Date   : 07/07/2003    Duedate: 07/19/2003


DM-46    TURN-404

This Weeks Top Honors


(46-3697) [15-8-0,137]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

VEERS                          THE HORNED ONE
(46-3697) [15-8-0,137]         (46-3258) [2-2-0,27]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

OL' JOE COLLIN                 VEERS
(46-3407) [18-40-1,102]        (46-3697) [15-8-0,137]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. DEATHTONGUE (89)            32
3. DRAGONBALL Z (330)           6      Unchartered Team
4. LORD OF THE HUNT (307)       6

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 2 DEATHTONGUE (89)         952 710 51 57.3   1/ 1 DEATHTONGUE (89)         10  5 1
 2/ 1 HARDTIMESINBABYLON (325)  87  67  3 56.5   2/ 2 BLUVALLEY WARRIORS (74)   9  6 0
 3/ 3 CLEVER LINGO (155)        57  50  7 53.3   3/ 3 HARDTIMESINBABYLON (325)  7  8 0
 4/ 0*LORD OF THE HUNT (307)     3   3  0 50.0   4/ 4 DRAGONBALL Z (330)        5  4 0
 5/ 4 DRAGONBALL Z (330)        60  74  3 44.8   5/ 0*LORD OF THE HUNT (307)    1  0 0
 6/ 5 BLUVALLEY WARRIORS (74)  234 358  7 39.5   6/ 5 CLEVER LINGO (155)        0  3 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT

           + ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ Andorians Abroad #9 ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ +

Iaye and beyond:

     Goff's boat was not what they'd expected.  Raoul admitted to himself that the
big manager had looked like someone who would own a rowboat for the fishing.  But
this...was a worthy vessel.  It had a mast and sails--probably all with technical
names, not that Raoul cared.  It was a trim vessel and fit to cross the Trier, which
was what counted.  It actually had a crew of two who did things to the sails, took
them up and down, changed their angle, and so on.  Sailor stuff.  They seemed to
enjoy what they were doing, but as far as he was concerned, a boat was
transportation, and that was all.
     "How far is it to Istoreth?" Raoul asked.
     "A hundred twenty-five, maybe a hundred fifty miles, I haven't measured."  Goff
shrugged.  "The wind's against us, it always is this time of year, but even so, it
shouldn't take more than a few days."


     "But this is the goods!" Peranis protested.  He knew his voice was getting
shrill, but he couldn't help it.  These S'varni were maddening.  They didn't CARE.
"With this book," he urged, trying to speak more calmly, even though this was the
third of the city's princes he'd made his pitch to, "you'd have the entire Andorian
intelligence network under your hand, and the power to coerce many of the Andorian
lords into obedience, as well."
     Lord Haluren, a FARMER, for the gods' sake, the Sealord and the Spelllord having
already turned him down, shrugged.  "Why would I want the Andorian intelligence
network?  Would it bring rain in season, or prevent the malformed births of sheep and
     "But..." Peranis swallowed, "but you could sell it to the Osksi, if nothing
else!  They'd give you a good price for it, more than I'm asking."
     "Sell it to the Osksi yourself, then," Haluren advised.  "I understand the winds
are favorable for sailing to Osksi at this season.  Have a good trip."
     Peranis found himself outside the door, with no clear notion of what he was
going to do next.  His dreams of wealth and power were not materializing.  The Black
Book WAS valuable, but if he couldn't find a buyer...he wasn't sure that he could use
that information safely himself.  Certainly not from a base in Andoria.  There were
enough assassins left that his survival would be measured in days, weeks at the most,
once he made his first approach.  Probably not in Osksi, either.  They were the
enemies of Andoria, but they had their own code of honor and nothing but disgust for
a traitor, which is how they'd see him.  He reconsidered his original plan, to take
the Book to the Karnhorns, then shook his head.  Better to leave them out of it.
They had no honor at all, and if someone--Kaliv Jhuizkhal of Kurukar, for example--
decided he wanted the Black Book, he would simply order Peranis' death and take it.
     Which meant staying in Skaithvarn.  But not in Istoreth, apparently.  Well,
there must be someone, some prince of a small kingdom who would like to increase his
power.  Maybe a prince with a daughter he could marry.  Yes, that had appeal.
     With renewed confidence in his glorious future, the assassin set out for the
waterfront.  He would find a boat to take him south along the peninsula, to one of
the other kingdoms.

           + ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ Andorians Abroad #10 ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ +

Zuwayza or Somewhere Else:

     "Ah, you are awake then?"
     The voice seemed unreasonably cheerful, given the way Tankesh's head was
pounding.  It was speaking Akhaddic...of a sort.  Understandable, since it was
speaking slowly, or maybe the odd accent was becoming more familiar.  He opened his
eyes cautiously.  He was in a dimly lit room, on a sort of divan or daybed such as
the Karnhorns used.  The walls were pale above, and something simple and dark below,
painted plaster, maybe.  Plainer than the walls in any upper class Karnhorn house
he'd seen.  A two-branched candlestick of bronze provided the light.  The man sitting
beside him and holding the candlestick had the expected dark, hawk-nosed face,
typical Karnhorn.  But he was wearing an unfamiliar sort of headgear, a cap like an
inverted flowerpot, of black patterned with gold, and he had a swathe of green cloth
twisted around the base of it.
     "In the house of Taran in'Dalbi, a merchant, and fortunate for you that you
occurred here, and not in the hands of some worshipper of bloody Jakarran.  We see
few Elves here in Wazara, and most view them with deep suspicion.  Taran is a more
cosmopolitan man, however, why, he has even been to Ys!  He knows well that an Elf is
just a man, and not some dark spirit come to work harm."  The man's mouth twitched
between mustache and pointed beard.  "Very fortunate you are.  For if you had been
received next door, in the house of Zaldin in'Varash, you might be stretched on an
altar by now!"
     Tankesh frowned and tried to heave himself up on one elbow.  The room shimmied
around him alarmingly, but he could see his sword lying on a side table, which told
him that he wasn't a prisoner here.  Wherever "here" was.  "Where?" he demanded
     "Ah, of course.  I was forgetting for a moment that you are a...Visitor.
Wazara, as I said, capital of Valkoril.  This is one of the most famous ports on the
Middle Sea, the last port on the Southern Shore before one comes to the Pillars of
the Sun."
     "From another time, or another world."  The man waved one hand negligently.  "I
am no philosopher to probe into such details, but a mere physician.  But you are not
the first Visitor to come to Valkoril of late, nor even the first to visit Golden
Wazara, so once he had recovered from the shock of your arrival, Taran understood
what was happening."
     "More'n I do," Tankesh muttered.
     "This is your first experience at Traveling?  Then it is no wonder you are
confused, especially if you have known no other Travelers."  The physician tapped his
knee thoughtfully with the fingers of one hand, then nodded.  "Very well, then, let
me see if I can explain--so far as my understanding goes.  The worlds that sprang
forth from the First Cause are as numerous as the grains of sand in Southern Waste,
as like and as different from each other as such grains may be.  When the wind swirls
over the Waste, grains of sand may strike one another, move from one place to lie in
different company, whatever metaphor you wish."  His fingers flicked in a dismissing
gesture.  "At such times of contact, Travel becomes possible, by will or by chance--
in your case, I assume that it must have been chance."  He raised an eyebrow
     Tankesh started to nod and thought better of it.  "Yes.  The woman with me, what
happened to her?"
     The man shrugged.  "When you fell, you lost your grip on her hand.  At once, the
road that you had Traveled together split.  I do not know whether she would return to
the world where your journey began, or go on to some other on her own."
     Someone tapped on the door to the room.
     The doctor rose at once and crossed to it, opening it a hands' breadth.  "What
news, Taran?"
     "The worst, Russem!  We must get rid of the fellow at once!"  The man in the
hallway had a gasping voice, or in the grip of strong emotion.  "Zaldin's pet
astrologer has worked out that there was an Occurrence, and he knows I must be
harboring a Visitor!"
     "Say rather, he suspects it, Taran.  But you are correct, the Visitor cannot
remain here any longer, unless he wishes to decorate an altar to Jakarran."  The
doctor glanced over his shoulder at Tankesh.  "We have neither the knowledge nor the
power to return you to your original world, but we shall send you to one who may
help.  But you must go at once, without delay--"
     A deep drumming sound echoed through the house.
     "That will be the Sultan's men--or the Temple Guards, even!--at the door," the
merchant muttered.  "I dare not refuse them entry."

           + ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ Andorians Abroad #11 ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ +

Sailing to Skaithvarn:

     The wind dropped at the end of the first day and didn't pick up the next morning
as expected.  The ship just sat still in the water--as far as Raoul and Jeri could
tell--with its sails flapping limply.
     "In a logical world," Jeri muttered, "if the wind stopped blowing AGAINST us,
we'd be able to make progress."
     Raoul grinned.  "Not much logic here, doll!"  He glanced toward Goff and
sobered.  "I just wish he'd stop looking so worried...."
     Berdan, the ex-assassin, who had vanished into his cabin as the wind dropped,
now reappeared.  He had some sort of small brass box in his hand.  "We're in
trouble," he announced quietly.
     Before the Fratsfan could elaborate on that, Goff came toward them from the
steering area, and he looked more worried than Berdan.  "We're in trouble," he said.
"We're lost--"
     "How can we be lost?" Jeri demanded, her voice rising.  She looked around
anxiously.  The water looked much the same in every direction.  The sky had the kind
of thin, milky overcast that turned it to a sheet of glaring white, with no one
direction obviously brighter than another.  "The Trier's not that wide, can't we just
sail west until we come to Skaithvarn, and then figure out whether we're north or
south of Istoreth?"
     "Tell me which way's west, and I'll do it--even if I have to row," Goff said.
     "Ah."  Berdan nodded and held out his brass box, which they could now see was a
compass.  Or had been a compass.  The needle under the glass dome swung lazily around
and around, though the ship was not moving.  "I presume your ship's compass is now as
useless as this?"
     "Yeah," Goff admitted.  "It--"
     There was a sort of ripple in the air, not something to be seen, but only felt
as a shiver across their skin.  The compass needle whirled and steadied, indicating
north as being to the right of the ship.  A breeze from the north ruffled the surface
of the water.  Goff's two crew members leaped to adjust the sails.
     "Can you explain any of this?" Raoul asked.
     "No, but it's happened before," Goff said grimly.  "There've been reports of
this kind of thing--becalmed and the compass doesn't work, then eventually the wind
and the north come back.  And some ships have been lost entirely, like maybe they
never did get their bearings back--"
     "And KNOWING this, you still set out to sail to Skaithvarn?  Are you CRAZY?"
Jeri demanded.
     "What should we do, cower in our houses and wait for the Grey Witch to make
everything safe again?" the manager demanded.  "One ship in twenty, maybe, has
reported losing the north for a while.  Only one in...a hundred, or maybe more has
failed to come back.  It's a gamble, but heck, LIFE is a gamble."
     One of the crewmen had climbed to the very top of the mast and was examining the
horizons with a spyglass.  "Land ahead!" he reported.  "Looks like the Volarbyn
     At Raoul's questioning glance, Goff said, "Highlands just north of Istoreth."
     "Ship coming from the north," the lookout added.  "I don't recognize her
shape...."  He continued to stare northward through the spyglass.
     "And that's the flip side of the problem," Goff said as he headed for the
steering area.  "Somebody getting lost from the Other Side, wherever that is.
Sometimes they act like pirates.  We may have a fight on our hands."

      * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ *

                          ---===ANDORIAN REGIONAL NEWS===---

 DM   8 ARKERS (turn 232): DOMINO of BONDAGE (Spawn, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 465): TIGER JIM of THE DOGHOUSE (Leeta, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 458): SARGENT SUGAR of SWEET MARINES (General Snookums, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 455): VIKING of SAVAGES (Tarzan, mgr.)
 DM  25 LYRATILAN (turn 455): GLORY of DARKENED PRIDE (Sylvester Frothingslosh, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 455): R'AKA of THE DREADLANDS (LHI, mgr.)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 451): VALLISNERIA of THE GREENHOUSE (Generalissimo Puerco, mgr.)
 DM  40 ZENSU (turn 417): KLUMSY TUMBLES of CARNIVAL (Carny, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 411): GWYN AP NUDD of CAER SIDHE (Ichabod Frothingslosh, mgr.)
 DM  46 ARDIVENT (turn 403): VEERS of HARDTIMESINBABYLON (Technogeek, mgr.)
 DM  52 FRATSFA (turn 180): MERADI of KING AND COUNTRY (Generalissimo Puerco, mgr.)
 DM  60 ARADI (turn 314): CROW of SHADOW SIGNS (Shadowgate, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 305): WANDERING JO of WAYFARERS (Schendirk, mgr.)
 DM  71 KYR'TERR (turn 134): KING TEC of DARQUE FORCES (Master Darque, mgr.)

                                      Top Teams
 DM   8 ARKERS (turn 232): BONDAGE (Spawn, mgr.)
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 466): KNIGHTS OF VIRTUE (JRK, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 465): THE DEATH SQUAD (Street Legal, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 458): KELLUMBO'S KIDS (Detective Kellubmo, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 455): THE ASININE (Philthy Phil, mgr.)
 DM  25 LYRATILAN (turn 455): CHAUCERS WORDS (Berylstar, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 455): HEADBANGERS (Sablon-O-Vlad, mgr.)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 451): CARNIVAL (Carny, mgr.)
 DM  40 ZENSU (turn 417): BEYOND THE PALE (Graciela, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 411): BIRDS (JE, mgr.)
 DM  46 ARDIVENT (turn 403): DEATHTONGUE (Technogeek, mgr.)
 DM  52 FRATSFA (turn 180): OTTO'S PARTS (Crip, mgr.)
 DM  60 ARADI (turn 314): SHADOW SIGNS (Shadowgate, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 305): WAYFARERS (Schendirk, mgr.)
 DM  71 KYR'TERR (turn 134): none
ADM 105 ANDORAK (turn 351): BOXES, etc. (Doc Steele, mgr.)

                                   Recent Graduates
 DM   8 ARKERS (turn 232): DOMINO of BONDAGE (Spawn, mgr.)
                           BETHUNES of LA PENTARCHIE (The Pentalque, mgr.)
               (turn 231): WEIRD WILLIAM of LA PENTARCHIE (The Pentalque, mgr.)
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 465): THE ARDIVENTI CHEF of GERFEL'S FRIENDS (Generalissimo
                               Puerco, mgr.)
                               HITCHING POST of KRILL CAVALRY (Leeta, mgr.)
                               PIOTR WYSMYK of 'CROSSED UP (Dr. Mabuse, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 465): TIGER JIM of THE DOGHOUSE (Leeta, mgr.)
              (turn 464): BEAVIS of THE DEATH SQUAD (Street Legal, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 458): DEAF SMITH of THE ZOO (Morris, mgr.)
               (turn 457): MAJOR MUFFINS of SWEET MARINES (General Snookums, mgr.)
                           SANDY of WOMEN OF REALITY (THawk, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 455): VIKING of SAVAGES (Tarzan, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 454): DEADMAN of HEADBANGERS (Sablon-O-Vlad, mgr.)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 451): FUNKY ELVIS of TRIP OUT (Angus, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 411): GWYN AP NUDD of CAER SIDHE (Ichabod Frothingslosh, mgr.)
 DM  60 ARADI (turn 314): BAKY PARFUM of OGRES ARE US (Ghoti, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 304): MIDNIGHT RAMBLER of WAYFARERS (Schendirk, mgr.)
 DM  71 KYR'TERR (turn 134): CENTURION of 2ND ARCTIC GUARDS (Yukon Cornelius, mgr.)
                             BARRETT of DARQUE FORCES IV (Master Darque, mgr.)
                 (turn 133): BEER of STUFF I BROUGHT (Yukon Cornelius, mgr.)

                                 DUELMASTER'S COLUMN
                             Notes from the arena champ.

Ah, it was good to win again.  Thanks Joe!  The boss isn't sure how I got here, or
how I stay here, but he seems pleased.  I just want to graduate, and go into
retirement.  I hear they have a nice little plot of farmland with my name on it, and
that sounds like a good thing to me.  Hope to see you all next turn!


