Date   : 06/15/2010    Duedate: 07/12/2010


DM-52    TURN-271

This Weeks Top Honors


(52-4037) [14-6-0,106]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

FAT LIP                        SILIA
OTTO'S PARTS (150)             ZEN WARRIORS (429)
(52-3791) [12-12-0,108]        (52-4171) [0-3-0,3]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

FLOWER GIRLS (189)             DRAGONS GUARD II (253)
(52-3974) [16-15-1,85]         (52-2282) [10-5-1,92]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. THE ORDER (412)             34
2. BLOOD AND GUTS! (365)       29      FLOWER GIRLS (189)
3. SEA DOGS (421)              26      Unchartered Team
4. DRAGONS GUARD II (253)      24
5. PYROMANIA (184)             21      ZEN WARRIORS (429)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1 FLOWER GIRLS (189)       550 346 17 61.4   1/ 1 DRAGONS GUARD II (253)   10  5 1
 2/ 2 BLOOD AND GUTS! (365)    148 106  8 58.3   2/ 4 BLOOD AND GUTS! (365)     9  6 0
 3/ 3 DRAGONS GUARD II (253)    38  29  6 56.7   3/ 2 SEA DOGS (421)            8  7 1
 4/ 4 OTTO'S PARTS (150)       319 289 16 52.5   4/ 5 THE ORDER (412)           7  6 0
 5/ 5 PYROMANIA (184)          112 106  6 51.4   5/ 3 FLOWER GIRLS (189)        7  7 0
 6/ 6 PIECES OF EIGHT (112)    118 125 19 48.6   6/ 6 PYROMANIA (184)           4 10 0
 7/ 7 SEA DOGS (421)            37  41  3 47.4   7/ 7 OTTO'S PARTS (150)        3  2 0
 8/ 8 THE ORDER (412)           45  52  7 46.4   8/ 8 PIECES OF EIGHT (112)     2  4 1
 9/ 9*ZEN WARRIORS (429)         0  10  0  0.0   9-10*VIOLENT FEMMES (410)      0  4 0
10-10*VIOLENT FEMMES (410)       0   5  0  0.0  10/ 9*ZEN WARRIORS (429)        0  2 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT

                        FRATSFA QUEST TURN 13 (270)

Ouch!  That Khisanth is hitting hard!  The Fiery One suffered a rainy day... it's the
day of the Huge Lizards!

I had a scoring issue though:  two challenges were tied for the highest upchallenge
win (giving +5): Conflict/451 degrees (+9) and Champ Chump/Caustic Crocus (+9):  I
gave +5 after a little chat on the forum!

Blood & Guts, Le Pentarque (Zoum La Bouse, Two)
Dragons Guard II, Khisanth (Conflict, Despair)
Flower Girls, Lady Fern (Caustic Crocus, Gloating Gardenia)
Otto's Parts, Crip (Runny Nose, -)
Pyromania, Marmaduke (Tuscan Flame, 451 degrees)
Sea Dogs, One Armed Bandit (Stabby Joe, Jolly Roger)
The Order, Torak (- , Anastrianna)
Watch Out, Paranoia (Sinistrophobia, Lockiophobia)

Dragons Guard II : 4-1 (+3) CW +3 SW +2, CTT (+3) tied HUCW (+5) = +16
Blood and Guts : 3-2 (+1) CL -3 SW +2 DM +1 tied HUCW (+5) = +6
Watch Out ! : inactive = 0
The Order : no Scout, so =0
Otto's Parts : inactive = 0
Flower Girls : 3-2 (+1) CL -3 SL -2 = -4
Pyromania : 1-4 (-3) SW +2 CL -3 = -4
Sea Dogs : 1-4 (-3) SL -2 CL -3 = -8


Le Pentarque- 93                        Marmaduke- 57
Khisanth- 69                            Lady Fern- 30
Paranoia- 68                            OAB- 8
Crip- 59                                Torak- -4

       * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ *

                          ---===ANDORIAN REGIONAL NEWS===---

 DM   8 ARKERS (turn 323): CONFIDENCE of CONSANGUINEOUS (Mannequin, mgr.)
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 647): HOUND of BULLDOGS (Kennelworth, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 647): TIPPI TURTLE of THE DEATH SQUAD (Street Legal, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 632): ELDON KREE of MIDDLE WAY 15 (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 635): EARTH QUAKE of DISASTER (Papa Bear, mgr.)
 DM  25 LYRATILAN (turn 631): BELLE ISSIMO of FUNKY FOLK (Papa Bear, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 631): PASCELLA of GOLDEN CANYON (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 629): MASEMA of STEEL BLADES (Madqand, mgr.)
 DM  40 ZENSU (turn 592): CORBIE LEK of BEYOND THE PALE (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 589): FOUR PAWZ of DA DOG POWNDAZ (Marma Duke, mgr.)
 DM  46 ARDIVENT (turn 577): BROTHER JEROME of FANDILS (Wise Old Fandil, mgr.)
 DM  52 FRATSFA (turn 270): ZOUM LA BOUSE of BLOOD AND GUTS! (Le Pentarque, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 476): BONNIE BARROW of BAD GIRLS (Papa Bear, mgr.)
 DM  71 KYR'TERR (turn 224): PETER THE GREAT of DOGS OF WAR (Omega, mgr.)
ADM 105 ANDORAK (turn 532): THE PINK RANGER of SUPERIOR FORCES X (Manager, mgr.)

                                      Top Teams
 DM   8 ARKERS (turn 323): Z GLADIATORS (Z Man, mgr.)
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 647): ANIMAL FARM (Mino, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 647): THE DEATH SQUAD (Street Legal, mgr.)
 DM  22 SOLVEN (turn 632): SERPENTS HOLDS (Khisanth, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 635): KRILL CAVALRY (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  25 LYRATILAN (turn 631): THE MIDDLE WAY 4 (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  26 CALEAM (turn 631): GOLDEN CANYON (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  30 IAYE (turn 629): LENPROS (Lenpro, mgr.)
 DM  40 ZENSU (turn 592): BEYOND THE PALE (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 589): DA DOG POWNDAZ (Marma Duke, mgr.)
 DM  46 ARDIVENT (turn 580): FANDILS (Wise Old Fandil, mgr.)
 DM  52 FRATSFA (turn 270): DRAGONS GUARD II (Khisanth, mgr.)
 DM  63 AMEN-TEI (turn 476): WAYFARERS (Jorja, mgr.)
 DM  71 KYR'TERR (turn 224): SLAMMA JAMMA (?, mgr.)
ADM 105 ANDORAK (turn 532): SUPERIOR FATHER et al (Manager, mgr.)

                                   Recent Graduates
 DM  11 ARUAK CITY (turn 647): TOM SAWYER of IMMORTALS (Dartor, mgr.)
                               SHY MEERCAT of FURRY FURY (Grimm, mgr.)
 DM  14 TOBIR (turn 646): SPONGEBOB of THE DEATH SQUAD (Street Legal, mgr.)
 DM  24 ZORPUNT (turn 632): WILD FIRE of DISASTER (Papa Bear, mgr.)
 DM  25 LYRATILAN (turn 630): COL. MUSTARD of GOTTA GET A CLUE (?, mgr.)
 DM  41 KATI-TEI (turn 589): FOUR PAWZ of DA DOG POWNDAZ (Marma Duke, mgr.)
                             TYEFOON TURMOIL of THE STORM FRONT (Storm Lord, mgr.)
 DM  71 KYR'TERR (turn 223): BIG DADDY KANE of RAP ATTACKS (?, mgr.)

                                 DUELMASTER'S COLUMN
                             Notes from the arena champ.

     I'm sooooo lucky.  Jolly Roger again?!  Well, I still don't deserve to be here
and I guess I'll take a torch as soon as this beautiful contest is over...  Anyway...
who will get the opportunity to trample me today?

Zoum La Bouse the Unworthy

                                      SPY REPORT

     Thankyouthankyou.  It's great for me, The Unknown Spymaster to be back in 
FRATSFA.  Hope you enjoy the show.  Oh, who am I kidding?  I already got paid!  Hey 
everybody, watch out for MEIDANI, who flew up 23 points in the rankings after mashing 
JACK SPARROW like a melon.  Keep your eye on this gal.  And falling like a basher in 
the top ten was BLACKBEARD, who dropped 12 points after a disappointing (to say the 
least) bout with SAVAGE SNOWBALL.  Drawing on all of its experience as a 10-4-1 
warrior, DESPAIR went for the Duelmastership against ZOUM LA BOUSE this week.  Well, 
everybody's pal ZOUM LA BOUSE moved his record to 14-6-0 by defeating DESPAIR in the 
Duelmaster's Title Bout and gaining 10 recognition points.  Can you believe they are 
paying me 10 gold to deliver this stuff?   
     Let's dig a little deeper into what's happening in the FRATSFA arena.  Did you 
hear that FLOWER GIRLS was most avoided team this week?  Well, knowing the personal 
hygiene of FLOWER GIRLS' warriors, I'm not surprised!  Okay, so I may not be funny, 
but catch BLOOD AND GUTS!'s act in the arena.  Those acrobats seem to be fairly deft 
at running from FLOWER GIRLS.  Well dang howdy, but if challenges were votes, 
CONFLICT would be president.  Although it may be a contest he doesn't want to win.  
In a touching display by a 'touched' warrior, DISCO INFERNO went after SALIENT, who 
was higher by 23 points.  Well, when the dust settled, DISCO INFERNO was bested by 
     Remember that an arena is not always a safe place to be, but it is one of the 
most interesting, though!  Yes, and another newbie bites the dust as CLUB FOOT goes 
down under the sword of HENRY MORGAN.  Thanks to this, HENRY MORGAN now has 30 
recognition points.  Here's some advice:  warriors with little wit and will may 
encounter problems on the trail to the Isle.   
     Well, there's the manager of the FRATSFA giving me the 'cut' sign (or is that 
'They're going to strangle you in the alley?).  Well, there goes another Spy Report.  
Good luck in next week's fights.  Its been fun, and I'm sure you enjoyed it (boos).  
Now that I've got you worked up for Snide Clemens, I'll be leaving-- The Unknown 

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ZOUM LA BOUSE 4037           14   6  0   106       BLOOD AND GUTS! (365)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 FAT LIP 3791                 12  12  0   108       OTTO'S PARTS (150)
 JOLLY ROGER 4092             10   6  1    97       SEA DOGS (421)
 DESPAIR 2282                 10   5  1    92       DRAGONS GUARD II (253)
 TWO 4039                     13   6  2    91       BLOOD AND GUTS! (365)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TORTURING TULIP 3974         16  15  1    85       FLOWER GIRLS (189)
 SALVATION 1825               16   8  0    80       PIECES OF EIGHT (112)
 SAVAGE SNOWBALL 4085         10   6  1    73       FLOWER GIRLS (189)
 CONFLICT 2375                 7   1  0    68       DRAGONS GUARD II (253)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ONYX 2283                     9   6  0    66       DRAGONS GUARD II (253)
-GLOATING GARDENIA 4083        8   8  0    66       FLOWER GIRLS (189)
 CHAMP CHUMP 4147              7   2  0    60       BLOOD AND GUTS! (365)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BLACKBEARD 3174               6   8  3    54       PIECES OF EIGHT (112)
 CAUSTIC CROCUS 4103           7   8  0    52       FLOWER GIRLS (189)
 451 DEGREES 2415             11   7  0    50       PYROMANIA (184)
 HOT STUFF 4136                6   5  0    48       PYROMANIA (184)
 ANASTRIANNA 4023             11  10  2    47       THE ORDER (412)
 AREOPOLITE 4138               7   5  0    42       BLOOD AND GUTS! (365)
 RUNNY NOSE 3877               6   7  0    42       OTTO'S PARTS (150)
 TUSCAN FLAME 4153             5   3  0    42       PYROMANIA (184)
 STABBY JOE 4142               6   5  1    39       SEA DOGS (421)
 CROW'S NEST GUY 4095          7   9  0    38       SEA DOGS (421)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 KITIARA 4164                  3   3  2    32       DRAGONS GUARD II (253)
 HENRY MORGAN 3494             3   1  1    30       PIECES OF EIGHT (112)
 PARROT TAMER 4188             3   0  0    28       SEA DOGS (421)
 BUSHIDO 4187                  3   1  0    28       DRAGONS GUARD II (253)
 SALIENT 4149                  4   4  0    27       THE ORDER (412)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MEIDANI 4195                  1   0  0    23       THE ORDER (412)
 SIR BREUSE 4145               3   6  0    20       THE ORDER (412)
 CRACKED KNUCKLE 4166          3   0  0    20       OTTO'S PARTS (150)
 MASSIVE MIGRAINE 4167         2   1  0    20       OTTO'S PARTS (150)
 CAPTAIN CRUNCH 3547           2   1  0    19       PIECES OF EIGHT (112)
 VICTORY PROGRAM 4192          1   2  0    12       BLOOD AND GUTS! (365)
 JACK SPARROW 3473             3   1  0    10       PIECES OF EIGHT (112)
 GANGWAY 4191                  1   2  0     9       SEA DOGS (421)
 LIGHTER FLUID 4170            1   5  0     8       PYROMANIA (184)
 HATEFUL HASTA 4194            1   1  0     4       FLOWER GIRLS (189)
 SILIA 4171                    0   3  0     3       ZEN WARRIORS (429)
 DISCO INFERNO 4193            0   3  0     3       PYROMANIA (184)
-LEOU 4172                     0   2  0     2       ZEN WARRIORS (429)
 WARREN 4190                   0   2  0     2       THE ORDER (412)
-I AM WARRIOR 4174             0   2  0     2       ZEN WARRIORS (429)
-DRASTIAL 4175                 0   2  0     2       ZEN WARRIORS (429)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-SAM 4173                      0   1  0     1       ZEN WARRIORS (429)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
DEVLISH DAHLIA 4152     2  3 0 FLOWER GIRLS 189     KITIARA 4164          269   
CLUB FOOT 4181          2  1 0 OTTO'S PARTS 150     HENRY MORGAN 3494     271   
AMBROSE 4186            1  1 1 THE ORDER 412        STABBY JOE 4142       269   
PRAECISUS 4137          3  3 0 THE ORDER 412        KITIARA 4164          267  REVENGED

