 
warrior, EYE OF THE TIGER.  How will OBSIDIAN HALL find revenge?  ALEC BLACKTHORN 
must hold silent, for this week he was humbled in the arena by a successful Bloodfeud 
won by EYE OF THE TIGER of ARENA FELINES.  Hail EYE OF THE TIGER for thy victory!  
Some say a warrior is judged by the way he bears arms.  One thing is sure, better a 
dagger in hand then a sword on the belt!   
     If it were not for my skills as a spy I would have been mugged three times 
already in ANASAZI.  Nice atmosphere you have here!  Ahh, but I can hear the spires 
of a far off city calling to me.  I must away!  Till we meet again, remember:  a 
turtle walks slow, hides head in a shell, and harms no one; a lion runs to slay its 
prey.-- Zontani Sharp Eyes  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SEDEN 6566                    9   3  1   122       PATH OF THE BLADE (558)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 LEMON DROP 6685              19  14  0   115       JOYS OF BOOZE (556)
 BEER GOGGLES 6819            13  14  1   115       JOYS OF BOOZE (556)
 RYANATOR 3462                25  14  0   109       OBSIDIAN HALL (192)
 SLUGWORTH 6847               13  11  0   109       WILLY WONKA INC. (550)
 DRY KEG 6679                 15  18  0   107       JOYS OF BOOZE (556)
 A-10 2563                    14  16  1    97       PIG BATTALION (226)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-LINK HOGTHROB 5358           17   9  0    92       INTERSTELLAR PORK (474)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 STRAY 6430                   20  18  0    90       ARENA FELINES (539)
-SORROWHARVESTER 6853         10   4  0    85       THE ILLEARTH (265)
 QUID PRO KAPOW 6901          10   7  0    79       WHEN DOGMA FAILS (566)
-SHIVA NARAKA 4840            11  15  1    75       HALCYON DAZE (428)
-IZMAR ODEMIS 4842            13  13  1    74       HALCYON DAZE (428)
 BOOM CHICKEN BOOM 6798       13   9  0    73       PETS ON FIRE (573)
 MIKE TV 6965                  8   4  1    69       WILLY WONKA INC. (550)
 PUT OUT THE CAT 6793         15   7  1    67       PETS ON FIRE (573)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 APATHY 6913                   9   6  0    66       WHEN DOGMA FAILS (566)
-NIBERA DESHRET 5425           8   6  0    65       HALCYON DAZE (428)
 GOTH 6719                    13  10  1    64       OBSIDIAN HALL (192)
-FLUX 6977                     6   3  0    64       SHADOW X (555)
 ANDY 6769                    15  14  1    60       WILLY WONKA INC. (550)
 WILD CARD HAMMER 6864        10  11  1    60       CASINO HAMMERZ (576)
 SILK 6498                     9   4  0    60       PATH OF THE BLADE (558)
 BARAK 6499                    9   4  3    59       PATH OF THE BLADE (558)
 OLD MAJOR 3149                9   8  0    59       PIG BATTALION (226)
 TOMMY MADDOX 7007             7   2  0    58       LA STARS (544)
-SUPERIOROIREPUS 6922          7   1  0    58       SUPERIOR FORCES 2Y (563)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 KRIEG SWINE 2566             10   8  1    53       PIG BATTALION (226)
 KID REDO 6899                 7   7  2    52       SACKETT'S & CO. (552)
 BRILL 6501                    6   7  0    51       PATH OF THE BLADE (558)
 ZIPPOPOTAMUS 6792             8   5  1    41       PETS ON FIRE (573)
 LITTER BOX LUCKY 7015         6   2  0    39       ARENA FELINES (539)
