Date   : 01/02/2024    Duedate: 01/29/2024


DM-83    TURN-216

This Weeks Top Honors


(83-603) [24-12-0,98]

Chartered Recognition Leader   Unchartered Recognition Leader

RUBBER SOUL                    BOOP
CLASSICS (83)                  WASTED EFFORT (87)
(83-812) [18-3-0,111]          (83-904) [4-1-1,50]

Popularity Leader              This Weeks Favorite

ICEWING                        GIBBERS
THE DRAGONS (65)               THE FEROCIOUS FIVE (64)
(83-821) [11-12-0,92]          (83-820) [13-10-0,85]



Team Name                  Point Gain  Chartered Team
1. THE DRAGONS (65)            30
2. CIXELSID HEROES (11)        24      CIXELSID HEROES (11)
3. SORCERER KINGS (66)         20      Unchartered Team
4. KAME HOUSE (61)             18
5. LINDISFARNE (86)            12      LINDISFARNE (86)

The Top Teams

Career Win-Loss Record           W   L  K    %  Win-Loss Record Last 3 Turns    W  L K
 1/ 1 CIXELSID HEROES (11)      35  15  0 70.0   1/ 3 CLASSICS (83)            10  5 0
 2/ 2 CLASSICS (83)             73  35  0 67.6   2/ 1 KAME HOUSE (61)           9  6 0
 3/ 3 BAD SIGNS (24)           415 274 33 60.2   3/ 8 THE DRAGONS (65)          8  5 0
 4/ 4 THE DRAGONS (65)         191 127 12 60.1   4/ 7 SORCERER KINGS (66)       8  7 0
 5/ 5 THE FEROCIOUS FIVE (64)  192 154  6 55.5   5/ 9 SUPER BRASH BROTHER (43)  7  8 1
 6/ 6 KAME HOUSE (61)          182 148 10 55.2   6/ 5*LINDISFARNE (86)          7  8 1
 7- 8 NFL NETWORK (63)         170 152 10 52.8   7/11 CIXELSID HEROES (11)      6  4 0
 8/ 7*LINDISFARNE (86)          21  19  5 52.5   8/ 2 THE FEROCIOUS FIVE (64)   6  8 0
 9/ 9*WASTED EFFORT (87)        12  13  2 48.0   9/ 4*WASTED EFFORT (87)        5 10 1
10/10 SORCERER KINGS (66)      161 184 11 46.7  10/ 6 BAD SIGNS (24)            5 10 0
11/11 SUPER BRASH BROTHER (43)  57  76 14 42.9  11-10 NFL NETWORK (63)          3  0 0

    '*'   Unchartered team                       '-'  Team did not fight this turn
   (###)  Avoid teams by their Team Id          ##/## This turn's/Last turn's rank

                                      SPY REPORT

     Oh, hi.  Its just little 'ol Debby Tonte.  Thought I'd check out TELORINTHE to 
see what's new.  Like, KAME HOUSE had to be so embarrassed when they got kicked off 
#1 spot by CLASSICS!  Way to go CLASSICS!  Uncool, THE FEROCIOUS FIVE.  I mean 1-3-0 
is bad.  Will they will be allowed to fight?  I say use 'em for training practice!  
THE DRAGONS like really fought hard to move up to 3rd from 8th.  Way to go!  MVP 
award for AJA?  CLASSICS' proud of him after beating GIBBERS and getting 16 points.  
Talk about yer big time losers!  SHAMINO got smashed by REPUS GROVER, and lost 14 
points!  Oh, wow, like the Duelmaster must be the most popular beast in all 
TELORINTHE.  It got the most challenges.  (But what about proposals?) Like, 0-2 COUNT 
must be pretty gutsy!  It challenged the Duelmaster from THE FEROCIOUS FIVE.  Does 
this beast have a death wish or what!  And I was just getting used to the 
ex-Duelmaster's habit of...(!)  Oh well, welcome 0-2 COUNT.  Aren't BAD SIGNS proud.  
(Oh, my.) I hear the top team insists all their warriors get nine hours sleep.  They 
want photogenic fighters for PR photos.   
     So just why would someone becomes a warrior anyway?  It can't be for these 
really neat Spyreports can it?  The warriors of CLASSICS must be getting lonely.  
They were the most avoided team.  Do you guys know something that I don't?  Is there 
some deep dark secret why CIXELSID HEROES' been avoiding CLASSICS so much?  Or is it 
just that they're too scared?  People were asking me did BROTHER AIDAN REALLY 
challenge READY TO DIE?  (all right, maybe they didn't, but it sounded good!) It 
wasn't a spectacular fight, or anything, but READY TO DIE wants me to write about it 
since she beat BROTHER AIDAN.  Satisfied?   
     Man, all these warriors dying and killing each other!  Don't you guys ever give 
unpunished.  That's really low.  (Even if IRONTAIL was kind of a jerk...) Hey you 
guys, don't you think your families would like to hear from you?  Write!  (Or have 
someone write for you.)  
     I really didn't, you know, study when I was a kid.  Who would've guessed I'd be 
a famous Spyreporter?  I know how much you like reading this stuff, but I really 
should stop.  I had a fun time, see you later-- Debby Tonte  

DUELMASTER                     W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 0-2 COUNT 603                24  12  0    98       BAD SIGNS (24)

CHALLENGER CHAMPIONS           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 RUBBER SOUL 812              18   3  0   111       CLASSICS (83)
 SALACIA VILE 853             12   6  1   105       SORCERER KINGS (66)
-TYRANN MATHIEU 783           18  11  0    96       NFL NETWORK (63)
 AJA 854                      13   3  0    95       CLASSICS (83)
 ICEWING 821                  11  12  0    92       THE DRAGONS (65)

CHAMPIONS                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 6AM ALARM 706                15   9  0    89       BAD SIGNS (24)
 ONE PIECE 787                17  13  0    87       THE FEROCIOUS FIVE (64)
 GIBBERS 820                  13  10  0    85       THE FEROCIOUS FIVE (64)
 KAMIGAWA 808                 13  12  0    85       KAME HOUSE (61)
 14 DAY QUARANTINE 699        14  11  1    84       BAD SIGNS (24)
 TOYOTOMI 822                 11  11  0    71       KAME HOUSE (61)
 SACHA 772                    17  16  1    68       SORCERER KINGS (66)
 SPIRIT DRAGON 846            11   8  1    67       THE DRAGONS (65)

CHALLENGER ADEPTS              W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 YOKAZA 847                   12   7  1    66       KAME HOUSE (61)
 MOM'S MAD 698                12  13  0    66       BAD SIGNS (24)
 REPUS GROVER 77               8   2  0    66       CIXELSID HEROES (11)
-TOMMY MCDONALD 843           12   6  1    62       NFL NETWORK (63)
 VOODOO 811                   12  10  0    60       CLASSICS (83)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 MR. ELBIDERCNI 74             8   2  0    56       CIXELSID HEROES (11)
 RAZORCLAW 833                12   9  1    55       THE DRAGONS (65)

ADEPTS                         W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
-FRED SMOOT 817               10  11  2    54       NFL NETWORK (63)
 SHAMINO 329                  10  17  2    52       SUPER BRASH BROTHERS (43)
 WAR WITCH 818                 8  12  2    51       SUPER BRASH BROTHERS (43)
 HIRO 848                      9  10  1    50       KAME HOUSE (61)
 BOOP 904                      4   1  1    50       WASTED EFFORT (87)
 DUPRE 328                     8  19  2    49       SUPER BRASH BROTHERS (43)
 UG NUT 832                   11  10  1    47       THE FEROCIOUS FIVE (64)
 VIVA LEXA 875                 8   5  0    45       SORCERER KINGS (66)
 BROTHER ALDRED 885            6   2  0    43       LINDISFARNE (86)
 GARFIELD 863                  7   8  0    41       THE FEROCIOUS FIVE (64)
 READY TO DIE 890              4   2  0    37       CLASSICS (83)

CHALLENGER INITIATES           W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 ELDER FINIAN 881              5   3  1    33       LINDISFARNE (86)
 EXTRA HOMEWORK 754            5  13  0    28       BAD SIGNS (24)
 TYR 907                       2   2  0    27       SORCERER KINGS (66)
 NAMTAB 73                     8   2  0    26       CIXELSID HEROES (11)
 FATHER CUTHBERT 883           5   3  2    25       LINDISFARNE (86)

INITIATES                      W   L  K POINTS      TEAM NAME                  
 NAMREPUS 75                   6   4  0    23       CIXELSID HEROES (11)
 LEXI 909                      3   1  0    22       WASTED EFFORT (87)
 BRAD 900                      2   3  1    22       WASTED EFFORT (87)
 TORCHY 906                    2   1  0    22       CLASSICS (83)
 THUNDERCLAW 908               2   2  0    21       THE DRAGONS (65)
 ECAPS GHOST 76                5   5  0    20       CIXELSID HEROES (11)
 BACK ALLEY BRAWLER 905        3   2  0    12       SUPER BRASH BROTHERS (43)
 BROTHER AIDAN 882             2   6  0    12       LINDISFARNE (86)
 YAMA SWORDBREAKER 893         2   4  0    12       KAME HOUSE (61)
 BLAKE 914                     1   0  0    10       SUPER BRASH BROTHERS (43)
 ABALACH-RE 899                2   3  0     9       SORCERER KINGS (66)
 MAT 903                       2   3  0     9       WASTED EFFORT (87)
 ASPIRANT TUDA 913             1   2  0     5       LINDISFARNE (86)
 MIMI 912                      0   3  0     3       WASTED EFFORT (87)

'-' denotes a warrior who did not fight this turn.

THE DEAD                W  L K TEAM NAME            SLAIN BY              TURN Revenge?
HERMIT BILFRITH 884     2  3 2 LINDISFARNE 86       BOOP 904              213   
IRON WIDOW 910          2  1 2 SUPER BRASH BROTH 43 BRAD 900              215   
MYNX 892                1  2 1 SUPER BRASH BROTH 43 ELDER FINIAN 881      212  REVENGED
FIRECREST 911           0  1 0 THE DRAGONS 65       IRON WIDOW 910        214  NONE
IRONTAIL 874            7  3 1 THE DRAGONS 65       SHAMINO 329           212  NOT REVENGED
ERIK 902                1  1 0 WASTED EFFORT 87     IRON WIDOW 910        213  REVENGED

                                     PERSONAL ADS

Gibbers -- Excuse me. Uh, I'm sorry to ask this, but I'm kind of confused. Were you 
Rean or Raf? You see I thought you were Raf but then things hurt and so... You know 
what, nevermind. I think I'll just pay more attention next time. Thank you! -- Repus 

Garfield -- Here kitty, kitty, kitty. That's right... Uh... No! NO! BACK! -- Mr. 

Viva Lexa -- I'm glad you were on your toes! So, that is your first lesson. As for 
your follow-up, I have added you to the call-back list. *As he walks off, a piece of 
paper with Viva's contact information falls onto the ground in a crumbled ball* -- 

Brother Aidan -- You shan't impale me with your evil implements of pointy, stabby-
ness! I rebuke you! -- Namrepus

A package is handed to Thunderclaw at his training center. A card is attached which 
reads, "Thunderclaw! As promised, I got you lunch! I was going to take you there but 
the wait is killer, so I sent Alfred instead. Enjoy!" and is signed -- Namtab

Hello Ehtnirolet! It is I, Super REVORG! I mean, REPUS Grover! The man with the floppy 
hat, UrebMaster, said whoever counted the highest got to speak for the team. And 
aren't you lucky! That's me!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!! *the red furry thing stands there shaking from side to 
side with his hands outstretched as he yells, after nearly twenty seconds, he stops 
and pants a little before continuing*  Any way, my friends and I couldn't pass the 
Heroes Repus test, so he brought us here. He told us if we get hit in the head enough, 
it might fix our problems. Some of us have begun to wonder if we made wrong 
assumptions about his meaning. But we'll see. Anyway, WE'RE BACK! *With that, Repus 
Grover runs closer to the crowd only to get decked by a brawny bruiser in the crowd.* 
Addendum -- Master Beru has indeed given authority to Repus Grover to speak for the 
team, but be assured Madame Ytrams StNap is here to keep these Heroes in Line.

Telorinthe -- Best wishes to all in this winter season of planning and dreaming. -- 
Summoner G

Telorinthe -- Praise Him! -- Brother Aldred

In case anyone cares. Mynx: 15-15-7-11-7-10-19 AB Iron Widow: 17-4-10-17-9-10-17 ST 
Valkyrie: 17-6-15-11-10-10-15 BA -- G. Bashur

Favorite games?!?!  There can be only one!  That one: Duelmasters!!! -- Bashur

Graham Summoner -- Welcome back to the game and ads!

Your face looks like it was hit by a snow plow!  Please wear a sack.
So we'll call you GSack! -- General Bashur

GSack -- As far as ADM goes. Define "disadvantage." As far as the tourney game goes, 
it is all about training your warriors well.  You can spend as many FE as you want 
doing that.  So no disadvantage there.  Since DM is mostly about tourneys, I'll leave 
it at that.  If you have goals other than tourneys, you'll have to figure out what 
disadvantage means and whether a warrior from a no tourney arena has it or not.

Plague -- Your dad is so fat, he gets group insurance.

Puppy Petter -- Your dad is so dumb, he sold his car to get gasoline money.

Queen Bad Crayon Art -- Your dad is so ugly I told him to take out the trash and he 
left the house.

Flannel Master -- "Your dad is so old, he used to drive chariots to high school." -- 

                                  LAST WEEK'S FIGHTS

FATHER CUTHBERT was devastated by BOOP in a 1 minute mismatched Bloodfeud fight.
0-2 COUNT outwaited ONE PIECE in a 14 minute expert's Challenge Title battle.
VOODOO was overpowered by KAMIGAWA in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge duel.
SALACIA VILE overpowered 14 DAY QUARANTINE in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge fight.
AJA bested GIBBERS in a popular 4 minute Challenge duel.
MOM'S MAD was devastated by ICEWING in a 1 minute mismatched Challenge match.
REPUS GROVER handily defeated SHAMINO in a 1 minute uneven Challenge fight.
MR. ELBIDERCNI unbelievably bested HIRO in a action packed 3 minute Challenge duel.
ELDER FINIAN narrowly defeated EXTRA HOMEWORK in a 3 minute Challenge duel.
NAMTAB was savagely defeated by UG NUT in a action packed 1 minute Challenge match.
BROTHER ALDRED overpowered BRAD in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge match.
BROTHER AIDAN was handily defeated by READY TO DIE in a 1 minute Challenge contest.
ASPIRANT TUDA was demolished by THUNDERCLAW in a 1 minute one-sided Challenge brawl.
TYR viciously subdued ECAPS GHOST in a popular 1 minute gruesome Challenge conflict.
ABALACH-RE was overpowered by LEXI in a 1 minute uneven Challenge struggle.
RUBBER SOUL viciously subdued 6AM ALARM in a unpopular 22 minute bloody master's bout.
TOYOTOMI overpowered VIVA LEXA in a exciting 1 minute one-sided bout.
SPIRIT DRAGON overpowered DANGEROUS CRIMINAL in a 1 minute one-sided match.
YOKAZA bested WAR WITCH in a popular 1 minute contest.
SACHA savagely defeated GARFIELD in a exciting 2 minute gory duel.
DUPRE handily defeated TORCHY in a 1 minute uneven duel.
RAZORCLAW devastated FRATSFA SLAVE in a 1 minute one-sided bout.
NAMREPUS defeated YAMA SWORDBREAKER in a 5 minute fight.
MAT was viciously subdued by BLAKE in a 3 minute gruesome novice's match.
BACK ALLEY BRAWLER defeated MIMI in a action packed 1 minute novice's bout.

                                    BATTLE REPORT

             MOST POPULAR                        RECORD DURING THE LAST 10 TURNS     
|FIGHTING STYLE               FIGHTS        FIGHTING STYLE     W -   L -  K   PERCENT|
|TOTAL PARRY                     11         WALL OF STEEL     14 -   5 -  0      74  |
|LUNGING ATTACK                  10         TOTAL PARRY       38 -  26 -  2      59  |
|AIMED BLOW                       8         AIMED BLOW        35 -  26 -  5      57  |
|STRIKING ATTACK                  4         STRIKING ATTACK   24 -  19 -  3      56  |
|PARRY-LUNGE                      4         LUNGING ATTACK    51 -  56 -  1      48  |
|BASHING ATTACK                   4         PARRY-LUNGE       20 -  23 -  2      47  |
|WALL OF STEEL                    3         SLASHING ATTACK   13 -  16 -  1      45  |
|SLASHING ATTACK                  2         BASHING ATTACK    16 -  24 -  1      40  |
|PARRY-RIPOSTE                    2         PARRY-STRIKE       2 -   4 -  2      33  |
|PARRY-STRIKE                     0         PARRY-RIPOSTE      8 -  16 -  0      33  |

Turn 216 was great if you     Not so great if you used      The fighting styles of the
used the fighting styles:     the fighting styles:          top eleven warriors are:

STRIKING ATTACK    4 -  0     LUNGING ATTACK     4 -  6         4  TOTAL PARRY    
WALL OF STEEL      3 -  0     TOTAL PARRY        4 -  7         2  STRIKING ATTACK
AIMED BLOW         6 -  2     BASHING ATTACK     1 -  3         2  BASHING ATTACK 
PARRY-LUNGE        2 -  2     PARRY-STRIKE       0 -  0         1  PARRY-LUNGE    
SLASHING ATTACK    1 -  1     PARRY-RIPOSTE      0 -  2         1  WALL OF STEEL  
                                                                1  LUNGING ATTACK 

                               TOP WARRIOR OF EACH STYLE

FIGHTING STYLE   WARRIOR                     W   L  K PNTS TEAM NAME                  
TOTAL PARRY      0-2 COUNT 603              24  12  0   98 BAD SIGNS (24)
STRIKING ATTACK  SALACIA VILE 853           12   6  1  105 SORCERER KINGS (66)
WALL OF STEEL    AJA 854                    13   3  0   95 CLASSICS (83)
LUNGING ATTACK   GIBBERS 820                13  10  0   85 THE FEROCIOUS FIVE (64)
BASHING ATTACK   KAMIGAWA 808               13  12  0   85 KAME HOUSE (61)
AIMED BLOW       YOKAZA 847                 12   7  1   66 KAME HOUSE (61)
SLASHING ATTACK  UG NUT 832                 11  10  1   47 THE FEROCIOUS FIVE (64)
Note: Warriors have a winning record and are an Adept or Above.

The overall popularity leader is ICEWING 821.  The most popular warrior this turn was 
GIBBERS 820.  The ten other most popular fighters were EXTRA HOMEWORK 754, AJA 854, 
HIRO 848, SACHA 772, ELDER FINIAN 881, BLAKE 914, UG NUT 832, BOOP 904, KAMIGAWA 808, 

The least popular fighter this week was 6AM ALARM 706.  The other ten least popular 
fighters were RUBBER SOUL 812, ONE PIECE 787, 0-2 COUNT 603, MAT 903, YAMA 

                         SUMMER FACE-TO-FACE IN MINNEAPOLIS!

Our summer Face-to-Face is in the midwest again this year, and we're going back to the 
Twin Cities! We hope you will join us at our summer FTF in Bloomington, MN on July 12-
14, 2024! It will be held at the Embassy Suites Minneapolis Airport (800-317-8143). 
Room rates are $164/$174 for king and 2 doubles suites respectively, and all have free 
high speed internet and all the Embassy goodness (free made-to-order breakfast, 
complimentary manager's reception, airport shuttle, indoor pool, business center and 
on-site restaurant.  The rooms are blocked and the code is "915." 

         The official block cutoff is June 21 so make your reservations ASAP!
         The hotel reservation site is:  https://tinyurl.com/FF71inMinneapolis

Please note that doubles are limited.  As always, if the block is full, please make 
your reservation the best you can (book a king, and/or book at normal rates) and let 
us know and we'll work with the sales office to get them to correct your reservation. 

We look forward to seeing you in July! -- RSI