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Zoum La Bouse -- Congrats again.  We want what you've got.  (snicker) -- All Us
Flower Girls

Congratulations to Brain Tumour, Fratsfa's only TV (Freshman) at The Spring Mailer.
Kudos to Crip. -- Lady Fern

Despair -- How could you do that to me.  I had Despair in my heart on the challenge
and now I only have despair.  You are so despairing, but I love you anyway.  Meet me
in the Flower shoppe and defuse my despair, okay? -- Gloating Gardenia (despairing
rather than gloating)

Champ Chump -- Hah!  Using those Mailer learned skills against me, huh?  Or were you
using them ON me, you scoundrel?  (wink) -- Cautious Crocus

Crow's Nest Guy -- Thanks for making my day in the arena.  If you come on over to The
Flower shoppe, I will make yours! -- Savage Snowball

Two -- You must have had what I wanted.  Shall we go 2 of 3?  Can you do it all in
one session?  You are pretty fast, so perhaps you can? -- Torturing Tulip

Silia of Zen Warriors -- Thank you for being with me on my debut.  I think I love
you. -- Hateful Hasta

Zen Warriors -- Hand loose.  Your time will come.  All us Flower Girls are glad to
have you in the arena.  Now come on over to The Flower Shoppe and have us.  (giggle)
-- Lady Fern and The Flower Girls

The Flowers fought with too much subtletly this turn.  Caustic Crocus was laughing at
the face of the Champ Chump, and weirdly lost... while Torturing Tulip was taking her
usual beating from Two when she woke up and blasted... unexpected!  Fun! -- Le

The Dragons are much less surprising, though:  They have the exact same way of
hitting hard. -- LP

Conflict -- Well done... I didn't look particularly hot that fight. -- 451 Degrees

Salient -- Who turned the music off?!!! -- Disco Inferno

Parrot Tamer -- Not sure how that happened... hopefully things could be different a
second time around. -- Lighter Fluid

     Maybe you need to try heavier fluid?

Onyx -- Well, at least it was a popular fight. -- Hot Stuff

Sir Breuse -- You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar... but as a gladiator it is yet
to be seen. -- Tuscan Flame

To all in the contest -- It's really coming down to the wire!  Good luck to everyone
down the home stretch! -- Marma Duke & Pyromania

All -- Since all of you mean people keep killing my scout.  I have no choice but to
name Salient as my scout. -- The Order

Caustic Crows -- Girls do want to have fun, don't they?  Maybe you can show me how to
have some real fun. -- Anastrianna

Lighter Fluid -- You really need to work on your quips, you seem a little burnt out.
-- Sir Breuse

     Needs the spark of inspiration?

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

WARREN was devastated by STABBY JOE in a 1 minute mismatched Bloodfeud fight.
DESPAIR was luckily beaten by ZOUM LA BOUSE in a 7 minute Challenge Title melee.
451 DEGREES was bested by CHAMP CHUMP in a 3 minute Challenge contest.
CAUSTIC CROCUS defeated ANASTRIANNA in a 4 minute bloody veteran's Challenge fight.
TUSCAN FLAME devastated CROW'S NEST GUY in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge duel.
VICTORY PROGRAM slimly won victory over LIGHTER FLUID in a 6 minute Challenge match.
BUSHIDO overpowered CAPTAIN CRUNCH in a 3 minute uneven Challenge melee.
DISCO INFERNO lost to SALIENT in a 1 minute Challenge duel.
HATEFUL HASTA was vanquished by PARROT TAMER in a 1 minute uneven Challenge fight.
TORTURING TULIP was viciously subdued by JOLLY ROGER in a 1 minute veteran's fight.
FAT LIP overpowered SALVATION in a 2 minute one-sided fight.
TWO savagely defeated KHALHUMS DWARF in a 2 minute master's competition.
BLACKBEARD was demolished by SAVAGE SNOWBALL in a 1 minute one-sided brawl.
CONFLICT overcame RUNNY NOSE in a 2 minute conflict.
ONYX overpowered AREOPOLITE in a crowd pleasing 1 minute one-sided duel.
KITIARA was unbelievably bested by HOT STUFF in a exciting 1 minute fray.
SIR BREUSE devastated SILIA in a popular 1 minute brutal mismatched brawl.
CRACKED KNUCKLE narrowly defeated GANGWAY in a 6 minute brutal bout.
MASSIVE MIGRAINE overpowered POLITE BEGGAR in a 4 minute mismatched fight.
CLUB FOOT was butchered by HENRY MORGAN in a 1 minute one-sided contest.
JACK SPARROW was overpowered by MEIDANI in a 1 minute one-sided duel.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|WALL OF STEEL                    8         STRIKING ATTACK   36 -  24 -  6      60  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  7         SLASHING ATTACK   13 -  10 -  2      57  |
|AIMED BLOW                       6         AIMED BLOW        27 -  23 -  0      54  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      6         PARRY-RIPOSTE      6 -   6 -  0      50  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   5         PARRY-LUNGE        1 -   1 -  0      50  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   3         WALL OF STEEL     23 -  23 -  1      50  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  3         TOTAL PARRY       21 -  24 -  0      47  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    2         BASHING ATTACK    15 -  20 -  2      43  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      0         LUNGING ATTACK    26 -  38 -  2      41  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     0         PARRY-STRIKE       0 -   1 -  0       0  |

Turn 271 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

BASHING ATTACK     3 -  0     WALL OF STEEL      3 -  5         3  AIMED BLOW     
AIMED BLOW         4 -  2     STRIKING ATTACK    2 -  5         3  LUNGING ATTACK 
SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  1     PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  0         2  TOTAL PARRY    
LUNGING ATTACK     3 -  2     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  0         2  STRIKING ATTACK
PARRY-RIPOSTE      1 -  1                                       1  BASHING ATTACK 
TOTAL PARRY        3 -  3     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
TOTAL PARRY      ZOUM LA BOUSE 4037         14   6  0  106 BLOOD AND GUTS! (365)
LUNGING ATTACK   JOLLY ROGER 4092           10   6  1   97 SEA DOGS (421)
STRIKING ATTACK  DESPAIR 2282               10   5  1   92 DRAGONS GUARD II (253)
BASHING ATTACK   SAVAGE SNOWBALL 4085       10   6  1   73 FLOWER GIRLS (189)
AIMED BLOW       CONFLICT 2375               7   1  0   68 DRAGONS GUARD II (253)
WALL OF STEEL    CHAMP CHUMP 4147            7   2  0   60 BLOOD AND GUTS! (365)
SLASHING ATTACK  HOT STUFF 4136              6   5  0   48 PYROMANIA (184)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is TORTURING TULIP 3974.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was DESPAIR 2282.  The ten other most popular fighters were LIGHTER FLUID 4170, 
BREUSE 4145, STABBY JOE 4142, CHAMP CHUMP 4147, and FAT LIP 3791.

The least popular fighter this week was MASSIVE MIGRAINE 4167.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were SALVATION 1825, CAPTAIN CRUNCH 3547, JACK SPARROW 3473, CLUB 
PROGRAM 4192, and CROW'S NEST GUY 4095.

                        WINTER FACE-TO-FACE IN SUNNY ARIZONA!

Our next winter FTF will be held in Tempe, Arizona, January 14-16, 2011.  It will be 
held at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Tempe, Arizona (480-894-7444), the same hotel as 
last year by popular request.  Room rates are $129.00 per night, 1-2 occupancy, which 
includes full cooked breakfast, complimentary manager's reception (yes, really!), free 
airport shuttle, free parking and free high speed internet.  There's a fitness center, 
jacuzzi, and pool.  The rooms are blocked--please make your reservation by December 22 
before the block is released!  (This is prime season for Phoenix, and people have been
unable to book rooms because they waited too long.)  Look for the tournament info 
sheet and minioverviews some time in December.  We hope you're all looking forward to 
it and that we will see you there!

                          SUMMER FACE-TO-FACE IN CLEVELAND!

Our summer FTF will be down south this year, located in Orlando, Florida on July 9-11, 
2010.  It will be held at the Courtyard Orlando International Drive, near Universal 
Studios and Sea World, and not far from the Disney parks.  The hotel is located at 
8600 Austrian Court, Orlando, 32819 (800-321-2211).  Rooms are $112/night, 1-2 
occupancy, and are listed under the Reality Simulations room block.  

The hotel features free parking and free high-speed wireless internet in all 
guestrooms.  The hotel has an pool, jacuzzi, and fitness center.  There's a Starbucks, 
a restaurant, and a little Market where you can get snacks and sandwiches all day and 
night.  There are tons of restaurants nearby on I-Drive.

The tournament information sheet will be out imminently.  We hope you're all looking 
forward to the tournament and that we will see you there!


     For those of you who keep track of such things, several additional warriors 
graduated from regular DM arenas (including closed arenas) since the last tournament.  

                                TROLL (7-4624) BIG BAD  
                       BARBARIAN (12-4783) SUPERIOR FORCES 22T  
                           RAMPAGE (32-5076) ANGELS OF PAIN  
                                HOOFA (68-8617) ALMOST  
                         SCUMMY BOY (73-3371) THE FAMILY TREE  
                         NIGHTBINDER (82-3120) FORGE OF FURY  
                           HEDWIG (82-11622) LUROCIAN XIII  
                           DOLAN (82-15864) WHETSTONE 2D II  
                       LOAD MASTER (82-15924) ARIZONA TRIP 2K2  
                             SNOTMONSTER (82-26261) NOSEY  
                    YELLOW SUBMARINE (82-26471) LBA:  BEATLEMANIA!  
                            CLUSTER (82-28582) HALF A WORD  
                        KINETIX (82-30489) SUPERIOR FORCES 706  
                            LUNG BUTTER (82-33462) 11405O  
                        WEBBED BEAUS (82-36458) DATING A FROG  
                        KATAMARI DAMACY (82-38613) COOL GAMES  
                           BEAVER (82-39056) ANIMAL'S FARM  
                       VITO BERTOLDO (82-41532) MEDAL OF HONOR  
                       CECIL BOLTON (82-42248) MEDAL OF HONOR V  
                      SOULTAKER (82-45716) FAIRLY ODD PEOPLE II  
                          HARVEY (82-46194) KELLUMBO'S K 06F  
                        PRISONER R09 (82-51085) DUNGEON CELL 4  

Congrats to the grads. -- Green Eyes

                        BLOODGAMES at the SUMMER FACE-TO-FACE

Back by popular demand, we will be having Bloodgames at the Summer FTF!  For those of 
you who always wanted the chance to manage the last warrior standing alive upon the 
arena sands, your day has come.  At the end of the ten turns, even though several 
warriors, bruised and scarred, MAY yet live, only one will be crowned Champion of the 
Bloodgames.  And in this game mere survival counts for little.  A great general once 
said, "The object of battle is not to die for your cause, but to make your enemy die 
for his."  This general would have greatly enjoyed the Duelmasters Bloodgames.  There 
will be two different arenas:

     DM 98:  for Face-to-Face attendees, with turn-by-turn strategies, and 
     DM 99:  for all managers, with one strategy for all ten rounds

Gameplay proceeds according to standard DM rules, except for a few notable exceptions: 

BLOODGAMES ROLLUP --  Your Bloodgames team is ten warriors, one of each fighting 
style, each warrior designed from scratch!  (All is 84 points, 3-21, as usual.)

DEATH -- As the name implies, the Bloodgames will leave the arena sands somewhat darker 
before they're over.  It's a dangerous sport intended only for the tough and spirited.  
The Arenamaster will be less likely to intercede on behalf of a dying warrior.  Even 
at a 1 kill desire, kill attempts will occur.

REPLACEMENTS AND ROLLUPS -- There will be no replacement characters.  

CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIES -- In DM 98, there no regular challenges, only bloodfeuds.  
For DM 99, warriors may not change their strategy from round to round (to make it fair 
for those who could not attend the F-t-F).  There will be no DA challenges.

TURN PROCESSING AND DUE DATES -- If you are not attending the FTF, we must have your 
rollups and strategies by Wednesday, July 7, else they are due by 9pm on Friday, at 
the hotel.  The Bloodgames will process at the FTF with the regular tournament.  

MISSED TURNS -- All warriors fight each round.  Only the dead may rest.

ERRORS -- If we make an input error, that warrior will be awarded a win and kill.  
Errors must be reported before the next turn processes.  

NEWSLETTER -- Warriors are ranked according to their number of kills.  Champions of 
Bloodgames may write a column for the newsletter at the end of the games. 

FEES -- A Bloodgames rollup costs a $10 set-up fee.  Managers may roll up more than 
one team but may run only one team in each arena.  The fee for all ten rounds is $49. 

AWARDS -- The Bloodgames last ten rounds.  Only warriors who survive to the end of 
Turn 10 will be eligible for an award.  However, a consolation award of a Bloodgames 
T-shirt will be awarded to the dead warrior with the most kills.

The living warrior with the greatest number of kills will be the Bloodgames Champion.  
Bloodgames Victor titles, 2nd and 3rd place, and Bloodgames Runner-up titles, 4th 
through 6th place, will be awarded to those living warriors with the greatest number 
of kills at the end of Turn 10, with one other important consideration:  Each of these 
six warriors must be of a different fighting style.  Win/loss records and, if 
necessary, recognition points will only be used to determine awards if there is a tie.  

A Bloodgames T-shirts will be awarded to the manager of the team with the most kills.

The Bloodgames Champion fights for free in Advanced Duelmasters, and all Champions and 
Victors earn Tournament Victor status, which allows them to challenge once per turn 
with increased priority.  These awards last for six months.  The manager of the 
Bloodgames Champion, Victors, and Runners-up will receive Bloodgames T-shirts.

AFTERMATH -- Warriors from the Bloodgames may not transfer to any other arena.  Once 
the games are over, the arena and teams will be disbanded.  The fighters have won 
their freedom and will never more be seen in the gladiatorial games.  A special bonus 
will, however, be awarded to the 1st through 3rd place warriors.  Lady Sheila 
Greywand, of the Isle of the Eye, has consented to allow the top three surviving 
gladiators in each Bloodgames admission to the Advanced Duelmasters Games.  Any 
special training required to qualify those three warriors for Advanced Duelmasters 
combat will be conducted before transfer into A.D.  Astute managers will note that 
this means a slim, but possible chance that a warrior designed from scratch will 
survive the Bloodgames, win one of the top three places, and go on to glory in A.D.  
That warrior could be yours!

         The challenge is yours to take.  The final plans are yours to make.  
          When the dust settles, remember:  To the victor goes the spoils!