 SHAR-PEI FLAMBE 6902          5   0  0    35       PETS ON FIRE (573)
-NIMBLE NEUTER 6957            5   4  0    35       ARENA FELINES (539)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DIGITALIS 6862                6   8  1    29       OBSIDIAN HALL (192)
 SHAWN GREEN 7061              2   1  1    29       LA STARS (544)
 SNOWBALL 3150                 5   5  0    28       PIG BATTALION (226)
-CATLOW 6990                   4   3  0    28       SACKETT'S & CO. (552)
-FEVER DOG 6852                5   9  1    27       THE ILLEARTH (265)
 GRUDGEBRINGER 6999            4   4  0    27       WHEN DOGMA FAILS (566)
-MORGAN LE FAY 6954            5   2  0    26       OF MYTHOS AND MEN (557)
 PANDORA 6898                  4   5  1    26       OBSIDIAN HALL (192)
-STORMPORKER 5490              4   2  1    26       INTERSTELLAR PORK (474)
-XENO 7026                     3   0  0    26       SHADOW X (555)
-HOAX 7025                     3   0  0    25       SHADOW X (555)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 LONIGAN 7022                  1   4  1    22       SACKETT'S & CO. (552)
-H 6924                        4   4  0    19       SUPERIOR FORCES 2Y (563)
-SUPERIOR BAGGINS 6968         2   1  0    19       SUPERIOR FORCES 2Y (563)
 EXUS 7078                     2   0  0    19       PATH OF THE BLADE (558)
-JAKUB ALIZARIN 5799           2   4  0    18       HALCYON DAZE (428)
 DEREK FISHER 7056             2   0  0    15       LA STARS (544)
 OLENTANGY 6452                0   1  0    15       ORIGRINS (549)
-SUPERIOR TOAD 7019            2   0  0    10       SUPERIOR FORCES 2Y (563)
-WILL-O-WISP 6966              0   6  0    10       OF MYTHOS AND MEN (557)
-FOOFAH 6343                   1   3  0     6       LORD OF THE RINGS (540)
-FRODO BAGGINS 6345            1   3  0     6       LORD OF THE RINGS (540)
 VIOLET B. 7065                1   2  0     5       WILLY WONKA INC. (550)
-W. 7028                       0   1  0     5       OF MYTHOS AND MEN (557)
-SMOG 6384                     0   3  0     3       LORD OF THE RINGS (540)
-FAIZA HUSNA 6180              0   2  0     2       HALCYON DAZE (428)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-SIREN 7069                    0   1  0     1       OF MYTHOS AND MEN (557)
-DANG DAN 4439                 0   1  0     1       I'M DAN, MAN (378)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD               W  L K TEAM NAME             SLAIN BY             TURN Revenge?
EMBEZZLING SCRIBE 225  0  1 0   1                   SHAWN GREEN 7061      443 NONE    
CAT E. GORY 6916       8  6 0 ARENA FELINES 539     ALEC BLACKTHORN 3464  441 JUST REV
STONE GOLEM 246        0  1 0 DARK ARENA 0          BARAK 6499            443 NONE    
GERELIN LOSTFIRE 239   0  1 0 DARK ARENA 0          GOTH 6719             443 NONE    
ROBERT THOMAS 7079     0  1 0 LA STARS 544          BLACK ORC 240         443 NONE    
JUSTIN FARGAS 7080     0  1 0 LA STARS 544          BANDIT PRINCE 245     443 NONE    
ALEC BLACKTHORN 3464  21 15 2 OBSIDIAN HALL 192     EYE OF THE TIGER 6780 443 NONE    
ROLLIN 7036            1  1 1 SACKETT'S & CO. 552   SHEWISH GIANT 241     443 NONE    
GRANDPA JOE 6633      19 16 0 WILLY WONKA INC. 550  SEDEN 6566            443         
FOR A FEW 7033         0  2 0 WILLY WONKA INC. 550  LONIGAN 7022          440 JUST REV

