Date   : 10/05/2011    Duedate: 10/18/2011


DM-81    TURN-124

This Weeks Top Honors


(81-1410) [16-8-2,123]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

PATROCLUS                      BRUSSEL SPROUTS
ARCHAIC CHAOS (111)            FOOD (130)
(81-1410) [16-8-2,123]         (81-1688) [3-2-0,38]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

MONSTER MANUAL (87)            THE RED BLADES (88)
(81-1382) [16-16-0,78]         (81-1681) [3-3-1,17]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. WARMASTERS (15)             62
2. ALE HOUSE MERCS (5)         43      LA PENTARCHIE (11)
3. THE MOTHERSHIP 011 (128)    42      Unchartered Team
4. OTTO'S DINER (96)           37
5. THE RED BLADES (88)         34      RAIN DOGS (132)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1- 1 CAPITAL CARTEL (93)      162 112  6 59.1   1/ 7 OTTO'S DINER (96)        11  4 0
 2/ 2 LA PENTARCHIE (11)       358 256 14 58.3   2/10 ALE HOUSE MERCS (5)      10  5 0
 3/ 3 AMERICAN MUSCLE (43)     235 180 14 56.6   3/ 1 DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)    10  5 0
 4/ 4 SUMMERBORN (104)         134 110 13 54.9   4/ 4 THE RED BLADES (88)       8  6 0
 5/ 5 DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)    333 283 11 54.1   5/ 6 CLAN LONGBEARD (39)       8  7 1
 6/13 THE MOTHERSHIP 011 (128)  29  25  2 53.7   6/ 3 LITERATE LOONS (40)       8  7 1
 7/ 7 DARQUE AGES (29)         270 236 13 53.4   7/ 8 SUMMERBORN (104)          8  7 0
 8/ 6 JUNGLELAND (103)         136 121  4 52.9   8/13 WARMASTERS (15)           7  3 0
 9/ 8 OTTO'S DINER (96)        161 144  5 52.8   9/ 2 LA PENTARCHIE (11)        7  8 1
10/10 ALE HOUSE MERCS (5)      151 139  5 52.1  10/ 9*RAIN DOGS (132)           7  8 0
11/ 9 OF WOLF AND MAN (57)     306 286 13 51.7  11/16 OF WOLF AND MAN (57)      7  8 0
12/12 WARMASTERS (15)          314 294 24 51.6  12/11 MONSTER MANUAL (87)       7  8 0
13/11 CLAN LONGBEARD (39)      318 299 15 51.5  13/20 THE MOTHERSHIP 011 (128)  7  8 0
14/14*RAIN DOGS (132)           12  13  0 48.0  14/15 ARCHAIC CHAOS (111)       6  4 1
15/17 LITERATE LOONS (40)      294 324 12 47.6  15/18*MY TOP RATED (129)        6  9 0
16-18 ELECTRIC KOOL-AID (68)    26  29  4 47.3  16/12*FOOD (130)                6  9 0
17/19 THE RED BLADES (88)      154 174  9 47.0  17-19 FUZZY BUNNIES (110)       5  0 0
18/15 GFE (126)                 22  26  2 45.8  18/ 5 JUNGLELAND (103)          5 10 1

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
19/20 FURRY FURY (25)          177 213  7 45.4  19/23 AMERICAN MUSCLE (43)      5 10 0
20/22*MY TOP RATED (129)        20  25  0 44.4  20/17 GFE (126)                 5 10 0
21/21 MONSTER MANUAL (87)      146 192  5 43.2  21/22 FURRY FURY (25)           4 10 0
22-23 FUZZY BUNNIES (110)       64  90  3 41.6  22/21*DEUS EX MACHINA (131)     4 11 0
23/24*FOOD (130)                10  15  0 40.0  23/25 DARQUE AGES (29)          3 10 0
24/25 ARCHAIC CHAOS (111)       64 101  7 38.8  24-26 ELECTRIC KOOL-AID (68)    2  2 0
25/26*DEUS EX MACHINA (131)      7  18  0 28.0  25-14 CAPITAL CARTEL (93)       1  4 0
26/ 0*BOND-AGE (133)             1   4  0 20.0  26/ 0*BOND-AGE (133)            1  4 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT

                                   A New Strategy

     Antenor leaned against the water barrel, gasping for air, and tried not to puke
all over it.  There were traces and trickles of blood scattered across his platemail.
His helm felt hot and heavy.  His teammates sat on a shady bench, their backs propped
against the side of the equipment shed.  They watched Antenor and returned his look
of grim despair with stoic indifference.
     "Hey!  Ya gonna wimp out on me?! C'mon!  Bring it!"
     Antenor, panting hard, turned from the barrel and his unsympathetic audience.  A
burly man in coal-black chainmail gestured disdainfully from the center of a sand-
filled pit.  The sand formed a circle five meters across; it was ruffled and torn
with sweeping gouges and blurred footprints. The thickset warrior waiting for Antenor
wore his grizzled hair cropped short; his broad face exhibited a dark scowl.  He
waved a sturdy wooden broadsword, reinforced with metal strips across the base of the
blade, in Antenor's direction.
     "This time, try harder to impress me, 'kay?"
     Antenor trudged into the sand pit and paused just inside, gauging the distance
between him and his mailed adversary.  Taking a deep breath, he began to walk
hesitantly along its outer periphery.  He kept his face toward his foe; his blunted
shortsword and small shield were held in the ready position.  As Antenor stepped over
a vague, muddy stain arched in a narrow pattern near the edge, his opponent offered a
thin, humorless smile.  Antenor noted his stance, and how he held his broadsword
nonchalantly in front of him with both hands.  His grip was light; the fingers were
curled around the handle almost as an afterthought.  Antenor tried to estimate the
reach of the wooden blade, whose tip just touched the sand.
     Suddenly, Antenor rushed toward his waiting foe; the stocky fighter seemed
indifferent, relaxed, and still as a statue.  Just as he drew within arm's length
Antenor dropped to his left knee; his short sword shot out in a powerful thrust at
his enemy's midsection even as his small shield curled upward to deflect the
anticipated counter-attack.
     With incredible swiftness the wooden broadsword flicked out and deflected the
shortsword to the left of its target. The hard sole of the warrior's boot slammed
into the side of Antenor's face almost simultaneously.  Antenor was knocked flat on
his back, half stunned and motionless.  After a few seconds he began to stir. Almost
a minute passed. Antenor managed to roll into a crouch with a grimace and return his
weapons to the ready position.
     "C'mon, Havoc.  That all you got?"
     Havoc smiled. He did not hesitate. His boot darted out again; a spew of sand was
cast into Antenor's startled face.  He was just able to blink before the edge of the
wooden broadsword collided with the dense crown of his helm, knocking him back into
the sand again.  This time Antenor dropped the shortsword and lay still.  His labored
breathing was the only sign of life.
     The other members of Archaic Chaos rose uncertainly to get a better look.
     "Boss, did you kill him?" Patroclus asked.
     "Naw, he'll live.  Help me get that helmet off."  Havoc stuck the broadsword
into the sand and knelt beside Antenor.  He gently took off the Chaos warrior's helm
and passed it to a teammate, then ran his hands lightly over Antenor's skull.  While
he probed Antenor began to blink rapidly as he slowly regained consciousness.  Havoc
continued to check for damage to Antenor's neck and shoulders.
     Satisfied, Havoc rose and moved effortlessly towards the water barrel.  He
grabbed the ladle, dipped it into the barrel, and slurped loudly as Antenor's
teammates clustered around him.  
     "For a parry-based style, your ability to take damage stinks!" Havoc growled.
He hung the ladle on its hook.  "Ya ain't got what I would consider a 'natural
talent' for parryin', neither."
     Laodameia had pulled Antenor into a sitting position.  He matched her concerned
frown with a wink before turning his head and wincing.
     "So you're telling me what?  Change my style?  It's too late for that; I can't-"
     "Hey, listen!" interjected Havoc.  "The only way I see ya being able to be
successful in this arena is to maybe find a way to take more punishment.  Then, even
with yer pathetic skills, ya might be able to turn a fight around to yer advantage,
     "You want I should wear full plate?" Antenor wrinkled his brow.  "That's stuff
is REALLY heavy.  And it stinks!"
     "Naw, you probably couldn't handle the weight.  Not if you wanna land a few
blows of yer own."
     "So what else can he do?" Pandera Pax, her hands on her narrow hips, grinned
down into Antenor's perplexed face.  "He's worthless at dodging, just like he is at
parrying," she laughed.  "I can promise you that!"
     "Well, the Kid has sorta given me another idea 'bout that."  Havoc scratched his
neck absently.  "Not exactly playin' cricket, but it's the arena and there ain't no
real rules there anyway.  Not once yer inside."
     "Yeah, and?" Antenor struggled to rise to his feet.  Laodameia and Patroclus
helped him up.  Each put an arm over their shoulders; Antenor swayed unsteadily
between them.
     "There's this drink, see?  Bullinger's Brew.  Damned expensive stuff!  But it's
got possibilities."  Havoc allowed himself a faint, brief smile.  "Yeah.  It's got
     The fighters exchanged wary, puzzled glances. Laodameia shrugged.  Pandera shook
her head and chuckled softly to herself.
"Whatever it takes," Antenor muttered.
     "That's the spirit!" beamed Havoc.
     "Hey, wait a minute!" Ronin Zen stepped forward and faced Antenor.  "I think
I've heard of that hooch.  I'm pretty sure it's more like a really dangerous drug
than a simple alcoholic drink, right?" He turned to face Havoc. "Isn't that stuff
poisonous?" Zen asked anxiously.
     With a blur of speed and pinpoint precision, Havoc struck Zen an angled blow on
the side of his neck, just below the jaw line.  The warrior dropped into the sand pit
like a stone.
     "It's not really that bad," Havoc growled.  He stepped over Zen and made his way
back to the barracks.  "It's not as dangerous as tickin' me off, anyway," muttered
Havoc to himself as he left.
     The Chaos fighters exchanged another round of wary, puzzled glances.  Then, as
one, they peered down at Zen, who lay unconscious on his side in the sand.
     "I'm not carrying TWO guys back to the barracks," announced Pandera Pax as she
bent to pick up Antenor's sword and shield.
     "It's his fault for saying anything while standing right next to him," muttered
Laodameia as she struggled under the weight of Antenor and his armor.
     "It's as good a place to leave him as any," nodded Patroclus.  He grunted a
little with the effort as he readjusted Antenor's weight.  "He's breathing, anyway."
     "Do you really think that stuff is poisonous?" asked Antenor to nobody in
     "Does it really matter?" sighed Pandera.  "You'll drink it and you'll smile if
Havoc tells you to.  Am I right, Patty?"
     "I told you not to call me that any more!" Patroclus thundered.
     "Well, I told you to stop swiping my shampoo every time you run out!" Pandera
yelled in reply.
     "Jeez Louise!  You guys broke up already!  Stop the fighting!" hollered
Laodameia as she tottered out of the pit.
     "What's life without a little drama?" chuckled Antenor.
     Laodameia stopped and turned her head.  Her tight-lipped scowl was in sharp
contrast to Antenor's broad smile.  She ducked and shook his arm off of her shoulders
and shoved Antenor back into the pit.  Patroclus, caught off-guard, stumbled back
with him.  The pair fell onto Zen, who woke with a loud groan.
     "Enjoy the show, buddy!"  Laodameia stalked back to the barracks.  Pandera
tossed Antenor's sword and shield into the pit and followed, laughing uproariously.
     Antenor and Patroclus sat side by side in the sand.  Zen moved feebly behind
them, moaning softly. The pair looked at each other in surprise.
     "Women!" Patroclus spat.  "Who can figure 'em?"

