The Arena Class Ranking System

Warriors are all rated according to their win/loss/kill record, their Recognition rating, and their Popularity rating. Individual warrior records combine to form the team record. Recognition ratings determine each fighter's status in the Class Ranking System. Warriors who earn the most popularity have weekly and long-term awards as well.

The Recognition Rating of each warrior is evaluated on a turn by turn basis by the Gladiatorial Commission of the arena city in which that warrior participates. The Commission takes into account a great number of factors in determining the current rating of each warrior.


  1. Victory in the arena
  2. Slaying an opponent
  3. Fighting an opponent with a higher Recognition Rating
  4. Fighting an opponent with a better Win-Loss record
  5. Completely overpowering an opponent


  1. Losing a duel
  2. Fighting an opponent with a lower Recognition Rating
  3. Losing to a warrior with a worse Win-Loss record
  4. Being completely overpowered by an opponent

It is important to note that the Recognition Rating system heavily emphasizes the quality of your opposition. It is very difficult for a warrior with tremendous recognition to increase their rating by fighting a warrior who has very little recognition. Conversely, it is quite possible for a warrior with low recognition to increase in rating by fighting a highly recognized opponent, even if they lose!

New fighters always begin the game with no recognition points. The amount of recognition points your warriors earn in their first fight will determine their starting position in the arena rankings. Needless to say they will start out at or near the bottom. The vast majority of warriors are ranked as Initiates, though some few exceptional or lucky warriors may in rare cases earn higher status as a result of their first fight. The challenge of Duelmasters is to fight your way to the top of the rankings from wherever you begin, or at least rise to a position of honor and respect.

Challenger Champion 91 and up
Champion 67 - 99
Challenger Adept 57 - 66
Adept 34 - 56
Challenger Initiate 24 - 33
Initiate 0 - 23

Individual warriors are ranked into three major classifications: Initiate, Adept, and Champion classes. There is also a Challenger sub-class of each, creating the Challenger Initiate, Challenger Adept, and Challenger Champion. A warrior's class ranking determines what warriors in the arena they may challenge. Warriors may only challenge other warriors who are in their same class. "Challenger" division warriors are also granted the right to challenge warriors in the class directly above them. A warrior may never challenge warriors in a Class below them, although Challenger division warriors may challenge non-challenger members of their own class. For example, an Initiate may challenge any other Initiate or Challenger Initiate. A Challenger Adept may challenge other Challenger Adepts, Adepts, and also Champions.

New teams in the arena begin play without a Team Charter. For the first ten turns of play, a new team is considered a Charter Candidate. After ten turns of regular arena play, the team will earn a full arena Charter. Thus, all teams are broken into two classes: Chartered and Unchartered.

The Duelmaster of the arena is considered to be in a class by himself. Only the Challenger Champion Class (or the highest existing class in a newly established arena) may challenge the Duelmaster. The Duelmaster may only challenge warriors of the Challenger Champion Class, except in the case of a Bloodfeud.

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