                                      SPY REPORT

     If you were disturbed from your beauty rest only to have to watch a bunch of 
ARDIVENT brutes like you, you'd be grouchy, too.  Of course, we're all terribly 
impressed to see BANANA JR win a fight and gain 13 points, terribly.  Tsk, tsk, OL' 
JOE COLLIN beat COURIER and COURIER lost 7 points.  You're breakin' my heart.  And if 
variety is the spice of life, ARDIVENT may be getting bland, as VEERS stays top dog 
in the city.  I'm not in a very good mood today, but why am I telling you this?  You 
want to know what's new, don't you, ARDIVENT?   
     My mother always told me, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, start 
talking.' I loved that woman.  ARDIVENT, I am losing what little hope I had in you.  
DEATHTONGUE the most avoided team?  What insult will suffice, I cannot say.  And it 
looks like CLEVER LINGO avoided them the most this turn.  What a pack of would be 
losers, if you ask me.  Hmph.  OL' JOE COLLIN was challenged more times this turn 
than the Duelmaster.  Now was the DM insulted or feared?  Heh, heh.   
     Death and Taxes.  The less death I see, the more it taxes my patience.  Let's 
see if anyone's dead or dying.  We're all going to die in the end, so why worry if 
the fate catches up with you sooner that later?   
     There's got to be a better place in ARDIVENT to get a drink than The Victory 
Tavern!  Any suggestions?  Phlllt!  Just had to do that before I leave the fine city 
of ARDIVENT.  I feel much better now.  Glad to see the back of this place-- Snide 

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 VEERS 3697                   15   8  0   137       HARDTIMESINBABYLON (325)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BINKLY 3472                  15   6  2   108       DEATHTONGUE (89)
 OL' JOE COLLIN 3407          18  40  1   102       BLUVALLEY WARRIORS (74)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 CHI-CHI 3656                 19  12  0    89       DRAGONBALL Z (330)
 BANANA JR 3715               13   8  0    86       DEATHTONGUE (89)
 COURIER 3739                  9   6  2    74       HARDTIMESINBABYLON (325)
 HUMOROUS WHIM 1554           15  15  1    73       CLEVER LINGO (155)
 FILAREE 3479                 14  19  1    68       BLUVALLEY WARRIORS (74)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 YAMCHA 3736                  10   7  2    65       DRAGONBALL Z (330)
-TRINKET 1939                  5   6  0    61       RIVER WARDENS (184)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 OPURT 3750                    8   4  0    53       DEATHTONGUE (89)
 VANICE 3775                   5   2  0    39       BLUVALLEY WARRIORS (74)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DODGER 3772                   5   3  0    33       HARDTIMESINBABYLON (325)
 BULMA 3753                    5   6  0    33       DRAGONBALL Z (330)
 LURKER 3746                   7   6  0    27       HARDTIMESINBABYLON (325)
 THE HORNED ONE 3258           2   2  0    27       LORD OF THE HUNT (307)
 OLLIE FUNT 3778               3   1  0    24       DEATHTONGUE (89)
 MARLI BLUBELL 3755            2   8  0    24       BLUVALLEY WARRIORS (74)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-INTIMATE FACADE 1841          2   0  0    19       CLEVER LINGO (155)
-ROGUISH WAYS 1813             3   3  0    13       CLEVER LINGO (155)
 HAMMOND EGGS 3785             1   0  0    13       DEATHTONGUE (89)
-MOMENTARY LAPSE 1847          1   0  0    10       CLEVER LINGO (155)
 FOND MEMORY 3776              2   3  0     9       BLUVALLEY WARRIORS (74)
 PURPLE SASH 3777              1   3  0     6       HARDTIMESINBABYLON (325)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD               W  L K TEAM NAME             SLAIN BY             TURN Revenge?

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Bulma -- Oy!  I got what I came for! -- Ollie

Filaree -- Oh man, I can feel those bruises. -- Dodger

Yamcha -- Man, I needed to lurk better on that one. -- Lurker

Vanice -- Bah, me no win. -- Purple Sash

Veers -- You'll make a better Duelmaster than me, any day. -- Ol' Joe
P.S.  I like a man who gets the job done quickly, with no fuss.

Dodger -- You've got to dodge AWAY from the blow.  Remember that next time. --

Oh, a Cult Member.  Pooh. -- Marli Blubell

Purple Sash -- The thing is, that is a TRULY awful shade of purple. -- Vanice

If that Constable had been truly friendly, he would have taught me more than to watch
out for his hands.  What an octopus! -- Fond Memory

26 June 2003
All -- Would you be willing to proxy my lunger Ganglare at the Face-to-Face?  He's
fighting in the champions tourney.  Thanks.  Write:  Michael Rogers #25335-013, PO
Box 6000, Florence, Co 81226 -- Skullagrim

     STOP THINKING TOGS!!!!!  It's here.  Well, almost here anyway.  We're looking at
a start date of the first turn in Aradi (DM 60) following the Fall Mail-In.  This
should give everyone sufficient time to study the new ultra-improved T#%S IV rules 
and prep accordingly.  So without further ado, here is your handy-dandy guide to
winning your very own Golden Scrod (and some other very cool prizes to be announced
officially before the start of the tourney that must not be named):
1.  Each T#%S team consists of two managers.  After the tourney starts, there will be
    no switching partners whatsoever, so choose your partners wisely.  T#%S IV will
    last for 13 turns, so pick a partner you can stand for 6 months or so.  The only
    team I know of so far is last TOGS winners:  Ganolus Oakleaf/Hombre of Blood
    Related/Thieves Guild.  Hey, this is fun!
2.  The T#%S entry fee is 2 team setups per manager.  This means 4 setups per T#%S
    team.  This entry fee is required before the start of the tourney with no
    exceptions being made.  This is to ensure that nobody gets screwed if a team or
    manager decides to back out early.  To pay the entry fee either:
    a) send $10 cash/check/money order/ or whatever to me personally at:
       Andy Salveson
       6812 Romanzo Way
       Elk Grove, CA 95758
    b) get RSI to send me 2 team setup gift certificates.  Sorry, no credit cards and
       no old teams you have lying around will be accepted.
3.  T#%S point system:
    10 points for winning on your up-challenge against another T#%S warrior.
    7 points for winning on your even challenge of another T#%S warrior.
    7 points for winning on another T#%S warriors challenge.
    7 points for winning a random matchup against another T#%S warrior.
    4 points for winning on your down-challenge of another T#%S warrior.
    4 points for winning a random matchup against a non-T#%S warrior.  Do not fight
      your team mate, you will not get any points.  Also, you will not get any points
      if you challenge or get challenged by a non-T#%S team, so use your avoids
      wisely if you think someone is out to get you.
   10 points for being the Duelmaster.  This is in addition to all points listed
      above and will begin turn 1, so prep accordingly.
    5 points for every spotlight written by any team member, 1 per manager per turn.
      The minimum length of a spotlight to receive points is 1/2 column in the
      newsletter (that's 31 lines-each line 85 characters across) and I will be
      completely firm on this.  In addition to the length criteria, spotlights will
      not be given points if they are in any way plagiarized or if they are not
      Duelmasters or fantasy related.  I will be the sole judge of this.  If you're
      unsure if I will judge something to be Duelmasters or fantasy related, then
      e-mail me before you write the spotlight and ask me.  I reserve the right to
      take points away from a spotlight after they are given if I judge at a later
      time that the spotlight has been plagiarized.
   -5 points per manager per turn every time a manager does not at least write one
      personal ad.
   -5 points for being the team that avoided the most.
     If you participated in TOGS III, you'll notice some slight changes in the points
structure.  The main things are points for random match ups against non T#%S
warriors, bonus points for being the Duelmaster, new spotlight criteria, and no
points given for being the most avoided team.
4.  I already mentioned this, but T#%S IV will start the first turn in arena 60 after
    the Fall Mail-In runs and it will last for 13 turns.  There will not be a
    Survivor format this time around, meaning no eliminations.  I will still be doing
    the multipliers at the end, however.  This means that all points accumulated by a
    team on turns 10 and 11 will be multiplied by 1.5 and all points accumulated by
    each team on turns 12 and 13 will be multiplied by 2.
5.  Prizes are yet to be determined, but I'll tell you what I know.  There will be
    prizes given out each turn to whichever team scores the most combined points on a
    given turn.  Tie breakers will go to the team with the most wins on that turn and
    then to the team with most overall points.  I have asked RSI for the same prizes
    as last TOGS which were transferring any warrior to arena 60 and renaming Aradi
    for approximately 6 months, but we'll see what they come back with.  I haven't
    decided how to split the prizes up, partly because I don't know how many teams
    will be entering yet, but I do know the prizes will be split among the top 3
    teams at the end.  I will announce the exact breakdown of everything when I know
6.  And just like TOGS III, Death Stud and I will be the sole arbiters of any dispute
    that may arise.  Whine all you like, but as Nuln told you last time, that's how
    it is.
7.  M & RR Clause (go ahead, read between the capitals):  I reserve the right to
    disallow entry to this tourney if you have a previous history of being a big fat
    mouth about everything.
     I think that pretty much covers it.  I will be accepting team entries as of now
and then posting them in the newsletters as I receive entry fees.  Please feel free
to e-mail me regarding any questions or comments at Ganolus@aol.com.  So everyone don
your best pair of leg warmers, hop on your favorite farm animal, and ride to Aradi
for the 4th kinda-annual Tournament that must not be named for no apparent reason
whatsoever, or T#%S IV, for short.  See ya'll there!

