Also called Stronghold. The city located on the Isle of The Eye, where the Advanced Arenas (except Darkholm, Andorak, and Lirin Kiv) are located. The Academy of the Eye is located here, and this is where many of the Advanced warriors and managers live.


The river that flows through Caer and joins with the Skartarin.


High-placed member of the Andorian Assassins' Guild, the head of the Ardiventi branch of the King's Eyes. He is a minor noble, a half-elf, sturdy in build with reddish-brown hair and a hail-fellow-well-met manner; people consider him friendly and not stupid, but not a deep thinker, and he is known for his enthusiasm as a hunter. This manner is a mask over his real personality: reserved, somewhat devious, an acute observer, and a skilled hunter--of men as well as beasts. He is reasonably honest but doesn't quibble over details. His first loyalty is to the Baron of Ardivent, his second is to the Andorian League; so far there has been no conflict between these two. He is about 40, married, and has several children.


Full name Timshard a'Tuoka. Born on Vant island in the city of Stormcrowe, Timmy is the son of an orckish woman and a Frafrejan sailor. His father died young (the legitimacy of his parent's marriage has always been a matter of debate) and Timmy was raised grudgingly by his mother's family. Since the boy took after his father rather strongly, he never fit in well with the orkish community, and upon the discovery of a slight magical talent he was packed off to the Isle of the Eye for training.

Timmy is in his early twenties, with fair hair, blue eyes and freckles. He claims to be the nephew of Sheila Greywand (or occasionally her son) and he is actually a distant relation of hers through his mother's side of the family. Timmy has the makings of a fair-to-middling wizard, and he is quite intelligent. However, he is also lazy, vindictive, egotistical, insulting, and in general annoying. Luckily he is also rather ineffective (due to his dislike of anything resembling hard work) so few of his schemes come to anything.

He currently works part time for the Commission on the Isle and pursues his studies at the Academy of the Eye.


The old elven name for the ancient forests around Xochithlan (the forest was destroyed--burned down--during the Rirorni/Alastari war in the last part of 504).


A high-placed member of the Andorian Assassins' Guild, subordinate to Soyenj. Traal Saru is in charge of palace security in Andor. He is an Ardiventi with a distinctly elven cast of features, smallish, slim, wiry, pointed ears, slanted dark eyes. He's barely thirty, a patriot, and a potential fanatic. He doesn't like King Mickeal much and dislikes gladiators strongly because he sees Mickeal's reliance on them for his most personal guards as an indication of distrust in his efficiency. Traal is currently carrying on an affair with one of the palace ladies (default hostesses in the absence of a queen), Reetha; Reetha isn't married, but even so, it's considered a bit reckless of him.


The most feared and most organized group of pirates on the seas of Alastari. Transel's navy rules the bay that Transel is housed in (this bay is referred to as the Bay of Ardivent by the Andorians and Transel Bay by the Delarquans), and demands (and usually gets) tribute from every ship that has to pass through the bay. Fees for their protection (i.e., protection FROM them) are steep, but a lot of merchants pay it rather than lose their entire shipment. Runners through the Transel web are highly sought after sailors and very few attempt it, for Transel is known to take prisoners--good sailors are put on crews (pressganged) and considered as ensigns in their military. Punishment for desertion is flogging, keel-hauling, slow hanging, or castration. The Transel Navy web extends from the island of Transel north to Kaltos, south to the Osksi bay, and west to Sestagos. The port at Valamantis pays a high price for being the major importer/exporter through the Transel Web.


The large, freshwater lake to the west of Alastari. The Trier is the product of glacial runoff.


Large, heavily built humanoids who inhabit the wilderness areas of Alastari. Trolls look more or less like naked, scaly gorillas; they have pronounced canine teeth which can turn into real tusks in the male. Trolls are intelligent, though they do not have anything that could be considered a civilization and do not even use fire. They do, however, take readily to human civilization when introduced to it.


An area to the southwest of Alastari, lying between it and Lirith Kai. It is a treacherous land of canyons, hills, and crevasses, and it is also the site of the last battle against the Folstrom, thousands of years ago. Blasted by destruction magic, it is still a sterile and forbidding land where the creatures are as treacherous as the landscape. Inhaling the dust of the Twisted Lands or getting it into a wound will generally infect the victim with the destruction madness; the victim will have spells wherein he will blindly attack anyone or anything nearby. Two allied dragon families live in the Twisted Lands (they are immune to the magical residue).


Assistant to Lady Greywand, Ty'ris fills in his services where needed on the Isle, as either spy reporter or scribe, depending on what Lady Greywand needs him to do.

Is a dry, serious, "stuffed shirt" sort of man, deadly military, no sense of humor whatsoever. Courteous, unfailingly stiff-necked, polite to ladies, unyielding in his principles and beliefs.

Served in the Ardiventi Cavalry for twenty years; made Captain in the battles against the combined Delarquan/Rirorni forces in the year 460 and retired with that rank. Remains on reserve service and fought the Rirorni in the Alastarian assault of 504. Does work mostly for arena 100, Talahya. He Likes most Lord Protectors, especially those serious about their service and duties.

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