                                 DUELMASTER'S COLUMN
                             Notes from the arena champ.

     Not to sound repetitive, but yes, I'm still here.  Or rather I was here, since
by the time you read this I'll be on a boat for the Isle.  It's been a real pleasure
fighting here in Shadowspire but I can't hang around forever teaching you bums how to
duel.  Sheila wants me there in a bad way, and who am I to say no?
     Anyway, must dash now.  I'm meeting with my agent to go over promotional
materials for my new line of scimitars (in stores in time for Xmas-- pre-order yours
today!), and after that a photo shoot for Rippers Digest magazine.  Before I go, a
quick plug for the Diner-- we're starting a new event this week to dedicate the new
Hot Brown Memorial Car Crusher.  Every Friday night we flatten a classic auto every
hour from dusk to midnight, and serve all-you can eat pancakes!  What a deal!  You
really should see the thing.  It lights up and belches flame and everything.  They
spared no expense.  Oh, and there's a new seafood dish on the menu-- I think you'll
like it!

                                                      Head 'Shroom......out!

                                      SPY REPORT

     Good day, in SHADOWSPIRE a quiet thief gets rich, but a quiet spymaster gets 
poor.  So bring me ale and harken to my tidbits of news.  It seems the training can 
make the difference, as DRAGONBANE GUILD is pushed out of top team by OTTO'S DINER, 
who came from 7th with a 5-0-0 this turn.  Our condolences (or sneers, as the case 
may be) go out to JUNGLELAND for their drop to 18th from 5th.  A 0-5-0 can do that.  
ALE HOUSE MERCS stable has parlayed this turn's 4-1-0 into a 8 space move up the 
rankings.  This brings them up to 2nd place.  Good work, guys!  The THE MOTHERSHIP 
011 guild has had a 4-1-0 turn and deserves to be watched in the future.  You never 
know where this kind of thing can lead.  And let's see, PABST fought MADAM MARIE and 
gained 22 points and contributed to ALE HOUSE MERCS' 4-1-0.  MADAM MARIE has lost to 
PABST, falling 16 points, while helping make JUNGLELAND a 0-5-0 turn.  PIT FIEND 
challenged for the Duelmastership this turn, attempting to dethrone OTTO'S DINER's 
warrior.  Defending his title for another turn, HOLY SHIITAKE kept MONSTER MANUAL's 
warrior, PIT FIEND, from claiming the throne.  By the way, was that our Duelmaster 
that I saw last night, cramped under the table at The Warty Toad?   
     The crowd's roar, the smell of iron and leather, mixed with sweat, what more 
could a warrior ask of life?  Well, besides that.  GFE has cause to stand tall, as 
they were SHADOWSPIRE's most avoided team.  A smart manager knows this is a team to 
beat.  And guess who avoided GFE stable the most?  Believe it or not, it was MY TOP 
RATED.  Anyone surprised?  The most challenged warrior this turn was OTTO'S DINER's 
warrior GREMLIN STEW.  More fighters challenged him than challenged the Duelmaster!  
I don't know about you, but PORCUPAIN challenging down 27 points to WARMASTERS' 
FLACCUS, is not really worthy of FURRY FURY.  Well, will you look at this, PORCUPAIN 
was defeated by FLACCUS, and FURRY FURY will have to explain why they made such a 
challenge in the first place.  In a brave attempt, LIZZIE DUSK from THE RED BLADES 
challenged up 25 points to fight ZIGGY PIKE from the DRAGONBANE GUILD stable.  LIZZIE 
DUSK perhaps got hers just desserts, seeing as she lost to ZIGGY PIKE and ended up 
with 37 recognition points.   
     A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man only once.  Wise men know this to 
be true.  EARTH ELEMENTAL has departed SHADOWSPIRE, leaving MONSTER MANUAL without 
their 6-6-0 warrior.  Question, just what was his team doing at the taverns last 
night?  Kudos go out to SQUASHAPILLAR this turn, for revenging FURRY FURY's bloodfeud 
against JUNGLELAND's warrior BIG BONES BILLIE.  Well done.  We'd like to remind 
certain teams not to rob the graves of their enemies.  You know who you are; and it's 
considered rude.   
     Thought for the day, a new sword shines bright, but the notched sword sings the 
sweetest.  Well, I'm burning daylight here in SHADOWSPIRE and I've a long road ahead 
of me.  Happy Trails.  Until the sun next rises and my pen sets to paper-- Alarond 
the Scribe  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 PATROCLUS 1410               16   8  2   123       ARCHAIC CHAOS (111)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SHILLELAGH TOR 1294          22  19  1   111       THE RED BLADES (88)
 CICERO 1266                  24  18  0   107       WARMASTERS (15)
 MARCO POLO 1375              18  12  2   101       DARQUE AGES (29)
 MAXENTIUS 1591                9   3  0   101       WARMASTERS (15)
 VICTOR 1369                  17  15  1    98       WARMASTERS (15)
 CREIDDY LAD 1484             13   9  2    97       SUMMERBORN (104)
 FLACCUS 1455                 12  12  1    97       WARMASTERS (15)
 JAKLAK 1430                  17  10  0    95       CLAN LONGBEARD (39)
 PABST 823                    11   4  0    93       ALE HOUSE MERCS (5)
-GUTTER BALL 1361             19   9  0    92       CAPITAL CARTEL (93)
 FIDGET 1403                  18  12  2    91       LA PENTARCHIE (11)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 JAGER VON DRACHEN 1341       18  18  0    90       DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)
 CHARLES MARTEL 1346          16  17  2    88       DARQUE AGES (29)
 '71 MACH ONE 952             19  12  0    86       AMERICAN MUSCLE (43)
 PORCUPAIN 1453               13  12  1    85       FURRY FURY (25)
 BENEDICT 1470                13  10  0    82       OF WOLF AND MAN (57)
 MAGIC RAT 1317               21  18  0    81       JUNGLELAND (103)
 MADAM MARIE 1356             23  11  0    80       JUNGLELAND (103)
 DOPPLEGANGER 1382            16  16  0    78       MONSTER MANUAL (87)
 FIVE 1572                     9   6  1    77       LA PENTARCHIE (11)
 ARCHON 1390                  20  11  0    75       OF WOLF AND MAN (57)
 ANGEROO 1452                 15  10  0    74       FURRY FURY (25)
 ZIGGY PIKE 1487               9  13  0    72       DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)
 QUINN 1634                    6   5  1    70       THE MOTHERSHIP 011 (128)
 WONDERFACE 1522              11   8  0    69       LA PENTARCHIE (11)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SISI BA-NETERU 1488          11  10  2    66       THE RED BLADES (88)
 SPORK 1562                   11   5  0    66       OTTO'S DINER (96)
-BUNNY FOO FOO 1476           10   5  0    66       FUZZY BUNNIES (110)
 SQUASHAPILLAR 1478            9  14  1    66       FURRY FURY (25)
 FLAVOR TO GO 1633             6   5  0    63       THE MOTHERSHIP 011 (128)
 PANDERA PAX 1406             12  13  1    62       ARCHAIC CHAOS (111)
 ALP ARSLAN 1473              10  12  0    61       DARQUE AGES (29)
-PUNT 1366                    12  15  0    60       CAPITAL CARTEL (93)
 BECK 743                     10   9  0    60       ALE HOUSE MERCS (5)
 BIG BONES BILLIE 1442        14  11  1    59       JUNGLELAND (103)
-VELVETEEN 1431                9   8  0    59       FUZZY BUNNIES (110)
 JULIETTE 1630                 8   3  0    58       SUMMERBORN (104)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BERNADETTE 1618               6   4  1    56       GFE (126)
 TOM WOLFE 1467               11  13  2    55       LITERATE LOONS (40)
-BANK SHOT 1471               10   7  0    50       CAPITAL CARTEL (93)
 MOLLUSQUOME 1629              8   3  1    50       LA PENTARCHIE (11)
 NIKUS 1583                    7   7  1    50       OF WOLF AND MAN (57)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 KIRIN ICHIBAN 1680            5   2  0    49       ALE HOUSE MERCS (5)
 TRUMAN CAPOTE 1577            7   7  0    46       LITERATE LOONS (40)
 HARP 744                     10   9  0    45       ALE HOUSE MERCS (5)
 DAWN CERES 1573               7   7  0    45       THE RED BLADES (88)
-HOOK 1576                     5   4  0    45       CAPITAL CARTEL (93)
 JUNEBUG 1543                  8   8  2    44       SUMMERBORN (104)
 LIZARD MAN 1544               5  11  0    42       MONSTER MANUAL (87)
 SUBPRIME RIB 1567             9   6  1    41       OTTO'S DINER (96)
 BRUSSEL SPROUTS 1688          3   2  0    38       FOOD (130)
 LIZZIE DUSK 1538              9   8  0    37       THE RED BLADES (88)
-COOL BREEZE 596               5   4  1    37       ELECTRIC KOOL-AID (68)
-KESEY 566                     5   7  1    36       ELECTRIC KOOL-AID (68)
 KNUT SUNDERHELM 1569          7   8  2    34       DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)
-CAPTAIN TRIPS 567             7   5  1    34       ELECTRIC KOOL-AID (68)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-MR WIGGLES 1477               8   7  1    33       FUZZY BUNNIES (110)
 GAMBLE 1635                   5   6  0    33       THE MOTHERSHIP 011 (128)
 GWENNOLAY 1631                5   6  0    33       OF WOLF AND MAN (57)
 MAXIMUM WHAM 1691             4   1  0    33       DEUS EX MACHINA (131)
-THE HERMIT 620                2   3  1    33       ELECTRIC KOOL-AID (68)
 CAZADOR 1578                  7   7  0    30       DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)
 MEAN JOHN BROWN 1648          4   5  0    30       JUNGLELAND (103)
-TOTORO 1594                   3   4  1    29       FUZZY BUNNIES (110)
 BUCK DICH 1660                6   3  0    28       MY TOP RATED (129)
 SUSAN 1665                    5   3  0    28       GFE (126)
-BOUNCY BUNNY 1587             5   3  0    27       FUZZY BUNNIES (110)
 MOUNTAIN GOAT 1636            6   5  1    26       THE MOTHERSHIP 011 (128)
 MILAREPA 1695                 3   2  0    26       RAIN DOGS (132)
 LAODAMEIA 1713                3   1  0    25       ARCHAIC CHAOS (111)
 GREMLIN STEW 1710             5   0  0    24       OTTO'S DINER (96)
 VALAK 1650                    4   5  0    24       OF WOLF AND MAN (57)
 FEOHR 1737                    3   0  0    24       CLAN LONGBEARD (39)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 VON ERIKSON 1692              2   3  0    23       DEUS EX MACHINA (131)
 LANEL 1619                    6   4  0    22       GFE (126)
-DEUCE 1642                    3   3  0    22       CAPITAL CARTEL (93)
 JERSEY DEVIL 1638             5   5  1    21       JUNGLELAND (103)
 '69 GTX 1715                  3   2  0    21       AMERICAN MUSCLE (43)
 TARA THE RED 1698             4   1  0    20       RAIN DOGS (132)
 ONION RINGS 1684              3   2  0    20       FOOD (130)
 HYPNOTIZE 1679                2   5  0    20       MY TOP RATED (129)
 ODDBALL 1747                  2   0  0    20       THE MOTHERSHIP 011 (128)
 KING OF ROCK 1709             4   1  0    19       MY TOP RATED (129)
 LITTLE DARLING 1700           3   3  0    19       SUMMERBORN (104)
 FISH TACO 1687                3   2  0    18       FOOD (130)
 BONY LOUIS SOL 1681           3   3  1    17       THE RED BLADES (88)
 ZADIE SMITH 1701              5   1  0    16       LITERATE LOONS (40)
 MICHELLE 1622                 3   7  0    16       GFE (126)
 RONIN ZEN 1704                2   3  1    15       ARCHAIC CHAOS (111)
 MISS MISERY 1725              3   1  0    14       MY TOP RATED (129)
 PEREGRINE 1694                2   3  0    14       RAIN DOGS (132)
 HADRIAN 1739                  1   1  0    14       WARMASTERS (15)
 NIGHT LIES 1663               2   7  0    13       MY TOP RATED (129)
 OLD THUMPER 1707              2   4  0    12       ALE HOUSE MERCS (5)
 JOSEPH MITCHELL 1746          1   1  0    12       LITERATE LOONS (40)
 PETER PAN 1759                1   0  0    11       LA PENTARCHIE (11)
 IRONHEAD 1722                 3   1  0    10       DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)
 TITAN 1672                    1   7  0    10       MONSTER MANUAL (87)
 GERANIUM SYLVATICUM 1728      2   2  1     9       SUMMERBORN (104)
 HIGGS BOSON 1697              2   3  0     9       RAIN DOGS (132)
 ANTENOR 1731                  2   1  0     8       ARCHAIC CHAOS (111)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 YUK HE 1685                   1   4  0     7       FOOD (130)
 MARTILN 1742                  1   1  0     7       CLAN LONGBEARD (39)
 TOSSED SALAD 1686             0   5  0     7       FOOD (130)
 ZARLENE 1726                  1   3  0     6       GFE (126)
 TEE HEE JOHNSON 1752          1   0  0     6       BOND-AGE (133)
 AMERICAN MUSSELS 1757         1   0  0     6       OTTO'S DINER (96)
 KRILL 1727                    0   4  0     4       DEUS EX MACHINA (131)
 LEAP LIGHTNING 1755           0   1  0     1       DEUS EX MACHINA (131)
 NICK NACK 1750                0   1  0     1       BOND-AGE (133)
 KRONSTEEN 1748                0   1  0     1       BOND-AGE (133)
 HARRY KRUSHNA 1756            0   1  0     1       RAIN DOGS (132)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
'67 FIREBIRD 1745       0  2 0 AMERICAN MUSCLE 43   BLACK ORC             124  NONE
'69 GTO JUDGE 1743      0  2 0 AMERICAN MUSCLE 43   STONE GOLEM           124  NONE
AC 1758                 0  1 0 AMERICAN MUSCLE 43   BANDIT PRINCE         124  NONE
BOB 1749                0  1 0 BOND-AGE 133         MOUNTAIN TROLL        124  NONE
TOM 1751                0  1 0 BOND-AGE 133         SHEWISH GIANT         124  NONE
HAL THREE 1753          0  1 0 CLAN LONGBEARD 39    MOUNTAIN TROLL        124  NONE
HAL TWO 1741            1  1 1 CLAN LONGBEARD 39    WURM KIN              124  NONE
REXCE 1585              8  4 0 CLAN LONGBEARD 39    TOM WOLFE 1467        122  REVENGED
SAXO GRAMMATICUS 1590   5  4 1 DARQUE AGES 29       BERNADETTE 1618       120  REVENGED
VESTRA 1689             0  1 0 DEUS EX MACHINA 131  BONY LOUIS SOL 1681   120  REVENGED
WASHOUT 1754            0  1 0 DEUS EX MACHINA 131  ARENAMASTER           124  NONE
TURIN 1486              8 10 0 DRAGONBANE GUILD 13  QUINN 1634            120  REVENGED
DA1 1760                0  1 0 FURRY FURY 25        WURM KIN              124  NONE
DA2 1761                0  1 0 FURRY FURY 25        WURM KIN              124  NONE
KATHY 1666              1  3 1 GFE 126              RONIN ZEN 1704        120  REVENGED
EARTH ELEMENTAL 1592    6  7 0 MONSTER MANUAL 87    PANDERA PAX 1406      124   

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Archaic Chaos -- I think I need more than luck-- the avoids seem to be broken, either
that or there are so many challenges they are bound to get through.  Two more
challenges against me last turn, none of my challenges got through.  Other than Night
Lies' 2 BFs against Knut, my living warriors have gotten a challenge through once.
That's right-- once.  I'm hoping this is just an anomaly that stops soon! -- D. Noble
P.S.  My dead warriors-- zero challenges through...

Rain Dogs -- Is One Armed Bandit your manager?  If so, tell him to lay off... we're
tired of seeing your ugly mugs. -- D. Noble

Totoro -- You one-shotted me??  Ridiculous. -- Buck Dich

Hypnotize -- It was my pleasure breaking the streak of no-swinginess against you.  My
blade accepts your grattitude. -- Peregrine

Hadrian -- Maybe your name should be "Had run".  Perhaps that is what you should have
done instead of fighting. -- Tara the Red

'67 Firebird -- Uh-oh... better call Maaco. -- Milarepa

Deus Ex Machina -- You should really start charging for your services, you are
starting to get a reputation. -- Pete Sake IV, mgr Rain Dogs

All -- Thanks for the warm welcome.  What started as a way to get mail has started to
become quite addicting. -- Pete Sake IV, mgr Rain Dogs

Billie -- Let's see what Squashapillar can do vs. you.  If nothing, Porcupain will
come visiting. -- Grimm

All -- The worst aspect of this is Meerkat pooched my team record.  Rebuild I guess.
Teach me for caring about the round robin. -- Grimm

     Always better to go with the square robins.

Flaccus -- That is how I do it, crack crack bam.  QS to the face.  Poor Vanek. --

Quinn -- That wasn't even really a BF.  You were just the only one around me in the
rankings I thought was an even matchup, so I challenged.  If we truly had wanted the
BF we would have sent Jager.  One such win was enough to do the job.  As for the
challenge, it wasn't as even as I had hoped, I guess.  Ouch. -- Knut

Geranium -- A flower?  Who would plant flowers in the arena?  And then there is that
other part of your name... is someone with my name supposed to be able to figure that
out? -- Ironhead

Lizzie Dusk -- How many times am I going to have to face you Blades? -- Cazador

Earth Elelmental -- What, a 7-13 record makes you think I'm an easy target?  Oh, no!
Not for you!  Just for 13 other people. -- Ziggy, now sporting a fancy new 8-13
record, Pike

Creiddy Lad -- Perhaps the spy was right and experience was the difference maker.
I'm okay with that.  A victory and a trip to the CCs is a welcome result. -- Jager
von Drachen

While it is a great disappointment to hear of the Consortium's decision to leave
Shadowspire, I am very pleased to see several other teams return to the arena.
Welcome back! -- Nomad and the Guild

Holy Shiitake -- I'm glad I was able to make a fight out of it.  The better warrior
won. -- Shillelagh Tor

Wonderface -- Oh, that's how that works. -- Sisi

Cazador -- Dawn wasn't avoiding you this turn in case you want to work out some more.
-- Lizzie

Lanel -- I'm kind of surprised that Louis was able to beat you.  Good luck. -- Dawn

Krill -- Sorry I missed you guys turn before last.  I blame Bill. -- Bony Louis

Congrats! -- To the horde of graduates. -- The Red Blades

New and Returning Teams -- Welcome to Shadowspire.  The dueling is hot and the beer
is cold. -- Bill the Bard and The Red Blades

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

HAL TWO was butchered by WURM KIN in a 1 minute bloody Dark Arena fight.
'69 GTO JUDGE was slaughtered by STONE GOLEM in a 1 minute gruesome Dark Arena battle.
'67 FIREBIRD was murdered by BLACK ORC in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
AC was slaughtered by BANDIT PRINCE in a 2 minute Dark Arena brawl.
WASHOUT was butchered by ARENAMASTER in a 1 minute gory Dark Arena fight.
HAL THREE was narrowly killed by MOUNTAIN TROLL in a 1 minute Dark Arena competition.
DA1 was assassinated by WURM KIN in a exciting 1 minute bloody Dark Arena struggle.
BOB was easily killed by MOUNTAIN TROLL in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
TOM was easily killed by SHEWISH GIANT in a 1 minute gruesome Dark Arena melee.
DA2 was slaughtered by WURM KIN in a 1 minute gory Dark Arena duel.
VIRGINIA WOOLF won victory over MOLLUSQUOME in a 1 minute one-sided Bloodfeud duel.
SQUASHAPILLAR overpowered BIG BONES BILLIE in a 1 minute uneven Bloodfeud match.
PIT FIEND was beaten by HOLY SHIITAKE in a 3 minute veteran's Challenge fight.
SHILLELAGH TOR devastated JAGER VON DRACHEN in a 1 minute Challenge conflict.
PORCUPAIN was bested by FLACCUS in a crowd pleasing 1 minute master's Challenge bout.
QUINN was defeated by BENEDICT in a popular 3 minute Challenge duel.
VICTOR devastated MAGIC RAT in a 1 minute uneven Challenge duel.
MAXENTIUS overpowered ANGEROO in a crowd pleasing 4 minute mismatched Challenge brawl.
MAXIMUM WHAM was beaten by KIRIN ICHIBAN in a 2 minute brutal Challenge match.
FLAVOR TO GO overpowered LIZARD MAN in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge match.
SPORK unbelievably bested BERNADETTE in a 2 minute Challenge competition.
LIZZIE DUSK was devastated by ZIGGY PIKE in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge bout.
SISI BA-NETERU unbelievably bested TOM WOLFE in a 2 minute veteran's Challenge match.
DAWN CERES won victory over KNUT SUNDERHELM in a 1 minute Challenge fray.
SUBPRIME RIB viciously subdued MEAN JOHN BROWN in a exciting 3 minute Challenge bout.
MISS MISERY was overpowered by BRUSSEL SPROUTS in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge duel.
BONY LOUIS SOL was unbelievably bested by MOUNTAIN GOAT in a 4 minute Challenge fight.
HYPNOTIZE vanquished HIGGS BOSON in a 1 minute uneven Challenge bout.
GAMBLE handily defeated ZADIE SMITH in a 1 minute uneven Challenge bout.
MILAREPA savagely defeated IRONHEAD in a 5 minute beginner's Challenge competition.
LAODAMEIA overpowered MICHELLE in a 3 minute uneven Challenge duel.
KRILL was overpowered by ODDBALL in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge match.
'69 GTX overpowered TITAN in a exciting 1 minute gory one-sided Challenge fight.
RONIN ZEN was outwaited by GREMLIN STEW in a 11 minute amateur's Challenge match.
HADRIAN defeated YUK HE in a 2 minute novice's Challenge struggle.
MADAM MARIE was luckily beaten by PABST in a tiresome 18 minute gruesome struggle.
CICERO defeated FIVE in a crowd pleasing 5 minute one-sided match.
JAKLAK subdued CHARLES MARTEL in a popular 2 minute veteran's duel.
PATROCLUS won victory over FIDGET in a 2 minute master's Title bout.
ARCHON was demolished by MARCO POLO in a 1 minute brutal uneven competition.
DOPPLEGANGER defeated ALP ARSLAN in a action packed 4 minute expert's battle.
'71 MACH ONE bested M. CHARDINEE in a 1 minute match.
CREIDDY LAD handily defeated WONDERFACE in a 1 minute mismatched duel.
EARTH ELEMENTAL was savagely slain by PANDERA PAX in a 2 minute brutal brawl.
JULIETTE overcame TRUMAN CAPOTE in a 2 minute melee.
HARP handily defeated VALAK in a 1 minute one-sided match.
NIKUS savagely defeated SUSAN in a popular 2 minute gruesome battle.
BECK narrowly defeated JUNEBUG in a action packed 4 minute bout.
FISH TACO was defeated by BUCK DICH in a 2 minute competition.
JERSEY DEVIL was vanquished by GWENNOLAY in a 1 minute one-sided match.
CAZADOR unbelievably bested OLD THUMPER in a exciting 5 minute brutal bout.
NIGHT LIES was narrowly defeated by LITTLE DARLING in a 3 minute bloody bout.
LANEL slimly won victory over TOSSED SALAD in a exciting 5 minute bloody conflict.
ZARLENE was subdued by MARTILN in a 4 minute amateur's battle.
KING OF ROCK defeated GERANIUM SYLVATICUM in a exciting 1 minute novice's brawl.
ANTENOR was viciously subdued by TARA THE RED in a 3 minute gory novice's brawl.
FEOHR viciously subdued PEREGRINE in a popular 1 minute bloody novice's struggle.
VON ERIKSON overcame JOSEPH MITCHELL in a 1 minute brutal novice's contest.
ONION RINGS overpowered HARRY KRUSHNA in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
LEAP LIGHTNING was overcome by TEE HEE JOHNSON in a popular 1 minute amateur's battle.
AMERICAN MUSSELS viciously subdued NICK NACK in a 2 minute bloody novice's fight.
PETER PAN demolished KRONSTEEN in a 1 minute uneven duel.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                  22         TOTAL PARRY       82 -  51 -  0      62  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                 22         PARRY-STRIKE      52 -  36 -  3      59  |
|BASHING ATTACK                  17         WALL OF STEEL     63 -  52 -  2      55  |
|TOTAL PARRY                     13         PARRY-LUNGE       20 -  19 -  0      51  |
|WALL OF STEEL                   10         STRIKING ATTACK   99 - 103 -  5      49  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     9         LUNGING ATTACK   109 - 129 - 10      46  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  7         AIMED BLOW        30 -  39 -  1      43  |
|AIMED BLOW                       5         PARRY-RIPOSTE     31 -  43 -  1      42  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    5         SLASHING ATTACK   40 -  60 -  4      40  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      3         BASHING ATTACK    56 -  99 -  4      36  |

Turn 124 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-LUNGE        3 -  0     TOTAL PARRY        6 -  7         4  TOTAL PARRY    
AIMED BLOW         4 -  1     PARRY-RIPOSTE      2 -  3         2  STRIKING ATTACK
WALL OF STEEL      6 -  4     STRIKING ATTACK    8 - 14         1  WALL OF STEEL  
PARRY-STRIKE       5 -  4     BASHING ATTACK     5 - 12         1  BASHING ATTACK 
LUNGING ATTACK    11 - 11     SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  5         1  PARRY-STRIKE   
                                                                1  LUNGING ATTACK 
                                                                1  PARRY-LUNGE    

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
WALL OF STEEL    PATROCLUS 1410             16   8  2  123 ARCHAIC CHAOS (111)
BASHING ATTACK   SHILLELAGH TOR 1294        22  19  1  111 THE RED BLADES (88)
TOTAL PARRY      CICERO 1266                24  18  0  107 WARMASTERS (15)
PARRY-STRIKE     MARCO POLO 1375            18  12  2  101 DARQUE AGES (29)
STRIKING ATTACK  MAXENTIUS 1591              9   3  0  101 WARMASTERS (15)
LUNGING ATTACK   VICTOR 1369                17  15  1   98 WARMASTERS (15)
SLASHING ATTACK  FIDGET 1403                18  12  2   91 LA PENTARCHIE (11)
PARRY-LUNGE      BENEDICT 1470              13  10  0   82 OF WOLF AND MAN (57)
AIMED BLOW       MAGIC RAT 1317             21  18  0   81 JUNGLELAND (103)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is DOPPLEGANGER 1382.  The most popular warrior this 
turn was BONY LOUIS SOL 1681.  The ten other most popular fighters were MAXENTIUS 
1567, MILAREPA 1695, FIVE 1572, DOPPLEGANGER 1382, and NIKUS 1583.

The least popular fighter this week was PABST 823.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were MADAM MARIE 1356, GREMLIN STEW 1710, IRONHEAD 1722, MARTILN 1742, AC 
1758, KRONSTEEN 1748, NICK NACK 1750, HARRY KRUSHNA 1756, JERSEY DEVIL 1638, and 
VALAK 1650.

The following warriors have traveled to AD after fighting this turn:


                        WINTER FACE-TO-FACE IN SUNNY ARIZONA!

Our next winter FTF will be held in Tempe, Arizona, January 13-15, 2012.  It will be 
held at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Tempe, Arizona (480-894-7444), the same hotel as 
last year by popular request.  Room rates are $134.00 per night, 1-2 occupancy, which 
includes full cooked breakfast, complimentary manager's reception, free airport 
shuttle, free parking and free high speed internet.  There's a fitness center, 
jacuzzi, and pool.  The rooms are blocked--please make your reservation by December 15 
before the block is released!  (This is prime season for Phoenix, and people have been
unable to book rooms because they waited too long.)  Look for the tournament info 
sheet and minioverviews some time in December.  We hope you're all looking forward to 
it and that we will see you there!