-- Ganolus Oakleaf, T#%S IV Commish

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

HUMOROUS WHIM was devastated by BANANA JR in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge fight.
COURIER was vanquished by OL' JOE COLLIN in a 1 minute uneven Challenge battle.
LURKER was overpowered by VANICE in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge duel.
OLLIE FUNT devastated FOND MEMORY in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge fight.
VEERS subdued CHI-CHI in a action packed 2 minute master's Title competition.
BINKLY overpowered KUNG-FU MASTER in a 1 minute one-sided struggle.
FILAREE devastated BULMA in a 2 minute gruesome one-sided competition.
YAMCHA vanquished DODGER in a action packed 1 minute uneven duel.
OPURT was overpowered by NOBLE ASSASSIN in a popular 1 minute uneven duel.
MARLI BLUBELL was defeated by VISITING ORC in a 2 minute match.
THE HORNED ONE handily defeated PURPLE SASH in a 1 minute one-sided bout.
HAMMOND EGGS demolished SHIFTYEYED VOLUNTEER in a 1 minute mismatched match.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|WALL OF STEEL                    5         PARRY-STRIKE       5 -   2 -  0      71  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  4         LUNGING ATTACK    16 -   9 -  2      64  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  4         STRIKING ATTACK   31 -  18 -  2      63  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   2         PARRY-LUNGE        7 -   5 -  0      58  |
|AIMED BLOW                       2         TOTAL PARRY        9 -   8 -  0      53  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      1         WALL OF STEEL     31 -  29 -  0      52  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    1         SLASHING ATTACK   11 -  11 -  1      50  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      1         AIMED BLOW        16 -  17 -  0      48  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     0         BASHING ATTACK     4 -   6 -  0      40  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   0         PARRY-RIPOSTE      4 -  14 -  0      22  |

Turn 404 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-LUNGE        1 -  0     AIMED BLOW         0 -  2         4  WALL OF STEEL  
LUNGING ATTACK     2 -  0     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  0         3  STRIKING ATTACK
WALL OF STEEL      3 -  2     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  1         1  TOTAL PARRY    
SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  2     BASHING ATTACK     0 -  0         1  LUNGING ATTACK 
STRIKING ATTACK    2 -  2     TOTAL PARRY        0 -  1         1  SLASHING ATTACK
                                                                1  AIMED BLOW     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
STRIKING ATTACK  VEERS 3697                 15   8  0  137 HARDTIMESINBABYLON (325)
TOTAL PARRY      CHI-CHI 3656               19  12  0   89 DRAGONBALL Z (330)
WALL OF STEEL    BANANA JR 3715             13   8  0   86 DEATHTONGUE (89)
LUNGING ATTACK   YAMCHA 3736                10   7  2   65 DRAGONBALL Z (330)
AIMED BLOW       OPURT 3750                  8   4  0   53 DEATHTONGUE (89)
PARRY-LUNGE      VANICE 3775                 5   2  0   39 BLUVALLEY WARRIORS (74)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is OL' JOE COLLIN 3407.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was VEERS 3697.  The ten other most popular fighters were FILAREE 3479, OL' JOE 
COLLIN 3407, YAMCHA 3736, BANANA JR 3715, VANICE 3775, OLLIE FUNT 3778, CHI-CHI 3656, 
BINKLY 3472, BULMA 3753, and THE HORNED ONE 3258.

The least popular fighter this week was PURPLE SASH 3777.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were MARLI BLUBELL 3755, FOND MEMORY 3776, LURKER 3746, HUMOROUS 
3258, and BULMA 3753.