The Awards System

There are rewards for those teams and players who distinguish themselves on the arena sands. By award or honor, we mean not only special recognition in that turn's newsletter, but something more. Any warrior or team who earns an award will receive a free fight on the next turn. If a fighter wins more than one award on the same turn, they will receive only a single fight credit. Any Team Honors earn a single fight's credit also. There are four award categories to be claimed by teams. There are five ways individual warriors may win fight credit. As a bonus, teams that manage to capture, on a single turn, any five of the nine awards available, will also have the base charge for fighting the team waived on the following turn. If any team can capture six awards in a single turn, we will award a full three turns free game credit. To win six awards in one turn is an amazing accomplishment, as you're about to see. Note, that while for purposes of accounting, one warrior receiving two awards on a turn will only gain one fight credit, it will count as two toward the bonus awards. A Duelmaster who has top Recognition and is Popularity leader could potentially earn three awards towards a bonus.

All teams entering an arena will be designated Charter Candidates for their first ten turns. Upon completion of ten turns, they will receive a wall charter recognizing them as full Charter Stables. The distinction between Chartered and Unchartered teams is used to determine which teams are eligible to win certain awards. Some categories are open only to Chartered Teams, others to Unchartered Teams only. Most awards are open to both types of teams. Following is a brief description of each award.

Duelmaster: The most honored warrior in the arena, ranked before all other gladiators.

Recognition Leader: Occasionally the warrior with the highest recognition is not the Duelmaster. Naturally in such cases this warrior deserves to be honored.

Unchartered Recognition Leader: For the new, Unchartered teams, this award spotlights the most highly recognized warrior amongst their ranks. No warrior (even a new one) from a Chartered guild is eligible for this award.

Popularity Leader: This is the crowd's favorite warrior to watch in the arena.

This Week's Favorite: Aside from the overall popularity leader, this award is for the warrior who made the greatest gain in popularity on the last turn of dueling.

Current Top Team: This award is a measurement of the win/loss record of ALL teams in the arena over the last three turns. All turns more than three turns past are not used in calculating this average, thus making it a measure of recent prowess as opposed to long term performance. Naturally, only teams with records posted in the previous three turns are eligible to win this award. This honor is won on the basis of fights won and fights lost as opposed to percentage of victories.

Team on the Move: This award is calculated as the total of recognition point gains for all fighters in a stable. Each turn the newsletter will list the top five team gains, with the award going to the highest gaining team. Even a new team may win this award. Note that since this award is based upon the total recognition gains by all warriors on your stable, it is extremely unlikely for a team fighting only one or two warriors to win.

Career Honors: This measure is based on the total win/loss record of a team over its entire career. One award will be given for Chartered Teams and another for Unchartered Teams. No minimum turns are required to win this award. The best overall win/loss record for each Charter Status wins.

Keep in mind the bonuses available to those teams who are among the best, either Chartered or Unchartered. If you receive five or six awards on the same turn, we will pay the base charge. If your team wins five awards on one turn, your next turn will be absolutely free. If your team earns six awards on a single turn, the following three turns are free with our compliments! If you can survive ten turns of the harsh arena life in Duelmasters, the Gladiatorial Commission will grant your team an official Charter.

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