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Garfield -- We're back, and it's time to try and unseat you feline fiends! -- Vhagar
P.S.  We miss you in Willaf!

Digitalis -- Um...ouch.  Usually I look to fight warriors of your fighting style.
You, my pain-dealing friend, I shall be avoiding! -- Brill

Mountain Troll -- Thought you were tough, eh?  Thought you were bad, huh?  I'll show
you bad!!  Um, Vhagar, how about giving me another try in the regular arena? -- Barak

Barak -- One skill learn in the Dark Arena and you want me to let you keep going in
the regular arena?  I'll make you a deal, you come back victorious from the Dark
Arena again, and I'll give you another run. -- Vhagar

All -- Hammer Run begins next cycle.  Announce your New Initiates with 0 FE for the
Basic Arena to qualify for Style Masters Entries! -- Hammer

Street Legal -- Looks like we will be having some Friendly Competition among the
Rippers and Strikers.  You should have the Strikers edge! -- Hammer

All -- Looks like I may be heading back to the States for the summer.  Will keep you
posted.  The managing editor went on vacation before my paperwork was completed and I
am not hanging around here for three months waiting for his return to find out if the
hiring was completed! -- Hammer

Hammer and Niytyole -- I have two warriors to enter in the Hammer Run contest:
1.  Light da' Pyre -- Slasher
2.  Hey, Zeus! -- Lunger
Let the fun begin turn 444. -- Prophet, mgr. of When Dogma Fails

Dark Arena -- Who are the hacks you guys are sending at on the sands these days?  Two
monsters dead on a single turn?  I guess even in the Dark Arena, dogma can fail. --

Mr. Philthy -- Ahh, I see you have come back for another whipping!  I was getting
lonely without you here. -- Distorted

A-10 -- Amazing!  And I thought you were a scum.  Kudos. -- Distorted

Lonigan -- This turn it is.  I will leave you alone now.  You can thank me later for
the recognition pts. -- Distorted

No Chaser -- Even up.  I'll leave it at that for now. -- Slugworth

Gamma Ray -- That look on your face was sweet!  Remember, what doesn't kill you makes
you stronger, right? -- Helias Sol

All -- Here's a brief debate:  when is it time to DA a warrior?  I'm wavering; I LIKE
running fighters who won't be in ADM.  I get a lot of wins out of them, normally.
But I have this PS that I'm just not sure of...any thoughts? -- Kid Arcane

The Nukes -- Why did Test Monkey take off like that?  I could have killed him for you
and saved you the DA fees!! -- Aurora

The Man -- Believe it or not, it was a case of mistaken identity.  Really.  I thought
you were a PL or a PS.  Oooopss!  (and oooouuuuucccchh!) -- Vector Unstable

Sandman -- Good name.  It fits.  Unfortunately I didn't choose this fight.  When I
pick the next meeting, the results will be different, I promise! -- Aurora

Wessel -- Hey, thanks for the skills!  That was like...some kind of jackpot!!!  I
wonder if I'd have gotten more if I'd killed you...? -- Vagabond Dream

Persistent Beggar -- What glory in beating a butter-knife totin', Geezerly Raggedy
Andy like you?? -- Splintered Sky

Hammer Run Rioters -- Black Jack Hammer will be representing Casino Hammerz in the
Strikers category of the Hammer Run Style Masters contest! -- Hammer

30 April 2003
All -- Remember to put your arena number on your strategy sheets.  Strategies turned
in without an arena number run the risk of missing the turn. -- NAIEI

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

BARAK viciously butchered STONE GOLEM in a crowd pleasing 2 minute Dark Arena fight.
GOTH killed GERELIN LOSTFIRE in a 3 minute Dark Arena melee.
ROLLIN was killed by SHEWISH GIANT in a 2 minute gruesome Dark Arena fight.
ROBERT THOMAS was butchered by BLACK ORC in a 1 minute gory Dark Arena contest.
JUSTIN FARGAS was assassinated by BANDIT PRINCE in a 1 minute Dark Arena match.
EYE OF THE TIGER butchered ALEC BLACKTHORN in a 1 minute uneven Bloodfeud brawl.
ANDY overpowered LONIGAN in a 1 minute one-sided Bloodfeud struggle.
SLUGWORTH devastated STRAY in a 2 minute one-sided Challenge competition.
RYANATOR was viciously subdued by NO CHASER in a 3 minute expert's Challenge melee.
GRANDPA JOE was assassinated by SEDEN in a 1 minute uneven Challenge Title duel.
QUID PRO KAPOW overpowered WILD CARD HAMMER in a 1 minute uneven Challenge match.
LITTER BOX LUCKY was savagely defeated by MIKE TV in a 4 minute Challenge fight.
DIGITALIS was devastated by SILK in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge conflict.
VIOLET B. was demolished by EXUS in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge match.
BEER GOGGLES overpowered CONVICTED ASSASSIN in a 2 minute gory mismatched conflict.
LEMON DROP vanquished PUT OUT THE CAT in a 1 minute mismatched bout.
DRY KEG vanquished A-10 in a crowd pleasing 2 minute bloody one-sided fray.
OLD MAJOR was devastated by APATHY in a 2 minute one-sided fight.
BOOM CHICKEN BOOM demolished KID REDO in a 1 minute one-sided bout.
TOMMY MADDOX overpowered CAPTURED ORC in a 1 minute mismatched fight.
ZIPPOPOTAMUS bested PANDORA in a 4 minute gory contest.
KRIEG SWINE was savagely defeated by BRILL in a exciting 4 minute gory duel.
SNOWBALL was overcome by SHAR-PEI FLAMBE in a action packed 3 minute bloody duel.
OLENTANGY was overpowered by GRUDGEBRINGER in a 1 minute one-sided match.
DEREK FISHER overpowered CONVICTED THIEF in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
SHAWN GREEN assassinated EMBEZZLING SCRIBE in a 1 minute one-sided duel.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|STRIKING ATTACK                  9         PARRY-LUNGE       30 -  22 -  0      58  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   8         WALL OF STEEL     21 -  16 -  0      57  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   5         LUNGING ATTACK    54 -  51 -  1      51  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  5         STRIKING ATTACK   52 -  50 -  7      51  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      5         TOTAL PARRY       42 -  43 -  5      49  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    4         AIMED BLOW        12 -  18 -  1      40  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      3         SLASHING ATTACK   20 -  30 -  1      40  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    3         BASHING ATTACK    22 -  33 -  3      40  |
|AIMED BLOW                       1         PARRY-RIPOSTE     11 -  23 -  1      32  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     0         PARRY-STRIKE       0 -   2 -  0       0  |

Turn 443 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

AIMED BLOW         1 -  0     SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  3         4  STRIKING ATTACK
STRIKING ATTACK    8 -  1     PARRY-LUNGE        1 -  2         2  TOTAL PARRY    
LUNGING ATTACK     5 -  3     TOTAL PARRY        1 -  4         2  PARRY-LUNGE    
BASHING ATTACK     3 -  2     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  0         1  BASHING ATTACK 
WALL OF STEEL      2 -  2     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  3         1  WALL OF STEEL  
                                                                1  SLASHING ATTACK

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
STRIKING ATTACK  SEDEN 6566                  9   3  1  122 PATH OF THE BLADE (558)
TOTAL PARRY      RYANATOR 3462              25  14  0  109 OBSIDIAN HALL (192)
WALL OF STEEL    STRAY 6430                 20  18  0   90 ARENA FELINES (539)
SLASHING ATTACK  QUID PRO KAPOW 6901        10   7  0   79 WHEN DOGMA FAILS (566)
LUNGING ATTACK   BOOM CHICKEN BOOM 6798     13   9  0   73 PETS ON FIRE (573)
PARRY-RIPOSTE    PUT OUT THE CAT 6793       15   7  1   67 PETS ON FIRE (573)
BASHING ATTACK   BARAK 6499                  9   4  3   59 PATH OF THE BLADE (558)
PARRY-LUNGE      OLD MAJOR 3149              9   8  0   59 PIG BATTALION (226)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is BEER GOGGLES 6819.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was SNOWBALL 3150.  The ten other most popular fighters were MIKE TV 6965, BRILL 
6501, DRY KEG 6679, BARAK 6499, ROLLIN 7036, SLUGWORTH 6847, BEER GOGGLES 6819, 
PANDORA 6898, SEDEN 6566, and APATHY 6913.

The least popular fighter this week was OLENTANGY 6452.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were KID REDO 6899, PUT OUT THE CAT 6793, VIOLET B. 7065, DIGITALIS 6862, 
3464, and DEREK FISHER 7056.

The following warriors have traveled to ADVANCED DUELMASTERS after fighting this turn:

NO CHASER (33-6490) JOYS OF BOOZE (556)