Date   : 02/25/2004    Duedate: 03/09/2004


DM-35    TURN-458

This Weeks Top Honors


(35-3537) [10-5-0,104]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

INANNA                         O'MALLEY
LADY OF BATTLES (336)          BLITZKRIEG (357)
(35-3537) [10-5-0,104]         (35-3816) [2-1-1,31]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

GWALCHMAI                      LORD FERRIC
(35-3749) [16-9-3,68]          (35-1181) [4-3-2,28]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. BLITZKRIEG (357)            48
2. STRONGHOLD (282)            36      LADY OF BATTLES (336)
3. LOST CAUSE (268)            28      Unchartered Team
4. LADY OF BATTLES (336)       24
5. DEVILS OF THE DEEP (358)     7      DEVILS OF THE DEEP (358)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1*DEVILS OF THE DEEP (358)   2   0  0  100   1/ 4*BLITZKRIEG (357)          9  6 2
 2/ 5*BLITZKRIEG (357)           9   6  2 60.0   2/ 2 FERROUS MEN (11)          7  8 1
 3/ 0 LADY OF BATTLES (336)     19  13  0 59.4   3/ 3 STRONGHOLD (282)          7  8 1
 4- 2 THE BEARS (253)          316 233 20 57.6   4/ 1 CHILDREN OF LLYR (141)    7  8 0
 5/ 3 LOST CAUSE (268)         277 229 26 54.7   5/ 6 LOST CAUSE (268)          4 11 0
 6/ 4 FERROUS MEN (11)         101  95  7 51.5   6- 5 THE BEARS (253)           3  3 1
 7/ 6 STRONGHOLD (282)          20  21  3 48.8   7/ 7*DEVILS OF THE DEEP (358)  2  0 0
 8/ 7 CHILDREN OF LLYR (141)   423 643 18 39.7   8/ 0 LADY OF BATTLES (336)     2  0 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT

     >)]H[(< + -----:----- + >)] The Free Cities #77 [(< + -----:----- + >)]H[(<

Near Barikala:

     The Golden Moon, Lady Protector Artemisia commanding, was approaching the Urt
Delta from the northeast as the day drew to a close.  Her goal was Zukal, but as soon
as the ship came within sight of land, she would anchor and wait for daylight.  The
maze of channels and islands that formed the delta was not something to attempt at
night.  At least, not now.  A decade ago there had been an intricate network of
beacons that a skilled and familiar pilot could use to reach the city's docks at any
hour, but the invasion from the East had put an end to that.  The defenders had
destroyed the beacons to hamper their foes, and the triumphant invaders of Zukal had
neither the knowledge or desire to restore the system.
     Artemisia's lip curled.  The Easterners called the people of Alastari
barbarians, because many of their cultures were young.  But if the 'civilized' old
cultures of the East didn't--or couldn't--restore safe shipping, who was the true
     The lookout shouted that land was in sight, and Artemisia turned to squint into
the setting sun.  But she was lower than the man on the mast and couldn't see the
dark line of the shore yet.  With a shrug, she turned to look the other way,
searching the sky for a warning of the sudden storms that had given this great lake
its name.  That horizon was clear, also.  She didn't quite trust it, but...the sky
was clear and the wind was steady.  Good enough, for now.
     When she turned to the west again, she could see land herself, the long, dark
hump of Barikala Island, silhouetted against the crimson sky.  The sun vanished from
sight, and its light was replaced by the broad, slightly greenish beam that shot
straight upward from the center of Barikala.  Around her, the sailors moved to place
the ship in a safe position and run out the anchors for the night; her first officer
needed no instructions to handle that.
     That beam of light over Barikala was also new since the invasion, and Artemisia
wished her friend Beag Magda were here.  The Elf understood such things.  Or at least
knew how to think about them, because nobody understood just what that blazing beacon
was...other than dangerous.  No one who had landed on Barikala in the last few years
had returned from there to tell what they'd seen.
     The lookout called down something else that she couldn't hear over the bustling
sounds of sails being lowered and anchor chains creaking off their drums.  One of the
sailors halfway down the mast below him shouted up, got an answer, and came hurrying
     "Koro says there's something coming out through the delta," the sailor reported.
"He isn't sure what, the light's about gone, but it might be a group of canoes.  They
aren't in a main channel, anyway."
     Artemisia glanced to the side.  Her first officer was there, as he should be.
"We may have an attack coming up," she said quietly.
     He nodded and moved off to make sure the crew was ready.
     Artemisia tapped her fingers on the hilt of her cutlass, reviewing
possibilities, then shrugged.  It was useless to speculate without more information,
and dangerous to formulate plans under such circumstances.  She would have to wait
upon events.


     Ghenis glared down into the alley where the last of the soldiers were marching
past.  Nothing had happened.  The dark god he had believed he served had not
responded.  The Ferencian was lying to them all.  But somewhere, he knew, there was
such a dark demongod, and he vowed to find it.  And the Ferencian liar would be the
first sacrifice....
     He withdrew carefully from the roof above the alley.  It would be a good idea to
get out of Zukal for a while.  Out from under that liar Pelishtekan's eye, so that he
could think and lay his plans in relative safety.  Niatoli Island, that's where he
would go.  The false cult already had a 'mission' there, and Cousin Og would be his,
Ghenis's, first recruit.

The Isle of the Eye:

     Beag Magda sat at a small table near the back of the Two Lilies and swirled the
last of the tea in her cup moodily.  She had no fault to find with the Lilies, they
knew her here and always gave her the same table.  And the tea, as usual, was
excellent.  Something was wrong somewhere, but it was less definite--and more
important--than a problem with the service, or a mediocre cup of tea.  She was almost
afraid to look into her cup.
     That was nonsense.  It was only the unknown that should be feared, and once she
read the tea leaves, the problem would not be unknown.  Well, it would not be
completely unknown, but tea leaves were a very imprecise method of diagnosis and
prognostication.  With a little shake, she threw off the dark mood, emptied the last
swallow of tea into the saucer, and peered into the cup at the leaves clinging to its
bottom and sides.
     She could feel the hair trying to rise on the back of her neck.  The leaves
seemed to be swimming in a web of shadows.  The patterns they formed all indicated as
plainly as tea leaves could that something very dark was impending.  But nothing was
clear.  Who was menaced, and by what?  How soon?
     Beag Magda set the cup down very carefully, because her hand was trying to
shake, and laid coins beside it to pay for the tea.  She needed more information, and
she couldn't get it here.


     Lord Protector Ipecac stalked ashore and glared around for someone to share his
outrage.  Anyone who recognized him in time--and Stormcrowe was a small island with a
limited population who generally DID recognize one another--departed hastily.  Lady
Protector Snowfall wasn't quite fast enough.  "Do you know what HAPPENED?" Ipecac
     Looking distinctly queasy, Snowfall shook her head.
     "My ship was ATTACKED," the warrior from Emetics snapped.  He didn't notice when
the shapely woman flinched from his vehemence; people were always doing that around
him.  He stalked closer, dropping his voice for privacy.  "Monsters," he hissed.
"Demons out of the waves.  Half shark, half man, you might say.  Others like kraken.
They were summoned by a dark wizard on a black ship.  We have to do something about
     Snowfall swallowed a couple of times, then said, "Why?  And how?"
     Ipecac raised his eyebrows.  "You want to live on nothing but fish caught in the
harbor?" he asked.  "They could blockade us!  And what if they decide to come ashore
and attack us here on the island?"  He frowned thoughtfully.  "Probably it's part of
some Karnhorn plot, and if we don't nip it in the bud, they'll be all over us,
murdering and enslaving.  Can't have that."
     "No," Snowfall agreed faintly, "we can't have that.  But how do we stop them?"
     "We fight, of course!"  He hesitated, perhaps realizing that such a plan was
lacking in useful details.  "All the ships will have to be armed with...catapults,"
he suggested.  "And...none of them going out alone.  Yes.  And we need to find any
wizards on the island and recruit them to help fight, and more importantly to find
out what we're up against.  That's a beginning."  He nodded firmly.  "We need to
start right away!"
     Snowfall turned quickly to the rail at the edge of the dock and fed the fish her
lunch, then straightened.  "Yes, I can see that.  Wizards, catapults, convoys.  No
time to waste...."

      * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ *

                        ---===FREE BLADES REGIONAL NEWS===---

 DM   9 ZUKAL (turn 486): ALEX GRIFFIN of DREAM PARK (Zalgor Prigg, mgr.)
 DM  12 RIZTAB (turn 484): XXL STRETCH PANTS of HELL-MART (Ebenezer Frothingslosh)
 DM  15 MALCORN (turn 480): ABRA-HAM! of SACRILEGIOUS MEAT (Klep, mgr.)
 DM  16 WILLAF (turn 480): HIMEI of YAMABUSHI (Doc Miracle, mgr.)
 DM  17 ALJAFIR (turn 479): GHENGIS KHAN of HEROESANDFOUNDONES (The Judge, mgr.)
 DM  19 ZUWAYZA (turn 477): TMARACK of THE SIERRAS (Barnabas, mgr.)
 DM  28 MORYA (turn 238): ZACHARIAH of RED IRON KNIGHTS (Woelfe, mgr.)
 DM  29 LAPUR (turn 469): THE FIRE WITCH of CRIMSON KINGS (The Yellow Jester, mgr.)
 DM  31 CHIMLEVTAL (turn 236): HUNGRY BONES of UNFIT TO BE ORCS (Slugbait, mgr.)
 DM  32 ARVAT (turn 466): LOCKED IN of CALL THE PRIEST (Destitute Noble, mgr.)
 DM  33 NIATOLI ISLAND (turn 464): LIGHT DA' PYRE of WHEN DOGMA FAILS (Prophet, mgr.)
 DM  35 MURSKA (turn 457): BRAN AP CADAL of CHILDREN OF LLYR (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  43 VEASTIAN (turn 420): SPACE BABOON of KORGAN CRUSADE (Jack Wolfspider, mgr.)
 DM  45 STORMCROWE (turn 213): MING of DYNASTIC (Jack Wolfspider, mgr.)
 DM  47 NORTH FORK (turn 208): 100% COLUMBIAN of COFFEE RULES! (Mr. Coffee, mgr.)
 DM  50 SNOWBOUND (turn 195): NASSE of DARK SIDHE (Daehir, mgr.)
 DM  56 ROCANIS (turn 345): TENACULUM of GENERAL SURGERY (Darkfist, mgr.)
 DM  61 JURINE (turn 325): TAIL IN THE AIR of ARENA FELINES (Garfield, mgr.)
 DM  73 ERINIKA (turn 143): KASENKO of PERFECTION QUEST II (Mannequin, mgr.)
                                (Shadowgate, mgr.)

                                      Top Teams
 DM   9 ZUKAL (turn 486): CLAN O' WHOOPAS (?, mgr.)
 DM  12 RIZTAB (turn 484): THE CITY (Berylstar, mgr.)
 DM  15 MALCORN (turn 480): SACRILEGIOUS MEAT (Klep, mgr.)
 DM  16 WILLAF (turn 480): WYLDERNESS WYLD (Barnabas, mgr.)
 DM  17 ALJAFIR (turn 479): HEROESANDFOUNDONES (The Judge, mgr.)
 DM  19 ZUWAYZA (turn 477): QUASI-LEGAL OPS (Necron 99, mgr.)
 DM  28 MORYA (turn 238): THE WARLORDS II (Fizban, mgr.)
 DM  29 LAPUR (turn 469): CRIMSON KINGS (The Yellow Jester, mgr.)
 DM  31 CHIMLEVTAL (turn 236): WHAMMO & THUDDA 4 U! (Micky, mgr.)
 DM  32 ARVAT (turn 466): SARATOGA GLORY (The Trainer, mgr.)
 DM  33 NIATOLI ISLAND (turn 464): SACKETT'S & CO. (Barnabas, mgr.)
 DM  35 MURSKA (turn 457): CHILDREN OF LLYR (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  43 VEASTIAN (turn 420): MEDS (Berylstar, mgr.)
 DM  45 STORMCROWE (turn 213): DYNASTIC (Jack Wolfspider, mgr.)
 DM  47 NORTH FORK (turn 208): THE JESUITS (Goat, mgr.)
 DM  50 SNOWBOUND (turn 195): TEAM VIRTUE (Boy Scout, mgr.)
 DM  56 ROCANIS (turn 345): GENERAL SURGERY (Darkfist, mgr.)
 DM  61 JURINE (turn 325): FAVORITE GUYS (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  73 ERINIKA (turn 143): MAGIC MAYHEM (Fizban, mgr.)
ADM 103 FREE BLADES (turn 370): MEOW MIX, etc. (Sylvester Frothingslosh, mgr.)

                                   Recent Graduates
 DM  15 MALCORN (turn 479): MAN O' WAR of TRIPLE CROWN (Sultan, mgr.)
 DM  16 WILLAF (turn 480): PUN DAT of PUNNY AMINALS (Jorja, mgr.)
                           CRIMSON of PHOENIX (?, mgr.)
               (turn 479): MUKAARTH of BLACKHEART'S AXE (?, mgr.)
 DM  17 ALJAFIR (turn 478): CAESAR of HEROESANDFOUNDONES (The Judge, mgr.)
 DM  29 LAPUR (turn 469): SACRIFICIAL KNIFE of HAND ON YOUR HEART (Manray, Marquis
                          d'Frothingslosh, mgr.)
 DM  31 CHIMLEVTAL (turn 236): SODOM of DARQUE FORCES (Master Darque, mgr.)
                               PALLADICE of STORMWATCH (Polar Bear, mgr.)
 DM  35 MURSKA (turn 457): BRAN AP CADAL of CHILDREN OF LLYR (Jorja, mgr.)
               (turn 456): DINGO of THE BEARS (Papa Bear, mgr.)
                           IRON-HIDE of FERROUS MEN (Ironbutt, mgr.)
 DM  47 NORTH FORK (turn 208): UR BRAIN ON EGG of MYSTIC ORC FEAST (Slugbait, mgr.)
                   (turn 207): STRAW FIRE of LAND OF OZ (Oz the Successful, mgr.)
 DM  50 SNOWBOUND (turn 195): NASSE of DARK SIDHE (Daehir, mgr.)
 DM  56 ROCANIS (turn 345): 4-0 PROLENE of GENERAL SURGERY (Darkfist, mgr.)

                                 DUELMASTER'S COLUMN
                             Notes from the arena champ.

     Ironmonger, you made a good try, even if you are a silent son of a cuss, but it
was my day.  And what a day, eh?  Duelmaster and graduating.
     I stand before you all revealed as 13-6-15-11-17-9-13  SH  high/high.  Needless
to say, I am retiring.

                                        Bran ap Cadal

                                      SPY REPORT

     If you were disturbed from your beauty rest only to have to watch a bunch of 
MURSKA brutes like you, you'd be grouchy, too.  Later days, CHILDREN OF LLYR, since 
BLITZKRIEG took top team from you this turn, you guys are old news.  BLITZKRIEG 
turned their 4-1-1 turn into a 1st place rank in the listings this turn.  Any better 
than this, and you get put on hit lists.  Tsk, tsk, STUPID beat BADDA BADDA and BADDA 
BADDA lost 10 points.  You're breakin' my heart.  And it's out with the old, in with 
the new, as INANNA takes the Title and last week's bar tab from the old Duelmaster.  
Heh, heh.  I'm not in a very good mood today, but why am I telling you this?  You 
want to know what's new, don't you, MURSKA?   
     Well, let's take a look at some more misdeeds of you miserable sword-boys.  
MURSKA, I am losing what little hope I had in you.  FERROUS MEN the most avoided 
team?  What insult will suffice, I cannot say.  And it looks like STRONGHOLD avoided 
them the most this turn.  What a pack of would be losers, if you ask me.  Hmph.  Ooh, 
I'm frightfully impressed, BRANGWYN was this turn's most challenged warrior.  Watch 
that ego swell, sports fans.  MELGWYN was challenged by one of STRONGHOLD's warriors 
this turn, with KAN'SHI having a lead of 20 points going into the fight.  And sorry 
to say, KAN'SHI dealt death to  MELGWYN, leaving a bad feeling with the crowd.  I 
think exploitive snob is the term I'm looking for.  I guess I can give a little 
credit to O'MALLEY of BLITZKRIEG for challenging up by 18 to OISAN.  O'MALLEY won to 
get 31 points of recognition.   
     Ah, now we come to my favorite part, where we see all the guys who are dead and 
gone, and get to see if their team cared.  Bye bye, warrior, bye bye...  MELGWYN, a 
glorious 3-5-0 fighter, has passed away.  Gee, too bad CHILDREN OF LLYR.  Not that 
I'll be buying the drinks, but I'll be glad to see SEBASTION and STRONGHOLD at The 
Fire Dragon Inn tonight celebrating their bloodfeud victory over LORD FERRIC.  A big 
yahoo goes out to SEBASTION this turn, for revenging STRONGHOLD's bloodfeud against 
FERROUS MEN's warrior LORD FERRIC.  Heh, heh, heh.  We're all going to die in the 
end, so why worry if the fate catches up with you sooner that later?   
     There's got to be a better place in MURSKA to get a drink than The Fire Dragon 
Inn!  Any suggestions?  Just wait 'till next time I show up here, I won't be so nice! 
So nyaaah!  Paste this one in your scrapbooks, you'll need the kindling come this 
winter-- Snide Clemens  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 INANNA 3537                  10   5  0   104       LADY OF BATTLES (336)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 IRONMONGER 1022              13   9  0    82       FERROUS MEN (11)
 GWALCHMAI 3749               16   9  3    68       CHILDREN OF LLYR (141)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 KAN'SHI 3802                  5   2  1    60       STRONGHOLD (282)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MONA FERRULE 1041            12   8  0    54       FERROUS MEN (11)
-TOM THUMB 3791                5   1  1    48       THE BEARS (253)
 SPARHAWK 2927                 6   5  0    40       STRONGHOLD (282)
 CLYDE 3665                    8   8  2    37       LOST CAUSE (268)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SEBASTION 3834                2   0  0    33       STRONGHOLD (282)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 O'MALLEY 3816                 2   1  1    31       BLITZKRIEG (357)
 LORD FERRIC 1181              4   3  2    28       FERROUS MEN (11)
 BARRISTER 3817                2   1  0    24       BLITZKRIEG (357)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 OISAN 3794                    4  10  0    22       CHILDREN OF LLYR (141)
 MEGALODON 3838                2   0  0    21       DEVILS OF THE DEEP (358)
 STUPID 3840                   1   0  0    19       LOST CAUSE (268)
 BRANGWYN 3793                 2  12  0    18       CHILDREN OF LLYR (141)
 FLASH 3818                    2   1  1    14       BLITZKRIEG (357)
 LADY FERRIC 1180              3   4  0    13       FERROUS MEN (11)
 DARLING NIKKI 3842            1   0  0    13       BLITZKRIEG (357)
 DEATH DEALER 3826             1   2  0    12       STRONGHOLD (282)
 BADDA BADDA 3815              2   1  0     7       BLITZKRIEG (357)
 ESTHER 3739                   1   0  0     6       LADY OF BATTLES (336)
 PANE 3822                     1   2  0     5       LOST CAUSE (268)
 IRON SKILLET 3843             0   1  0     1       FERROUS MEN (11)
 DEAD 3841                     0   1  0     1       LOST CAUSE (268)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD               W  L K TEAM NAME             SLAIN BY             TURN Revenge?
RED HERRING 3827       0  1 0 THE BEARS 253         O'MALLEY 3816         457         
MELGWYN 3804           3  6 0 CHILDREN OF LLYR 141  KAN'SHI 3802          458         
HURT 3833              0  2 0 LOST CAUSE 268        FLASH 3818            458         
STEEL AFFLICTION 3821  2  3 0 STRONGHOLD 282        DARK CHAMPION 24      458 NONE    
RIPPER 3819            2  1 0 STRONGHOLD 282        LORD FERRIC 1181      456 JUST REV
DEATH DEALER 3820      1  1 1 STRONGHOLD 282        LORD FERRIC 1181      455 JUST REV

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Kan'Shi -- I dunno, what if she can't? -- Melgwuyn, who has perhaps had a little too
much "pain reliever"

Barrister -- Not if I know anything about it!  Lawyers make more trouble than they
solve. -- Brangwyn

Mona Ferrule -- How can somebody named Mona be a guy?  And being it's so, how can you
not try harder, like the boy named Sue? -- Gwalchmai

Lady Ferric -- Ma'am, I am sorry if I might have seemed less than the gentleman in
that match, but what could I do except my best? -- Oisan

25 February 2004
Readers, and especially those who volunteered warriors -- My apologies for the sudden
lack of episodes.  I've been sick, but expect to be back at the keyboard soon. -- the

3 March 2004

     Mongo, aka Matt McIntosh and ex-Warden of the Dark Circle, is auctioning off his
entire collection of Duelmasters warriors and stables.  Don't miss out on this chance
to own some fantastic warriors!  There are ADM warriors available in every class from
Primus to Freshmen, as well as over a dozen Basic stables.
     Does a Slasher with +4 attack, +4 decisiveness, +3 initiative and +2 riposte
sound good?  How about a Lunger who received the benefit of a TC prize, has TVed
three times after graduating--and still hasn't maxed out his skills!?  How about a
Striker in the Freshmen class who has decisiveness for a favorite learn and the MAUL
for a favorite weapon!?
     Or perhaps you prefer playing in Basic.  Then how does a stable with four Adept
class warriors who have a combined record of 41-19-9 sound?  Or maybe a stable with
three 21-Will warriors?  Or perhaps a stable with four Initiates and a Rookie who
have a combined record of 23-6-1?
     The quality of the lots is excellent.  All you need to view and bid on the lots
is go to:
     If you want to be on the mailing list to receive regular updates on the auction,
just send an e-mail to JVMerlino@aol.com. Merlin, aka John Merlino and also an ex-
Warden of the Dark Circle, will be running this auction for me.  I just moved to New
Orleans and am likely currently stumbling around the French Quarter...because it's
Mardi Gras!  So I have named my auction in honor of this occasion.
     The auction will start on Saturday, March 13th, 2004, and will continue for
several weeks.  But you should get your bids in early if you want your best chance at
owning any of these fantastic warriors and stables.
     Many thanks to all for your interest and your bids,


5 March 2004
Style Masters Symposium
Hosted by Hammer

     The years have slipped by and many DM Managers have come and gone since the last
Hammer's Handbook was compiled and printed.
     There is now a stirring within me to begin writing and editing yet another
Handbook with a distribution date sometime in 2005.
     This Handbook will be made available via Email with a possibility of burning the
info to a CD for distribution.
     Special arrangements will be made to provide the information via printed page to
those contributors who are serving sentences behind bars.
     The working title of this new Handbook is "Style Masters Symposium Hosted by
     Distribution of this Handbook is projected to be MAINLY for those DM Managers
who contribute information/articles to Hammer by June 2004.
     Informative and entertaining articles should focus on insights regarding Any or
All 10 Style Masters for both the Basic and ADM arenas as well as Tourney
     Articles focusing on Weapons/Armor are also encouraged for inclusion.
     Whether you are a Newbie Manager without a clue or a Jaded Veteran; everyone has
discovered something about this gaming experience that is both Insightful and
     Email Your Articles to HammerDM@fastermail.com or send them via Diplo to either
Flower Hammerz (372) in DM 28 or Casino Hammerz (576) in DM 33.
     Length and Content of the Style Masters Symposium Hosted by Hammer will be
Determined by the Quality and Quantity of Contributors Combined with the Literary
Efforts of Hammer who is currently overseas for an indefinite period of time.
     Articles Contributed for this Project should be of Sufficient Length and Content
to Warrant being Included to Receive the Finished Document when Hammer has completed
this literary work to His satisfaction.
     Managers contributing articles are also requested to include a DM Bio of
Themselves along with any Notable Successes and/or Failures during Their DM Career in
Basic, ADM and/or Tourney Play.
     A listing of Active Stables would also be Helpful for Anyone Seeking to Reply to
Contributors via Diplo, Email or Snailmail.
     May Your Blades Be Sharp And Your Wits Sharper!
     -- Hammer of Flower Hammerz (372) DM 28 and Casino Hammerz (576) DM 33

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

STEEL AFFLICTION was butchered by DARK CHAMPION in a 1 minute bloody Dark Arena fight.
SEBASTION won victory over LORD FERRIC in a action packed 4 minute Bloodfeud battle.
IRONMONGER subdued GWALCHMAI in a 2 minute expert's Challenge fight.
SPARHAWK was viciously subdued by MONA FERRULE in a 4 minute gory Challenge contest.
KAN'SHI assassinated MELGWYN in a 1 minute bloody mismatched Challenge match.
FLASH slaughtered HURT in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge fight.
O'MALLEY overpowered OISAN in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge brawl.
BARRISTER overpowered BRANGWYN in a 1 minute uneven Challenge melee.
BRAN AP CADAL was vanquished by INANNA in a 1 minute uneven Title duel.
CLYDE overpowered LADY FERRIC in a 1 minute uneven duel.
BADDA BADDA was overpowered by STUPID in a action packed 8 minute one-sided fight.
PANE was overpowered by MEGALODON in a 1 minute one-sided fight.
DEATH DEALER demolished DEAD in a 1 minute mismatched competition.
ESTHER bested IRON SKILLET in a crowd pleasing 1 minute novice's battle.
DARLING NIKKI overpowered CONVICTED THIEF in a 1 minute mismatched conflict.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                   9         PARRY-LUNGE        5 -   2 -  1      71  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    4         TOTAL PARRY        4 -   2 -  0      67  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  3         AIMED BLOW         4 -   2 -  0      67  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   3         WALL OF STEEL     18 -  10 -  3      64  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     2         PARRY-STRIKE      13 -   8 -  0      62  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      2         STRIKING ATTACK    9 -   6 -  3      60  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    2         LUNGING ATTACK    21 -  14 -  1      60  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      1         SLASHING ATTACK    5 -   5 -  1      50  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  1         PARRY-RIPOSTE      5 -  10 -  0      33  |
|AIMED BLOW                       1         BASHING ATTACK     6 -  22 -  0      21  |

Turn 458 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-LUNGE        1 -  0     WALL OF STEEL      1 -  3         3  LUNGING ATTACK 
PARRY-STRIKE       2 -  0     AIMED BLOW         0 -  1         2  WALL OF STEEL  
SLASHING ATTACK    1 -  0     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  2         1  PARRY-LUNGE    
TOTAL PARRY        2 -  0     BASHING ATTACK     0 -  3         1  PARRY-STRIKE   
STRIKING ATTACK    2 -  1                                       1  AIMED BLOW     
LUNGING ATTACK     5 -  4                                       1  SLASHING ATTACK
                                                                1  TOTAL PARRY    
                                                                1  STRIKING ATTACK

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
LUNGING ATTACK   INANNA 3537                10   5  0  104 LADY OF BATTLES (336)
WALL OF STEEL    IRONMONGER 1022            13   9  0   82 FERROUS MEN (11)
PARRY-LUNGE      KAN'SHI 3802                5   2  1   60 STRONGHOLD (282)
PARRY-STRIKE     MONA FERRULE 1041          12   8  0   54 FERROUS MEN (11)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is GWALCHMAI 3749.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was LORD FERRIC 1181.  The ten other most popular fighters were BADDA BADDA 3815, 
ESTHER 3739, KAN'SHI 3802, FLASH 3818, and O'MALLEY 3816.

The least popular fighter this week was STUPID 3840.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were DEAD 3841, PANE 3822, LADY FERRIC 1180, BRANGWYN 3793, OISAN 3794, HURT 
3833, MELGWYN 3804, DARLING NIKKI 3842, IRON SKILLET 3843, and BARRISTER 3817.

The following warriors have traveled to ADVANCED DUELMASTERS after fighting this turn: