Date   : 10/20/2009    Duedate: 11/02/2009


DM-41    TURN-573

This Weeks Top Honors


(41-2751) [11-4-0,105]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

LUCKY DAWG                     ARMED BANDIT
DA DOG POWNDAZ (111)           THUGS (400)
(41-2751) [11-4-0,105]         (41-4418) [2-1-1,25]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

WANDERERS (329)                WANDERERS (329)
(41-4369) [23-23-0,97]         (41-4369) [23-23-0,97]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. DA DOG POWNDAZ (111)        29
2. THE STORM FRONT (109)       19      MEDAL OF HONOR H3 (397)
3. MEDAL OF HONOR H3 (397)     12      Unchartered Team
4. THE PLAGUE (93)              7
5. CONSTRUCTION (186)           0      THUGS (400)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1 MEDAL OF HONOR H3 (397)  110  48  3 69.6   1/ 1 THE PLAGUE (93)           9  5 0
 2- 2 CONSTRUCTION (186)        17  13  2 56.7   2/ 2 WANDERERS (329)           8  6 0
 3/ 3 THE PLAGUE (93)          319 293 21 52.1   3/ 4 THE STORM FRONT (109)     7  8 0
 4/ 4 THE STORM FRONT (109)    181 170 15 51.6   4/ 6*THUGS (400)               5  6 3
 5/ 5 DA DOG POWNDAZ (111)     233 241 17 49.2   5/ 5 DA DOG POWNDAZ (111)      5  7 0
 6/ 6 WANDERERS (329)          640 676 15 48.6   6/ 3 MEDAL OF HONOR H3 (397)   4  5 0
 7/ 7*THUGS (400)                6   9  4 40.0   7- 7 CONSTRUCTION (186)        1  0 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT

        + ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ The Andorian Succession #36 ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ +


     Sizzling Sunflower had said that the obstacles on the way back to the true
Fratsfa, three mancats and two more ordinary men, would not be a problem and she
meant it.  After all, she was a skilled gladiator, a Lady Protector, and she had just
defeated the champion of this place, the vampire.  She was confident of her prowess,
and by the way they moved, she could see that her opponents were also confident--of
HER prowess.
     She smiled and moved into the attack, her blade flickering in diffused light of
this place.  Five opponents at once, well, she wasn't alone, either, and though
Lenpro was, from her point of view, old, she knew he was resolute and suspected that
he had considerable skill himself.  They could handle this.
     Her target was the group of mancats, Aruaki, probably, who had been frozen in
mid-change.  She judged them to be the most dangerous, and she was, after all, the
Lady Protector.  They seemed nervous, not at all eager to close with her, which
showed more intelligence than she'd expected of them.  Not that it would do them any
     She grinned and leaped forward suddenly, right into the nearest one.  There was
a bright flash, almost blinding, but she didn't need to see to recognize the feeling
of her blade driving into flesh and bone.  She wrenched it free, blinking away after-
images, and pivoted toward where the next-closest had been.
     He wasn't there!  As her vision cleared, she saw that he was backing away, and
the other had frankly turned and run.  Well, she was going to get at least ONE more!
She bared her teeth in a snarl and stalked after the one still present and on his
feet.  Saw his eyes widen in true fear as he backed faster, apparently afraid to turn
his back on her.  He was blinking and squinting, too, and there was something wrong
with his shadow.
     "Sunflower!  Let him go--the portal is clear--"
     She did a little blinking of her own, shook her head but the voice didn't go
away.  Remembered finally that she had a partner here, and glanced around.
     Lenpro had both his men down, one was dead, she couldn't tell about the other.
He was squinting at her.
     "Let that creature go," he said.  "We have more important things to do.  Ah, you
might sheathe your sword...."
     She looked down at the blade in her hand and realized that it was hot gold,
bright as sunlight.  Reluctantly, it seemed a shame to hide that glorious light, she
slid it into the scabbard.  The world here seemed a lot darker after she did.  Would
it still blaze with sunlight in the ordinary world?  Perhaps not, but there was only
one way to find out.  She squared her shoulders and faced the portal.  "Let's go,"
she said.

       * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ *

                          ---===ANDORIAN REGIONAL NEWS===---

 DM   8 ARKERS (turn 314): CONSTERNATION of CONSANGUINEOUS (Mannequin, mgr.)
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 630): RAGING BULL of BULLDOGS (Kennelworth, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 630): HELENA of OTAGO HIGHLANDERS (The Mun, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 616): ELLIRN KOUL of MIDDLE WAY 15 (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 619): WILD FIRE of DISASTER (Papa Bear, mgr.)
 DM  25 LYRATILAN (turn 615): SAML ULRON of THE MIDDLE WAY 4 (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 614): HERSHEL WILLIAMS of MEDAL OF HONOR F7 (The Anarchist, mgr)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 612): BROTHER DOBBIN of LENPROS (Lenpro, mgr.)
 DM  40 ZENSU (turn 580): TERILEE LINZ of BEYOND THE PALE (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 572): BREAK STUFF of THE PLAGUE (Reaper, mgr.)
 DM  46 ARDIVENT (turn 563): SIS of FANDILS (Wise Old Fandil, mgr.)
 DM  52 FRATSFA (turn 262): NOVERCAPHOBIA of WATCH OUT! (Soultaker, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 462): SERGEANT2 of MEDAL OF HONOR J3 (The Anarchist, mgr.)
 DM  71 KYR'TERR (turn 215): FAIZUN GOTE of THE ZOO (Jorja, mgr.)
ADM 105 ANDORAK (turn 515): DEATH FOG of SUPERIOR FORCES (Manager, mgr.)

                                      Top Teams
 DM   8 ARKERS (turn 314): CONSANGUINEOUS (Mannequin, mgr.)
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 630): COLORIFIC (Purple People Eater, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 630): OTAGO HIGHLANDERS (The Mun, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 616): MIDDLE WAY 15 (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 619): MEDAL OF HONOOR J4 (The Anarchist, mgr.)
 DM  25 LYRATILAN (turn 615): THE MIDDLE WAY 4 (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 614): GOLDEN CANYON (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 612): LENPROS (Lenpro, mgr.)
 DM  40 ZENSU (turn 580): BEYOND THE PALE (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 572): THE PLAGUE (Reaper, mgr.)
 DM  46 ARDIVENT (turn 563): FANDILS (Fandil, mgr.)
 DM  52 FRATSFA (turn 262): FLOWER GIRLS (Lady Fern, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 462): MEDAL OF HONOR J3 (The Anarchist, mgr.)
 DM  71 KYR'TERR (turn 215): DARK AS DAY (?, mgr.)
ADM 105 ANDORAK (turn 515): KELLUMBO'S KIDS (Detective Kellumbo, mgr.)

                                   Recent Graduates
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 616): ELLIRN KOUL of MIDDLE WAY 15 (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 618): PAUL WIEDORFER of MEDAL OF HONOR J4 (The Anarchist, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 614): SERGEANT 23 of MEDAL OF HONOR F7 (The Anarchist, mgr)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 612): BROTHER DOBBIN of LENPROS (Lenpro, mgr.)
 DM  40 ZENSU (turn 580): TERILEE LINZ of BEYOND THE PALE (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 569): SERGEANT2 of MEDAL OF HONOR H3 (The Anarchist)
 DM  52 FRATSFA (turn 262): NOVERCAPHOBIA of WATCH OUT! (Soultaker, mgr.)
                            OUTCAST ORCHID of FLOWER GIRLS (Lady Fern, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 462): SERGEANT2 of MEDAL OF HONOR J3 (The Anarchist, mgr.)

                                      SPY REPORT

     Busy, busy, busy, lots of things happening in KATI-TEI this turn, and let's 
start with a look at some of the teams.  And let's see, RED DAWG fought COUNTRY 
RHODES and gained 17 points and contributed to DA DOG POWNDAZ's 2-2-0.  COUNTRY 
RHODES has lost to RED DAWG, falling 14 points, while helping make WANDERERS a 3-2-0 
turn.  LUCKY DAWG challenged for the Duelmastership this turn, attempting to dethrone 
THE PLAGUE's warrior.  And not without some honor, LUCKY DAWG now claims the title 
and throne of Duelmaster of KATI-TEI.  By the way, was that our Duelmaster that I saw 
last night, cramped under the table at The Warty Toad?   
     Oriental wise man once say, 'Hiding behind shields prevents proper sun tanning.' 
Inscrutable, but true.  I also notice that the WANDERERS stable was the most avoided 
team this turn.  Come on KATI-TEI, what are you afraid of?  And avoiding WANDERERS 
more than any other team we find THE PLAGUE.  KATI-TEI, are we going to accept, or 
respect this sort of thing?  The most challenged warrior this turn was WANDERERS' 
warrior VALARELLE.  More fighters challenged her than challenged the Duelmaster!   
     A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man only once.  Wise men know this to 
be true.  Congratulations go out to THE STORM FRONT, with ASSID RANE revenging a 
bloodfeud against ARMED BANDIT of THUGS.  A brave warrior does not carry a red 
shield, he has nothing to cover or hide when the fight is over.  Consider well.   
     I like this place, KATI-TEI, the taverns have old wine, and young serving girls. 
Who could ask for more?  Well, I'm burning daylight here in KATI-TEI and I've a long 
road ahead of me.  Happy Trails.  Until you see my quill in KATI-TEI again, 
farewell-- Alarond the Scribe  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 LUCKY DAWG 2751              11   4  0   105       DA DOG POWNDAZ (111)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-CHARLES DEGLOPPER 4377       13  10  1   115       MEDAL OF HONOR H3 (397)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 STANLOY MEDAR 4369           23  23  0    97       WANDERERS (329)
 BREAK STUFF 4344             18  13  0    95       THE PLAGUE (93)
 HARBINGER OF WOE 4390        14   6  0    94       THE PLAGUE (93)
 RED DAWG 2689                12   9  1    91       DA DOG POWNDAZ (111)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 THE WAIT 4382                16   8  0    85       THE PLAGUE (93)
 VALARELLE 4365               18  30  0    84       WANDERERS (329)
 FOUR PAWZ 2208               13  14  0    80       DA DOG POWNDAZ (111)
 COUNTRY RHODES 4400           9   9  0    70       WANDERERS (329)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-HELL HOUND 2675              12   8  0    62       DA DOG POWNDAZ (111)
 BALIN CHANE 4391             13  14  0    59       WANDERERS (329)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ASSID RANE 2735               6   6  1    47       THE STORM FRONT (109)
 I.C. SLEET 2674               7  11  1    44       THE STORM FRONT (109)
-DUCT MAN 2190                 7   5  0    44       CONSTRUCTION (186)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TYEFOON TURMOIL 2736          4   8  1    28       THE STORM FRONT (109)
 SERGEANT 6 4415               4   2  0    28       MEDAL OF HONOR H3 (397)
 LONDON FOGG 4431              3   0  0    27       THE STORM FRONT (109)
-LANDSCAPER 2189               5   2  1    25       CONSTRUCTION (186)
-ANGEL OF ARKHAM 4423          4   0  1    25       THE PLAGUE (93)
 ARMED BANDIT 4418             2   1  1    25       THUGS (400)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 CHIEF SILLYWALK 4427          2   1  2    21       THUGS (400)
 THE MUFFIN 4426               2   1  1    18       THUGS (400)
-MAKITA 2687                   3   1  1    17       CONSTRUCTION (186)
 SERGEANT 5 4424               2   2  0    11       MEDAL OF HONOR H3 (397)
 GRIMM LURCHER 4432            1   1  0     6       WANDERERS (329)
 EL NINO 4430                  1   2  0     5       THE STORM FRONT (109)
 HOWLITZER 4428                0   3  0     3       DA DOG POWNDAZ (111)
 SERGEANT 7 4429               0   1  0     1       MEDAL OF HONOR H3 (397)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
OF THE ORDER 4406       5  4 1 THE PLAGUE 93        THE MUFFIN 4426       572   
WAR WITHOUT END 4435    0  1 0 THE PLAGUE 93        CHIEF SILLYWALK 4427  573   
TORE NAYDO 4425         0  1 0 THE STORM FRONT 109  ANGEL OF ARKHAM 4423  570   
HALZORAN 4411           2  4 0 WANDERERS 329        LANDSCAPER 2189       569  NOT REVENGED

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Tyefoon Turmoil -- Now don't go on killing any more dogs and we won't have to do that
again! -- Four Pawz

The Wait -- I'm still waiting for my victory.... how did you pull that out of your
<ahem> -- Red Dawg

Country Rhodes -- You sure are a feisty one.  Looks like I'm just one.... Lucky Dawg!

Angel of Arkham -- Shadow and Dead of Winter are smiling down on you, aren't they?
Back in the day when I walked to school in the snow up a hill both ways... that never
would have happened?  It's the new reality, I suppose. -- Howlitzer

     Best excuse, I mean, explanation I've heard in a long time!

Break Stuff -- Here kitty kitty kitty.... -- Lucky Dawg

The Muffin -- Now that was un-called for... of course you know the evil things that I
must do... -- Reaper

Howlitzer -- Bet the boss was surprised to read that fight report...  Now go away and
leave me alone. -- Angel of Arkham
P.S.  Thanks for the steaming dawg pile o' skills....

Red Dawg -- That was not a smart thing to do... -- The Wait

Stormy -- Better let Marma bloodfeud you...  The ads will get worse until you do...
-- Reaper
P.S.  Then again the ads will also get funnier so maybe you should avoid...

Four Pawz -- It's not my time yet!  But if I keep learning like that, we'll see how
we match up down the road. -- Tyefoon

Dog Powndaz -- I wasn't hiding!  Been here all along.  Not one avoid was used on your
team... however since your manager doesn't curb you guys, I won't be inviting you to
any parties any time soon! -- Tyefoon

Sergeant 6 -- Interesting fight!  Didn't think I would get the jump, though,
considering how my manager wanted me to run this turn. -- I.C. Sleet

Balin Chane -- Next time I'll bring my can opener! -- Assid Rane
P.S.  Thanks for the skills!

Sergeant 5 -- Thanks for building up my confidence before the tourney! -- London Fogg

Grim Lurcher -- I loved you in the Adams Family! -- El Nino

Lucky Dawg -- Five skills and two ratings for me?  I'll take them! -- Country Rhodes
P.S.  Do you really not mind when your manager calls you a dog?  I know some don't,
probably because they ARE dogs--you know, the ears, the tail, the cold noses, all
that stuff.

Sergeant3 -- So, am I supposed to be surprised by this? -- Stanloy Medar

Break Stuff -- I hope you've got some of those squishy, jelly-filled doughnuts! --

Assid Rane -- I remembered my umbrella, okay? -- Balin Chane

El Nino -- Hmm, I suppose you needed that win more than I did, though it is
debatable.  Just don't do it again. -- Grimm Lurcher

Red Dawg -- It was a one-time-only deal. -- Valarelle

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

ASSID RANE bested ARMED BANDIT in a 1 minute master vs. beginner Bloodfeud fight.
HOWLITZER was handily defeated by TYEFOON TURMOIL in a 1 minute Bloodfeud match.
LUCKY DAWG bested BREAK STUFF in a 2 minute Challenge Title contest.
HARBINGER OF WOE overpowered VALARELLE in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge fight.
LONDON FOGG bested THE MUFFIN in a 3 minute beginner's Challenge brawl.
STANLOY MEDAR savagely defeated FOUR PAWZ in a 5 minute veteran's struggle.
THE WAIT savagely defeated VETERAN MERCENARY in a action packed 9 minute melee.
COUNTRY RHODES was vanquished by RED DAWG in a action packed 1 minute one-sided duel.
BALIN CHANE won victory over I.C. SLEET in a 2 minute fight.
SERGEANT 6 overpowered FRIENDLY CONSTABLE in a 1 minute uneven match.
SERGEANT 5 beat EL NINO in a 1 minute novice's fight.
CHIEF SILLYWALK murdered WAR WITHOUT END in a 1 minute mismatched competition.
GRIMM LURCHER unbelievably bested SERGEANT 7 in a 1 minute novice's battle.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                   8         PARRY-LUNGE        6 -   1 -  0      86  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     4         TOTAL PARRY       12 -   7 -  0      63  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      3         LUNGING ATTACK    36 -  25 -  4      59  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  3         WALL OF STEEL      4 -   3 -  0      57  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      1         SLASHING ATTACK   15 -  12 -  2      56  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  1         AIMED BLOW         8 -   7 -  1      53  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   1         PARRY-STRIKE      13 -  17 -  2      43  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    1         STRIKING ATTACK    6 -   8 -  0      43  |
|AIMED BLOW                       1         PARRY-RIPOSTE      4 -  12 -  0      25  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    1         BASHING ATTACK     1 -   4 -  0      20  |

Turn 573 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-LUNGE        1 -  0     LUNGING ATTACK     2 -  6         2  LUNGING ATTACK 
STRIKING ATTACK    1 -  0     AIMED BLOW         0 -  1         2  PARRY-STRIKE   
BASHING ATTACK     1 -  0     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  1         2  SLASHING ATTACK
TOTAL PARRY        3 -  0                                       1  PARRY-LUNGE    
WALL OF STEEL      1 -  0                                       1  WALL OF STEEL  
SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  1                                       1  TOTAL PARRY    
PARRY-STRIKE       2 -  2                                       1  AIMED BLOW     
                                                                1  PARRY-RIPOSTE  

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
PARRY-LUNGE      LUCKY DAWG 2751            11   4  0  105 DA DOG POWNDAZ (111)
LUNGING ATTACK   BREAK STUFF 4344           18  13  0   95 THE PLAGUE (93)
SLASHING ATTACK  HARBINGER OF WOE 4390      14   6  0   94 THE PLAGUE (93)
WALL OF STEEL    RED DAWG 2689              12   9  1   91 DA DOG POWNDAZ (111)
TOTAL PARRY      THE WAIT 4382              16   8  0   85 THE PLAGUE (93)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is STANLOY MEDAR 4369.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was STANLOY MEDAR 4369.  The ten other most popular fighters were FOUR PAWZ 
2208, THE MUFFIN 4426, SERGEANT 7 4429, BREAK STUFF 4344, I.C. SLEET 2674, ASSID RANE 

The least popular fighter this week was THE WAIT 4382.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were WAR WITHOUT END 4435, EL NINO 4430, VALARELLE 4365, ARMED BANDIT 4418, 
4432, and CHIEF SILLYWALK 4427.

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn: