Date   : 11/11/2008    Duedate: 12/08/2008


DM-83    TURN-20

This Weeks Top Honors


(83-155) [14-6-0,139]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

BUZZ                           WYSIWYG
OLLIS HEROES (27)              ACRONYMS (38)
(83-155) [14-6-0,139]          (83-261) [3-1-0,26]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

PARALDOXIA                     PARALDOXIA
ZEITGEIST (18)                 ZEITGEIST (18)
(83-112) [7-12-0,54]           (83-112) [7-12-0,54]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. REJECTS (13)                30
2. DEATH'S CHOSEN (17)         30      BAD SIGNS (24)
3. OLLIS HEROES (27)           19      Unchartered Team
4. BAD SIGNS (24)              19
5. OLDIES (5)                  17      ACRONYMS (38)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1 BAD SIGNS (24)            66  29  3 69.5   1/ 2 OLDIES (5)               11  4 0
 2/ 2 OLDIES (5)                66  34  3 66.0   2/ 1 BAD SIGNS (24)           11  4 0
 3/ 3 INVIDIOTS (16)            59  36  4 62.1   3/ 4 INVIDIOTS (16)            9  6 2
 4/ 4*ACRONYMS (38)             10  10  1 50.0   4/ 7 DEATH'S CHOSEN (17)       9  6 0
 5/ 5 OLLIS HEROES (27)         49  50  1 49.5   5/ 3*ACRONYMS (38)             8  7 1
 6- 7*DOG EATERS (37)            6   8  1 42.9   6/ 6 OLLIS HEROES (27)         7  7 1
 7/ 6 ZEITGEIST (18)            40  55  2 42.1   7/ 5 ZEITGEIST (18)            7  8 0
 8/ 9 DEATH'S CHOSEN (17)       40  60  1 40.0   8/ 9 REJECTS (13)              4 11 0
 9/ 8 REJECTS (13)              38  62  1 38.0   9- 8*DOG EATERS (37)           3  6 0
10-11 WAITING FOR DAWN (33)     22  42  1 34.4  10-11 WAITING FOR DAWN (33)     0  5 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                 DUELMASTER'S COLUMN
                             Notes from the arena champ.

Buzz Lightyear Mission Log:

All signs point to this planet as the location of Zurg's fortress.  But there seems
to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere....

                                          -- Buzz

                                      SPY REPORT

     Hail and well met warriors of TELORINTHE!  Know me for who I am, Zontani Sharp 
Eyes, Spymaster extraordinaire of all Alastari.  Warriors--remember that glory waits 
always around the corner!  Witness how this week DEATH'S CHOSEN went 4-1-0 to move up 
3 in the rankings.  My praise to OLDIES for their 4-1-0 week this time out.  Indeed, 
it was a skillfully fought round deserving of notice!  FHUME caught the eye of many 
in the gladiatorial commission as he skillfully bested LETTER SWEATER and was awarded 
25 points in recognition.  In one of the week's more notable duels, PEP RALLY put 
down GUSHAN, causing him to lose 11 points of recognition in the process.  Unwilling 
to wait upon the will of others, Duelmaster BUZZ challenged SIMPLETONGUE last week in 
a match to decide the fate of the throne.  Although SIMPLETONGUE made a valiant 
effort, it did not suffice to topple the reign of victorious BUZZ.  Heed this!  A 
seer has warned that if exactly 6 die in duels this week, the whole city shall 
perish!  Just remember...5 or 7!   
     I have been in deep conclave with my spies who watched all that has recently 
transpired.  Indeed there is much I would report.  My inside sources tell me that the 
team to beat in TELORINTHE these days is OLDIES.  At least, most blades in town are 
looking to avoid them.  Apparently the stalwarts of REJECTS are catching the bulk of 
jests down at the challenging board for their large share of the avoids.  Mighty 
fighters cannot but expect competition from those below.  CONFESSION take warning!  
You have more than a few enemies in TELORINTHE.  At the gambling halls I have started 
to bet money on WASNIS.  He has got the courage it takes.  Witness his challenge this 
turn against REVENANT!  Truth to tell, WASNIS did not come out of the fight a winner, 
but he managed to capture much attention, gaining 2 in recognition.  A match that 
raised a few eyebrows at the games this week, it seems that VODI posted a challenge 
against the more highly recognized CONFESSION.  The results, you ask?  Well, the 
firebrand VODI lost to CONFESSION.  Remember warriors, this is the discipline of 
     What warrior does not hone his years, impatiently waiting for the moment of his 
foe's mortality?  The warrior's path is harsh.  For mediocrity there is but one 
reward--death.  This past week THE, at 7-11-0, departed TELORINTHE forever.  Some say 
a warrior is judged by the way he bears arms.  One thing is sure, better a dagger in 
hand then a sword on the belt!   
     A thought before I go.  Each warrior practices one style, but must not the wise 
manager learn the secrets of them all?  Sadly warriors, now longer can I keep thy 
company nor savor the ale of thy fine city.  Depart I must and soon!  Till we meet 
again, remember:  a turtle walks slow, hides head in a shell, and harms no one; a 
lion runs to slay its prey.-- Zontani Sharp Eyes  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 BUZZ 155                     14   6  0   139       OLLIS HEROES (27)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 GOLDEN SOMBRERO 139          16   3  1   103       BAD SIGNS (24)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 SIMPLETONGUE 194             13   4  0    85       INVIDIOTS (16)
 DETOUR 141                   12   7  1    80       BAD SIGNS (24)
 STEAL HOME 138               15   4  1    78       BAD SIGNS (24)
 GOSSIPID 99                  13   6  1    67       INVIDIOTS (16)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 TORPORTLY 102                10   9  1    66       INVIDIOTS (16)
 FHUME 86                      9  11  0    65       REJECTS (13)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ISHTAR 184                    8  11  0    65       DEATH'S CHOSEN (17)
 CONFESSION 47                17   3  1    62       OLDIES (5)
 RIZZYN 104                    8  12  0    61       DEATH'S CHOSEN (17)
 DRAGGIN' MAIN 44             15   5  0    59       OLDIES (5)
 CYCLIDIA 111                 10   9  1    57       ZEITGEIST (18)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 CUSTODIAN 215                 7   6  0    56       OLDIES (5)
 REVENANT 213                  5   9  0    56       DEATH'S CHOSEN (17)
 LOTUS-EATER 193              11   6  2    54       INVIDIOTS (16)
 PARALDOXIA 112                7  12  0    54       ZEITGEIST (18)
 PEP RALLY 46                 11   9  0    53       OLDIES (5)
 MORWEL 210                    6   9  0    52       DEATH'S CHOSEN (17)
 PRINS RIKARD 232              6   4  1    49       OLLIS HEROES (27)
 LETTER SWEATER 43            13   7  2    48       OLDIES (5)
 FOE 85                        8  12  0    48       REJECTS (13)
 GENERICKY 100                12   7  0    45       INVIDIOTS (16)
 FI 84                         9  11  1    43       REJECTS (13)
 GUSHAN 222                    6   6  0    42       ZEITGEIST (18)
 VODI 158                      9  11  0    40       OLLIS HEROES (27)
 TOA JALLER 183                6  12  0    39       OLLIS HEROES (27)
-MAKE ME HOLY AGAIN 198        7   6  0    37       WAITING FOR DAWN (33)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 QUADRUPLE BOGEY 241           3   2  0    30       BAD SIGNS (24)
 ILEOSA 263                    2   2  0    30       DEATH'S CHOSEN (17)
 EYE 180                       5  14  0    29       REJECTS (13)
 WASNIS 224                    5   6  0    28       OLLIS HEROES (27)
-KNOW AND DESPAIR 199          7   6  0    27       WAITING FOR DAWN (33)
 MELANCHOLIA 239               4   3  0    26       ZEITGEIST (18)
 WYSIWYG 261                   3   1  0    26       ACRONYMS (38)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 HELGA HOARFROST 237           4   5  0    22       ZEITGEIST (18)
-UNIFY WITH A SPADE 200        4   9  0    21       WAITING FOR DAWN (33)
-FLEA 252                      3   0  0    20       DOG EATERS (37)
 LUMP 269                      2   0  0    14       BAD SIGNS (24)
 ROFLMAO 259                   3   1  0    10       ACRONYMS (38)
-TICK 253                      2   1  0     7       DOG EATERS (37)
 GOOML 264                     2   1  0     7       ACRONYMS (38)
 IITYWTMWYBMAD 260             1   3  1     7       ACRONYMS (38)
-PARVO 256                     0   3  0     3       DOG EATERS (37)
-RABID 255                     0   3  0     3       DOG EATERS (37)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
THE USEROUS MERC        0  0 0                      PRINS RIKARD 232       20  NONE
FICCL 265               1  2 0 ACRONYMS 38          DARK CHAMPION          20  NONE
ROFL 258                0  1 0 ACRONYMS 38          POUND 254              17  REVENGED
BLOODY STOOL 143       11  6 0 BAD SIGNS 24         TORPORTLY 102          18  JUST REVENGED
LYRIAL 103              9  7 1 DEATH'S CHOSEN 17    LETTER SWEATER 43      16  REVENGED
POUND 254               1  1 1 DOG EATERS 37        IITYWTMWYBMAD 260      18  REVENGED
THE 192                 7 11 0 REJECTS 13           LOTUS-EATER 193        20   

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Buzz!  Duelmaster!  Salute.  I expect a grand DM column from this fellow. -- Coach

It will be interesting to see if there were any votes...Reggie's outfield, first two
points, senior antics. -- Coach

Fhume -- I didn't smell anything, so I just went ahead and did my job. -- Letter

Revenant -- I was going to give you a lot of Our Father's and Hail Mary's, but just
send money. -- Confession

Ishtar -- Your sticking power was superb.  Well done.  My motor is missing out. --
Draggin Main

Foe -- Did you have to ruin our fun? -- Pep Rally

Fi -- I think I just stuffed you in the commode and flushed you.  I think I like this
gig. -- Custodian

Rabid -- Great.  I win a round of nasty shots. -- Melancholia

Carloi Noble -- If you're a noble, where's your crest? -- Helga Hoarfrost

Eye -- Been a while since I faced my own.  Thanx for the practice! -- Paraldoxia

Genericky -- Still workin' on the heft of that thing, but it's workin' out. -- Gushan

Make Me Holy Again -- Brave challenge, and you did wear me down.  But I've had a lot
of experience with your sort. -- Cyclidia

No hard feelings, Reaper, as Helga is not a "typical" for her sort.  I'd have to
agree regarding Never Sleep--time for fresh blood.  To Buzz, well done.  Stop by
Eldritch Concoctions for a free night on the house.  Now, I've got to attend to my
first Duelmastery, so until next time, Salute! -- Michael Eldritch

Letter Sweater -- Well fought.  And for the record, I don't think that your manager
REALLY lost any sleep on you!  You've earned a respite.  Therefore, as far as we're
concerned, the bloodfeud is fulfilled. -- Revenant, elected voice for Death's Chosen
concerning non-binding contracts that are set without preconditions (I'm Azaziel, and
I support this message!)

Pep Rally -- I appreciate your prayer, and the training! -- Morwel

Draggin' Main -- Shall we try this again?  Azaziel has dealt with the weaponsmith
that sold us that faulty sword, and I think I might just do better!  See you on the
sands. -- Rizzyn

Buzz -- Congrats!  Michael's buying, see you there! -- Azaziel

Buzz -- Ohh Craps!  I knows that was winnables if only I'd stuck outs the strategies
for just anothers minutes, and then it would've been me's as duelmistresses! --

Golden Sombrero -- Too tall and quick for me, I've been humbled.  But give me five
turns or so, when you're far gone and out of reach, and I'll start talking trash. --

Coach -- Chalk me up for a vote on number two (basketball story).  Hope to hear it,
or more specifically, read it. -- Sherman, mgr. Invidiots

Prins Rikard -- I was so like warned about you and how like weird you are but I've
already fought a grody Vodi and a Bloody Stool so how much weirder can a name get, ya
know? -- Gossipid

Coach -- Thanks for the welcome & good to meet you... Be careful of that Oz chap's
advice BTW... Apparently rumour has it he's not all you might imagine when you look
behind his curtain!! -- Spawn

Dark Oracle -- Now I am confused, but I'll work it out!! -- Spawn

Parvo -- Can I say ouch! for you??!! -- ROFLMAO

Flea -- You're an itch we just don't seem to be able to scratch... -- IITYWTMWYBMAD

Letter Sweater -- Apology accepted!  This time. -- Azaziel

Vodi -- At least the fans loved it!  And I do this for the fans. -- Rizzyn

Confession -- I've heard of hail marys, but jazzercise is uncalled for! -- Revenant

Wasnis -- Kiss, kiss! -- Morwel

Pep Rally -- Deal, but you have to stand on my shoulders!  Don't worry, I won't look
up...much. *wink* -- Morwel

Buzz -- Well done on remaining on top!  Stop in at Michael's and recharge your
batteries on me! -- Azaziel

Tick -- Eew, yuck!  Where is my needle? -- Ileosa

Hal -- I realize that German is probably not your native language (bits and bytes
being more your style), but "Zeitgeist" refers to the "spirit of the time," not "time
delay."  Just hoping this might help get my messages out of the "get to later" bin.
*wry grin* -- Michael Eldritch

Steal Home -- Hmm...perhaps a slightly different angle next time. -- Cyclidia

Eye -- Hey!  You're not who I was after.  You've got at least one eye, so next time,
look out! -- Paraldoxia

Detour -- I really do dislike you... -- Gushan

Toa Jaller -- Heh, nice moves.  Nice learns too...see ya around, Convincian. -- Helga

Quadruple Bogey -- I figured I couldn't win that fight, so at least you proved me
right. -- Melancholia

Coach -- I could help beef the personals better if mine got listed.  As for the vote:
Senior Antics. -- Michael Eldritch
P.S.  If the Scribe is listening, my storyline will be finished by week's end, so I
await your guidance on the matter.

Azaziel -- Turf War's on, but let's not lose support for OUR arena.  Telorinthe
forever!  (Or, at least, a long time.) -- M.E.
P.S.  That goes for all of us here.  Hammer?  Are you all right, my friend?

8 July 2008
                                 *TURF WAR VI RULES*
                            Starting Nov 2008 (10 turns)

Anyone may participate; known alliances, new alliances, or temporary alliances
created solely to compete in the Turf War!  To participate, each alliance must:
        1.  Announce the alliance and the Captain of the alliance in the North Fork
            (DM 47) newsletter.
        2.  Announcements made on the D2 Forums will not be accepted.

Captains are responsible for:
        1.  Verifying those who wish to participate under the banner of their
        2.  Distribution of prizes should their alliance win the Turf War.
        3.  Submit one (1) RSI Roll-Up Certificate to participate

Participating managers who are not Captains must:
        1.  Submit one (1) RSI Roll-Up Certificate to participate
        2.  Announce their intent to compete with manager name, team name, and
            alliance they will represent in the North Fork (DM 47) newsletter.
            Announcement made on the D2 Forums will not be accepted.
               a.  No scores will be tabulated until a Gift Certificate is received.
                   No EXCEPTIONS.
               b.  Before a manager can compete, he/she must declare themselves in
                   the North Fork (DM 47) newsletter as stated above AND be verified
                   by the alliance Captain they will represent.
               c.  Only one (1) team per player may compete.  No multiple teams or
                   aliases will be allowed.  Violations will result in immediate
                   disqualification from the Turf War (so be sure to take any
                   multiple teams OFF of Team Maintenance).
               d.  Scoring will NOT be retroactive for teams that do not properly
                   declare or fail to send a Gift Certificate by Turn 1.  In other
                   words, if your Gift Certificate is not received until Turn 3 of
                   the Turf War, and you have fought on Turns 1 and 2, your scoring
                   will not begin until Turn 3.  All conditions must be met before
                   scoring will begin--declaration, verification, and Gift
                   Certificate received.
               e.  No declarations or verifications will be accepted after Turn 5 of
                   the Turf War.
               f.  For purposes of scoring, the moderators will score the Turf War
                   and settle any and all disputes as they arise.  Their decisions
                   will be final.

Scoring will be as follows for Fights:
                Win   Loss   Kill      Die
Challenge        +2     -2     +5       -5
Match Up         +1     -1     +1       -5
Bloodfeud        +2     -5     +5      -10
Champion         x2     x2     x2       x2
Dark Arena*     +10     -5     xx       xx
*After 2nd win, warrior scores no points for wins

Special Scoring Considerations for the Turf War are as follows:
Spy Report mention (team name only)              +2
Style Master                                     +2
Duelmaster                                       +2

     1.  A Champion may be declared, but one is not mandatory.
     2.  Only one Champion allowed per manager at any given time.
     3.  Champions that graduate or are killed by another warrior in the arena, but
         not the Dark Arena, may be replaced.
     4.  Champions must be in the Adepts bracket or lower on the turn they are
         declared, and may NOT have gone above Adepts level at any time; this
         includes teams transferred into North Fork for the Turf War.

        1.  Bloodfeuds will score points on all four (4) turns.
        2.  There is no limit to which warrior may bloodfeud or how often.

Tournament Considerations:
        1.  Tournament participation is ALLOWED and encouraged.
        2.  Tournament Victors won during the course of the contest will gain a one
            (1) time bonus of 25 points.  This bonus will apply EACH time a
            warrior(s) wins such status.
        3.  Tournament Champions won during the course of the contest will gain a one
            (1) time bonus of 50 points.  This bonus will apply EACH time a
            warrior(s) win such status.
        4.  Points for TVs and TCs will be applied the Turn after RSI posts
            tournament results in the North Fork (DM 47) newsletter (i.e., if the
            results post on North Fork turn 275, points will be credited on North
            Fork turn 276 to the applicable teams).

Special Considerations:
        1.  Each alliance begins the Turf War with zero (0) points.
        2.  There will be NO alliance or team changes once the contest has begun.  If
            you begin the Turf War with Alliance A, you must end the Turf War with
            Alliance A.  If you begin the Turf War with Team A, you must end the Turf
            War with Team A.
        3.  There will be a maximum of seven (7) teams allowed per alliance for the
            Turf War.
        4.  The Dark Arena may be used on the first turn only, of every warrior,
            without penalty.

The Turf War is a "winner take all" contest.  All prizes and 100% of the Gift
Certificates will be awarded to the Captain of the winning alliance.  It is the
responsibility of the Captain to distribute Gift Certificates.  Moderators will
submit a list of each manager on the winning alliance to RSI at the completion of the
contest for the non-Certificate prizes.

The following prizes have been secured from RSI:
        1.  Renaming of the North Fork (DM 47) arena;
        2.  Renaming of Dark Arena Monsters (one for each manager in the winning
        3.  Known Favorites for one warrior on each team of the winning alliance
            (warrior must be ranked Initiate or above, must be alive, and must have
            at least one arena fight to receive this award).
        4.  +1 Skill bonus potion for each manager on the winning alliance.  Bonus
            potion must be applied to a living warrior from (DM 47)
        5.  +1 Skill bonus potion (one) for each manager who fights in all 10 rounds
            AND 45 fights of the Turf War.  Bonus potion must be applied to a living
            warrior from (DM 47)
These awards will be listed by the Moderator for claiming from RSI (Lee) within 4
turns of the end of TW VI.

The Moderators for this event will be Oz and Master Darque.  They will arbitrate all
dealings during the course of the contest.  Their decisions will be final.  All
questions, comments, and scoring disputes may be directed to Land of Oz or Darque
Forces via diplo in DM 47.  Managers with internet access may send a private message
to [The Consortium] or [Darque] on the Duel2 Forums.  Lastly, you may also email
questions, comments, and scoring disputes to rebelnerfherder at yahoo dot com.

Please note there have been rule changes from the last Turf War.  Please read them

Contest will begin in November following the Fall Mail In Tournament.

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

FICCL was dealt death by DARK CHAMPION in a 1 minute Dark Arena fight.
STEAL HOME unbelievably bested TORPORTLY in a exciting 4 minute Bloodfeud duel.
BUZZ handily defeated SIMPLETONGUE in a 2 minute one-sided Challenge Title match.
ISHTAR was viciously subdued by DETOUR in a 2 minute gory Challenge contest.
QUADRUPLE BOGEY was defeated by FI in a 1 minute amateur vs. master Challenge match.
MORWEL savagely defeated TOA JALLER in a exciting 3 minute bloody Challenge struggle.
VODI was outwaited by CONFESSION in a dull 22 minute Challenge fight.
PEP RALLY viciously subdued GUSHAN in a action packed 1 minute Challenge duel.
RIZZYN narrowly defeated FOE in a 2 minute gruesome Challenge duel.
DRAGGIN' MAIN luckily beat PARALDOXIA in a exciting 3 minute gruesome Challenge fight.
WASNIS was beaten by REVENANT in a exciting 1 minute Challenge fight.
GOLDEN SOMBRERO demolished KHALHUMS DWARF in a 2 minute bloody mismatched competition.
GOSSIPID subdued CYCLIDIA in a 2 minute bloody match.
LETTER SWEATER was overpowered by FHUME in a popular 1 minute mismatched conflict.
CUSTODIAN overpowered HELGA HOARFROST in a action packed 1 minute uneven struggle.
GENERICKY beat EYE in a 3 minute bloody brawl.
PRINS RIKARD delivered the death blow upon THE USEROUS MERCHANT in a 1 minute fight.
LOTUS-EATER savagely slew THE in a 2 minute brutal match.
MELANCHOLIA overpowered GOOML in a 2 minute one-sided match.
ROFLMAO was handily defeated by ILEOSA in a 1 minute mismatched competition.
IITYWTMWYBMAD was luckily beaten by LUMP in a exciting 4 minute gory beginner's fight.
WYSIWYG handily defeated PERSISTANT BEGGAR in a 1 minute uneven duel.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|LUNGING ATTACK                  11         WALL OF STEEL     11 -   5 -  0      69  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  7         TOTAL PARRY       42 -  24 -  2      64  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  6         STRIKING ATTACK   35 -  26 -  2      57  |
|TOTAL PARRY                      4         PARRY-LUNGE       10 -   8 -  0      56  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   4         LUNGING ATTACK    67 -  62 -  1      52  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     2         PARRY-STRIKE       9 -  10 -  1      47  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    2         BASHING ATTACK    18 -  22 -  0      45  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      2         SLASHING ATTACK   31 -  38 -  2      45  |
|AIMED BLOW                       1         AIMED BLOW        14 -  22 -  2      39  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    1         PARRY-RIPOSTE     20 -  33 -  0      38  |

Turn  20 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

AIMED BLOW         1 -  0     SLASHING ATTACK    1 -  5         5  LUNGING ATTACK 
WALL OF STEEL      1 -  0     PARRY-LUNGE        0 -  2         1  STRIKING ATTACK
TOTAL PARRY        3 -  1                                       1  PARRY-LUNGE    
LUNGING ATTACK     7 -  4                                       1  WALL OF STEEL  
STRIKING ATTACK    4 -  3                                       1  PARRY-RIPOSTE  
PARRY-STRIKE       1 -  1                                       1  SLASHING ATTACK
PARRY-RIPOSTE      1 -  1                                       1  TOTAL PARRY    
BASHING ATTACK     2 -  2     

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
LUNGING ATTACK   BUZZ 155                   14   6  0  139 OLLIS HEROES (27)
STRIKING ATTACK  GOLDEN SOMBRERO 139        16   3  1  103 BAD SIGNS (24)
PARRY-LUNGE      SIMPLETONGUE 194           13   4  0   85 INVIDIOTS (16)
WALL OF STEEL    STEAL HOME 138             15   4  1   78 BAD SIGNS (24)
PARRY-RIPOSTE    GOSSIPID 99                13   6  1   67 INVIDIOTS (16)
TOTAL PARRY      CONFESSION 47              17   3  1   62 OLDIES (5)
SLASHING ATTACK  CYCLIDIA 111               10   9  1   57 ZEITGEIST (18)
BASHING ATTACK   CUSTODIAN 215               7   6  0   56 OLDIES (5)
PARRY-STRIKE     LOTUS-EATER 193            11   6  2   54 INVIDIOTS (16)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is PARALDOXIA 112.  The most popular warrior this turn 
was PARALDOXIA 112.  The ten other most popular fighters were IITYWTMWYBMAD 260, 
BUZZ 155, PEP RALLY 46, and FHUME 86.

The least popular fighter this week was CONFESSION 47.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were VODI 158, GOOML 264, ROFLMAO 259, LETTER SWEATER 43, ISHTAR 184, 

The following warriors will travel to AD after next turn:

BUZZ (83-155) OLLIS HEROES (27)