Date   : 01/18/2017    Duedate: 01/31/2017


DM-81    TURN-259

This Weeks Top Honors


(81-1675) [17-12-2,120]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

SUPERWEED                      PSYCHO STYX
THE MONSANTIS (112)            KILL EM ALL (173)
(81-1675) [17-12-2,120]        (81-2771) [4-4-1,31]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

JANNA                          ZAYLA
PRAY THE GODS (155)            CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
(81-2581) [14-11-0,83]         (81-2695) [9-4-0,55]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)       56
2. FURRY FURY (25)             35      CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
3. KILL EM ALL (173)           33      Unchartered Team
4. THE MONSANTIS (112)         28
5. OTTO'S DINER (96)           27      KILL EM ALL (173)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1- 1*LAND OF PRYDAIN (175)      4   1  0 80.0   1/ 1 OTTO'S DINER (96)        11  4 0
 2- 2 SHANGHAIED (161)          98  72  3 57.6   2/ 4 THE COMMODORES (150)     10  5 0
 3/ 3 CULT OF BACCHUS (4)      492 379 15 56.5   3/ 8 DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)     9  6 1
 4/ 5 DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)    691 580 19 54.4   4/12*KILL EM ALL (173)         8  7 0
 5/ 7 DARQUE AGES (29)         561 491 21 53.3   5/ 2 PRAY THE GODS (155)       8  7 0
 6/ 6 WICKED MARTYRS (148)     208 185 10 52.9   6/ 6 SEARCH THE SKY (136)      7  8 1
 7/ 8 OTTO'S DINER (96)        507 467 26 52.1   7/ 5 DARQUE AGES (29)          7  8 0
 8/ 9 FURRY FURY (25)          430 425 21 50.3   8/ 9 AAARRGH 2 HAMMERZ (61)    7  8 0
 9/10 THE COMMODORES (150)     173 174  6 49.9   9/ 7 THE MONSANTIS (112)       6  2 0
10/12 THE MONSANTIS (112)      125 136 12 47.9  10/11 CULT OF BACCHUS (4)       6  6 0
11/11 AAARRGH 2 HAMMERZ (61)    31  34  3 47.7  11/14 FURRY FURY (25)           6  9 0
12/15*KILL EM ALL (173)         19  21  2 47.5  12- 3 SHANGHAIED (161)          5  5 1
13/13 PRAY THE GODS (155)      106 125  8 45.9  13/10 WICKED MARTYRS (148)      5 10 0
14-14 MONSTER MANUAL (87)      449 541 18 45.4  14-16*LAND OF PRYDAIN (175)     4  1 0
15/16 BIG LAKE OUTCASTS (19)   340 458 26 42.6  15-15 MONSTER MANUAL (87)       4  6 0
16/17 SEARCH THE SKY (136)     164 229  9 41.7  16/17 BIG LAKE OUTCASTS (19)    4  8 0
17/19 INEBRIATION (27)         138 218 13 38.8  17/13 WARBOW (170)              4 11 0

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
18/20 WARBOW (170)              20  35  1 36.4  18/18 INEBRIATION (27)          3 12 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                    TEAM SPOTLIGHT


     She was tall for a woman, and wrapped in a long, thick, hooded cloak of oiled 
leather lined with soft orange fur. The woman was seated on one of the large granite 
benches scattered under the naked limbs of a dozen trees. The wind was cold and wet; 
the sky was smothered in tall dark clouds.  During most of the year the benches and 
small shrines sharing the small park were somewhat secluded by careful placement and 
heavy foliage.  However, the sense of solemn isolation was destroyed during the winter 
season, which spared the shrubs and spiny undergrowth, but stripped the trees bare. 
     The woman's hands clenched the edges of her cloak from underneath, drawing it 
tight across her muscular body.  The scimitar that swung from its scabbard at her back 
hinted at her occupation; a small red jewel in its pommel peered insolently over her 
left shoulder. 
     Though her face was hidden inside the deep hood, it seemed as if she was 
scrutinizing the nearest shrine.  Within a stained marble basin, fashioned to resemble 
an antiquated design of drinking bowl, a bronze statuette of a naked, winged man 
stared blindly across the space between them.  A ragged spew of water shot up from a 
small brass jet at his sandaled feet and splashed against the small coins that had 
collected inside the shallow pool of the basin. Tiny cracks and chips throughout 
hinted at its age.  The statuette's body was lean, his muscles sharply defined; his 
wings were spread wide.  He brandished a broken lance toward the sky. His grim face 
was almost comical; it was as if the statue were contemplating the bleakness 
surrounding it with patrician distaste.
     A young man, also wrapped in an oiled leather cloak that hung past his knees, 
approached.  The fact that he was a gladiator was apparent by his stride, his sharp 
eyes, and the pair of shortswords forming a martial 'x' across his broad back.  He 
sauntered to a neighboring bench that faced the fountain from a different angle and 
sat down in one smooth, well-coordinated movement, crossing his broad arms and 
frowning at the woman as she stared at the fountain.  Her eyes flickered in his 
direction, but she did not turn her head. After several minutes the man exhaled in a 
violent, frustrated spasm; his breath hurled a large cloud into the cold air.
     The woman offered a slight shake of her hooded head and also made a deep sigh.  
Then slowly, as if in pain, she repositioned herself so that she could face the other 
warrior.  They quietly regarded each other, simply sitting, as motionless as the 
cobble-stoned walk beneath them. The sounds of windblown debris and the rattling of 
the branches as they were pushed against each other mingled with the sound of the 
water splashing from the fountain. Occasionally their eyes darted left or right as 
they maintained surveillance over their immediate environment. There were few 
pedestrians out on a cold, blustery day like today. Nobody else shared the small 
shrine park.
     "Sonja, thank you for meeting with me." 
     The woman released one edge of her cloak and pulled back her hood so that her 
freckled face was framed, but no longer shielded by it.  Her ice-blue eyes were wet.  
"I wish you would let this go."
     "Do you think I wouldn't like that?!" The man's dark eyes bored into her face 
with a fierce intensity. "I can't, Sonja!  I keep telling you: I can NOT!"
     "Not so loud, Petrus," chided Sonja as she shifted her weight on the cold, hard 
bench. "It's over; you knew it wouldn't last when we started this... this-" 
     "Yes, what would you call 'it'?" Petrus exhaled again, this time in an obvious 
effort to control himself.  He offered a weak chuckle and struck his gloved fists 
against his thighs.  "Sonja, I can't give you up!"
     The woman's blue eyes blazed with an inner light. "Why must you make everything 
difficult?!  We had a few moments, Petrus, a few nights together, okay?  Now it's 
over.  Let it go!"  
     Petrus's lips tightened; he made a half-hearted gesture of an incomplete hug.  
"Is that it?  I thought you said it was different?!  I thought this was DIFFERENT!" 
     Petrus began to rise, but a small flick of Sonja's fingers lightly touching the 
grip of her scimitar caused him to hesitate. He settled himself back on his bench; 
Sonja's reddened hand returned to the dark warmth inside her cloak.  "We have a 
problem," Petrus admitted. 
     "YOU have a problem," Sonja muttered, looking around the shrine park to verify 
their privacy.  "I can't believe I ever had anything to do with someone as immature as 
     "WHAT?!" Petrus erupted off the bench.  "Woman, do you even know what you're 
saying?!  If I could go one minute without thinking of you, one night without dreaming 
about you..." 
     "Yeah, yeah," Sonja shook her head; the lines of dried tears stood out from the 
vivid red of her normally pale freckled cheeks.  "'Sonja,'" she mimicked, "'you're 
everything to me. You're all I need to live!'" 
     "It's TRUE! So true..." Petrus squeezed his eyes closed, clenched his fists and 
pressed them hard against his temples.  "Why oh why can't I make you believe me?"
     "Oh, I believe you," snorted Sonja.  "I just don't give a hot damn!"
     Petrus's body recoiled as if struck; his eyes flew open and stared in amazement.  
His arms dropped at his sides as his breathing became deep and labored. 
     Sonja glared into his eyes and grimaced. "Don't look at me like that," she 
growled.  "You had your fun, now run along and let's just get on with our lives." 
     "I, I can't," Petrus whispered.  He stepped forward; Sonja came to her feet and 
held out one arm in warning while her free hand caressed the hilt of the scimitar 
behind her shoulder. 
     Petrus ignored her warning and continued walking until his chest pushed against 
her outstretched palm.  He looked up into her hard blue gaze, his brown eyes filmed 
with tears.  Petrus made a plaintive whisper.  "Is it just because you're a little 
taller than me?" 
     Sonja rolled her eyes and sighed up into the dingy clouds.  "Why are you so 
stupid?"  With a sudden twist of her trunk and shrug of her shoulder she shoved him 
backwards, stumbling. 
     Petrus regained his balance and stared somberly as Sonja rearranged her cloak, 
once again holding it closed from within.  "Look, I like you, okay?  You're a sweet 
guy, really, and awfully smart."  She offered a brief smile.  "You helped me get to be 
a gladiator, and that's great, but..."
     "But now that I've served my purpose, it's 'adios', is that it?"
     "Uh, I guess so."  Sonja glanced around the empty park; her eyes lingered briefly 
on the bronze statuette.  It seemed to scowl at her.  She shifted her stance and 
tilted her head to her left.  "Look, Petrus, we got to work together, okay?  I don't 
want this to be awkward."
     Petrus dropped his eyes to the stones at his feet and shook his head in 
disbelief.  "Too late," he murmured. 
     Sonja's lips twisted into a deep frown. "I've gotta go now, okay?"  She stepped 
back, turned, and then ambled smoothly past the statuette and out of the park area. 
     Petrus stood and breathed deeply, watching Sonja until she disappeared in the 

                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

     The Arcane Kid opened the door without knocking and stepped fluidly inside.  
Havoc, seated at his desk, cocked his head in his direction but ignored him.  Piles of 
papers crowded almost every square centimeter of desk space.
     "I have a question for you," grinned Arcane as he settled himself in one of the 
tall, wing-backed leather chairs. 
     Havoc groaned and pushed back from the desk. "Why not?" he grimaced, rubbing his 
eyes with his calloused palms.  "I'm startin' to get cross-eyed lookin' at all this 
     "Excellent!" Arcane nodded. "I was just wondering about the two new fighters."
     "The brother & sister?" Havoc frowned. "What now?" 
     "They don't look much alike," noted Arcane. 
     "Yeah, they're half-siblings.  Same father, I think."
     "Hmmmm." Arcane winked at Havoc over his steepled slim fingers. "I suspect they 
are more than that."
     "Yeah?" Havoc's eyes became dull; his face was expressionless.  "What makes ya 
say that?"
     "Never mind," Arcane smirked. "I have my ways. What I wish to know is this:  How 
will it affect the team?"
     Havoc shrugged and spread out his thick arms, palm up, in surrender. "Who knows?  
This sorta thing just has to work itself out, Kid.  That's how it usually works--for 
'normal' people." 
     The Arcane Kid's eyes glowed; his narrow lips pressed together in a sour 
expression.  "Just make sure Celestio and Etheria keep their minds on their work.  One 
second of distraction can get them disemboweled." 
     "Yeah, sure, I'll have a talk with 'em."  Havoc shook his broad, bristled head 
and slapped the desk.  "Wow!  Like I don't have enough on my plate right now!"


                      Message from Hammer:  The Fifth Stormcrowe 

     Slaughterhouse will be Epic! Assemble a Squad with a Partner and Come to DM 45 
and Help Make SSH5 History!  Master Darque is the Diabolical Host for the Event 
beginning in May! 
     May Your Blades Be Sharp and Your Wits Sharper!

                                          -- Hammer, mgr Abattoir 5 Blades in DM 45                                              who is Partnering with Nomad and his                                              Phantom Brigade to fight together as the    

                                 DUELMASTER'S COLUMN
                             Notes from the arena champ.

     Looks like I get to sit then split.  Seems almost worthless to brag about my 
supremacy or taunt my upcoming opponents when I'll be gone after this turn.
     Thanks go to Hollowsoul for being so accommodating on his last fight.  I truly 
expected more of a fight, but being recently made immortal likely went to his head.  
It seems only appropriate that my challenge this turn will go to Hollowsoul's 
teammate, Warwulf.  He and I have danced the sands before, and it was a good fight.  
I'm truly curious to see how my supposed favorites work against him.
     Speaking of favorites, I must've missed a sacrifice, or two, to the Commission 
gods.  They tell me I prefer a MO offensive effort (have they even SEEN me fight?!?!) 
and a VL activity level (oh, seriously, come on!) as well as preferring to use a QS (I 
think the local Timber Cutter's Union made a well-placed bribe).  BlackHart looked 
truly disgusted when he heard the news.  I wonder if I'll ever fight in ADM.  I did 
see him put a check mark next to "Striker" on his "Round Robin Checklist", and that 
did evoke a rare smile from him.

                      -- Lord Protector, and the bane of Hollowsoul, Blackjack Johnson

                                      SPY REPORT

     Good afternoon, duel fans!  Huard DePriest here to bring you all the duel action 
your little hearts can handle!  If you don't hear about it in this report, it was not 
worth reporting.  You heard it here first... and second... and third.  I am without 
equal in the spy reporting game.  Those other guys and gals are just rank amateurs, 
forever in the shadow of my greatness.  Enough about me, for now, let's take a look at 
the fights for turn 259!
     In a pattern that is becoming too familiar in the no-tourney arenas, last turn's 
Duelmaster was inactive this turn.  It really did not upset the apple cart too much, 
as Blackjack Johnson was vacating the throne by graduation.  BUT, it is still a bit of 
a bummer when the Champion doesn't bother to show up.  Our title fight this turn was a 
random match up between recognition leader Superweed and the Furry Fury member, 
Garchomp.  Superweed emerged victorious and also received his invite to the Isle.  So, 
once again, we will have a new Duelmaster next turn!  Who will it be?  A cadre of 
experienced veterans occupy the Challenger Champion ranks.  Will the Duelmaster 
challenge one of them or face the perils of the Dark Arena as many new immortals often 
do?  You'll have to come back next turn to find out! 
     Running scared this turn, we find Kill Em All.  They did not want to face any 
challenges from Big Lake Outcasts.  With the down challenges they posted this turn, I 
feel like the Kill Em All guild will have more to worry about next turn than Den and 
his crew.  The most challenged warrior was Tristan of Dragonbane Guild.  In a twist, 
no one was able to get their challenge through to Tristan!  The arena's top ranked 
Aimer challenged Fireball from Inebriation, and let's just say, well, we will say that 
some of those guys and gals might be lucky their challenge didn't get through to 
Tristan!  Fireball dies and Tristan moves on and awaits to see if Inebriation will 
avenge their fallen comrade. 
     There are a few changes to note in the 3 turn rankings.  After a 4-1-0 turn, Kill 
Em All makes the biggest jump of the week, moving up from 12th to the 4th position.  
The other big gain belongs to Dragonbane Guild, who also had a nice 4-1-1 turn (nice 
for everyone but Fireball).  Nomad's squad takes over 3rd.  Otto's Diner remains the 
top team for another turn, but The Commodores are in striking distance and could seize 
the top spot next turn!  The largest drop goes to the inactive Shanghaied, who fell 9 
ranks.  The biggest drop among active teams goes to Warbow, who fells 4 places to 
     I have already reported the single death that took place in the main arena 
(Fireball of Inebriation for those with short memories or drinking problems or both).  
There were a few fighters sent to the Dark Arena, but all were Rookies with no fight 
experience.  Since there isn't much to discuss concerning death, let's talk life.  I 
mean REALLY long life, such as immortality.  We had two warriors get their invites 
this turn.  Superweed of The Monsantis and Grizzly Remains of Furry Fury have been 
given titles and lands in recognition of their accomplishments in Shadowspire.  Good 
luck in your future training!  This is especially important considering recent events 
of monsters breaching Chaos Gates (see Primus Newsletter for turn 701 for details). 
     That is enough excitement for most of you!  I must be off and headed to my next 
assignment.  I do not know what the Commission or the SYP will have in store for such 
a talent as myself!  I'm sure it will be extraordinary though, and there will be many 
adoring fans, like yourselves, waiting for me!  Until the next time!

                                          -- Huard DePriest

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SUPERWEED 1675               17  12  2   120       THE MONSANTIS (112)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-BLUE DRAGON 2332             25  29  0   113       MONSTER MANUAL (87)
 GRIZZLY REMAINS 2459         20  10  0   111       FURRY FURY (25)
 WHITE LIGHTNING 2486         20  17  2   110       INEBRIATION (27)
 PLAN COLUMBIA 1612           17  15  1   102       THE MONSANTIS (112)
 STORMCLAW 2569               16  12  1    95       DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 GARCHOMP 2470                16  13  0    90       FURRY FURY (25)
 SCHENDLE 2596                12  10  3    90       PRAY THE GODS (155)
 TRISTAN 2669                 11   7  1    90       DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)
 BLOODY MARIA 2536            18  15  1    86       WICKED MARTYRS (148)
 WARWULF 2580                 16   9  0    86       CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
 WYLD TURKEY 2505             15  20  2    85       INEBRIATION (27)
 JANNA 2581                   14  11  0    83       PRAY THE GODS (155)
-KROW 2504                    19  13  0    80       CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
-SWABBIE SAM 2632             14   6  0    77       SHANGHAIED (161)
 THYME LORD 2752               6   3  0    74       OTTO'S DINER (96)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 FAST HACK 'EM 9 2653         10  10  0    66       THE COMMODORES (150)
 MISFORTUNE COOKIE 2783        6   1  0    66       OTTO'S DINER (96)
 AGENT ORANGE 2762             6   1  2    62       THE MONSANTIS (112)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 STRABO 2689                  10   6  0    60       DARQUE AGES (29)
 MUTANT CAMEL 2678            10   8  0    59       THE COMMODORES (150)
-TWO-TON TIMMONS 2578         15  11  0    58       SHANGHAIED (161)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MALLEOS PRIMUS 2764           5   3  0    56       SEARCH THE SKY (136)
 LUXLORD BLACK 2608           11  14  1    55       BIG LAKE OUTCASTS (19)
 ZAYLA 2695                    9   4  0    55       CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
-LOOKOUT LARRY 2656            9   9  1    54       SHANGHAIED (161)
 LUIPADA 2721                  8   4  2    53       DARQUE AGES (29)
 DRAGON SCARRED 2644          13   7  0    52       DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)
 HORRID 2659                  10   9  0    51       WICKED MARTYRS (148)
 NEETA 2702                    7   6  0    46       PRAY THE GODS (155)
-POWDER MONKEY 2683            8   7  0    45       SHANGHAIED (161)
 ECLIPSE 2565                 12   8  0    44       SEARCH THE SKY (136)
 SHEM 2719                     7   5  1    44       PRAY THE GODS (155)
 TEMPTRESS HAMMER 460          5   8  0    44       AAARRGH 2 HAMMERZ (61)
 MONKEY TREE MONK 2652         4   6  0    40       FURRY FURY (25)
 PETRUS RIGA 2786              4   2  0    39       DARQUE AGES (29)
 ORLANDO 2688                  7   7  0    38       DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)
 PERFECT 10 HAMMER 462         7   6  0    38       AAARRGH 2 HAMMERZ (61)
-HILL GIANT 2694               7   8  0    38       MONSTER MANUAL (87)
 JET-BOOT JACK 2741            8   1  0    35       THE COMMODORES (150)
 B FEUD BAIT HAMMER 461        7   6  1    34       AAARRGH 2 HAMMERZ (61)
 WYRM CRUSHER 2814             2   1  0    34       DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DESTINY 2703                  8   6  0    33       WICKED MARTYRS (148)
 SONNY CROQUETTE 2799          4   0  0    33       OTTO'S DINER (96)
-HYDRA 2753                    4   4  0    32       MONSTER MANUAL (87)
 KNIFEFIST 2714                4   7  0    32       WARBOW (170)
 COMMANDER HAMMER 459          8   5  1    31       AAARRGH 2 HAMMERZ (61)
 PSYCHO STYX 2771              4   4  1    31       KILL EM ALL (173)
 BARSTOOL BRAD 2706            7   7  1    29       INEBRIATION (27)
 STORMGIRL 2712                3   8  0    26       WARBOW (170)
 STARSMILE 2731                3   6  0    26       WARBOW (170)
 MELLOW JELLO 2784             6   1  0    25       OTTO'S DINER (96)
 HALFBUCK 2710                 4   7  0    24       WARBOW (170)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SEDUCTION HAMMER 458          4   9  1    22       AAARRGH 2 HAMMERZ (61)
 SON OF BLAGGER 2793           3   1  0    20       THE COMMODORES (150)
 CHOKE 2767                    2   6  0    20       KILL EM ALL (173)
 MALAKAI 2768                  5   3  0    18       KILL EM ALL (173)
 GOTTERDAMMERUNG 2787          5   1  0    18       KILL EM ALL (173)
 NIGHTCLOUD 2732               4   5  1    18       WARBOW (170)
 CLARA D'ANDUZA 2780           5   2  0    17       DARQUE AGES (29)
-SPHINX 2755                   4   4  1    17       MONSTER MANUAL (87)
 CELESTIO 2801                 3   1  0    17       SEARCH THE SKY (136)
 BLOODLUST 2769                3   5  1    15       KILL EM ALL (173)
 ASPIRE 2B GREAT 2750          3   6  0    15       BIG LAKE OUTCASTS (19)
 BRACKISH 2782                 2   5  0    14       WICKED MARTYRS (148)
-GWYDION 2819                  1   0  0    13       LAND OF PRYDAIN (175)
 TOM COLLINS 2790              2   4  1    11       INEBRIATION (27)
 SKY BOOM 2822                 1   1  1    11       SEARCH THE SKY (136)
-ARAWN 2820                    1   0  0    11       LAND OF PRYDAIN (175)
 ETHERIA 2800                  2   2  0    10       SEARCH THE SKY (136)
 LITTLE HAMMER 2792            2   4  0    10       BIG LAKE OUTCASTS (19)
 SAMMY LIGHTFOOT 2834          1   0  0    10       THE COMMODORES (150)
-HEN WEN 2818                  1   0  0    10       LAND OF PRYDAIN (175)
-EILONWY 2821                  1   0  0     6       LAND OF PRYDAIN (175)
 BROCCOLI ROB 2810             1   2  0     5       OTTO'S DINER (96)
-GAS SPORE 2807                0   3  0     3       MONSTER MANUAL (87)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SUBPAR SUE 2812               0   3  0     3       WICKED MARTYRS (148)
-TARAN 2817                    0   1  0     1       LAND OF PRYDAIN (175)
 RIDGEACK 2832                 0   1  0     1       FURRY FURY (25)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
AEOFEL ELROMAI 2803     0  1 0 ABOMINATION 146      PSYCHO STYX 2771      256   
DARQUE'S REPORTS 2827   0  1 0 BIG LAKE OUTCASTS 19 WURM KIN              259  NONE
BRONTAY 2707            6  3 0 CULT OF BACCHUS 4    SCHENDLE 2596         256  REVENGED
STINK-I 2809            0  1 0 CULT OF BACCHUS 4    SKY BOOM 2822         258   
TARQ 2830               0  1 0 CULT OF BACCHUS 4    HIGH ELF              259  NONE
NINJA SERF 2833         0  1 0 DARQUE AGES 29       SHEWISH GIANT         259  NONE
MUD D 2831              0  1 0 FURRY FURY 25        ARENAMASTER           259  NONE
FIREBALL 2705          10  4 0 INEBRIATION 27       TRISTAN 2669          259   
HELLBRAISER 2693        7  6 1 OTTO'S DINER 96      LUIPADA 2721          256  REVENGED
DEAD 2828               0  1 0 PRAY THE GODS 155    MOUNTAIN TROLL        259  NONE
MAGGIE MILLER 2811      0  1 0 THE MONSANTIS 112    DARK CHAMPION         259  NONE
DEACON JIM 2777         2  1 0 THE OUTLAWS 7 171    AGENT ORANGE 2762     255  NOT REVENGED
REPULSIVE 2781          1  3 0 WICKED MARTYRS 148   NIGHTCLOUD 2732       256   

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Tom Collins -- What a kick in the pants! I thought you had me there for a minute. -- 

Wyrm Crusher -- I thought you would drop like a sack of potatoes.  You did not.  You 
play to CRUSH!  You are no ordinary Crusher.  You are a WYRM CRUSHER! -- 

Land of Prydain -- Welcome to Shadowspire! -- Weirdo

Weirdo -- Thanks for the compliment!  Please feel free to write a team spotlight; it 
is always entertaining and it helps us all to define our teams and personas. -- Kid 

Bloodlust -- Well, sometimes you just can't kill 'em ALL. -- Etheria

Stormclaw -- Get over yourself.  I wanted a 'safe' matchup, and you were it! -- 

Son of Blagger -- What was your daddy's occupation?  Anvil salesman? -- Celestio

DeGotti -- Too baad about Stink-I.  Although, given his moniker we have to assume he 
was simply cannon fodder.  (Perhaps you'll share his stats?)  In case, we await the 
bloodfeud. -- Search the Sky

Two-Ton Timmons -- Wow!  You can sure take a lot of damage, can't you?  I was 
surprised to lose that one! -- Eclipse

Captured Orc -- You must have been a very naughty boy!  Thrown into the arena with a 
dull, weighted blade and litte armor...  I'm surprised you survived. Hopefully, we can 
do this again! -- Malleos Primus

DeGotti -- The gap widens. -- BlackHart

All -- I survived the DA!  Huh...why does BlackHart not look happy? -- Lookout Larry

Hollowsoul -- Bang!  He down!  -- Two-Ton Timmons

Halfbuck -- Feel free to try that again. -- Powder Monkey

Garchomp -- I knew I should've brought a cat toy to the fight! -- Swabbie Sam

Sonny Croquette -- Well, that was an "exciting" fight! -- Taran

Gas Spore -- Ewwwwww!  You smell bad! -- Eilonwy

Brocolli Rob -- Beware my arm punch! -- Arawn

Looking forward to the challenge of Shadowspire.  I hear this is a good arena if you 
are looking for a challenge.  I hope to bring you all turn after turn of frustration.  
See you on the sands -- The Master, mgr. of Land of Prydain

Neeta -- After Janna's comments and your challenge I'm wondering if there isn't some 
bigger plot here.  We shall have to think on this.  In the meantime I will stay away 
from you two. -- Orlando

Fast Hack 'em -- No, I am not Tristan.  That extra experience seems to matter.  
Another? -- Stormclaw

Gotterdammerung -- The name really made me think you'd be a bit more, oh I don't know.  
Maybe dramatic?  A bit more Wagnerian?  Or at least like some final, climactic battle?  
But that really isn't you.  Kind of dull, actually.  But if you want to try for a bit 
more drama you are welcome to give it a second shot. -- Wyrm Crusher

Zayla -- It wasn't a matchup I'd normally look for, but I'll take it. -- Tristan

Hydra -- Heads.  You need more heads.  Even I could see that result coming.  If you 
want to see it again feel free to challenge -- Dragon Scarred

Land of Prydain -- Welcome to Shadowspire!  Perhaps you could let us know what that 
name means.  From the old books? -- Nomad and the Guild

Den -- I notice that you have been slipping a bit with respect to the Shadowspire 
Arena Pledge.  For the benefit of your addled brain and future reference, I have 
repeated the pledge below and called out the portions which you need to work on:

     I pledge that I will not send warriors from this team to a tournament, nor will I 
     use a tournament prize on a warrior from this team.

     I pledge to run a full team when I run turns in this arena. If circumstances 
     preclude my running less than a full team, I will notify the Player Committee. 

     I agree to abide by the decisions of the Player Committee.

     I understand that any warrior that participates in a tournament or receives a 
     tournament prize shall be sent to the Dark Arena until they are dead.

     I pledge that if my name is Den or I have some crappy team with 'Lake' in the 
     name I will not use those pink latrine cakes as breath mints. (Broken)

     I pledge that if my name is Den or I have some crappy team with 'Lake' in the 
     name I will win at least half of my fights. (Broken)

     I pledge that I will not whine and cry like a little biatch in the personal ads 
     when someone else doesn't manage to fight their entire team when I am not either. 

Shape up, little mister, put on your big boy pants and be the pinnacle of management 
mediocrity of which we all know you are capable! -- Vlad

All -- Heed the Call to Cross Blades and Assemble a Squad with a Partner and Enter the 
Historic Stormcrowe Slaughterhouse Five Contest Hosted by Master Darque in DM 45 
beginning in May! -- Hammer, mgr Abattoir 5 Blades and Partnering with Nomad and his 
Phantom Brigade as the Squad named Phantom Blades in DM 45

Schendle -- So nice of you to let me rearrange some features of your face for you last 
turn! -- Warwulf

Weirdo -- You interested in sheep? Look no further than the AA if you are.  They claim 
they use them for sacrifices, but we've noticed the same sheep grazing in their 
training yards for years now! -- DeGotti

Blue Dragon -- It's been a barren few turns in the skills department for me!  Thanks 
for making up for lost learns! -- Krow

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

NINJA SERF was butchered by SHEWISH GIANT in a 1 minute bloody Dark Arena fight.
MUD D was slaughtered by ARENAMASTER in a 1 minute gruesome Dark Arena battle.
MAGGIE MILLER was savagely slain by DARK CHAMPION in a 2 minute Dark Arena fight.
TARQ was butchered by HIGH ELF in a popular 1 minute gory Dark Arena contest.
DEAD was killed by MOUNTAIN TROLL in a 2 minute bloody Dark Arena competition.
OTTO'S BAD BREATH was dispatched by SHEWISH GIANT in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
DARQUE'S REPORTS was butchered by WURM KIN in a 1 minute Dark Arena match.
WHITE LIGHTNING devastated WARWULF in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge competition.
STORMCLAW vanquished THYME LORD in a 1 minute uneven Challenge duel.
TRISTAN slew FIREBALL in a action packed 1 minute gory Challenge duel.
DRAGON SCARRED luckily beat NEETA in a action packed 5 minute gory Challenge match.
ECLIPSE was savagely defeated by ZAYLA in a exciting 4 minute bloody Challenge match.
MUTANT CAMEL overcame HORRID in a exciting 4 minute Challenge contest.
STARSMILE was savagely defeated by MONKEY TREE MONK in a 3 minute Challenge brawl.
PETRUS RIGA handily defeated BARSTOOL BRAD in a 1 minute uneven Challenge fight.
NIGHTCLOUD was overpowered by PERFECT 10 HAMMER in a 1 minute Challenge struggle.
SON OF BLAGGER was handily defeated by TEMPTRESS HAMMER in a 1 minute Challenge bout.
BLOODLUST savagely defeated SUBPAR SUE in a 2 minute brutal Challenge bout.
TOM COLLINS was overpowered by CHOKE in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge bout.
GOTTERDAMMERUNG defeated SKY BOOM in a crowd pleasing 4 minute Challenge conflict.
ETHERIA was devastated by WYRM CRUSHER in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge bout.
SONNY CROQUETTE vanquished BRACKISH in a 2 minute one-sided Challenge match.
PLAN COLUMBIA overcame WYLD TURKEY in a crowd pleasing 3 minute expert's duel.
SCHENDLE was overpowered by GRIZZLY REMAINS in a 1 minute one-sided match.
GARCHOMP was defeated by SUPERWEED in a 1 minute veteran's Title duel.
JANNA savagely defeated VETERAN MERCENARY in a popular 2 minute gory duel.
BLOODY MARIA demolished LUIPADA in a 1 minute one-sided melee.
SHEM was vanquished by MISFORTUNE COOKIE in a 1 minute one-sided fray.
FAST HACK 'EM 9 viciously subdued ORLANDO in a 1 minute bloody bout.
LUXLORD BLACK vanquished KNIFEFIST in a popular 1 minute one-sided bout.
B FEUD BAIT HAMMER was vanquished by AGENT ORANGE in a 1 minute one-sided fray.
STRABO overpowered DESTINY in a 1 minute one-sided match.
COMMANDER HAMMER was overpowered by MALLEOS PRIMUS in a 1 minute one-sided bout.
SEDUCTION HAMMER was overpowered by PSYCHO STYX in a 1 minute one-sided fray.
JET-BOOT JACK viciously subdued HALFBUCK in a 4 minute gory duel.
STORMGIRL bested MALAKAI in a 2 minute battle.
MELLOW JELLO savagely defeated ASPIRE 2B GREAT in a tiresome 25 minute struggle.
LITTLE HAMMER was outlasted by CLARA D'ANDUZA in a tiresome 13 minute match.
BROCCOLI ROB slimly lost to SAMMY LIGHTFOOT in a popular 4 minute beginner's match.
CELESTIO vanquished RIDGEACK in a 1 minute mismatched bout.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|BASHING ATTACK                  12         AIMED BLOW        33 -  23 -  1      59  |
|TOTAL PARRY                     11         PARRY-RIPOSTE     41 -  30 -  1      58  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                 10         PARRY-STRIKE      23 -  19 -  2      55  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   9         TOTAL PARRY       60 -  61 -  2      50  |
|AIMED BLOW                       7         BASHING ATTACK    59 -  65 -  9      48  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  6         STRIKING ATTACK   45 -  51 -  1      47  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    5         SLASHING ATTACK   38 -  46 -  1      45  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      5         WALL OF STEEL     37 -  45 -  1      45  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    4         LUNGING ATTACK    61 -  75 -  6      45  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     3         PARRY-LUNGE       24 -  34 -  2      41  |

Turn 259 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-RIPOSTE      4 -  1     LUNGING ATTACK     4 -  5         3  PARRY-RIPOSTE  
AIMED BLOW         5 -  2     STRIKING ATTACK    4 -  6         2  BASHING ATTACK 
BASHING ATTACK     7 -  5     TOTAL PARRY        4 -  7         2  LUNGING ATTACK 
                              PARRY-STRIKE       1 -  2         1  STRIKING ATTACK
                              SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  4         1  PARRY-LUNGE    
                              WALL OF STEEL      1 -  3         1  AIMED BLOW     
                              PARRY-LUNGE        1 -  4         1  TOTAL PARRY    

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
BASHING ATTACK   SUPERWEED 1675             17  12  2  120 THE MONSANTIS (112)
STRIKING ATTACK  GRIZZLY REMAINS 2459       20  10  0  111 FURRY FURY (25)
PARRY-RIPOSTE    PLAN COLUMBIA 1612         17  15  1  102 THE MONSANTIS (112)
PARRY-LUNGE      SCHENDLE 2596              12  10  3   90 PRAY THE GODS (155)
AIMED BLOW       TRISTAN 2669               11   7  1   90 DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)
TOTAL PARRY      WARWULF 2580               16   9  0   86 CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
PARRY-STRIKE     MALLEOS PRIMUS 2764         5   3  0   56 SEARCH THE SKY (136)
SLASHING ATTACK  LUIPADA 2721                8   4  2   53 DARQUE AGES (29)
WALL OF STEEL    DRAGON SCARRED 2644        13   7  0   52 DRAGONBANE GUILD (13)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is JANNA 2581.  The most popular warrior this turn was 
ZAYLA 2695.  The ten other most popular fighters were NEETA 2702, MONKEY TREE MONK 

The least popular fighter this week was MELLOW JELLO 2784.  The other ten least 
popular fighters were ASPIRE 2B GREAT 2750, LITTLE HAMMER 2792, CLARA D'ANDUZA 2780, 
HAMMER 461, ORLANDO 2688, and SHEM 2719.

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn:


The following warriors have traveled to AD after fighting this turn: