Date   : 03/31/2004    Duedate: 04/13/2004


DM-65    TURN-313

This Weeks Top Honors


(65-6507) [11-1-0,150]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

BUENO FER NADA (707)           CARD SHARKS (712)
(65-6507) [11-1-0,150]         (65-6550) [5-4-1,48]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

JEANINE                        KONGA DILLI
TOO GOOD FOR ME (600)          REFUGEES (377)
(65-6467) [17-21-1,87]         (65-6519) [11-9-0,84]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. CARD SHARKS (712)           16
2. SUPERIOR FORCES 4I (635)     9      BUENO FER NADA (707)
3. REFUGEES (377)               5      Unchartered Team
4. BUENO FER NADA (707)         2
5. LEGION IV (595)              0      SUPERIOR FORCES 4I (635)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1- 1*LEGION IV (595)            6   0  0  100   1/ 2 SAND DANCERS (233)        8  7 0
 2/ 2 BUENO FER NADA (707)      21   6  0 77.8   2/ 1 REFUGEES (377)            6  6 0
 3/ 0*SUPERIOR FORCES 4I (635)   7   2  0 77.8   3/ 3 BUENO FER NADA (707)      4  2 0
 4/ 4 TOO GOOD FOR ME (600)    115  88  4 56.7   4/ 5*CARD SHARKS (712)         2  1 0
 5/ 6*CARD SHARKS (712)          7   6  2 53.8   5- 4*LEGION IV (595)           1  0 0
 6- 5 PARANOIA (702)            44  43  8 50.6   6/ 0*SUPERIOR FORCES 4I (635)  1  0 0
 7/ 7 REFUGEES (377)           302 368  8 45.1   7/ 6 TOO GOOD FOR ME (600)     1  3 0
 8/ 8 SAND DANCERS (233)       592 768 12 43.5   8- 8 PARANOIA (702)            1  4 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT

            + ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ Out of the Past #4 ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ +

Near Fratsfa:

     Gladiators sailed up the river from Kati-Tei through Andor, Fratsfa, and Zensu
to the Isle of the Eye.  Some came as tourists, some as newly-graduated warriors,
some to attend and participate in the Spring Tourney.  This was a steady source of
income for boatmen, and many of them made the trip two or three times a month; the
river and its shores were well known to them.
     "I don't remember a castle on that hill," one sailor muttered, squinting at the
shore.  "And I was along here just last week...."
     "There was no castle there," Lady Fern, manager of the Flower Girls in Fratsfa
confirmed.  "And a week is certainly not long enough to build one!"
     "There was one...eight hundred years ago," a voice murmured behind her.
     The statuesque manager glanced back at her gladiatress, Nasty Nasturtium.  The
woman was an Araoi, and elf of the purest blood, and Lady Fern supposed it was
possible that Nasturtium actually REMEMBERED a castle there, but she hoped not.  The
thought of having a warrior that old was unsettling.  "You're sure, Nasty?"
     The elfin blonde nodded firmly.  "Yes, my mother told me about it--one of her
brothers helped to bring the castle down.  The Castle of Storms, that was its name, a
place of the darkest arts.  It was the stronghold of Prince Illrienherthinil
Silverthorn, who was called the Ill Rain."
     Lady Fern glanced at the sky automatically.  It WAS getting cloudy, but that
was, must be, coincidence.  After all, changeable weather was common at this time of
     "That wasn't on Khaldren's list."  The short, stocky man removed his bowler and
extended a hand to Lady Fern.  "Raoul, Lord Protector In Gerfel We Trust."
     "Kennelworth has spoken of you," Lady Fern admitted.  "But what do you know of
this Castle of Storms?"
     "Not a thing, doll.  But I'm wondering if Khaldren's magic isn't raising more
ruins than he planned on--anyplace with enough of the wrong kind of magic
concentrated in it."
     "This Khaldren is...?" Nasturtium asked.
     "A wizard who escaped the sinking of Krael," Raoul explained.  "He wants to
bring Krael forward in time, or back from the dead, or something.  And other places
he knows about from that era."
     "That would take a great magic," Nasturtium protested.  "With the Arcanum in the
current low state, it should not be possible."
     "Adie in Aruak City says he could be using blood magic based on the arena
deaths, doll.  She seems to think that'd do it for him."
     The elf recoiled.  "It would!" she whispered, "and that would call to all sites
where dark magic has sunk deep.  This must be stopped!"
     "Well, I'm taking the warning to Lady Sheila--"
     "She can do nothing, even if she would," Nasturtium snapped.  "She dares not
touch blood magic, even to fight it, except in the most indirect fashion, and
indirection will not serve!  Not soon enough, anyway."
     "Adie will think of some way to fight Khaldren," Raoul said, a little uneasily.
He took a deep breath and put his hat back on.  "And until he's stopped, we will
fight everything he brings up from the past."
     "If we have to fight the Ill Rain," Nasty Nasturtium predicted, "it won't be


     Lord Protector Ka D'Argo, on a brief trip to his home on Kolact, had planned to
take ship at Valamantis.  But the port city was not as he had expected.  There was
always bustle, but now...it reminded him of a disturbed anthill.  And where had those
towers on the landward side come from?  They weren't something that could have been
built in a day, or even a year, and he'd been through here four months ago.
     "It's Old Valamantis," Arenamistress Sitalva said grimly.  "We've had word of
some kind of magic afoot aimed at ruined cities, and with all the blood spilled in
the recent Bloodgames, it would have been more surprising if something had NOT
happened there.  But understanding why doesn't help us now.  The oldest levels of Old
Valamantis," she said grimly, "were Folstrom.  NOBODY wants to see the Folstrom loose
in the world again."
     "Bringing the ruins back is one thing," the tall gladiator argued, "but the
people...?  Surely Ahringol won't release their souls because of a spell and some
     Sitalva watched the slight wavering of the resurrected towers and shivered,
though the day was already warm.  "We'll find out, when the city stabilizes.  The
Silver Mage says sometime in the next week and a half or two weeks.  But we can see
people moving around in there.  And even if they're zombies, it isn't going to be


     The fishing boats that had fled Iaye when the earthquakes began crept back one
by one as the Trier grew calm again.  Most of them followed the coast down toward
Point, not because they needed the guidance but to see for themselves if drowned
Krael had truly risen from the waves.
     It had.
     Lord Protector Goff, assistant manager of the Red Dog Gang, stood on the gently
rocking deck of his boat and stared through a spyglass at the rampart of buildings
that blocked what had been the strait between Iaye and Point.  He wasn't sure what he
had expected, but not this.
     Krael stood above the water, but not as it must once have looked.  Many of the
taller buildings showed broken tops, and all was slimed with mud and weed.  Here and
there, decaying wrecks lay in the streets or even on the roofs of houses.  The smell
of dead fish was obvious even from a mile away.  Krael LOOKED like a city that had
spent centuries under water.  The people who moved among those ruins didn't.  There
weren't enough of them to represent the entire population of the city at the time of
its disaster, he guessed at no more than two hundred.  But they looked...normal.
Alive.  And their activity--they seemed to be trying to clear one section of the city
of its mud and debris--were just what you'd expect.
     And they seemed to take the whole situation for granted.  They must KNOW, from
the state of Krael now, what had happened, but they just calmly went about cleaning
     That was the most unnerving thing of all.


     There were no ruins around Xochithlan to rise up at the wizard's call, because
the modern city was the old city, continuously lived in for longer than most
Alastarian cities had existed.  There was, perhaps, a tendency for certain long-
buried residents to stir in their graves, but if any came out to walk the streets, it
was not immediately obvious.
     What was obvious was the forest.
     There had been a forest around Xochithlan for a long time, but it had been
burned away during the Rirorni War.  Replanting efforts had been ongoing for the last
eight years, but eight years is not long enough to bring back a major forest.  And
what surrounded the city now, pressing in against the walls and disturbing the newer
suburbs, was a major forest.
     Not, however, a forest such as the Xochithlani remembered.
     This was a Forest Primeval.
     This was a forest that might hide...anything.
     And according to the scholars of ancient texts consulted by King Feyen of
Xochithlan, it probably did.


     Zuwayza was as old as Xochithlan, and there were as many dark secrets buried
under its streets.  The foundation of the city, Vekhirn knew, went back to the days
before the first humans.  There were Folstrom traces, but there was also something
older.  Maybe more than one something.  And they were all stirring.  Too much blood
had been spilled here, especially in the years since the invasion--during the
invasion itself, and in the slow beating back of the Eastern forces.
     And in other ways, or for other causes, as well.  The court wizard had sensed a
new feeling in the people of the old city.  Harder.  Crueler, perhaps.  Less patient,
less tolerant--and the Glorious Empire had never been noted for tolerance.  The woman
Jayde, who claimed to be the daughter of Kjarran, her death and her mysterious
apotheosis, had that been the start of this dark bitterness that gripped the people?
He shrugged that off.  Whatever the cause for the change of heart, blood had been
spilled.  And somewhere, someone had called on spilled blood to raise old evils, and
spilled blood everywhere had answered.

Aruak City:

     Adeolar stared into the gilt-framed mirror, frowning and twisting a lock of hair
between nervous fingers.  Nothing she was Seeing was good.  Not that the mirror was
the best way to See, but it was the only scrying device she had that was still
working.  There was a bloody film over the glass that could not be washed off, and
that, she suspected, was a sign of just how bad things were.  Blood magic, used to
excess, tainted everything.  There was no doubt that the wizard in Zorpunt was strong
and ruthless, but what he had started seemed to be taking on a life of its own.  And
no one, so far, seemed able to stop him.
     She would have to take steps herself.

            + ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ Out of the Past #5 ]H[ + ---:--- + ]H[ +

Dal Shang:

     From the top tier of the arena, you could see a long way out to sea, because the
arena was built on a cliff above the harbor.  So was a lot of the rest of Dal Shang,
but except for the governor's palace, it mostly wasn't as high as the arena.
     Lord Protector Wais, who had come home to Dal Shang in a vague effort to boost
that beleaguered arena, was sitting on the top tier brooding.  The arena was
shrinking faster than a pool of water in the desert.  Promising warriors who were
looking for a career in the arena were not looking in THIS arena.  Fourteen active
warriors last time, and two of them had been retiring by way of a Dark Arena
appearance.  His own team, even, had gone inactive!  Something had to be done, but he
had no idea what.  Even the fans had deserted Dal Shang arena.
     With a sigh, he turned away from the empty arena to look out to sea.  And so he
saw the waters of the lake heave as though they were boiling, and a new--or very
old--island rise like a black reef no more than five miles off shore.  Five miles is
too far away to see the details, but there was something disturbingly regular about
the broken ridgeline of that island.  Like buildings....

A note for the people of the Free Cities and Lirith Kai:

     Some people say that if you get rid of magic, the world will be much simpler.
Some people say that the destabilization of the Arcanum will get rid of magic.  Ha!
High Magic, the stuff that highly educated wizards do, falters as the Arcanum
weakens.  But there are other kinds of magic.  Older.  Cruder.  Less vulnerable.
There's Blood Magic.  Spilling blood releases power.  The more blood, the more power.
     And a very powerful wizard of several centuries ago, Khaldren of Krael, who
decided that he didn't want to die when the city around him was dying, has come to
the present.  He's made a spell to bring Krael back from ruins, and he's tied it to
Blood Magic.
     But there's more blood being spilled around Alastari than he realized, and a lot
of Lost Cities that want to live again.  If you have some old ruins near your house,
and there's an arena where people are bleeding and dying, you've got trouble coming.
This is now your story, too.

     It's all a plot, and probably a dark one.  Where is Daylight Savings time when
you need it?

      * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ * }%|[-----+O+-----]|%{ *

                        *--=== LIRITH KAI REGIONAL NEWS ===--*

 DM  65 DAL SHANG (turn 312): WHATCHAMACALLIT of BUENO FER NADA (Darkfist, mgr.)
 DM  74 DAIYLA KIV (turn 285): KIRK GIBSON of 1988 DODGERS (Zalgor Prigg, mgr.)
 DM  75 JADE MOUNTAIN (turn 280): HAROLD of DARK TOADS (TigToad, mgr.)
 DM  78 LIN TIRIAN (turn 267): VALIANT TITMOUSE of WILD KINGDOM (The Dark One, mgr.)
ADM 107 LIRIN KIV (turn 243): NIGHTFALL of DARKLINGS from DAIYLA KIV (She-Puppy)

                                      Top Teams
 DM  65 DAL SHANG (turn 312): REFUGEES (Zarla, team captain)
 DM  74 DAIYLA KIV (turn 285): 1988 DODGERS (Zalgor Prigg, mgr.)
 DM  75 JADE MOUNTAIN (turn 280): DARK TOADS (TigToad, mgr.)
 DM  78 LIN TIRIAN (turn 267): SAND DANCERS (Jorja, mgr.)
ADM 107 LIRIN KIV (turn 243): OVERLORDS, etc. (The Icelord, mgr.)

                                   Recent Graduates
 DM  65 DAL SHANG (turn 311): MARDEN VOSS of SAND DANCERS (Lani, mgr.)
 DM  74 DAIYLA KIV (turn 285): KIRK GIBSON of 1988 DODGERS (Zalgor Prigg, mgr.)
 DM  75 JADE MOUNTAIN (turn 280): HABEAS CORPUS of LEGALESE (The Judge, mgr.)
 DM  78 LIN TIRIAN (turn 266): SAFIR of THE WILLBURYS 37 (Rascally Rabbit, mgr.)

                                 DUELMASTER'S COLUMN
                             Notes from the arena champ.

Once again we see another warrior afraid of political points run and hide instead of
boldly challenging for the throne?  So much for Methadone....  Jeanine, nice fight,
appreciate the lesson, look forward to another with you or Murgon again next round.


                                      SPY REPORT

     I was going on vacation, see?  Surf, sun...  But what do those bums say?  "Hit 
the road, Debby Tonte.  DAL SHANG needs a spyreport."  Oh, well.  Like, REFUGEES had 
to be so embarrassed when they got kicked off #1 spot by SAND DANCERS!  Way to go 
SAND DANCERS!  MVP award for THE PROFESSOR?  CARD SHARKS' proud of him after beating 
DILYS TYL KOGAN and getting 16 points.  Talk about yer big time losers!  JESSE TAVAN 
got smashed by HELVAN QUICKHAND, and lost 15 points!  This Duelmaster is like 
something else!  WHATCHAMACALLIT stopped JEANINE dead in hers tracks!  Is the 
Duelmaster really being a real snob to his teammates?  Don't ask me!   
     AAARRGH!!!  I HATE SPYREPORTING!!!  Sorry.  I just had to say it.  OZ 3 was DAL 
SHANG's most avoided team.  Is there some award for that?  I don't know what CARD 
SHARKS' been doing.  They certainly haven't been accepting many fights from OZ 3, 
that's fer sher.  Can BUENO FER NADA's DOOHICKEY be more popular than me?  He was 
challenged the most, but is that really the same?   
     What does a fighter fight for?  I mean, the crowds don't give a hoot if someone 
gets killed.  Not after four more fights.  Hey you guys, don't you think your 
families would like to hear from you?  Write!  (Or have someone write for you.)  
     Remember, blood on a purple robe may stain.  Soak it in cold water, and hand 
wash.  I'm getting tired of writing this stuff, so I'm calling it quits.  Its been 
really albendranius!  Later, guys-- Debby Tonte  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 WHATCHAMACALLIT 6507         11   1  0   150       BUENO FER NADA (707)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-METHADONE 6394               12   4  0   102       PARANOIA (702)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MURGON 6477                  17  19  1    99       REFUGEES (377)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-HORRID 6385                   6   0  0    89       LEGION IV (595)
 JEANINE 6467                 17  21  1    87       TOO GOOD FOR ME (600)
 KONGA DILLI 6519             11   9  0    84       REFUGEES (377)
 MING THE TERRIBLE 6482       19  14  0    81       SAND DANCERS (233)
 JESSE TAVAN 6514             14   9  0    76       SAND DANCERS (233)
 KOREEN 6490                  17  14  1    73       REFUGEES (377)
 DURVAN 6491                  15  16  1    68       SAND DANCERS (233)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DOOHICKEY 6504                6   5  0    48       BUENO FER NADA (707)
 THE PROFESSOR 6550            5   4  1    48       CARD SHARKS (712)
-GIZMO 6502                    4   0  0    47       BUENO FER NADA (707)
 DILYS TYL KOGAN 6515         10  11  0    41       SAND DANCERS (233)
 CHIPP 6516                    3   0  0    34       SUPERIOR FORCES 4I (635)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-BACKLASH 6518                 1   1  0    20       TOO GOOD FOR ME (600)
 CHURRO THE SPIKE 6554         4   5  0    17       REFUGEES (377)
-THE PERFECT PLAYER 6552       1   0  1    16       CARD SHARKS (712)
-DEVILFISH 6551                1   0  0    15       CARD SHARKS (712)
 KASSELA TYL DRU 6576          1   0  0    13       SAND DANCERS (233)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD               W  L K TEAM NAME             SLAIN BY             TURN Revenge?

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Ming -- No, no, no, you're all confused.  Whatsit was a piker in arena 82 (poor
bugger died in the Champs).  I'm the plunger.  How 'bout a rematch so you'll remember
me better? -- Doohickey

The Professor -- Pretty smart, aintcha?  Nice learns and ratings.  That's one avoid
for you.... -- Doohickey

Neither the Sand Dancers nor the Refugees fought a managed warrior last time, and we
are banding together to refuse to write personals to standbys, or to managed warriors
who haven't fought us for that privilege. -- the warriors of the Sand Dancers and the
P.S.  OTHER people got to fight managed warriors.

3 March 2004

     Mongo, aka Matt McIntosh and ex-Warden of the Dark Circle, is auctioning off his
entire collection of Duelmasters warriors and stables.  Don't miss out on this chance
to own some fantastic warriors!  There are ADM warriors available in every class from
Primus to Freshmen, as well as over a dozen Basic stables.
     Does a Slasher with +4 attack, +4 decisiveness, +3 initiative and +2 riposte
sound good?  How about a Lunger who received the benefit of a TC prize, has TVed
three times after graduating--and still hasn't maxed out his skills!?  How about a
Striker in the Freshmen class who has decisiveness for a favorite learn and the MAUL
for a favorite weapon!?
     Or perhaps you prefer playing in Basic.  Then how does a stable with four Adept
class warriors who have a combined record of 41-19-9 sound?  Or maybe a stable with
three 21-Will warriors?  Or perhaps a stable with four Initiates and a Rookie who
have a combined record of 23-6-1?
     The quality of the lots is excellent.  All you need to view and bid on the lots
is go to:
     If you want to be on the mailing list to receive regular updates on the auction,
just send an e-mail to JVMerlino@aol.com. Merlin, aka John Merlino and also an ex-
Warden of the Dark Circle, will be running this auction for me.  I just moved to New
Orleans and am likely currently stumbling around the French Quarter...because it's
Mardi Gras!  So I have named my auction in honor of this occasion.
     The auction will start on Saturday, March 13th, 2004, and will continue for
several weeks.  But you should get your bids in early if you want your best chance at
owning any of these fantastic warriors and stables.
     Many thanks to all for your interest and your bids,


5 March 2004
Style Masters Symposium
Hosted by Hammer

     The years have slipped by and many DM Managers have come and gone since the last
Hammer's Handbook was compiled and printed.
     There is now a stirring within me to begin writing and editing yet another
Handbook with a distribution date sometime in 2005.
     This Handbook will be made available via Email with a possibility of burning the
info to a CD for distribution.
     Special arrangements will be made to provide the information via printed page to
those contributors who are serving sentences behind bars.
     The working title of this new Handbook is "Style Masters Symposium Hosted by
     Distribution of this Handbook is projected to be MAINLY for those DM Managers
who contribute information/articles to Hammer by June 2004.
     Informative and entertaining articles should focus on insights regarding Any or
All 10 Style Masters for both the Basic and ADM arenas as well as Tourney
     Articles focusing on Weapons/Armor are also encouraged for inclusion.
     Whether you are a Newbie Manager without a clue or a Jaded Veteran; everyone has
discovered something about this gaming experience that is both Insightful and
     Email Your Articles to HammerDM@fastermail.com or send them via Diplo to either
Flower Hammerz (372) in DM 28 or Casino Hammerz (576) in DM 33.
     Length and Content of the Style Masters Symposium Hosted by Hammer will be
Determined by the Quality and Quantity of Contributors Combined with the Literary
Efforts of Hammer who is currently overseas for an indefinite period of time.
     Articles Contributed for this Project should be of Sufficient Length and Content
to Warrant being Included to Receive the Finished Document when Hammer has completed
this literary work to His satisfaction.
     Managers contributing articles are also requested to include a DM Bio of
Themselves along with any Notable Successes and/or Failures during Their DM Career in
Basic, ADM and/or Tourney Play.
     A listing of Active Stables would also be Helpful for Anyone Seeking to Reply to
Contributors via Diplo, Email or Snailmail.
     May Your Blades Be Sharp And Your Wits Sharper!
     -- Hammer of Flower Hammerz (372) DM 28 and Casino Hammerz (576) DM 33

18 March 2004
St. Valentine's Day Massacre Update

     We are pleased to announce that the kLk sponsored St. Valentine's Day Massacre
kill contest in DM 36 is off to a great start.  We are also pleased to announce that
in addition to the 10 team rollups we are also able to offer the renaming of a dark
arena warrior as a prize to the manager with the most kills.  The contest is only 2
turns old and is still wide open.  There are currently 5 managers tied with one kill
each.  Anything can still happen so hurry up and get into the arena.
     On a personal note, no other alliances have entered the arena in force to
challenge the kLk dominance.  We were expecting The Firm to put up a fight for their
supposed home arena.  But, they were a no show.  Guess they proved what they are
really made of.  *evil grin*
     Perhaps another alliance would like to step in to give us a challenge.  We are
throwing down the gauntlet.  Perhaps the Chaos Inc. boys I keep hearing about would
like to step in and challenge the kLk for arena dominance.  If you don't show up,
Chaos, don't feel bad.  FAR better managers than you have been invited into Jhans but
have chosen to pass on the offer.
     So if you consider yourself worthy to compete, like fierce competition, and
enjoy arenas where the personals are as fierce as the fighting, come visit JHANS DM
36.  We're already planning our next contest, "Capture the Flag," and have a
storyline being actively worked on in the arena.  Whatever you like about DM you can
find it in JHANS.

mgr. of Suicidal Dreams
and Director Jhans Board of Tourism
kLk Alliance

27 March 2004
     This notice is to inform the DM world that CHAOS INC. has added CHEETO to its
ranks.  He joins APEX, FLAGG, MATRIX, ASSAMITE, and RUDE BUDDHA as the 6th member.
May your chaotic wings spread disaster and CHAOS for all your days!  Welcome CHEETO!!

27 March 2004
     Has anyone seen it in print that the "Goat" is leaving the "Cartel"?  There were
some diplos to the effect of a special branch of the Cartel being formed, like secret
societies, governmental agencies and alliances certain agendas are developed.  To
obtain the desired effect of any agenda only key personnel can be used.  The "Goat"
is "Cartel" so until you see it with me announcing that I am not Cartel, remember,
"The Agenda of the Core is for you to fight for."  I hope this stops the confusion.
-- Goat

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

DOOHICKEY was devastated by KOREEN in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge fight.
WHATCHAMACALLIT vanquished JEANINE in a 1 minute uneven Title battle.
JESSE TAVAN was subdued by HELVAN QUICKHAND in a 4 minute gruesome fight.
MURGON devastated HELVAN QUICKHAND in a popular 1 minute brutal one-sided contest.
MING THE TERRIBLE devastated HELVAN QUICKHAND in a 2 minute uneven brawl.
KONGA DILLI was luckily beaten by MALDI STONEBREAKER in a exciting 5 minute struggle.
DURVAN was overcome by MALDI STONEBREAKER in a 2 minute gruesome expert's fight.
DILYS TYL KOGAN lost to THE PROFESSOR in a 1 minute duel.
CHIPP vanquished CHURRO THE SPIKE in a 1 minute gruesome uneven fight.
KASSELA TYL DRU overpowered HERROL TWO-FINGER in a 1 minute one-sided fight.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|AIMED BLOW                       3         SLASHING ATTACK    2 -   0 -  0     100  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  2         PARRY-RIPOSTE     14 -   5 -  0      74  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     2         TOTAL PARRY       10 -   4 -  0      71  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   2         PARRY-STRIKE      11 -   5 -  0      69  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      1         STRIKING ATTACK   13 -   7 -  1      65  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      1         WALL OF STEEL      7 -   7 -  0      50  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    1         LUNGING ATTACK    10 -  10 -  2      50  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   1         AIMED BLOW        11 -  13 -  1      46  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    1         PARRY-LUNGE        5 -   6 -  0      45  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  0         BASHING ATTACK     8 -  16 -  0      33  |

Turn 313 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

AIMED BLOW         3 -  0     PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  1         2  STRIKING ATTACK
STRIKING ATTACK    2 -  0     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  1         1  PARRY-STRIKE   
TOTAL PARRY        1 -  0     LUNGING ATTACK     0 -  1         1  SLASHING ATTACK
PARRY-STRIKE       1 -  1     SLASHING ATTACK    0 -  0         1  LUNGING ATTACK 
                              BASHING ATTACK     0 -  2         1  PARRY-RIPOSTE  
                              WALL OF STEEL      0 -  1         1  TOTAL PARRY    
                                                                1  WALL OF STEEL  
                                                                1  AIMED BLOW     
                                                                1  BASHING ATTACK 
                                                                1  PARRY-LUNGE    

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
PARRY-STRIKE     WHATCHAMACALLIT 6507       11   1  0  150 BUENO FER NADA (707)
PARRY-RIPOSTE    KONGA DILLI 6519           11   9  0   84 REFUGEES (377)
TOTAL PARRY      MING THE TERRIBLE 6482     19  14  0   81 SAND DANCERS (233)
WALL OF STEEL    JESSE TAVAN 6514           14   9  0   76 SAND DANCERS (233)
AIMED BLOW       KOREEN 6490                17  14  1   73 REFUGEES (377)
PARRY-LUNGE      DOOHICKEY 6504              6   5  0   48 BUENO FER NADA (707)
STRIKING ATTACK  CHIPP 6516                  3   0  0   34 SUPERIOR FORCES 4I (635)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is JEANINE 6467.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was KONGA DILLI 6519.  The ten other most popular fighters were MURGON 6477, DURVAN 

The least popular fighter this week was CHURRO THE SPIKE 6554.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were DILYS TYL KOGAN 6515, JEANINE 6467, DOOHICKEY 6504, KASSELA TYL 
6550, KOREEN 6490, and JESSE TAVAN 6514.


     For those of you who keep track of such things, 14 additional warriors graduated 
from regular DM arenas (including closed arenas) since the last tournament:

                           ABE SIMPSON (9-4453) SPRINGFIELD 
                            PB-LEAD (23-4385) ROCK-ETTS IV 
                      RATTLESNAKE SHAKE (60-4242) METAL MELTDOWN 
                            CHIP (60-4413) RESCUE RANGERS 
                           SLAKE (82-12993) WORD OF THE DAY 
                          DIS-COMBOBULATE (63-2222) DIS-TEAM 
                        RETARD (68-7501) POLITICALLYINCORRECT 
                           DARKSIDE (22-2714) LOST SOULS 1 
                      ZHARRA TYL MEDAN (40-2586) SUPERIOR FORCES 
                         SMOOGIE (82-2247) STREET PIZZAD III 
                             ARATHEA (13-3318) THE ELITE 
                          PX (82-14364) SUPERIOR FORCES 1203 
                       MIKE, POWERFUL (82-7051) MIKE THE HUNTER 
                          DIS-FUNCTIONAL (63-2223) DIS-TEAM 

                                          -- Green Eyes