Date   : 01/12/2022    Duedate: 01/25/2022


DM-81    TURN-389

This Weeks Top Honors


(81-3435) [22-14-0,112]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

ANDURIL                        YRVO
(81-3435) [22-14-0,112]        (81-3666) [1-1-0,13]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

MANGONEL                       KYLE DEMONBLADE
DARQUE AGES (29)               BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)
(81-3410) [21-22-0,109]        (81-3634) [4-7-0,32]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. DARQUE AGES (29)            36
2. WICKED MARTYRS (148)        35      MIRKWOOD ORCS (188)
3. KILL 'EM ALL (173)          35      Unchartered Team
4. MIRKWOOD ORCS (188)         27
5. NBA LEGENDS (156)           23PEN ISLAND SKEETERS (195)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 2 MIRKWOOD ORCS (188)      119  81  5 59.5   1/ 3 WAR MACHINE (26)         11  4 1
 2/ 3 CULT OF BACCHUS (4)      825 670 26 55.2   2/ 1 CLAN LONGBEARD (39)       9  6 0
 3- 4 SHANGHAIED (161)         269 221  9 54.9   3/ 2 BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)   9  6 0
 4/ 0 KILL 'EM ALL (173)       264 224 24 54.1   4/ 7 MIRKWOOD ORCS (188)       8  2 0
 5/ 6 NBA LEGENDS (156)         96  84  9 53.3   5/ 5 PRAY THE GODS (155)       8  3 0
 6/ 5 CLAN LONGBEARD (39)      752 665 29 53.1   6/ 6 WICKED MARTYRS (148)      7  8 0
 7/ 7 DARQUE AGES (29)         885 803 37 52.4   7/ 4 NBA LEGENDS (156)         7  8 0
 8/ 8 PRAY THE GODS (155)      387 370 26 51.1   8/ 8 CULT OF BACCHUS (4)       6  9 0
 9/ 9 WICKED MARTYRS (148)     503 500 20 50.1   9/12 MADNESS (190)             6  9 0
10-10 ALT PULP (192)            25  25  3 50.0  10/15*PEN ISLAND SKEETER (195)  5  5 0
11/ 1*PEN ISLAND SKEETER (195)   5   5  0 50.0  11/14 DARQUE AGES (29)          5  8 0
12/11 BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)  282 289 20 49.4  12/11 OHS ALUMNI (183)          5 10 0
13/12 LITERATE LOONS (40)      604 705 28 46.1  13-13 THE OUTLAWS 7 (171)       4  1 0
14-13 THE OUTLAWS 7 (171)       47  60  1 43.9  14/ 9 LITERATE LOONS (40)       4 11 0
15/14 MADNESS (190)             31  44  1 41.3  15/ 0 KILL 'EM ALL (173)        3  2 0
16/15 OHS ALUMNI (183)         183 273 13 40.1  16-16 SHANGHAIED (161)          2  8 0

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
17/16 WAR MACHINE (26)         178 279 25 38.9  17-10 ALT PULP (192)            1  4 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                 DUELMASTER'S COLUMN
                             Notes from the arena champ.

     Greetings from the Throne, I am back for one last column. I knew I could beat 
Scriptoria and secure my 2nd week on top, as well as get my invite to the Isle. 
According the the Commission, my favorites are Longsword, Moderate/Very Low and 
Defense skills and Slash tactic. I never tried the Longsword, I thought my favorite 
was Dagger. I did use that rhythm quite often in minutes 6th and on, but none of my 
fights went past minute four.
     My career has been Jekyll and Hyde. The first 17 fights I went went 6-11-0, 
severely disappointing my boss, who nearly sent me to fight at night. As punishment he 
made me fight without armor for seven fights, he said it was motivation. I did start 
improving during that time and finished my last 17 fights 12-5-1. In my first 17 
fights I learned 21 skills and the last 17 learned 33. Those 54 skills helped me 
attain Master Attack, Advanced Expert Defense and Expert in Riposte. I am the 3rd 
Aimed Blow and 24th Longbeard to head to the Isle. 
     Farewell Shadowspire! 

                                          -- Your 2-time Duelmaster and Lord Protector 
                                             Ulrich of Clan Longbeard

                                      SPY REPORT

You're here.  I'm here.  Yada, yada, yada.  Spy report intro!  See how easy that is?  
I don't understand why people think this job is hard. I make it look hard when the 
boss is breathing down my neck, but otherwise, it is a piece of cake.  Not cake from 
Otto's Diner, that stuff is harder than a brick!  So, we had fights, and unlike Fight 
Club, we like to talk about them.  Let's get to doing that before my attention wanders 
over to something more interesting than you guys.

We had a large-ish graduating class last turn with 3 warriors heading off to the Isle.  
One of them just happened to be our Duelmaster, so we were going to need a 
replacement.  Well, it wasn't that easy to do, so let me explain.  No, no, that will 
take too long, let me sum it up. Our reigning Duelmaster and newly minted Lord 
Protector was challenged by one of the other newly minted Lord Protectors.  This 
means, no matter what happened in that fight, neither one was going to be Duelmaster 
at the end of the day.  With that, we had to shift over to recognition points for our 
newest arena champion.  I introduce to you, Anduril, Duelmaster of The Spire!  
Congrats to Anduril, who beat Fastrada to secure the throne.  He is managed by Boss 

Weirdo seems a little disappointed in you guys, and I can't really say I blame him.  
We only had one death this turn outside of the Dark Arena, and it is not even going to 
generate a feud.  I give Crambus an "A" for the effort though in allowing his warrior 
to kill a Convicted Thief.  We have 3 that left for the Isle after today's fights, and 
we have one more moving on up to the immortal side next turn.  Congrats to Scriptoria 
of Darque Ages.  Took ya long enough, ya bum!

Onto the stats for this turn.  I like this format because it pretty much speaks for 
itself with little commentary.

     Total Fights:  38
     DA Challenges:  3 (3-0 for the DA)
     Bloodfeuds:  1 (1-0 for the avenger)
     Challenge Fights:  13 (8-5 for the challengers)

     Largest Up-Challenge:  +56, wowzers! - RITESH (81-3437) (15-16-2,100) of PRAY THE 
     GODS challenged ULRICH (81-3457) (18-16-1,156) of CLAN LONGBEARD. RITESH 
     overpowered ULRICH in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge struggle.

     Largest Down Challenge:  -6, Weirdo is still going to be disappointed in you. 
     SARAH LINDER (81-3642) (4-4-0,30) of OHS ALUMNI challenged DOROTHY PARKER (81-
     3591) (4-11-1,24) of LITERATE LOONS.  SARAH LINDER overcame DOROTHY PARKER in a 
     2-minute Challenge fight.

Thanks to the few of your that keep the personal ads active.  It is always a bonus to 
see a bit of life in an arena.  I mean, I would swear a few of your were illiterate 
and someone else is writing for you, but kudos to you for the effort!  Come back next 
time and see if Anduril can hold onto the throne.  Also, I feel the need to close with 
this thought . . . you gents continue to sicken me with the lack of killing in here.  
Sure, an arena stand-by bit dust this turn, but whoop-dee-doo!  Those guys aren't 
going to bloodfeud!  Get it together, ya bums!  See ya next time!

                                          -- Huard DePriest

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ANDURIL 3435                 22  14  0   112       MIRKWOOD ORCS (188)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MANGONEL 3410                21  22  0   109       DARQUE AGES (29)
 SCRIPTORIA 3348              25  27  0   108       DARQUE AGES (29)
 NARSIL 3401                  32   8  0   107       MIRKWOOD ORCS (188)
 LEEROY JENKINS 3177          31  12  0   105       KILL 'EM ALL (173)
-ENGLISH BOB 3567              8   6  1   101       THE OUTLAWS 7 (171)
 WILT THE STILT 2383          20  16  3    97       NBA LEGENDS (156)
 LARRY BIRD 2384              19  17  1    96       NBA LEGENDS (156)
 JIM TULLY 3475               20  12  0    94       LITERATE LOONS (40)
 KAREEM 2382                  18  18  0    93       NBA LEGENDS (156)
 XOBIAS 3458                  23  12  0    91       CLAN LONGBEARD (39)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 FASTRADA 3607                 7   6  0    90       DARQUE AGES (29)
 ZEHDEA 3577                  12   6  0    86       CLAN LONGBEARD (39)
-HELEN BADE 3021              18  20  0    85       SHANGHAIED (161)
 DEEP SIX 3597                11   1  2    84       KILL 'EM ALL (173)
 FRAYED KNOT 3438             21  13  0    82       KILL 'EM ALL (173)
 UHKANT 3497                  21   9  0    72       CLAN LONGBEARD (39)
 VELINA 3478                  17  14  0    71       CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
 ZAGRID 3528                  17   8  1    69       CLAN LONGBEARD (39)
 RINGIL 3633                   9   1  0    68       MIRKWOOD ORCS (188)
-JOHNNY REB 3542               7   8  0    68       THE OUTLAWS 7 (171)
-CONAN THE BARBER 3615         7   3  0    68       ALT PULP (192)
 THE LIMPER 3516              13  13  0    67       BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 THE REPLACEMENT 3526         13  12  2    62       BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)
 BUYICA 3606                   8   5  1    62       WICKED MARTYRS (148)
 SHIRLEY JACKSON 3582          8   9  0    61       LITERATE LOONS (40)
 GLORYHOUND 3007              11  13  1    57       WAR MACHINE (26)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SPEKT 3541                   10  12  0    54       WICKED MARTYRS (148)
 KOOMADON 3602                 8   5  0    54       CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
 WRATHCHILD 3140               5   4  1    53       WAR MACHINE (26)
 BROKEN BLADE 3494            11  17  1    51       MIRKWOOD ORCS (188)
 KAIBOSH 3546                  7  10  1    50       KILL 'EM ALL (173)
 RICKY SCHMIDT 3522           12  13  0    49       OHS ALUMNI (183)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 HAKEEM 2521                  10  15  3    49       NBA LEGENDS (156)
 BROKEN 3644                   5   3  0    45       MADNESS (190)
 BAMNOR 3608                   7   5  0    41       CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
 RAYMOND CARVER 3543           8  14  0    38       LITERATE LOONS (40)
 BUCKS INA TUX 3628            6   5  0    38       BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)
-SEVEN GUN SUE 3616            5   5  1    38       ALT PULP (192)
-FRANK STILLWELL 3550          9   6  0    37       THE OUTLAWS 7 (171)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 DOOT 3603                     6   4  0    33       PRAY THE GODS (155)
 STEINAR 3630                  5   5  0    33       CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
 SARAH LINDER 3642             5   4  0    33       OHS ALUMNI (183)
-CTHUPEEYOO 3618               4   6  0    33       ALT PULP (192)
 TRENT 3593                    8   7  1    32       MADNESS (190)
 STORMCALLER 3586              8   8  0    32       WICKED MARTYRS (148)
 KYLE DEMONBLADE 3634          4   7  0    32       BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)
 RICH HOYT 3643                5   4  0    31       OHS ALUMNI (183)
 SHANKAR 3585                  6   5  0    30       PRAY THE GODS (155)
-MIKE WARHAMMER 3617           4   6  1    27       ALT PULP (192)
 HANDY ROYTT 3132              5   5  0    26       WAR MACHINE (26)
 OTTO'S FRY GUY 3648           5   2  1    25       CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
 DOROTHY PARKER 3591           4  12  1    25       LITERATE LOONS (40)
 STING 3661                    4   0  0    25       MIRKWOOD ORCS (188)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 RIP PAPA BEAR 3635            4   6  0    23       MADNESS (190)
 XIQUEEL 3659                  4   1  0    22       BIG LAKE SOLUTION (178)
-MALTESE PIGEON 3619           5   5  1    21       ALT PULP (192)
 THE SOCIOPATH 3679            2   0  1    20       WAR MACHINE (26)
-ONE-EYED CLYDE 3569           3   3  0    19       SHANGHAIED (161)
 RECLAN 3650                   3   0  0    16       PRAY THE GODS (155)
 PRIVID 3665                   1   2  0    16       WICKED MARTYRS (148)
-MOLLY FYED 3675               1   1  0    14       SHANGHAIED (161)
 YRVO 3666                     1   1  0    13       PEN ISLAND SKEETERS (195)
-IKE CLANTON 3647              3   1  0    10       THE OUTLAWS 7 (171)
-PEARL HEART 3671              1   0  0    10       THE OUTLAWS 7 (171)
 SETSET 3667                   1   1  0     9       PEN ISLAND SKEETERS (195)
 ANTON CHEKHOV 3651            1   6  0     9       LITERATE LOONS (40)
 THE EMPTY PROMISE 3662        2   2  0     8       WAR MACHINE (26)
 TINY TIM 3663                 2   2  0     8       MADNESS (190)
 LAUDINA 3658                  1   4  0     7       MADNESS (190)
 AVLUV 3670                    2   0  0     6       PEN ISLAND SKEETERS (195)
 REST IN PEACES 3657           1   2  0     5       KILL 'EM ALL (173)
 CRIXX 3672                    1   2  0     5       WICKED MARTYRS (148)
 MUTORCS 3668                  1   1  0     4       PEN ISLAND SKEETERS (195)
 MR. JENKINS 3682              0   1  0     3       OHS ALUMNI (183)
-FATHER FELONIOUS 3673         0   2  0     2       SHANGHAIED (161)
-GHOST GOODWIN 3674            0   2  0     2       SHANGHAIED (161)
 SDANOG 3669                   0   2  0     2       PEN ISLAND SKEETERS (195)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
CONVICTED THIEF         0  0 0                      THE SOCIOPATH 3679    389  NONE
HAIRY SERF 3681         0  1 0 DARQUE AGES 29       SHEWISH GIANT         389  NONE
SCARY SERF 3680         0  1 0 DARQUE AGES 29       WURM KIN              389  NONE
JOEL GETSCHEL 3649      2  5 0 OHS ALUMNI 183       HIGH ELF              389  NONE

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Den -- Aww, did you miss me? -- Weirdo

Vlad -- You smell like Summer's Eve. -- Weirdo

War Machine -- We just wanted to give you a chance to get on our level. -- Kill 'EM 

BlackHart -- What?  Did I read that correctly?? You're throwing in the towel because 
your team sucks and it's no longer viable to maintain your winning record?  You got 
some bad replacements and you're just giving up??  Well, then, I look forward to 
passing you up in the team rankings you freaking loser! -- Weirdo

Huard DePriest -- The largest down challenge was 11 pts last turn??  Oh no, no, no.  I 
simply must return and show these noobs how it's done. -- Weirdo

Huard DePriest -- Wait a minute.  No one died last turn, either?  Look, this Crambus 
guy knows how to kill, he just hasn't figured out the winning part, yet.  I will show 
him the way! -- Weirdo

Scriptoria -- You should have enough experience to put one of those shields away and 
use a real weapon. Thanks for helping to push me over the top to get my invite. -- 
Duelmaster and Lord Protector Ulrich

Helen Blade -- Ahh the difference a month makes and a weapon change, which could 
possibly be my favorite. -- Xobias

Shirley Jackson -- One more for me. Yes I am keeping track. -- Uhkant

Bamnor -- That was some impressive parrying for your style. Til we meet again. -- 

Hakeem -- I would have thought the size and speed difference would have favored you. 
-- Zehdea 

Congrats Doctor J and Ritesh on your invite to the Isle. -- Clan Longbeard

Den who? -- Visionist

Den -- I lose my challenge, you lose your challenge. Such is the fate... -- Chad

Joel Getschel has run his lips too long. He received his black mark to the Dark Arena. 
(11-8-12-17-9-10-17). This is what high wit/deft and low con/will gets you. Pffff  2-
4. -- Chad

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

JOEL GETSCHEL was butchered by HIGH ELF in a crowd pleasing 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
SCARY SERF was slaughtered by WURM KIN in a 1 minute gruesome Dark Arena battle.
HAIRY SERF was murdered by SHEWISH GIANT in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
SCRIPTORIA unbelievably bested WILT THE STILT in a 3 minute master's Bloodfeud brawl.
DOCTOR J demolished XOBIAS in a 3 minute gruesome mismatched Challenge competition.
RITESH overpowered ULRICH in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge struggle.
FASTRADA was devastated by ANDURIL in a 1 minute Challenge Title competition.
KAREEM handily defeated VELINA in a 1 minute uneven Challenge melee.
LARRY BIRD vanquished UHKANT in a 2 minute gruesome one-sided Challenge duel.
RINGIL slimly won victory over SHIRLEY JACKSON in a popular 4 minute Challenge fight.
RICH HOYT was overpowered by SPEKT in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge melee.
BUCKS INA TUX was overpowered by BUYICA in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge match.
BROKEN devastated RAYMOND CARVER in a 2 minute brutal mismatched Challenge conflict.
RIP PAPA BEAR was subdued by DOOT in a popular 3 minute bloody Challenge brawl.
SARAH LINDER overcame DOROTHY PARKER in a 2 minute Challenge fight.
LAUDINA was vanquished by HANDY ROYTT in a 2 minute mismatched Challenge bout.
TINY TIM outwaited SDANOG in a unpopular 8 minute novice's Challenge fray.
NARSIL unbelievably bested ZEHDEA in a exciting 4 minute brutal one-sided brawl.
LEEROY JENKINS was savagely defeated by MANGONEL in a popular 4 minute veteran's bout.
DEEP SIX devastated VETERAN MERCENARY in a 1 minute one-sided contest.
JIM TULLY overpowered THE REPLACEMENT in a 1 minute one-sided duel.
FRAYED KNOT luckily beat VETERAN MERCENARY in a action packed 6 minute fray.
ZAGRID handily defeated HAKEEM in a 1 minute one-sided contest.
GLORYHOUND was subdued by THE LIMPER in a 2 minute veteran's fight.
RICKY SCHMIDT was vanquished by KAIBOSH in a 1 minute one-sided match.
WRATHCHILD won victory over BROKEN BLADE in a 2 minute gory fight.
SHANKAR was subdued by BAMNOR in a 2 minute brutal melee.
TRENT was vanquished by KOOMADON in a 1 minute one-sided fray.
OTTO'S FRY GUY slimly lost to CAPTURED ORC in a 5 minute bloody bout.
KYLE DEMONBLADE viciously subdued ANTON CHEKHOV in a popular 4 minute gory bout.
STORMCALLER was vanquished by STEINAR in a 1 minute one-sided fray.
RECLAN beat MUTORCS in a 2 minute novice's match.
REST IN PEACES was defeated by YRVO in a 2 minute novice's bout.
XIQUEEL narrowly defeated SETSET in a crowd pleasing 4 minute gruesome novice's fray.
STING luckily beat MR. JENKINS in a 5 minute brutal novice's struggle.
THE EMPTY PROMISE was unbelievably bested by PRIVID in a 2 minute beginner's bout.
AVLUV outlasted CRIXX in a monotonous 16 minute amateur's match.
THE SOCIOPATH slaughtered CONVICTED THIEF in a 1 minute one-sided bout.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|WALL OF STEEL                   11         PARRY-RIPOSTE     17 -  11 -  0      61  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                   9         WALL OF STEEL     58 -  39 -  2      60  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      8         TOTAL PARRY       34 -  28 -  0      55  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   8         STRIKING ATTACK   43 -  39 -  2      52  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  8         BASHING ATTACK    39 -  37 -  3      51  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      7         PARRY-STRIKE      16 -  16 -  0      50  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  7         PARRY-LUNGE       32 -  41 -  1      44  |
|AIMED BLOW                       7         AIMED BLOW        32 -  41 -  0      44  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     2         SLASHING ATTACK   34 -  45 -  1      43  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    2         LUNGING ATTACK    34 -  51 -  1      40  |

Turn 389 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

PARRY-STRIKE       2 -  0     STRIKING ATTACK    3 -  4         4  WALL OF STEEL  
TOTAL PARRY        6 -  2     LUNGING ATTACK     3 -  6         3  TOTAL PARRY    
BASHING ATTACK     5 -  3     AIMED BLOW         2 -  5         1  AIMED BLOW     
PARRY-LUNGE        4 -  3     SLASHING ATTACK    2 -  6         1  SLASHING ATTACK
WALL OF STEEL      6 -  5                                       1  PARRY-RIPOSTE  
PARRY-RIPOSTE      1 -  1                                       1  BASHING ATTACK 

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
AIMED BLOW       ANDURIL 3435               22  14  0  112 MIRKWOOD ORCS (188)
TOTAL PARRY      NARSIL 3401                32   8  0  107 MIRKWOOD ORCS (188)
WALL OF STEEL    WILT THE STILT 2383        20  16  3   97 NBA LEGENDS (156)
PARRY-RIPOSTE    JIM TULLY 3475             20  12  0   94 LITERATE LOONS (40)
STRIKING ATTACK  FASTRADA 3607               7   6  0   90 DARQUE AGES (29)
SLASHING ATTACK  VELINA 3478                17  14  0   71 CULT OF BACCHUS (4)
PARRY-STRIKE     ZAGRID 3528                17   8  1   69 CLAN LONGBEARD (39)
PARRY-LUNGE      BUYICA 3606                 8   5  1   62 WICKED MARTYRS (148)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
The overall popularity leader is MANGONEL 3410.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was KYLE DEMONBLADE 3634.  The ten other most popular fighters were SHIRLEY JACKSON 
3635, DOOT 3603, MR. JENKINS 3682, LARRY BIRD 2384, and BROKEN 3644.

The least popular fighter this week was AVLUV 3670.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were CRIXX 3672, TINY TIM 3663, STORMCALLER 3586, OTTO'S FRY GUY 3648, TRENT 
3593, HAKEEM 2521, FRAYED KNOT 3438, THE REPLACEMENT 3526, BUCKS INA TUX 3628, and 

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn:


The following warriors have traveled to AD after fighting this turn:

DOCTOR J (81-2385) NBA LEGENDS (156)
RITESH (81-3437) PRAY THE GODS (155)

                              MY TAKE ON THE PARRY SLASH

I'm sure I'm not covering any new ground with my insights on the Wall of Steel. It is 
my best fighting style and a favorite. I have currently 3 in ADM, and about a half 
dozen active in the arenas with one currently undefeated and Duelmaster in DM 41. 

So a bit about my observations.  Like most defensive styles it seems to work best to 
run these guys offensively while they are young so I outfit them and run them like a 
slasher. They favor the initiative, parry and attack skills which sucks a bit in ADM 
because they lack in defense skill and since defense is king in the late game, Walls 
of Steel fall back into the pack quite a bit. It stinks but done right they can hold 
their own vs anyone except end game lungers and aimed blows who seem to be way OP at 
that level. 

Anyway, stats are important of course. Strength should at least be 9+ to get slashing 
weapons. Con can be lower; I have gotten away with a con of 7 because I run them fast 
and furious anyway so if they get out jumped or crit dodged and ripped then they go 
down easy. Most fights are over in minute 1 anyway. Size is a thing; smaller sizes 
would be nice but you have issues with damage if you go low size and strength less 
than 11. I have an upper limit of around 14 size and a lower one of 5 in my current 
crew. Wit is a no brainer: 15+ is almost mandatory but I am running one with a 13 that 
is doing ok but learning slows down to a crawl if you have less than 15. Will is super 
necessary so I try not to go below 15 here with a build. Speed isn't really a 
priority, so I often go as low as 3 here and they still do very well. More speed would 
be nice, but speed is a luxury and not a necessity. Deftness is nice, I won't run a 
WOS with less than a 13 here; my highest is 21 with a current ADM build.

Now how to run them. Well, minute one is offensive so I typically run 10-10-6 and then 
taper off to a high offensive effort and a low or moderate activity level. It seems 
that the majority of my ADM builds prefer a high-low pace. 

So a couple of current warrior builds to show off the style. 

     Midnight, currently in ADM -- 9-11(2)-10-17-15-3-21, about to start stat raises 
     but currently has ad masters in attack and initiative. 

     Ishmail currently in Home Guard -- 12-9-6-15-17-9-15, currently at 93 skills and 
     wont be stat raising for a minute.

     Average Joe in Mordant -- 11-11-14-13-13-9-13, painfully bad at learning and 
     definitely not recommended for the faint of heart.

     Beowulf in Seam -- 11-12-9-15-17-3-17, currently at 54 skills and near the top of 
     the arena. Has fallen on hard times of late because of diminishing returns on 
     skill learns. 

     Broken in Shadowspire -- 9-14-9-17-17-5-13, very new and probably going to be a 
     .500 warrior when it's all said and done because of the low speed and deftness 

     Bender in DM 41 -- 9-7-14-17-17-3-17, currently undefeated and duelmaster, won't 
     last long but he started out as a tourney warrior and has gone at best 6-3 and 
     went 4-3 in this past mail-in as an adept.

So for anyone who doesn't know, a speed and deftness of 21 total is needed to get 
normal coordination and a combo of 28 is needed to get the "fights well with either 
hand" tag on your roll up. So not really relevant to the topic but just thought I'd 
throw that out there. I like to keep this total at the very least 18 to get slightly 
uncoordinated on all my builds because coordination is vital to defense and attack. 

Okay, that's my take on this fun style. If I have enlightened anyone then you are 
welcome, I hope I at least entertained everyone. Take it easy.  

                                          -- Eli